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Law No. 12852, 05 August 2013

Original Language Title: Lei nº 12.852, de 05 de agosto de 2013

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LEI No.-12,852, DE August 5, 2013

Instituted the Youth Status and has on the rights of young people, the principles and guidelines of public youth policies and the National Youth System-SINAJUVE.

THE REPUBLIC OF THE REPUBLIC I do know that the National Congress decrees and I sanction the following Law:






Art. 1º This Law sets up the Youth Status and has on the rights of young people, the principles and guidelines of public youth policies and the National Youth System-SINAJUVE.

§ 1º For the purposes of this Act, young people aged between 15 (fifteen) and 29 (twenty-nine) years of age are considered.

§ 2º To adolescents aged between 15 (fifteen) and 18 (eighteen) years applies to Law No. 8,069 of July 13, 1990-Status of the Child and the Adolescent, and, exceptionally, this Statute, when it does not confuse with the standards of full protection of the teenager.

I Section

Of Principles

Art. 2º The provisions of this Act and the public policies of youth are governed by the following principles:

I-promotion of the autonomy and emancipation of young people ;

II-valorization and promotion of social and political participation, in a direct manner and through its representations ;

III-promotion of creativity and participation in the development of the Country ;

IV-recognition of the young man as subject of universal, generational and natural rights ;

V-promotion of wellbeing, experimentation and integral development of the young ;

VI-respect for the identity and individual diversity and collective of youth ;

VII-promotion of safe life, culture of peace, solidarity and non-discrimination ; and

VIII-valorisation of the young man's dialogue and conviviality with the other generations

Single Paragraph. The emancipation of the young people referred to in the inciso I of the caput refers to the trajectory of inclusion, freedom and participation of the young man in life in society, and not to the institute of the emancipation disciplined by Law No. 10,406 of January 10, 2002- Civil Code.

Section II

General Guidelines

Art. 3º Public or private actors involved with public youth policies should observe the following guidelines:

I-develop the intersectoriality of structural policies, programs and actions ;

II-encourage broad youth participation in its formulation, implementation and evaluation ;

III-broadening young people's social insertion alternatives, promoting programs that prioritize their integral development and active participation in the decision-making spaces ;

IV-provide fulfillment according to its specificities in the face of public and private bodies of service to the population, targeting the enjoyment of rights simultaneously in the fields of health, educational, political, economic, social, cultural and environmental ;

V-ensure public means and equipment that promote access to cultural production, sports practice, territorial mobility and the fruition of free time ;

VI-promote the territory as an integration space ;

VII-strengthen institutional relations with the federated ones and networks of organs, managers and youth councils ;

VIII-establish mechanisms that broaden information management and knowledge production on youth ;

IX-promote international integration among young people, preferentially within Latin America and Africa, and international cooperation ;

X-ensure the integration of youth policies with the Legislative And Judiciary Powers, with the Public Prosecutor's Office and with Public Defensoria ; and

XI-zeling for the rights of young people aged between 18 (eighteen) and 29 (twenty-nine) private years of freedom and egresses of the prison system, formulating education and labour policies, including stimuli to their social reinsertion and laboral, as well as creating and stimulating study and work opportunities that favor the fulfillment of the semi-open regime.



I Section

From the Right to Citizenship, to Social and Political Participation

and Juvenile Representation

Art. 4º The young man is entitled to social and political participation and the formulation, execution and evaluation of pub

Single Paragraph. It is understood by youth participation:

I-the inclusion of young people in public and community spaces from their conception as an active, free, responsible and dignified person to occupy a central position in political and social processes ;

II-the active involvement of young people in public policy actions that are aimed at the very benefit, that of their communities, cities and regions and that of the Country ;

III-the individual and collective participation of the youth in actions that contemplate advocating for the rights of youth or of themes affectionate to young people ; and

IV-the effective inclusion of young people in the public decision-making spaces with a right to voice and vote.

Art. 5º The interlocation of youth with public power can be carried out by means of associations, networks, movements and youth organisations.

Single Paragraph. It is the duty of public power to encourage the free association of young people.

Art. 6º These are guidelines of juvenile institutional interlocation:

I-the definition of specific governmental body for the management of public youth policies ;

II-the encouragement of the creation of youth councils in all the Federation's loved ones.

