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Decree No. 5353, 24 January 2005

Original Language Title: Decreto nº 5.353, de 24 de Janeiro de 2005

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DECREE NO 5,353 OF January 24, 2005

Provides on the competence, composition, operation and structuring of the National Industrial Development Board-CNDI, and gives other arrangements.

THE PRESIDENT OF THE REPUBLIC, in the use of the attribution conferring you the art. 84, incisos IV and VI, paragraph "a", of the Constitution, and in view of the provisions of the art. 18 of Law No. 11,080 of December 30, 2004,


Art. 1º The National Council for Industrial Development-CNDI, the collegiate body, linked to the Presidency of the Republic, has as an allocation to propose to the President of the Republic national policies and specific measures aimed at promoting the industrial development of the Country.

Art. 2º Competes to CNDI:

I-subsidise, upon propositions submitted to the Presidency of the Republic, the formulation and implementation of public policies aimed at industrial development, in line with foreign trade policies and science and technology, in order to meet, among others:

a) to the development and promotion of industrial production ;

b) to the infrastructure activities supporting production and marketing ;

c) to the standardization of measures that allow greater competitiveness of the companies that make up the industrial sector.

d) the most consistent and lasting financing of entrepreneurial activities ; and

e) for maintenance, in articulation with States, the Federal District and Municipalities, of efficient and sustainable industrial development, foreign trade and science and technology development programs ;

II-propose goals and priorities of government regarding Industrial, Technological and Foreign Trade Policy (PITCE), indicating the respective means and resources to achieve them with instrument specifications ;

III-propose strategies for monitoring, monitoring and evaluation of PITCE, as well as participation, in the deliberative process, of qualified agents to formulate policies related to development and foster industrial ; and

IV-proposing to conduct studies, debates and research on the implementation and strategic results achieved by the programmes developed by public power in the areas of industrial development, foreign trade and science and technology.

Art. 3º The CNDI will consist of fourteen advisers, who will represent civil society, and the following Ministers of State and Chairman of entity:

I-from Development, Industry and Exterior Trade ;

II-Head of the Civil House of the Presidency of the Republic ;

III-of Science and Technology ;

IV-da Fazenda ;

V-of foreign affairs ;

VI-of Planning, Budget and Management ;

VII-of National Integration ;

VIII-of the Environment ;

IX-of Mines and Energy ;

X-of Agriculture, Livestock and Supply ;

XI-from Work and Employment ;

XII-of Transport ;

XIII-Head of the Secretariat-General of the Presidency of the Republic ; and

XIV-National Bank for Economic Development and Social-BNDES.

§ 1º The CNDI will be chaired by the Minister of State for Development, Industry and Foreign Trade.

§ 2º The representatives of the civil society of which it treats the caput will be designated by the President of the Republic for a period of two years, permitted for re-driving.

§ 3º Poor shall be invited to participate in CNDI meetings, without a right to vote, holders of other public or private bodies or entities, as well as persons representing civil society, whenever the tariff finds subjects of his acting area, or the judgment of the President of the Council.

§ 4º The CNDI shall deliberate upon resolutions, by an absolute majority, by obeying the minimum quorum of two-thirds of its members, with the Chair being given the quality vote.

§ 5º The internal regiment and the supplementary standards will be submitted to the CNDI, upon a proposal from the Ministry of Development, Industry and Foreign Trade, and approved by an absolute majority.

§ 6º CNDI meetings will be convened by the Minister of State for Development, Industry and Exterior Trade, in advance of fifteen days.

Art. 4º The CNDI will contain a General Secretariat, to be exercised by administrative unit among the existing ones in the structure of the Ministry of Development, Industry and Foreign Trade, with the following assignments:

I-promote the administrative support and means necessary for the implementation of the work of the CNDI ;

II-provide direct assistance to the President of the CNDI ;

III-prepare the CNDI meetings as well as to wash their respective minutes ;

IV-prepare and maintain the file of the CNDI documentation ; and

V-monitor the progress and implementation of the CNDI propositions, forwarded to the competent bodies.

Art. 5º The members of the CNDI will not perceive remuneration for the performance of the duties of counsellors, considering themselves as relevant public services.

Art. 6º This Decree shall enter into force on the date of its publication.

Brasilia, January 24, 2005 ; 184º of Independence and 117º of the Republic.


Strong Marcio of Almeida