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Decree No. 8149, Of 10 December 2013

Original Language Title: Decreto nº 8.149, de 10 de dezembro de 2013

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DECREE NO 8,149, DE December 10, 2013

Amend Decree No. 4,376 of September 13, 2002, which has on the organization and operation of the Brazilian Intelligence System.

THE VICE PRESIDENT OF THE REPUBLIC, in the exercise of the post of CHAIRMAN OF THE REPUBLIC, in the use of the attribution conferring you the art. 84, caput, inciso VI, paragraph "a", of the Constitution,

D E C R E T A:

Art. 1º The Decree No. 4,376 of September 13, 2002, passes vigorously with the following changes:

" Art. 4º ..........................................................................................................


XV-Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Supply, through its Secretariat-Executiva;


XVII-Ministry of Transport, through its Executive Secretariat and the National Department of Transportation Infrastructure-DNIT ;

XVIII-Ministry of Mines and Power, through its Secretariat-Executiva; and

XIX-Ministry of Communications, through its Executive Officer.

......................................................................................................... " (NR)

Art. 2º This Decree shall enter into force on the date of its publication.

Brasilia, December 10, 2013 ; 192º of Independence and 125º of the Republic.


Jose Eduardo Cardozo

Celso Luiz Nunes Amorim

Eduardo dos Santos

Roberto Sebastião Peternelli Junior