Single Paragraph. Without prejudice to the tasks of the specific governmental body for the management of public policies of youth and youth councils with respect to the rights provided for in this Statute, it is up to the governing body of management and the boards of the rights of the child and adolescent to institutional interlocation with adolescents of age between 15 (fifteen) and 18 (eighteen) years.

Section II

From the Right to Education

Art. 7º The young person is entitled to quality education, with the guarantee of basic, compulsory and free education, including for those who did not have access to the appropriate age.

§ 1º Basic education will be taught in Portuguese language, assured to young Indigenous people and traditional peoples and communities the use of their mother tongues and of learning processes of their own.

§ 2º It is the duty of the state to offer young people who have not completed basic education programmes in the modality of youth education and adults, tailored to the needs and specificities of youth, including in the late night, ressaved the specific educational legislation.

§ 3º Are assured to young people with deafness the use and teaching of the Brazilian Language of Sinal-POUNDS, in all stages and educational modalities.

§ 4º It is ensured to young people with disabilities inclusion in regular education at all levels and educational modalities, including specialized educational care, observed accessibility to buildings, transport, spaces, securities, equipment, systems and means of communication and ensuring the assistive technology resources and adaptations required of each person.

§ 5º The National Policy of Education in the Field will contemplate broadening the education offer for young people from the field, at all levels and educational modalities.

Art. 8º The young person is entitled to higher education, in public or private institutions, with varying degrees of comprehension of knowledge or knowledge specialization, observed the rules of access of each institution.

§ 1º It is ensured to young black people, indigenous people and pupils from the public school the access to higher education in public institutions through affirmative policies, under the law.

§ 2º Public power will promote programmes of expansion of higher education provision in public institutions, student funding and scholarship in private institutions, particularly for young people with disabilities, black, indigenous and pupils coming from the public school.

Art. 9º The young person is entitled to vocational and technological education, articulated with the different levels and modalities of education, work, science and technology, observed legislation in force.

Art. 10. It is the duty of the state to ensure the disabled young person with free specialist educational care, preferably, in the regular educational network.

Art. 11. The right to the supplementary school transportation program that it treats art. 4º of Law No. 9,394 of December 20, 1996, will be progressively extended to the young student of elementary school, high school and higher education, in the countryside and in the city.

§ 1º (V E TA D O).

§ 2º (V E TA D O).

Art. 12. Effective participation of the youth segment, respected their freedom of organization, on the councils and deliberative instances of democratic management of schools and universities is guaranteed.

Art. 13. Schools and universities should formulate and implement measures for democratization of access and permanence, including student assistance programs, affirmative action and social inclusion for young students.

Section III

From the Right to Professionalization, to Work and to Income

Art. 14. The young man is entitled to professionalization, work and income, exercised in conditions of freedom, fairness and safety, suitably remunerated and with social protection.

Art. 15. The action of public power in the effective youth's right to professionalization, work and income contemplate the adoption of the following measures:

I-promotion of collective forms of organization for the

work, of networks of solidary economy and of free association ;

II-offer of special working journey conditions by

means of:

a) compatibilisation between work and study times ;

b) provision of the levels, forms and modalities of teaching at times that allow for the compatibility of school attendance with the regular work ;

III-special credit line creation aimed at young entrepreneurs ;

IV-preventive and repressive state acting on the exploitation and precarization of youth work ;

V-adoption of public policies aimed at the promotion of internship, learning and work for youth ;

VI-support for the young rural worker in the organization of the production of family farming and rural family endeavors, through the following actions:

a) stimulus to production and diversification of products ;

b) fosters sustainable production based on agroecology, family agroindustries, integration between crop, animal husbandry, and forest and sustainable extractivism ;

c) investment in research of technologies appropriate to family farming and rural family endeavors ;

d) stimulation of direct marketing of the production of family farming, rural family endeavors and the formation of cooperatives ;

e) warranty of basic infrastructure projects of access and production runoff, prioritizing improvement of roads and transportation ;

f) promotion of programs that favor access to credit, land, and rural technical assistance ;

VII-support for the young worker with disabilities, by means of the following actions:

a) stimulation of training and professional qualification in inclusive environment ;

b) offer of special working journey conditions ;

c) stimulation for insertion in the labour market through the apprentice condition.

Art. 16. The right to professionalization and protection in the work of adolescents aged between 15 (fifteen) and 18 (eighteen) years of age shall be governed by the provisions of Law No. 8,069 of July 13, 1990-Status of the Child and the Adolescent, and in laws specific, not applying for predicted in this Section.

