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Law Amending The Law On The Judiciary

Original Language Title: Закон за изменение и допълнение на Закона за съдебната власт

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Law amending the Law on the Judiciary

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Bill amending the Law on the Judiciary

Date of adoption

Number / year Official Gazette

DECREE № 93 Pursuant to Art. 98 pt. 4 of the Constitution of the Republic of Bulgaria
To be published in the "Official Gazette" Law amending the Law on the Judiciary adopted by HLIIІ National Assembly on March 31, 2016 || | Released in Sofia on April 6, 2016
President of the Republic: Rosen Plevneliev
stamped with the state seal.
Minister of Justice: Catherine Zaharieva

Law amending the Law on the Judiciary (prom. SG. 64 of 2007 .; amend., SG. 69 and 109 of 2008 ., No. 25, 33, 42, 102 and 103 of 2009, pcs. 59 of 2010, pcs. 1, 23, 32, 45, 81 and 82 of 2011 .; Decision № 10 of the Constitutional Court 2011 - SG. 93 of 2011 .; amend., SG. 20, 50 and 81 of 2012, pcs. 15, 17, 30, 52, 66, 70 and 71 of 2013, pcs. 19, 21, 53, 98 and 107 of 2014 and SG. 14 of 2015)
§ 1. A Art. 1a:
"Art. 1a. (1) The judiciary is a state government that protects the rights and legitimate interests of citizens, legal persons and the state.
(2) The judiciary is independent.
(3) Justice shall be administered in the name of the people. "
§ 2. Article 16 is amended as follows:
" Art. 16. (1) The Supreme Judicial Council is a judicial ensures and assert its independence, determine the composition and organization of the work of the courts, prosecution and investigation authorities and provides financial and technical their business without interfering in its implementation.
(2) The Supreme Judicial Council is a permanent body, a legal entity with headquarters in Sofia. He is represented by one of its elected members appointed by decision of the plenum of the Supreme Judicial Council.
(3) The National Assembly shall elect eleven members of the Supreme Judicial Council, of which six - for Judges Association, and five - to the prosecutor's Association. Choosing to colleges takes place between judges, prosecutors, professors and associate professors in legal sciences, lawyers and other jurists of high professional and moral qualities, according to their professional qualification and orientation.
(4) Judges shall elect from among its members six members of the Supreme Judicial Council for Judges Association. Prosecutors elected by its members four members of the Supreme Judicial Council for the prosecution Association. Investigators elected from among its members a member of the Supreme Judicial Council for the prosecution Association.
(5) The Supreme Judicial Council has a round stamp with the image of the coat of arms of the Republic of Bulgaria and the words "Republic of Bulgaria. Supreme Judicial Council "."
§ 3. In art. 17 para. 2 and 3 are canceled.

§ 4. In art. 18, para. 1 pt. 2 after the words "in a position" shall be added "other".
§ 5. In art. 19 para. 3 and 4 are amended as follows:
"(3) All members of the Supreme Judicial Council, elected by the National Assembly shall be made by MPs colleges no later than two months before the election the front of the commission under par. 2. The proposals apply:
1. detailed written reasons of professional and moral qualities of the candidates, including the expressed opinions of professional, academic and other organizations;
2. documents for higher education in the specialty "Law", documents related to the requirements of incompatibility and documents for legal internship and career development of the applicant.
(4) The proposals are made after taking the written consent of each candidate. "
§ 6. In art. 19a be made the following amendments:
1. In para. 1 second and third sentences shall be amended as follows: "At the same time nominees to the Supreme Judicial Council a declaration of property status and origin of the funds for the acquisition of property, and a declaration of the existence of private interest within the meaning of Art. 2 of the Law on Prevention and Disclosure of Conflict of Interest form proposed by the Commission and by the plenum of the Supreme Judicial Council and approved by the Minister of Justice. All concepts and declarations published within three working days from the deadline under the first sentence on the website of the National Assembly. "
2. In para. 3 fifth sentence is amended as follows: "In view of the comments received under par. 2 members of the committee may require additional documents that applicants must submit. "
Third. In para. 4 in the main text:
a) in the first sentence after the word "prepare" insert "a detailed and motivated";
B) in the second sentence after the word "contains" insert "statement for presentation of candidates drawn up after his hearing before the Commission, and."
§ 7. In art. 19b finally added "a majority of two thirds of MPs."
§ 8. Article 20 is amended as follows:
"Art. 20. (1) Bodies of the judiciary shall elect members of the Supreme Judicial Council chambers no later than one month before the expiry of the mandate of the elected members.
(2) The members of the Supreme Judicial Council from the quota of the judiciary are directly elected by secret ballot accordingly by the judges, prosecutors and investigators under Section I "and". "
§ 9. Articles 21, 21a, 21b, 22, 22a, 23, 24, 25 and 26 are canceled.
§ 10. In art. 27 be made the following amendments:
1. Paragraph 2 shall be amended as follows:

"(2) In the cases of art. 130, para. 8 pt. 1 of the Constitution of the Republic of Bulgaria plenum of the Supreme Judicial Council announces resignation of an elected member of its first meeting after depositing her. "
2. Paragraph 4 is amended as follows:
"(4) The procedure for early termination of the mandate on the grounds of Art. 130, para. 8 pt. 2-4 of the Constitution of the Republic of Bulgaria or in establishing the incompatibility of an elected member of the Supreme Judicial Council shall be opened at the request of at least five members of the plenum of the Supreme Judicial Council or of the college. "
3. Paragraph 6 is amended as follows:
"(6) The procedure for early release on the grounds of Art. 130, para. 8 pt. 2-4 of the Constitution of the Republic of Bulgaria or in establishing the incompatibility of an elected member of the Supreme Judicial Council, elected by judges, prosecutors or investigators can begin as requested by one-fifth of current judges, prosecutors or investigators. "
4. A par. 7:
"(7) The decision of the plenum of the Supreme Judicial Council for early termination of its member states within a month of receipt of the request under par. 4, 5 or 6 and adopted by a majority of not less than seventeen voice. "
§ 11. Article 29 is amended as follows:
" Art. 29. (1) The election of members of the Supreme Judicial Council shall not receive remuneration for their work in committees to the Board.
(2) elected members of the Supreme Judicial Council, the provisions of Art. 218, para. 1, Art. 219, art. 221, art. 224 and Art. 330. "
§ 12. The second chapter is created Section I" a "with art. 29a - 29r:
"Part I" and "
Direct election of members of the Supreme Judicial Council, judges, prosecutors and investigators
Art. 29a. (1) The general assembly of the judges for the selection of members of the Supreme Judicial Council shall be convened by the Chairman of the Supreme Court and the President of the Supreme Administrative Court.
(2) The general assembly of prosecutors to select members of the Supreme Judicial Council shall be convened by the chief prosecutor.
(3) The General Assembly of investigators to select members of the Supreme Judicial Council shall be convened by the chief prosecutor.
(4) convocation of a general meeting shall specify the date, place and time of meetings.
(5) General meetings shall be convened no earlier than eight months and not later than six months before the expiration of the mandate of the Supreme Judicial Council or within 7 days of early release of an elected member of the Supreme Judicial Council. When meetings are not called by the persons under par. 1, 2 or 3 in 7 days from the deadline, the Minister of Justice shall convene a general meeting and set the date, place and time of its holding.
(6) The convening of general meetings shall be published in the "Official Gazette" and published on the website of the Supreme Judicial Council.

