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Law On Equality Of Women And Men

Original Language Title: Закон за равнопоставеност на жените и мъжете

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Name of law
Law on equality of women and men

Name Bill
BILL equality of women and men

Date of adoption

Number / year Official Gazette

DECREE № 111
Pursuant to Art. 98 pt. 4 of the Constitution of the Republic of Bulgaria
To be published in the "Official Gazette" The law on gender equality, adopted by HLIІI National Assembly on April 15, 2016
Released in Sofia on April 19, 2016 President of the Republic
Rosen Plevneliev
stamped with the state seal.
Minister of Justice:
Ekaterina Zaharieva

LAW equality of women and men
Art. 1. (1) This Act regulates the conduct of state policy on equality between women and men.
(2) The purpose of the law is to promote the achievement of equality between women and men, by creating conditions for building an institutional environment and the bodies and mechanisms for implementation of the state policy on equality between women and men.
Art. 2. The state policy on equality between women and men is based on the principles of:
1. equal opportunities for women and men in all spheres of social, economic and political life;
2. equal access of women and men to all resources in society; 3
. equal treatment of men and women and non-discrimination and violence based on gender;
4. balanced representation of women and men in all decision-making bodies;
5. overcome stereotypes based on gender.
Art. 3. In exercising their powers the bodies of state power and local self-government, public authorities and businesses take steps to implement the principles of state policy on equality between women and men.
Art. 4. (1) The state policy on equality between women and men is through:
1. integrating the principle of equality of men and women in law and in all national, regional and local policies, strategies, programs and plans;
2. Implementation of temporary measures; 3
. horizontal cross-sectoral approach;
4. national institutional mechanism for cooperation between central and local executive authorities, as well as with civil society;
5. consistent and sustainable resource and financial support of the authorities and policy on equality between women and men.
(2) Temporary promotion measures applied under this law do not constitute discrimination under the Law for Protection against Discrimination.

Art. 5. (1) The Council of Ministers shall determine the state policy on gender equality and adopted a National Strategy for equality between women and men, hereinafter referred to as "National Strategy" and plans for its implementation.
(2) The central and territorial executive authorities implement the policy of equality between women and men in accordance with the National Strategy under par. 1.
Art. 6. (1) The Council of Ministers creates the National Council on Equality between Women and Men, which is a body for consultations, cooperation and coordination between central and local executive authorities and civil society.
(2) The National Council consists of representatives from:
1. Ministries, state and executive agencies and other bodies established by law;
2. organizations representing employees at national level; 3
. representative organizations of employers at national level;
4. National Association of Municipalities in Republic of Bulgaria;
5. legal non-profit entities, whose business is in line with the priorities of the state policy on equality between women and men identified in the conditions, criteria and procedures stipulated in the Rules of organization and operation of the National Council on Equality between Women and men of Ministers.
(3) Chairman of the National Council on Equality between women and men is the Minister of Labour and Social Policy.
(4) Organizational and maintenance activities of the National Council on Equality between women and men is provided by the Ministry of Labour and Social Policy.
(5) The National Council on Equality between Women and Men:
1. deliver opinions on the draft strategic documents and regulations that contain provisions relating to equality of women and men before being submitted to the Council of Ministers;
2. participate in the development of the National Strategy for equality between women and men; 3
. It proposes measures to promote the state policy of equality between women and men;
4. participate in the development of quantitative and qualitative indicators necessary for monitoring system of art. 7, p. 4.
(6) The Council of Ministers shall adopt regulations for the structure, organization and operation of the National Council on Equality between Women and Men to the Council of Ministers.
Art. 7. The Minister of Labour and Social Policy manages, coordinates and controls the implementation of state policy on equality between women and men, such as:

1. develops, participates in the discussion and proposes the adoption and / or amendment of legislation and strategic documents relevant to the equality of women and men;
2. organize and manage the activities of the National Council on Equality between women and men; 3
. coordinate the development, implementation and reporting of national strategies and plans for its implementation;
4. organize the creation and maintenance of a system for monitoring gender equality and coordinate the preparation of a report on equality between women and men in the Republic of Bulgaria;
5. provide assistance to the executive authorities to conduct state policy on equality between women and men;
6. It represents the state in international organizations and programs in the field of equality between women and men;
7. manage and coordinate the participation in national and international programs and projects for equality between women and men, including cooperation with other state authorities and organizations;
8. maintains contacts with similar specialized state bodies in other countries and with international organizations active in the field of equality between women and men.
Art. 8. (1) The central and regional executive authorities identify employees who act as coordinators equality of women and men.
(2) Coordinators under par. 1:
1. participate in the development and implementation of national policy on equality between women and men;
2. participate in the development of sectoral and local policies and programs in terms of equality between women and men; 3
. participate in the preparation of an impact assessment on gender normative acts and strategic documents offered by the executive authorities;
4. participate in the preparation, execution and reporting of national strategies and plans for its implementation of art. 7, p. 3 in the competence of the relevant body of executive power;
5. coordinate the implementation of measures within the competence of the executive authority and participate in the preparation of reports on equality between women and men;
6. participate in the development of quantitative and qualitative indicators and analyzes of the equality of women and men in the area of ​​competence of the institution;
7. coordinate the collection and dissemination of information and best practices, providing data on equality of women and men within the competence of the executive authority;