Section IV

From the Right to Diversity and Equality

Art. 17. The young person is entitled to diversity and equal rights and opportunities and will not be discriminated against for the reason of:

I-ethnicity, race, color of skin, culture, origin, age and sex ;

II-sexual orientation, language or religion ;

III-opinion, disability and social or economic condition.

Art. 18. The action of public power in effecting young people's right to diversity and equality contemplate the adoption of the following measures:

I-adoption, in the federal, state, municipal and Federal District, governmental programs designed to ensure equal rights to young people of all races and ethnicities, regardless of their origin, relatively to education, professionalisation, work and income, culture, health, safety, citizenship, and access to justice ;

II-empowerment of teachers of the fundamental and medium teachings for the application of national curricular guidelines with respect to the face of all forms of discrimination ;

III-inclusion of topics on ethnic, racial, disability issues, sexual orientation, gender and domestic and sexual violence practiced against the woman in the training of education, health and safety professionals public and the operators of the right ;

IV-observance of the curricular guidelines for Indigenous education as a form of preservation of that culture ;

V-inclusion, in curricular content, of information on discrimination in Brazilian society and on the right of all groups and individuals to equal treatment before the law ; and

VI-inclusion, in curricular content, of themes related to sexuality, respecting the diversity of values and beliefs.

V Section

From the Right to Health

Art. 19. The young man is entitled to health and quality of life, considering his specificities in the dimension of prevention, promotion, protection and recovery of health integrally.

Art. 20. The public policy of attention to young people's health will be developed in line with the following guidelines:

I-universal and free access to the Single Health System-SUS and to humanized and quality health services, which respect the specifics of the young person ;

II-integral attention to health, with particular emphasis on the care and prevention of the most prevalent aggravates in young people ;

III-development of articulated actions between health services and educational establishments, society and the family, with a view to preventing aggravation ;

IV-ensuring the inclusion of topics concerning the consumption of alcohol, tobacco and other drugs, to sexual and reproductive health, with gender focus and sexual and reproductive rights in the pedagogical projects of the various levels of teaching ;

V-recognition of the impact of planned pregnancy or not, under the medical, psychological, social and economic aspects ;

VI-empowerment of health professionals, in a multiprofessional perspective, to deal with themes concerning the sexual and reproductive health of young people, including with disabilities, and to the abuse of alcohol, tobacco and other drugs by the young ;

VII-habilitation of teachers and health and social care professionals for the identification of problems related to abusive use and addiction to alcohol, tobacco and other drugs and the due-forward to services assistencial and health ;

VIII-valorisation of partnerships with civil society institutions in addressing the issues of prevention, treatment and social reinsertion of users and dependent on alcohol, tobacco and other drugs ;

IX-prohibition of liquor advertisements containing any alcoholic content with the participation of person under 18 (eighteen) years of age ;

X-vehiculation of educational campaigns relating to alcohol, tobacco and other drugs as addiction causers ; and

XI-articulation of health and justice instances in preventing the use and abuse of alcohol, tobacco and other drugs, including anabolic steroids and, especially, crack cocaine.

Section VI

From the Right to Culture

Art. 21. The young person is entitled to culture, including free creation, access to cultural goods and services and participation in cultural policy decisions, cultural identity and diversity and social memory.

Art. 22. In achieving the cultural rights of youth, it competes for public power:

I-guarantee the young person participation in the production process, redesign and fruition of cultural goods ;

II-to provide the young person with access to cultural sites and events, upon reduced prices, within national scope ;

III-encouraging the movements of young people to develop artistic-cultural activities and actions aimed at preserving historical heritage ;

IV-valuing the youth's creative capacity, upon the development of cultural programs and projects ;

V-to provide the young person with knowledge of the cultural, regional and ethnic diversity of the Country ;

VI-promoting educational and cultural programmes aimed at the problem of the young man in radio and television broadcasters and the other mass media ;

VII-promoting the digital inclusion of young people, by means of access to new information and communication technologies ;

VIII-to assure the young person of the field the right to production and cultural fruition and to public amenities that value peasant culture ; and

IX-guarantee the young person with disabilities accessibility and reasonable adaptations.

Single Paragraph. The application of the incisos I, III and VIII of the caput should observe the specific legislation on the right to professionalization and protection in the work of adolescents.

