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Decree Of 11 December 2014

Original Language Title: Decreto de 11 de dezembro de 2014

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DECREE OF December 11, 2014

Declara of public utility, for the purposes of misappropriation, in favor of the Western Rota dealership S.A., the estate it mentions, located in the Municipality of Campo Verde, State of Mato Grosso.

THE CHAIRPERSON OF THE REPUBLIC, in the use of the attribution that confers it on art. 84, caput, inciso IV, of the Constitution, with a view to the provisions of the art. 3º, art. 5º, caput, points ("h" and "i", and art. 6º of the Decree-Law No. 3,365 of June 21, 1941 in the art. 29, caput, inciso VIII, and art. 31, caput, inciso VI, of Law No. 8,987, of February 13, 1995, and in accordance with that appearing in the ANTT Process No. 50500.109615 /2014-41,


Art. 1º It is declared of public utility, for purposes of dispropriation, in whole or in part, in favour of the Western S.A. Road dealership, the immovable situated on the banks of the 163/MT Rodovia, located in the Municipality of Campo Verde, State of Mato Grosso, necessary for the implementation of the deployment works of the PP03 toll plaza at km 235 + 450m, whose topographical coordinates were described in Deliberation No. 267/2014, of the Colegiated Directorate of the National Terrestrial Transport Agency-ANTT, published in the Official Journal of the Union of September 23, 2014.

Art. 2º Stay the dealer Route of the West S.A. authorised to promote, with own resources, the disappropriation of the area of land and benfeits of which it treats art. 1º.

Single paragraph. The expropriating shall be allowed to invoke the character of urgency in the process of dispropriation of which it treats the caput, for purposes of immission in the possession, in the terms of the art. 15 of the Decree-Law No. 3,365 of June 21, 1941.

Art. 3º The declaration of public utility does not exonerate the dealership of the prior obtaining of the licensing and fulfilment of the obligations attached to the environmental and other public administration bodies, necessary to the effectivation of the works and activities referred to in art. 1º.

Art. 4º This Decree comes into effect on the date of its publication.

Brasilia, December 11, 2014; 193º of Independence and 126º of the Republic.


Paulo Sérgio Oliveira Passos