Art. 29b. (1) The plenum of the Supreme Judicial Council on a proposal by the respective colleges and after discussion with the judicial authorities shall adopt rules for an election of members of the Supreme Judicial Council, judges, prosecutors and investigators to be published on the website of the Supreme Judicial Council and apply to all elections.
(2) The plenum of the Supreme Judicial Council approve a form of election protocols and technical model of ballots no later than thirty days before election day.
(3) Newsletters are white, made of thick opaque paper that does not allow to reveal the secret of the vote.
Art. 29c. (1) Proposals for elected members of the Supreme Judicial Council, judges, prosecutors and investigators may be made by each judge, prosecutor or investigator not later than two months before holding the election.
(2) Proposals shall be made in writing and shall be justified in view of the personal, professional and moral qualities of the candidate. Proposal to apply the written consent of the candidate of art. 19, para. 4.
(3) Proposals with the reasons for them and the names of bidders are announced on the website of the Supreme Judicial Council within three days of their receipt.
(4) Within 14 days of the announcement of proposals applicants submit in writing a detailed CV, reasoning and concept of the Supreme Judicial Council, as well as documents required by law. At the same time the applicant submits a declaration of incompatibility or circumstances that may lead to a private interest within the meaning of Art. 2 of the Law on Prevention and Disclosure of conflicts of interest in decision-making about property status and origin of the funds for the acquisition of property under Art. 19a para. 1.
(5) The documents under par. 4 shall be published within three days of the presentation on the website of the Supreme Judicial Council.
Art. 29d. (1) For any motions respective college of the Supreme Judicial Council requires the Inspectorate at the Supreme Judicial Council detailed reports on all checks.
(2) Within 14 days from the announcement of any offer pursuant to Art. 29c, para. 3 respective college of the Supreme Judicial Council published on its website the documents under par. 1 and documents of each candidate from his personnel work of art. 30a para. 2.

(3) Judges Association of the Supreme Judicial Council shall decide on the admissibility of any proposal regarding the required education, legal service and presentation of the documents relating to candidates for judges members of the Supreme Judicial Council and the prosecution Association - about the candidates and prosecutors investigators within seven days after the expiry of the term under par. 2. Decisions shall be announced immediately on the website of the Supreme Judicial Council.
(4) Decisions on the admissibility of the proposals can be appealed within three days of their announcement under par. 3 using the relevant college of the Supreme Judicial Council before the Chamber composed of three judges of the Supreme Court and two judges from the Supreme Administrative Court set at random by electronic distribution. The decision should be taken within 7 days of filing the appeal and is final.
(5) days following the entry into force of the decisions on the admissibility colleges of the Supreme Judicial Council draw up lists of names and occupied position of all the candidates admitted to participate in the elections for members of the Supreme Judicial Council.
(6) Publication of the documents shall be in accordance with the Law on Personal Data Protection and the Law on Protection of Classified Information.
Art. 29e. (1) Within 14 days of scheduling choice colleges of the Supreme Judicial Council establish lists of active judges, prosecutors and investigators who serve on electoral lists.
(2) Within three days of the publication of the list every judge, prosecutor and investigator may request the Board of the Supreme Judicial Council to be included in the list. The College shall rule within three days of receiving the request, a decision that is not subject to appeal.
(3) On the day of holding elections every acting judge, prosecutor and investigator may exercise their right to vote by presenting a certificate from the administrative head of his or her office by completes the electoral lists.
Art. 29f. The plenum of the Supreme Judicial Council shall organize the printing of ballots containing the names of all eligible candidates in alphabetical order, as well as their office.
Art. 29g. (1) The General Meeting shall be held on two consecutive Saturdays.

(2) In the first Saturday General Assembly elects Election Commission and polling stations and hear the candidates. The General Assembly is held if more than half of those included in the relevant list of art. 29e judges, prosecutors or investigators. In the absence of a quorum, the meeting is postponed for an hour later and is held regardless of the number of attendees. The meetings are public and are broadcast in real time via the website of the Supreme Judicial Council.
Art. 29z. (1) The Electoral Commission of judges consists of nine regular and five alternate members, the electoral commission of prosecutors - from seven regular and four alternate members, and the election commission of investigators - five regular and three alternate members.
(2) Polling consist of three regular members and two substitutes. For every hundred judges, prosecutors or investigators be compiled in a polling station as debris less than five hundred people, is divided between the polling stations.
(3) Member of the election commission or polling station can not be a candidate spouse of a candidate, lineal relative, collateral to the fourth degree or lives together with a candidate for member of the Supreme Judicial Council .
(4) Members of election commissions and polling stations can not be together spouses or co-habiting, lineal relatives or lateral line to the fourth degree.
(5) The members of election commissions elected by its members a chairman and vice-chairman and members of polling stations - chairman.
Art. 29i. (1) The candidates included in the lists under Art. 29d para. 5 be heard in alphabetical order.
(2) Opinions about the candidates and issues them can be submitted to the Board of the Supreme Judicial Council, judges, prosecutors, investigators, legal non-profit set for the public benefit, not later than 14 days prior to the general meeting.
(3) Within three days after their receipt opinions and questions are published on the website of the Supreme Judicial Council. Do not publish data that contain classified information and facts from the privacy of applicants.
(4) Questions for the candidates may send members of the General Assembly and the Commission, including on the basis of opinions under par. 2. The Commission shall set all submitted questions.