Art. 23. It is ensured to young people of up to 29 (twenty-nine) years belonging to low-income families and students, in the form of the regulation, access to cinema halls, cineclubes, theatres, musical shows and circenses, educational events, sports, leisure and entertainment, throughout the national territory, promoted by any entities and carried out in public or private establishments, upon payment of the half of the price of the ticket charged to the general public.

§ 1º The right to the benefit provided for in the caput students regularly enrolled in the levels and modalities of education and education provided for in Title V of Law No. 9,394 of December 20, 1996-Law of Guidelines and Bases of the National Education, which voucher for its dislocation condition, upon presentation, at the time of the acquisition of the ticket and the portry of the event's place of achievement, of the Student Identification Portfolio-CIE.

§ 2º The CIE will be preferred by the National Association of Postgraduate Graduates, by the National Union of Students, by the Brazilian Union of Secondary Students and by state and municipal student entities to them affiliated.

§ 3º It is guaranteed free of charge in the CIE expedition for students belonging to low-income families, under the regulation.

§ 4º The entities mentioned in § 2º of this article should make it available, for possible consultations by the public power and the establishments referred to in the caput, database with the name and registration number of the students holders of the Student Identification Portfolio, exclaimed pursuant to § 3º of this article.

§ 5º The CIE will have validity until March 31 of the year subsequent to the date of its expedition.

§ 6º The entities mentioned in § 2º of this article are required to maintain the commotion document of the student's bond with the school establishment, by the same period of validity of the respective Student Identification Portfolio.

§ 7º Caberá to the relevant federal, state, municipal and federal public bodies to monitor compliance with the provisions of this article and the implementation of the enforceable sanctions under the Regulation.

§ 8º The benefits provided for in this article will not focus on the sporting events of which they treat Leis No. 12,663, June 5, 2012, and 12,780, of January 9, 2013.

§ 9º It is deemed to be low income, for the purposes of the caput, the family entered in the Single Cadastro for Social Programs of the Federal Government-CadSingle whose monthly income is up to 2 (two) minimum wages.

§ 10. The grant of the benefit of the half-entry that treats the caput is limited to 40% (forty per cent) of the total tickets available for each event.

Art. 24. The public power will, within the framework of the respective budgets, financial resources for the promotion of cultural projects aimed at young people and for them produced.

Art. 25. In the allocation of resources of the National Cultural Fund-FNC, of which it treats Law No. 8,313 of December 23, 1991, will be considered the specific needs of young people in relation to the broadening of access to culture and improving conditions for the exercise of the protagonism in the field of cultural production.

Single Paragraph. Physical or legal persons will be able to opt for the application of tax plots on income from donations or sponsorships, of which it treats Law No. 8,313 of December 23, 1991, in support of cultural projects submitted by entities juvenile legally constituted there are at least 1 (one) year.

Section VII

From the Right to Communication and to Freedom of Expression

Art. 26. The young man is entitled to communication and free expression, to the production of content, individual and collaborative, and to access to information and communication technologies.

Art. 27. The action of public power in the effective youth's right to communication and freedom of expression contemplate the adoption of the following measures:

I-encourage educational and cultural programmes aimed at young people at radio and television broadcasters and in the other mass media ;

II-promote the digital inclusion of young people, by means of access to new information and communication technologies ;

III-promoting the networks and communication platforms of young people, considering accessibility for young people with disabilities ;

IV-encourage the creation and maintenance of public equipment aimed at promoting the right of the young to communication ; and V-ensuring accessibility to communication by means of assistive technologies and reasonable adaptations to the young people with disabilities.

Section VIII

From the Right to Sport and to Lazer

Art. 28. The young man is entitled to sports practice aimed at his full development, with priority for participation sport.

Single Paragraph. The right to sport practice of adolescents should consider their peculiar condition of person in development.

Art. 29. Public policy on sport and leisure intended for the young person should consider:

I-the realization of official diagnostic and statistical studies about physical education and sports and leisure equipment in Brazil ;

II-the adoption of tax incentive law for the sport, with criteria that prioritize youth and promote equity ;

III-the valorisation of sport and the for educational sport ;

IV-the provision of community equipment that allows for the

sports, cultural and leisure practice.

Art. 30. All schools should seek at least one appropriate location for the practice of political activities.