8. participate in training on equality between women and men, and for the organization of such training;
9. perform other functions in the field of equality between women and men assigned by the relevant executive authority.
(3) In performing the functions of coordinators equality of women and men employees under par. 1 cooperate with the Ministry of Labour and Social Policy.
(4) The functional responsibilities of the designated officers equality of women and men are defined in their job descriptions or by order of the appointing authority of the civil service.
Art. 9. In implementing the state policy on equality between women and men the executive authorities collect, record and process data by gender for the purposes of monitoring system of art. 7, p. 4.
Art. 10. State policy on equality between women and men in districts and municipalities is carried out by regional governors and local authorities together with the regional offices of ministries and state executive agencies and other bodies established by law, representative organizations of workers and employers, non-governmental organizations working on issues of equality between women and men, as well as other organizations.
Art. 11. (1) The regional governor shall ensure coordination between national and local interests on issues of gender equality and interact with the local government and local administration, as well as territorial units of the representative organizations of workers and employers.
(2) In exercising its power to carry out state policy on equality between men and women governors are assisted by designated by these officials in the regional administration, who act as coordinators equality of women and men, according to Art. 8.
Art. 12. National Strategy for equality between women and men is a fundamental programming document and contains:
1. aims to achieve equality of women and men in all areas;
2. bodies responsible for achieving the objectives; 3
. priority areas of action for achieving the goals;
4. performance indicators.
Art. 13. National strategy is implemented through plans that include activities, responsible authorities, financial resources and indicators of performance.
Art. 14. Estimates of the impact of regulations and strategic documents include an impact assessment on gender.

Art. 15. (1) The temporary incentives under Art. 4 pt. 2 are provided in the plans for implementing the National Strategy for equality between women and men.
(2) Support measures under par. 1 shall apply from the executive authorities for a fixed term to achieve their objectives of balanced representation, equal opportunities and equal treatment of women and men in areas where inequality is established.
(3) Support measures under par. 1 is financed by the state and municipal budgets as well as international and European sources.
Art. 16. (1) The Minister of Labour and Social Policy created a badge for significant achievements in the effective implementation of the policy on equality between women and men.
(2) The Minister of Labour and Social Policy approved terms and conditions for obtaining the distinctive sign prior coordination at the National Council on Equality between women and men. Additional provision

§ 1. For the purposes of this Act:
1. "Equality of Women and Men" has equal rights and obligations, equal opportunities and overcome obstacles in all areas of public life, women and men are free to develop their personal abilities and make choices without the limitations of the social role of its sex.
2. "Equal Opportunities" is to create conditions for the realization of equal opportunities and providing guarantees for access to all areas (areas) of public life and achieve personal and professional fulfillment and development. 3
. "Balanced Representation of Women and Men" is the distribution of positions between men and women in power and decision-making in every area of ​​life and constitutes an essential condition for gender equality. Balanced representation is to provide quantitative and qualitative balance in the participation of women and men in politics, governance and decision-making.
4. "Integrating the equality of women and men" is the process of reflecting the equality of women and men in all national, regional and local policies, strategies, programs, plans, legislation and processes of decision-making in any area and at all levels to be able at any stage and level of their development or performance to an analysis of their impact on women and men and to take appropriate action in order to achieve substantive equality.

5. "Impact assessment on gender" is part of the social assessment includes assessing the impact of regulations and strategic documents on the situation of women and men so that by applying these suggestions to ensure neutralization of the discriminatory effects and to promote equality equality.
6. "Temporary incentives" are justified and proportionate initiatives temporary aimed at removing obstacles to balanced representation of men and women or equality of members of one sex or gender, disadvantaged.
7. "Horizontal sectoral approach" is to achieve a common understanding of the complexity of the problems consensus to solve them jointly identifying and defining objectives and tools for measuring progress in achieving them, coordinating the implementation of the measures and monitoring policy on gender and men at all levels of decision making. Final provisions

§ 2. Within 6 months of the entry into force of this Act shall be determined employees under Art. 8 and 11.
§ 3. Within 6 months of the entry into force of the law of the Minister of Labour and Social Policy Ministers aligned with him Rules for the structure and organization of the work of the National Council on Gender men and women Council of Ministers (prom. SG. 104 of 2004 .; amend., SG. 78, 83, 89, 94 and 96 of 2005, pcs. 53 and 71 of 2008, No. . 93 2009 n. 58 of 2010, No. 42 of 2014 and SG. 22 of 2015).
§ 4. Within one year of the entry into force of this Act, the Minister of Labour and Social Policy adopt the procedures for obtaining the distinctive sign of art. 16.
§ 5. In the Law for Protection against Discrimination (prom. SG. 86 of 2003 .; amend., SG. 70 of 2004 pcs. 105 of 2005, pcs. 30 and 68 in 2006, pcs. 59 and 100 in 2007, pcs. 69 and 108 in 2008, pcs. 42, 74 and 103 of 2009, pcs. 97 of 2010, pcs. 23 and 39 in 2011, pcs. 38 and 58 of 2012, pcs. 15 and 68 of 2013 and SG. 26 of 2015) in art. 7, para. 1 created item. 20:
"20. temporary incentives applied under the Act for equality between women and men. "
§ 6. The implementation of the law is assigned to the Minister of Labour and Social Policy.
The law was adopted by the 43rd National Assembly on April 15, 2016 and was affixed with the official seal of the National Assembly.
Chairman of the National Assembly:
Tsetska Tsacheva