Art. 29k. (1) After hearing candidates choice continues next Saturday. It is produced from 8.00 pm. To 18.00. When at 18.00. In front of the polling station has abstainers judges, prosecutors or investigators, the chairman of the polling station established their number and identity. Abstainers judges, prosecutors or investigators submit their papers to the polling station. Only those judges, prosecutors or investigators be allowed to vote after 18.00.
(2) The election is considered valid, they voted more than half of the judges, prosecutors or investigators accordingly included in the lists under Art. 29e.
(3) In the event that there are no conditions under par. 2, produces a new selection of the next day. The selection is considered valid, voted not less than 33 per cent of eligible aloud.
(4) In the event that production of the new election be re-voting pursuant to Art. 29l, para. 4, it is carried out the next day.
(5) In the event that all members of the Supreme Judicial Council, which emanate from the respective general assembly are elected in the day the vote was conducted under par. 1, the meeting was closed.
Art. 29l. (1) Voting is secret and is done with a paper ballot in a form approved by the plenum of the Supreme Judicial Council, which is placed in the ballot box.
(2) Actual ballots are that:
1. They are approved model;
2. contain the required number of marked or fewer candidates for judges or prosecutors' Association elected by the General Assembly; 3
. They have placed on them two seals from the respective polling station; seal contain the name and number of the polling station;
4. They have entered special characters, such as letters, numbers or other characters;
5. Notably contain the candidate with the sign "X" or "V" with a pen writing in blue.
(3) shall be considered elected candidates received more than half of the valid votes. If candidates meeting this condition are more than the number of members elected to the relevant general meeting shall be considered elected those among them who received the most votes.
(4) If the vote is not selected the appropriate number of members under par. 3, the choice goes to the next day, produces a revote. If the second ballot is not selected corresponding number of members required majority for selected are considered those that have received the most votes.
(5) If the electoral commission failed to print new ballots, not including elected under par. 3 candidates to vote with the original ballots. In this case cast for these candidates voices are disregarded in determining the validity of the ballot and the election result.

(6) If a tie chosen or selected candidates shall be determined by the electoral commission by lot conducted in the presence of interested candidates.
Art. 29 m. (1) At all stages of the electoral process may attend observers are explicitly authorized representatives of legal entities, non-profit set to perform community service and register with the relevant college of the Supreme Judicial Council to election day.
(2) the respective colleges of the Supreme Judicial Council registered non-profit goal set for the public benefit, wishing to participate by duly authorized representatives as observers in the elections.
(3) The registration of organizations under par. 2 is based on an application signed by the person representing the organization under its current legal registration or expressly authorized by him.
(4) The application under par. 3 shall apply:
1. Certificate of Good Standing;
2. express authorization of the person representing the organization when documents are submitted by an authorized person; 3
. list, signed by the representative of the organization or expressly authorized by him, containing the names and personal identification number, respectively other identifying number for persons who are not Bulgarian citizens to register as observers;
4. powers of attorney expressly authorized representatives of the organization to register as observers; Representatives of non-profit purpose set for the public benefit may be authorized by a general power of attorney.
Art. 29H. (1) The opening of polling boxes and the counting of ballots cast is public and takes place from the respective polling stations immediately after voting.
(2) The results of the selection each section drawn in duplicate, in which the total number of votes, the actual and invalid ballots; ballots cast in the names of each candidate. The minutes shall be signed by the chairman and members of polling station.
(3) Based on the records under par. 2 Electoral Commission shall make a decision on the election results, which include the names of elected members of the college and the number of votes are elected and shall be signed by the Chairman and members of the electoral commission. An integral part of the decision of the electoral commission are the protocols of the polling stations. The decision and the minutes shall be announced immediately on the website of the Supreme Judicial Council.

(4) The decision of the Electoral Commission, declaring the election results may be appealed within 7 days of its announcement to the composition of art. 29d para. 4.
(5) The appeal shall be submitted using the relevant college of the Supreme Judicial Council, which within three days the entire file of the composition under par. 4.
(6) The board shall consider the appeal in open court to summon the applicant and a representative of the Electoral Commission and issue a decision within 14 days, which is final.
(7) The ballots are sorted and sealed in ballot boxes. They are stored until the entry into force of the decision Electoral Commission shall decide the outcome of the election, and be destroyed by a decision of the plenum of the Supreme Judicial Council after the inauguration of newly elected members.
(8) The decision of the electoral commission and the protocols of the polling stations keep 5 years from the date of the election.
Art. 29o. (1) If the choice be declared unlawful, a new election shall be held not later than one month.
(2) The date of the election shall be held by the persons under Art. 29a para. 1-3 and communicated to the judges, prosecutors and investigators in order to convene the general meeting.
(3) The new selection is made according to the rules laid down for the regular election.
Art. 29p. (1) Organizational and technical preparation of the meetings is done by the administration of the Supreme Judicial Council.
(2) The costs of the assemblies are charged to the budget of the Supreme Judicial Council.
Art. 29r. In early release of an elected member of the Supreme Judicial Council elect a new member shall be appointed under the terms and provisions of this section. "
§ 13. Article 30 is amended as follows:
" Art. 30. (1) The Supreme Judicial Council shall exercise its powers through a full court, judicial and prosecutorial staff.
(2) The plenum of the Supreme Judicial Council is composed of all its members and has the following powers:
1. adopt the draft budget of the judiciary;
2. adopt a decision terminating the mandate of an elected member of the Supreme Judicial Council under Art. 130, para. 8 of the Constitution; 3
. organize training of judges, prosecutors and investigators;
4. hear and adopt the annual reports of the judicial power of art. 84 pt. 16 of the Constitution;
5. manages the property of the judiciary;
6. make a proposal to the President of the Republic of Bulgaria for appointment and dismissal of the chairman of the Supreme Court, the President of the Supreme Administrative Court and the Prosecutor;

7. at the suggestion of one of the colleges after consultation with the Minister of Justice or at the proposal of the Minister of Justice in the case of military courts - in coordination with the Minister of Defense determines the number, area and seats of district, regional, military, administrative and appellate courts and prosecutors' offices, establish and close courts and prosecution offices, changing their headquarters and certain localities, which revealed territorial divisions at the respective district court and the respective District Prosecutor's Office;
8. at the suggestion of one of the colleges in coordination with the administrative heads of the judicial authorities determine the number of judges, prosecutors and investigators in all courts, prosecution and investigation units to suit the load;
9. determine the number and structure of the administration of the Supreme Judicial Council and the National Institute of Justice;
10. determine the remuneration of judges, prosecutors and investigators;
11. prepare and submit to the National Assembly by May 31 annual report on its activities together with the annual report of the Inspectorate at the Supreme Judicial Council and the annual reports of the Supreme Court of Cassation, the Supreme Administrative Court and the Prosecutor;
12. prepare and make public an annual report on the independence and transparency of the activities of the judiciary and its own activities, which provides for public discussion;
13. advises the Council of Ministers and the National Assembly on bills relating to the judiciary;
14. up standing and ad hoc committees to support its work;
15. adopt rules for the organization of its activities and the activities of the administration of the Supreme Judicial Council, which is published in the "Official Gazette"
16. establish and maintain an electronic public register of all its decisions and the reasons for them;
17. in cases provided by law shall issue regulations;
18. approves automated information systems for the judicial authorities after consultation with the Minister of Justice and provides system integration and interoperability;
19. resolve other general Judiciary organizational issues.
(3) Judges Association of the Supreme Judicial Council consists of 14 members and includes the chairmen of the Supreme Court of Cassation and the Supreme Administrative Court, six members directly elected by judges and six members elected by the National Assembly.