Section IX

From Right to Territory and Mobility

Art. 31. The young man is entitled to territory and mobility, including the promotion of public policies of housing, circulation and public equipment, in the countryside and in the city.

Single Paragraph. The youth with disabilities must be guaranteed the accessibility and necessary adaptations.

Art. 32. In the interstate collective transportation system, you will observe, under the specific legislation:

I-the reservation of 2 (two) free vacancies per vehicle for low-income young people ;

II-the reservation of 2 (two) vacancies per vehicle at a discount of 50% (fifty per cent), at the very least, in the value of the passages, for low-income young people, to be used after exhausted the vacancies provided for in inciso I.

Single Paragraph. The procedures and criteria for the exercise of the rights provided for in incisos I and II shall be defined in regulation.

Art. 33. The Union shall make efforts, in conjunction with the States, the Federal District and the Municipalities, to promote the provision of subsidized public transport for young people, with priority for young people in poverty and vulnerability, in the form of regulation

X Section

From the Right to Sustainability and the Environment

Art. 34. The young person is entitled to sustainability and to the ecologically balanced environment, well of common use of the people, essential to the sadia quality of life, and the duty to defend it and preserve it for the present and future generations.

Art. 35. The state will promote, at all levels of education, environmental education aimed at preserving the environment and sustainability, in accordance with the National Environment Policy.

Art. 36. In the elaboration, implementation and evaluation of public policies that incorporate the environmental dimension, the public power should consider:

I-the stimulation and strengthening of organizations, movements, networks and other youth collectives that act within the framework of environmental issues and for the sake of sustainable development ;

II-the encouragement of youth participation in the drafting of public environmental policies ;

III-the creation of environmental education programs aimed at young people ; and

IV-the encouragement of youth participation in work and income generation projects aimed at sustainable development in rural and urban areas.

Single Paragraph. The application of the provisions in the inciso IV of the caput should observe specific legislation on the right to professionalization and protection in the work of adolescents.

Section XI

From the Right to Public Safety and Access to Justice

Art. 37. All young people are entitled to live in a safe environment, without violence, with a guarantee of their physical and mental inColumnation, and assure them of equal opportunities and facilities for their intellectual, cultural and cultural improvement. social.

Art. 38. Public safety policies aimed at young people should articulate actions of the Union, States, the Federal District and the Municipalities and non-governmental actions, having by guidelines:

I-the integration with the other policies aimed at youth ;

II-the prevention and confrontation of violence ;

III-the promotion of studies and research and the achievement of relevant statistics and information to subsidize public safety actions and allow for periodic evaluation of the impacts of public policies on causes, the consequences and the frequency of violence against young people ;

IV-the prioritization of actions aimed at young people in risk situation, social vulnerability and egresses of the national penitentiary system ;

V-the promotion of the effective access of young people to Public Defensoria, considering the specificities of the juvenile condition ; and

VI-the promotion of the effective access of young people with disabilities to justice on equal terms with the other persons, including by provision of appropriate procedural adaptations to their age.





Art. 39. The National Youth System-SINAJUVE, whose composition, organization, competence and operation will be defined in regulation is hereby established.

Art. 40. The financing of the actions and activities carried out within the Sinajuve framework will be defined in regulation.



Art. 41. It is for the Union:

I-formulate and coordinate the implementation of the National Youth Policy ;

II-coordinate and maintain the Sinajuve ;

III-establish guidelines on the organization and operation of the Sinajuve ;

IV-elaborating the National Youth Policy Plan, in partnership with the States, the Federal District, Municipalities and society, in particular youth ;

V-convene and carry out, in conjunction with the National Youth Council, the National Youth Conferences, with a maximum range of 4 (four) years ;

VI-provide technical assistance and financial supplementation to the States, the Federal District and the Municipalities for the development of their youth systems ;

VII-contribute to Sinajuve's network qualification and action on all of the Federation's loved ones ;

VIII-finance, with the other federated ones, the execution of public youth policies ;

IX-establish forms of collaboration with the States, the Federal District and the Municipalities for the implementation of public youth policies ; and

X-guarantee the advertising of information on resource repasses for funding of youth public policies to state councils and managers, the Federal District and municipal.

