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Law No. 11064, Of 30 December 2004

Original Language Title: Lei nº 11.064, de 30 de Dezembro de 2004

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LEI No. 11,064, DE December 30, 2004

Change the Defense Program of the Legal Order constant of the Pluriannual Plan for the period 2004-2007.

THE PRESIDENT OF THE REPUBLIC I do know that the National Congress decrees and I sanction the following Law:

Art. 1º The Multiannual Plan for the quadrienium 2004-2007, approved by Law No. 10,933 of August 11, 2004, passes on incorporating the constant changes of this Act.

Art. 2º It shall be amended the Defence Programme of the Legal Order, as set out in Annex II to Law No 10,933 of 2004, in the form of the Annex to this Act.

Art. 3º This Act shall enter into force on the date of its publication.

Brasilia, December 30, 2004 ; 183º of Independence and 116º of the Republic.


Machado Nelson