(4) Prosecutor Association of the Supreme Judicial Council consists of 11 members and includes the Attorney General, four members elected directly by prosecutors, one member elected directly by investigators and five members elected by the National Assembly.
(5) Judges Association and prosecutorial staff conducted separately and in accordance with their professional orientation the following powers in relation to judges, prosecutors and investigators:
1. appointed, promoted, transferred and removed from office judges, prosecutors and investigators;
2. periodic and other attestations of judges, prosecutors, investigators, administrative heads and their deputies in judicial bodies and to decide on the acquisition and restoration of tenure; 3
. impose disciplinary sanctions - demotion and dismissal of judges, prosecutors, investigators, administrative heads and their deputies in the judicial bodies;
4. determine the number, appoint and dismiss administrative heads and their deputies in the judicial bodies except the President of the Supreme Court, the President of the Supreme Administrative Court and the Prosecutor;
5. address issues of organization of the activity of the system of judicial bodies;
6. make proposals to the Plenum of the Supreme Judicial Council to determine the number of judicial areas and the seats of the regional, district, administrative and appellate courts and prosecution offices concerned;
7. make proposals to the Plenum of the Supreme Judicial Council to determine the number of judges, prosecutors and investigators in all courts, prosecution and investigation units;
8. determine the number of judicial officers to suit the load - on a proposal by or after consultation with the administrative heads of the judicial authorities and the bodies involved in the structure of the Prosecutor's Office of the Republic of Bulgaria - General Prosecutor, and may reveal new and cut positions;
9. organize and conduct competitions for judges, prosecutors and investigative positions as provided by this Act cases;
10. assigned to the Inspectorate at the Supreme Judicial Council checks that are outside the annual program of activities;
11. offering the full court of the Supreme Judicial Council opinions on draft laws within its competence;
12. annually analyze and take into account the workload of judicial bodies;
13. require and summarize every six months information from courts, prosecutors and the National Investigation Service for their work;

14. create permanent and temporary committees to support its work;
15. organize and coordinate the participation of judges, prosecutors and investigators in the international legal cooperation;
16. adopt rules for its work, which is published on the website of the Supreme Judicial Council;
17. Prosecution college elect and dismiss the Director of the National Investigation Service.
(6) The activities of the plenum and colleges of the Supreme Judicial Council shall be assisted by an administration. "
§ 14. In art. 30a be made the following amendments:
1. Paragraphs 1 and 2 are amended as follows:
"(1) Colleges of the Supreme Judicial Council draw up, keep and retain staff file for each judge, prosecutor and investigator.
(2) cadre file containing documents relating to entry and dismissal of judges, prosecutors and investigators, professional development, results of inspections in connection with the received signals and complaints incentives - prizes or awards he has received and the penalties imposed. In personnel work apply and declarations of incompatibility, a copy of attestation forms, individual career plans and the results of their implementation and other documents held by the individual professional and moral qualities. "
2. Create a new paragraph. 3 and 4:
"(3) The individual plan for professional development of the judge, prosecutor or investigator contain measures for specific training to increase his professional competence and skills to overcome the shortcomings that are determined as a result of job evaluation in the course of the testimonial, disciplinary or other applicable law procedure, with his consent or upon request.
(4) contained in the personnel action data related to professional competence and relevant to successful performance on the job of a judge, prosecutor or investigator and individual plans for training and professional development are not public. They can not be used for any purpose other than as expressly provided by law. "
Third. Former para. 3 becomes para. 5 and the words "under par. 2 "are deleted.
4. Former para. 4 becomes para. 6.
§ 15. Article 31 is repealed.
§ 16. Article 32 is amended as follows:
"Art. 32. (1) The Minister of Justice chairs the meetings of the plenum of the Supreme Judicial Council. He did not vote. In the absence of the Minister of Justice plenum of the Supreme Judicial Council shall be chaired by the representative of the Supreme Judicial Council, the President of the Supreme Court, the President of the Supreme Administrative Court or the Chief Prosecutor.

(2) Judges Association of the Supreme Judicial Council shall be chaired by the President of the Supreme Court, and in his absence - by the Chairperson of the Supreme Administrative Court or by the most senior member present. Prosecution Division of the Supreme Judicial Council is chaired by the Attorney General, and in his absence - by the most senior member present. The Minister of Justice may attend meetings as non-voting.
(3) In the absence of the Minister of Justice at the meeting of the full court and the colleges can attend designated by the Deputy Minister.
(4) The chief inspector may attend meetings of the plenum of the Supreme Judicial Council and the meetings of judges and prosecutorial staff of the Supreme Judicial Council not vote. "
§ 17. In art. 33 made the following amendments:
1. Paragraph 1 shall be amended as follows:
"(1) The meetings of the plenum and the colleges of the Supreme Judicial Council shall be convened by the Chairman. Plenum sessions may be convened at the request of each of the colleges of the Supreme Judicial Council. The meetings of the colleges may be convened at the request of three members of the college. "
2. In para. 2 after the words "members" insert "full court and the colleges of" and the words "SJC" a comma and added "and the chief inspector." 3
. A new paragraph. 3:
"(3) The decisions of the plenum of the Supreme Judicial Council Art. 30 para. 2 pt. 2 and 6 shall be adopted by a majority of not less than seventeen votes, while the other decisions - with the majority more than half of the members present. Voting is always obviously. "
4. Paragraph 4 is amended as follows:
"(4) The decisions of the Boards of the Supreme Judicial Council Art. 30 para. 5 pt. 1-4 are adopted by a majority of at least eight votes - for judges association, and not less than six votes - for Prosecution Association and other decisions - with a majority of more than half of the members present except the decision under Art. 30 para. 5, item. 17. Voting is always obviously. "
5. Former para. 3 becomes para. 5 and in it the words "a decision" insert "or the plenum of the college."
6. A par. 6:
"(6) The meetings of the plenum and the colleges of the Supreme Judicial Council are public and are broadcast live on the Internet except when discussing proposals to impose a disciplinary sanction or documents containing information classified under the protection of classified information. "
7. Former para. 5 becomes para. 7.
§ 18. In art. 34 be made the following amendments:
1. In para. 1 after the word "meeting" insert "or the plenum of the college" and the word "his" shall be deleted.
2. Paragraph 2 is repealed. 3
. Paragraph 3 is amended as follows:

"(3) The decisions of the plenum or the relevant college motivate. For reasons of the decision, which adopts the proposal shall be considered grounds of the importer and the statements of members of the Supreme Judicial Council in favor. For reasons of the decision not to accept the proposal are considered negative statements by members of the Supreme Judicial Council against him. Lack of reasoning is an independent ground for annulment of the decision. "
4. A par. 4:
"(4) Do not allow a vote" abstention "."
§ 19. In art. 35 is amended as follows:
1. Paragraph 2 is amended as follows:
"(2) In the cases under par. 1 member of the Supreme Judicial Council removed himself by announcing circumstances that necessitated the removal. "
2. Paragraph 4 is repealed.
§ 20. In art. 36, para. 1 after "challenging decisions" shall be added "to the plenum and the colleges."
§ 21. Article 37 is amended as follows:
"Art. 37. (1) The plenum of the Supreme Judicial Council shall elect from its members a permanent Commission "Budget and Finance" and constant Commission "Property Management". These committees have equal representation on the number of judges and prosecutors' Association.
(2) The plenum of the Supreme Judicial Council determines the number of members and the composition of committees under par. 1 and the powers and rules of operation shall be governed by the regulations of art. 30 para. 2 pt. 15. Each committee shall elect a chairman from among its members.
(3) The activities of judges and prosecutorial staff is assisted by a permanent Commission on appraisal and competitions and the Committee on Professional Ethics. The number of members, their composition, powers and rules of operation shall be determined by the Board of the Supreme Judicial Council. Each committee shall elect a chairman from among its members.
(4) the composition of the Commission for appraisal and judging competitions at college include members of the college, as well as selected members of the force at the moment of election judges to rank or position of a judge in the Supreme Court or the Supreme Administrative Court. Administrative heads of courts and their deputies can not be elected as committee members.
(5) Plenum of the Supreme Court of Cassation and the Supreme Administrative Court elected judges eligible under par. 4 to be included in the Commission's appraisal and judging competitions in college.

(6) the composition of the Commission for appraisal and competitions for prosecutorial staff include members of the college, as well as selected members of the force at the time of the election prosecutors and investigators rank or prosecutor at the Supreme Cassation Prosecutor's Office prosecutor at the Supreme administrative Prosecution or an investigator at the National Investigation service. Administrative heads of prosecutor's offices and their deputies can not be elected as committee members.
(7) The general meeting of prosecutors from the Supreme Prosecution Office of Cassation and the Supreme Administrative Prosecution elected prosecutors and the General Assembly of investigators from the National Investigation Service investigators selects eligible under par. 6 to be included in the Commission's appraisal and competitions for prosecution Association.
(8) The mandate of the elected members of the appraisal and competitions is one year. A judge, prosecutor or investigator could not be elected as a member of the committee for more than two consecutive terms.
(9) Commissions on Professional Ethics colleges to conduct investigations, gather the necessary information and prepare an opinion on holdings moral qualities of the candidates in competitions for appointment to judicial authorities, as well as candidates for administrative leaders and candidates deputy administrative heads. "
§ 22. In art. 38 be made the following amendments:
1. In para. 1 main text is amended as follows: "attestation committee and competitions offering of the college draft decision on".
2. Paragraph 2 is amended as follows:
"(2) Proposals before the Committee on appraisal and competitions related to the realization of their powers under par. 1 shall be made by the judge, prosecutor or investigator and the respective administrative head. "
Third. In para. 3:
a) pt. 4 finally put a comma and added "as well as regional and district military prosecutors in the area";
B) pt. 6 finally put a comma and added "as well as regional prosecutors in the region."
4. In para. 7 the words "Supreme Judicial Council" are replaced by "judges and prosecutorial staff."
5. Section 8 is repealed.
§ 23. Article 39 is amended as follows:
"Art. 39. attestation committee and competitions for judges and respectively prosecutors' Association conducted the appraisal of judges, prosecutors and investigators, administrative heads and deputies of administrative heads except those of the Supreme Court of Cassation, the Supreme Administrative Court, the Supreme Prosecution Office of Cassation, the Supreme administrative Prosecution Office and the National Investigation service. "
§ 24. Article 39 is repealed.

§ 25. In art. 39b are made the following amendments:
1. Paragraph 4 is amended as follows:
"(4) The Commission on Professional Ethics in the courts, prosecutors and the National Investigation Service assist the Committee on Professional Ethics in the exercise of its powers under Art. 37, para. 9, giving an opinion on the moral qualities of judges, prosecutors and investigators from the relevant court, prosecution, investigation department or the National Investigation Service. "
2. In para. 5 in front of the words "Supreme Judicial Council" insert "relevant college of."
§ 26. In art. 48, para. 2 words "SJC" is replaced by "The Plenum of the Supreme Judicial Council."
§ 27. In art. 60 para. 2 is repealed.
§ 28. In art. 80, para. 1 pt. 2 letter "b" is amended as follows:
"b) information, reports and statistical data in electronic form templates and terms approved by the Judges Association of the Supreme Judicial Council, and submit them to the board of judges Supreme judicial Council and the Minister of Justice. "
§ 29. In art. 86, para. 1 pt. 3 letter "b" is amended as follows:
"b) information, reports and statistical data in electronic form templates and terms approved by the Judges Association of the Supreme Judicial Council, and submit them to the board of judges Supreme judicial Council and the Minister of Justice. "
§ 30. In art. 93, para. 1 pt. 2 letter "b" is amended as follows:
"b) information, reports and statistical data in electronic form templates and terms approved by the Judges Association of the Supreme Judicial Council, and submit them to the board of judges Supreme judicial Council and the Minister of Justice. "
§ 31. In art. 106, para. 1 pt. 3 letter "b" is amended as follows:
"b) information, reports and statistical data in electronic form templates and terms approved by the Judges Association of the Supreme Judicial Council, and submit them to the board of judges Supreme judicial Council and the Minister of Justice. "
§ 32. In art. 114 made the following amendments:
1. In para. 1, p. 7, after the words "provides" insert "Judges' Association of."
2. In para. 2, 'the Supreme Judicial Council "are replaced by" at the plenum of the Supreme Judicial Council. "
§ 33. In art. 122 made the following amendments:
1. In para. 1, p. 11 after the word "provides" insert "Judges' Association of."
2. In para. 2, 'the Supreme Judicial Council "are replaced by" at the plenum of the Supreme Judicial Council. "
§ 34. In art. 141, para. 1, 'the Supreme Judicial Council "are replaced by" at the plenum of the Supreme Judicial Council. "
§ 35. In art. 161 be made the following amendments:
1. In para. 1, 'the Supreme Judicial Council "are replaced by" relevant college of the Supreme Judicial Council. "
2. In the main text of par. 3 before the words "Supreme Judicial Council" insert "relevant college of."