Art. 42. It is incumbent on States:

I-co-ordinate, in a state-wide, Sinajuve ;

II-draw up the respective state plans of youth, in accordance with the National Plan, with the participation of the society, in particular of youth ;

III-create, develop and maintain programs, actions and projects for the execution of public youth policies ;

IV-convene and carry out, in conjunction with the State Youth Council, the Youth State Conferences, with a maximum range of 4 (four) years ;

V-edit complementary standards for the organization and operation of Sinajuve, in both state and municipal level ;

VI-establish with the Union and Municipalities forms of collaboration for the implementation of public youth policies ; and

VII-co-financing, with the other federated ones, the execution of programs, actions and projects of public youth policies.

Single Paragraph. They will be included in the demographic census data concerning the young population of the Country

Art. 43. It competes for Municipalities:

I-coordinate, in municipal scope, the Sinajuve ;

II-draw up the respective municipal youth plans, in accordance with the respective National and State Plans, with the participation of the society, in particular of youth ;

III-create, develop and maintain programs, actions and projects for the execution of public youth policies ;

IV-convene and carry out, in conjunction with the Municipal Youth Council, the Municipal Youth Conferences, with a maximum range of 4 (four) years ;

V-edit complementary standards for the organization and operation of the Sinajuve, in municipal scope ;

VI-cofinance, with the other federated ones, the execution of programs, actions and projects of the youth public policies ; and

VII-establish mechanisms for cooperation with States and the Union for the implementation of public youth policies.

Single Paragraph. To ensure the federative articulation with a view to the effective compliance with public youth policies, Municipalities may institute the consortia of which it treats Law No. 11,107 of April 6, 2005 or any other legal instrument suitable, as a way of sharing responsibilities.

Art. 44. The competencies of the States and Municipalities are allocated, cumulatively, to the Federal District.



Art. 45. Youth councils are permanent and autonomous bodies, not jurisdictional, in charge of dealing with the public policies of youth and the guarantee of the exercise of the youth's rights, with the following objectives:

I-assist in the elaboration of public youth policies that promote the broad exercise of the rights of young people established in this Act ;

II-use instruments in such a way as to seek the state to guarantee young people the exercise of their rights ;

III-collaborate with the administration's organs in planning and implementing youth policies ;

IV-study, analyse, elaborate, discuss and propose the celebration of cooperation instruments, aiming at the elaboration of programmes, projects and actions aimed at youth ;

V-promote the realization of studies concerning youth, objecting to subsidizing the planning of youth public policies ;

VI-study, analyse, elaborate, discuss and propose public policies that allow and ensure the integration and participation of the young person in the social, economic, political and cultural processes in the respective federated one ;

VII-propose the creation of forms of youth participation in the organs of public administration ;

VIII-promote and participate in seminars, courses, congresses and events correlation for the discussion of topics concerning youth ;

IX-develop other activities related to the public policies of youth.

§ 1º The law, in federal, state, federal and municipal district, will have on the organization, operation and composition of youth councils, observed participation of civil society upon criterion, at the very least, parity with the representatives of the public power.

§ 2º (V E TA D O).

Art. 46. They are the assignments of youth councils:

I-refer to the Public Prosecutor's Office in fact that constitutes administrative or criminal infringement against the rights of the youth guaranteed in the legislation ;

II-refer to the judicial authority the cases of its competence ;

III-expedition notifications ;

IV-request information from public authorities ;

V-advising the local Executive Power in the elaboration of the plans, programs, projects, actions and budget proposal of public youth policies.

Art. 47. Without prejudice to the tasks of youth councils with respect to the rights provided for in this Statute, it is up to the rights councils of the child and the teen to deliberate and to control actions at all levels concerning adolescents with age between 15 (fifteen) and 18 (eighteen) years.

Art. 48. This Act comes into force after decorates 180 (one hundred and eighty) days of its official publication.

Brasilia, August 5, 2013 ; 192º of Independence and 125º of the Republic.


Jose Eduardo Cardozo

Antonio de Aguiar Patriota

Guido Mantega

César Borges

Mercadante Aloizio

Manoel Days

Alexandre Rocha Santos Padilha

Miriam Belchior

Paulo Bernardo Silva

Tereza Campello

Marta Suplicy

Izabella Mónica Vieira Teixeira

Aldo Rebelo

Gilberto Jose Spier Vargas

Aguinaldo Ribeiro

Gilberto Carvalho

Louis Inácio Lucena Adams

Luiza Helena of Neighborhoods

Eleonora Menicucci de Oliveira

Maria of the Rosary Nunes