§ 36. In art. 168 made the following amendments:
1. In para. 2 before the words "Supreme Judicial Council" insert "relevant college of."
2. In para. 3, 'the Supreme Judicial Council "are replaced by" relevant college of the Supreme Judicial Council. " 3
. In para. 4 words "Supreme Judicial Council" are replaced by "relevant college of the Supreme Judicial Council."
4. In para. 5 in front of the words "Supreme Judicial Council" insert "relevant college of."
§ 37. In art. 173 be made the following amendments:
1. In para. 1 at the words "Supreme Judicial Council" insert "plenum".
2. In para. 4, first sentence before the words "Supreme Judicial Council" insert "plenum". 3
. In para. 5:
a) in the first sentence the words "the Supreme Judicial Council" are replaced by "at the plenum of";
B) in the second sentence the word "Supreme" is replaced by "The plenum of the Supreme."
4. In para. 7, first sentence before the words "Supreme Judicial Council" insert "plenum".
5. In para. 8, the words "Supreme Judicial Council" are replaced by "The Plenum of the Supreme Judicial Council" and the word "secret" is replaced by "clearly".
6. In para. 10 after the words "proposed by the" insert "plenum".
§ 38. In art. 174 par. 1 is amended as follows:
"(1) The Director of the National Investigation Service is elected by prosecutorial staff of the Supreme Judicial Council by a majority of not less than eight votes."
§ 39. In art. 175 make the following additions:
1. In para. 4, second sentence before the words "Supreme Judicial Council" insert "relevant college of."
2. In para. 5, first sentence before the words "Supreme Judicial Council" insert "plenum". 3
. In para. 6, after "established by the" insert "the prosecutor's college of."
4. In para. 7, first sentence before the words "Supreme Judicial Council" insert "relevant college of."
§ 40. In art. 179 after the words "announced by" insert "relevant college of."
§ 41. In art. 180, para. 1, 'the Supreme Judicial Council "are replaced by" relevant college of the Supreme Judicial Council. "
§ 42. In art. 183 be made the following amendments:
1. In para. 1, second sentence, the words "Supreme Judicial Council" are replaced by "relevant college of the Supreme Judicial Council."
2. In para. 4 before the words "Supreme Judicial Council" insert "relevant college of."
§ 43. In art. 186 be made the following amendments:
1. In para. 2 "the Commission" Professional Ethics and Corruption Prevention "provides the Supreme Judicial Council" are replaced by "The Commission on Professional Ethics to the appropriate staff available to the Board of the Supreme Judicial Council."

2. In para. 3, 'the Commission proposals and appraisal of judges, prosecutors and investigators propose that the Supreme Judicial Council "are replaced by" Commission appraisal and competitions the relevant college offers all the judges of the Supreme Judicial Council. " 3
. In para. 4:
a) in the first sentence the words "Supreme Judicial Council" are replaced by "relevant college of the Supreme Judicial Council";
B) the words "the Commission" Professional Ethics and Corruption Prevention "are replaced by" Professional Ethics Commission the relevant college. "
4. In para. 5 'Supreme Judicial Council "are replaced by" relevant college of the Supreme Judicial Council. "
5. In para. 6, the first sentence after the words "in writing to" insert "relevant college of."
6. In para. 7 the words "Supreme Judicial Council" are replaced by "relevant college of the Supreme Judicial Council."
§ 44. In art. 186a is amended as follows:
1. In para. 2 "the Commission" Professional Ethics and Corruption Prevention "provides the Supreme Judicial Council" are replaced by "The Commission on Professional Ethics to the appropriate staff available to the Board of the Supreme Judicial Council."
2. In para. 3, 'the Commission proposals and appraisal of judges, prosecutors and investigators "are replaced by" Commission for appraisal and competitions the relevant college "and the words" the Supreme Judicial Council "are replaced by" in the college of the Supreme Judicial Council. " 3
. In para. 4 words "Supreme Judicial Council" are replaced by "relevant college of the Supreme Judicial Council."
4. In para. 5 everywhere the words "Supreme Judicial Council" are replaced by "relevant college of the Supreme Judicial Council" and the words "the Commission" Professional Ethics and Corruption Prevention "are replaced by" Professional Ethics Commission the relevant college. "
5. In para. 6 words "Supreme Judicial Council" are replaced by "relevant college of the Supreme Judicial Council."
§ 45. In art. 189 be made the following amendments:
1. In para. 1 at the words "Supreme Judicial Council" insert "relevant college of."
2. In para. 4 before the words "Supreme Judicial Council" insert "relevant college of." 3
. In para. 7 the words "Supreme Judicial Council" are replaced by "relevant college of the Supreme Judicial Council."
4. In para. 8 before the words "Supreme Judicial Council" insert "relevant college of."
§ 46. In art. 192 is amended as follows:
1. In para. 3, 'the Supreme Judicial Council "are replaced by" relevant college of the Supreme Judicial Council. "
2. In para. 4 "the Commission" Professional Ethics and Corruption Prevention "are replaced by" Professional Ethics Commission the relevant college. "
§ 47. In art. 193 be made the following amendments:

1. In para. 1 the words "Commission" Professional Ethics and Corruption Prevention "and" Commission on proposals and appraisal of judges, prosecutors and investigators "are replaced by" Committee on Professional Ethics at the respective college "and" Commission for appraisal and competitions the relevant college " .
2. In para. 2, 'the Commission proposals and appraisal of judges, prosecutors and investigators in imports "are replaced by" Commission for appraisal and competitions to submit the relevant college in the college of. " 3
. In para. 3, 4 and 5 before the words "Supreme Judicial Council" insert "relevant college of."
4. In para. 6 in front of the words "Supreme Judicial Council" insert "relevant college of."
§ 48. In art. 194 made the following amendments:
1. The previous text becomes para. 1.
2. A par. 2:
"(2) Upon mutual agreement on an exchange of equal degree of judges in another court, prosecutors - in the Prosecutor's Office and investigators - in other investigative division, and with the consent of their administrative heads, they moved without a competition with the decision of the Board of the Supreme judicial Council. "
§ 49. In art. 194a be made the following amendments:
1. In para. 1 after the words "announced by" insert "relevant college of."
2. In para. 3, 'the Supreme Judicial Council "are replaced by" in the college of the Supreme Judicial Council "and the words" Commission on proposals and appraisal of judges, prosecutors and investigators "are replaced by" Commission for appraisal and competitions the relevant college. " 3
. In para. 5 in front of the words "Supreme Judicial Council" insert "relevant college of."
4. In para. 6, first sentence before the words "Supreme Judicial Council" insert "relevant college of."
§ 50. In art. 194b be made the following amendments:
1. In para. 1:
a) in the text after the words "carried out by" insert "relevant college of";
B) in item. 3 "the Commission" Professional Ethics and Corruption Prevention "are replaced by" Professional Ethics Commission the relevant college. "
2. In para. 3 before the words "Supreme Judicial Council" insert "relevant college of." 3
. In para. 4 words "Supreme Judicial Council" are replaced by "relevant college of the Supreme Judicial Council."
4. In para. 5 in front of the words "Supreme Judicial Council" insert "relevant college of."
§ 51. In art. 205 made the following amendments:
1. In para. 1, 'the Commission proposals and appraisal of judges, prosecutors and investigators "are replaced by" Commission for appraisal and competitions the relevant college "and before the words" Supreme Judicial Council "insert" relevant college of. "
2. In para. 2 words "Supreme Judicial Council" are replaced by "relevant college of the Supreme Judicial Council."
. In para. 3, 'the Supreme Judicial Council "are replaced by" relevant college of the Supreme Judicial Council "and the words" Commission on proposals and appraisal of judges, prosecutors and investigators "are replaced by" Commission for appraisal and competitions the relevant college. "
§ 52. In art. 209 be made the following amendments:
1. In para. 1, 'the Commission proposals and appraisal of judges, prosecutors and investigators "are replaced by" Commission for appraisal and competitions the relevant college "and before the words" Supreme Judicial Council "insert" relevant college of. "
2. In para. 2 after the word "objection" insert "relevant college of." 3
. In para. 3, 'the Supreme Judicial Council "are replaced by" relevant college of the Supreme Judicial Council "and the words" Commission on proposals and appraisal of judges, prosecutors and investigators "are replaced by" Commission for appraisal and competitions the relevant college. "
4. In para. 4 after the words "by a decision of" insert "relevant college of."
5. In para. 5 'Supreme Judicial Council "are replaced by" relevant college of the Supreme Judicial Council. "
§ 53. In art. 218, para. 3, after the words "determined by the" insert "plenum".
§ 54. In art. 230 made the following amendments:
1. In para. 1 and 2 "SJC" are replaced by "relevant college of the Supreme Judicial Council."
2. In para. 3 before the words "Supreme Judicial Council" insert "relevant college of."
§ 55. In art. 242, para. 2 words "Supreme Judicial Council" are replaced by "relevant college of the Supreme Judicial Council."
§ 56. In art. 258a para. 3, 'the Supreme Judicial Council "are replaced by" relevant college of the Supreme Judicial Council. "
§ 57. In art. 263 words "SJC" is replaced by "The Plenum of the Supreme Judicial Council."
§ 58. In art. 303, para. 1, 'the Supreme Judicial Council "are replaced by" relevant college of the Supreme Judicial Council. "
§ 59. In art. 304, para. 1 at the words "Supreme Judicial Council" insert "relevant college of" and the words "one-fifth of the Supreme Judicial Council" are replaced by "three members of the Board of the Supreme Judicial Council."
§ 60. In art. 312, para. 1 p. 4 shall be amended as follows:
"4. not less than three members of the Board of the Supreme Judicial Council. "
§ 61. In art. 314 be made the following amendments:
1. In para. 2 before the words "Supreme Judicial Council" insert "relevant college of."
2. In para. 3, 'the Supreme Judicial Council "are replaced by" relevant college of the Supreme Judicial Council. " 3
. In para. 5 in front of the words "Supreme Judicial Council" insert "relevant college of."
§ 62. In art. 316, para. 3, 'the Supreme Judicial Council "are replaced by" relevant college of the Supreme Judicial Council. "

§ 63. In art. 320 made the following amendments:
1. In para. 1 everywhere in front of the words "Supreme Judicial Council" insert "relevant college of."
2. In para. 2 and 3 the words "Supreme Judicial Council" are replaced by "relevant college of the Supreme Judicial Council." 3
. In para. 4 and 5, before the words "Supreme Judicial Council" insert "relevant college of."
§ 64. Article 341 is amended as follows:
"Art. 341. (1) Colleges of the Supreme Judicial Council issued after consultation with the Commission "Budget and Finance" Classifier of the positions of the respective judicial authorities, setting out the names of the positions, the minimum qualification and other requirements for the job, remuneration for Acting rank for the position and salary for rank.
(2) The number of court officials in the judicial bodies is determined by the colleges on the proposal of the respective administrative head according to the workload of the authority of the judiciary and after consultation with the Commission "Budget and Finance".
(3) The plenum of the Supreme Judicial Council issued Classifier positions in the administration of the Supreme Judicial Council and the National Institute of Justice and after consultation with the Inspector General - and the Inspectorate at the Supreme Judicial Council. In the classifier determine the names of the positions, the minimum qualification and other requirements for the job, remuneration for the position ranking for the position and salary for rank.
(4) The number of court officials in the administration of the Supreme Judicial Council and the National Institute of Justice is determined by the plenum of the Supreme Judicial Council on a proposal from the relevant manager. The number of administration of the Inspectorate at the Supreme Judicial Council shall be approved by the Inspector according to the workload of the body and its budget. "
§ 65. In art. 342 par. 1 is amended as follows:
"(1) At the proposal of each of the colleges plenum of the Supreme Judicial Council shall adopt regulations for the administration of the relevant judicial authorities."
§ 66. In art. 355, para. 8 words "para. 4 "are replaced with" para. 2 pt. 15 ".
§ 67. In art. 362 words "the Supreme Judicial Council" are replaced by "at the plenum of the Supreme Judicial Council."
§ 68. In art. 364 make the following additions:
1. In para. 1 after the words "proposed by the" insert "plenum".
2. In para. 2 after the words "report" insert "of the plenum."
§ 69. In art. 365 words "SJC" is replaced by "The Plenum of the Supreme Judicial Council."
§ 70. In art. 366 made the following amendments:
1. In para. 1, 'the Supreme Judicial Council "are replaced by" The Plenum of the Supreme Judicial Council. "
2. In para. 3, after the words "adopted by the" insert "plenum".

§ 71. In art. 387 words "Minister of Justice" are replaced by "The Plenum of the Supreme Judicial Council."
§ 72. In art. 388 is amended as follows:
1. In para. 1 words "Minister of Justice" are replaced by "The Plenum of the Supreme Judicial Council."
2. In para. 2 the words "Ministry of Justice" are replaced by "the judiciary".
§ 73. In art. 390, para. 2 words "SJC" is replaced by "The Plenum of the Supreme Judicial Council."
§ 74. In art. 54, para. 1, p. 5, Art. 160, art. 165, para. 1, p. 6, Art. 167, para. 2 and 3, Art. 177, para. 1, Art. 187, para. 1, Art. 188, para. 1, Art. 191, para. 2 and 5, Art. 195, para. 3, Art. 197, para. 3, Art. 200, para. 3, Art. 206, art. 240, para. 2, Art. 244, art. 258, para. 3 and 5, Art. 261, art. 262, para. 3, Art. 323, para. 1, Art. 325, para. 1, Art. 327 and Art. 375, para. 2 before the words "Supreme Judicial Council" insert "relevant college of."
§ 75. In other texts of the law "the Commission proposals and appraisal of judges, prosecutors and investigators" are replaced by "Commission for appraisal and competitions the relevant college."
§ 76. In the transitional and final provisions of the Law amending the Law on the Judiciary (SG. 50 of 2012) § 33 para. 2 is repealed.
Transitional and Final Provisions
§ 77. Plenum of the Supreme Judicial Council shall adopt rules of art. 29b para. 1 in 6 months from the enactment of this Act.
§ 78. (1) Direct election of members of the Supreme Judicial Council, judges, prosecutors and investigators conducted by electronic remote voting in the event before choosing Supreme Judicial Council introduced a system to guarantee the secrecy of voting and free expression of will . Electronic voting does not preclude the possibility of voting with paper ballots. In the rules of art. 29b para. 1 shall be determined and procedures for electronic distance voting.
(2) No later than 10 months before the expiry of the mandate of the elected members chosen in 2012 the Supreme Judicial Council conducted experimental electronic remote voting under the rules of art. 29b para. 1.
§ 79. The direct election of members of the Supreme Judicial Council, judges, prosecutors and investigators may be held by machine vote if the election before the Supreme Judicial Council introduced a system to guarantee the secrecy of voting and free statement, and in the presence of economic expediency to electronic voting. Voting machine shall be subject to the terms and rules in Chapter II, Section Ia, the device shows the voting ballot identical to the paper. One polling station reports the results of not more than five voting devices. Voting machine does not remove the possibility of voting on a remote electronic and paper ballots.

§ 80. Within three months of the entry into force of this Act the Council of Ministers adopted a decree, which governs the relationship transfer from the budget of the Ministry of Justice to the budget of the Supreme Judicial Council of unused funds for the acquisition and management of real estate the judiciary and the means for staff § 81.
§ 81. within three months of the entry into force of this law, employees of the Ministry of Justice, whose duties are related to the activity of management of the property of the judiciary, reappointed without competition to work on employment in the administration of the Supreme judicial Council.
§ 82. (1) The Supreme Judicial Council replaces the Ministry of Justice in all rights and obligations under the contracts relating to the maintenance and management of real estate judiciary concluded by the Ministry of Justice.
(2) pending judicial and administrative proceedings regarding maintenance and management of real estate judiciary continued with the participation of the Supreme Judicial Council.
§ 83. (1) Within three months of the entry into force of this Act managed by the Ministry of Justice real estate and movable property of the Judiciary transferred to the Supreme Judicial Council, shall be submitted together with all related documentation.
(2) provided the entry into force of this law, estates and properties to the Ministry of Justice for the needs of the secondary administrators with budget the Minister of Justice continue to be used for carrying out their operations and remain in control of the Ministry of Justice.
(3) In the period under par. 1 governors reflect changes in acts of state ownership of all properties of the judiciary or acts for state ownership of such property.
§ 84. Committees Art. 37, para. 1 shall be elected within one month from the entry into force of this Act and those under Art. 37, para. 3 - within three months from the entry into force of this Act.
§ 85. (1) Until the election of the Commission for appraisal and competitions and the Committee on Professional Ethics at the colleges of the Supreme Judicial Council activities appraisal and conducting competitions are still provided by the entry into force of this Act Committees and previous order, and the decisions on them are accepted by the respective colleges of the Supreme judicial Council.

(2) After selecting the attestation committee and competitions and the Committee on Professional Ethics at the colleges of the Supreme Judicial Council activities appraisal and conducting competitions are still selected committees intended to entry into force of this law, and decisions on them shall be adopted by the respective colleges of the Supreme judicial Council.
(3) Pending the election of the Committee on Professional Ethics at the colleges of the Supreme Judicial Council Commission "Professional Ethics and Corruption Prevention" continues to fulfill its powers under the previous order and submit the results of their activities in the college of the Supreme Judicial Council.
(4) After the election of the Committee on Professional Ethics at the colleges of the Supreme Judicial Council initiated and pending proceedings are continued by a committee of judges and prosecutors' Association. Results are submitted for consideration in the Association.
(5) Pending the entry into force of this law, disciplinary proceedings are considered by the previous order, the decisions on them are taken by the respective colleges of the Supreme Judicial Council.
§ 86. In the Law for Protection of Classified Information (Prom. SG. 45 of 2002 .; corr., No. 5 of 2003 .; amend., SG. 31 of 2003, SG . 52, 55 and 89 of 2004, pcs. 17 and 82, 2006, issue. 46, 57, 95 and 109 of 2007, pcs. 36, 66, 69 and 109 of 2008, No. . 35, 42, 82 and 93 of 2009, pcs. 16 and 88 of 2010, pcs. 23, 48 and 80 of 2011, pcs. 44 and 103 of 2012, pcs. 52 and 70 in 2013, pcs. 49 and 53 in 2014, pcs. 14, 61 and 79 of 2015) in art. 39 made the following amendments:
1. In para. 1 created item. 8:
"8. members of the Supreme Judicial Council. "
2. In para. 3:
a) in the text before item. 1 the words "6 and 7" are replaced by "6, 7 and 8";
B) the item. 4:
"4. for members of the Supreme Judicial Council - when taken in the established order decision of the college or the plenum of the Supreme Judicial Council when the college or plenum meeting in closed session. "
law was adopted by the 43rd National Assembly on March 31, 2016 , and is stamped with the official seal of the National Assembly.
Chairman of the National Assembly Tsetska Tsacheva