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Decree No. 6.690, Of December 11, 2008

Original Language Title: Decreto nº 6.690, de 11 de Dezembro de 2008

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DECREE NO 6,690, DE December 11, 2008.

Institut the Extension Program of Licence to the Gestante and the Adotant, sets out the criteria for joining the Program and gives other arrangements.

THE PRESIDENT OF THE REPUBLIC, in the use of the attribution conferring you the art. 84, inciso IV, of the Constitution, and in view of the provisions of art. 2o of Law no 11,770, September 9, 2008,


Art. 1o It is hereby instituted, within the framework of the direct federal Public Administrati municipal and founder, the Program of Prolongation of the License to the Gestante and the Adotant.

Art. 2o Will be benefited by the Program of Extension of the License to Gestante and to Adopted federal public servings packed or in exercise in the organs and entities of the direct, municipal, and founder federal public administration.

§ 1o The extension will be guaranteed to the public servant who requires the benefit up to the final of the first month after the birth and will be duration of sixty

§ 2o The extension referred to in § 1the shall commenger on the subsequent day to the termination of the duration of the licence provided for 207 of Law no 8,112, of December 11, 1990, or the benefit of which it treats art. 71 of Law no 8,213, of July 24, 1991.

§ 3o The benefit to which they make jus the public servings mentioned in the caput will be also guaranteed to whom to adopt or obtain judicial custody for child adoption purposes, in the following proportion:

I-for public servings in enjoyment of the benefit that it treats art. 71-A of Law No. 8,213, 1991:

a) sixty days, in the case of child of up to one year old ;

b) thirty days, in the case of a child of more than one and less than four years of age ; and

c) fifteen days, in the case of child of four to eight years of age.

II-for public servings in enjoyment of the benefit of which it treats art. 210 of Law No. 8,112, 1990:

a) forty-five days, in the case of child of up to one year of age ; and

b) fifteen days, in the case of child with more than one year old.

§ 4o For the purposes of the provisions of § 3o, inciso II, paragraph?b?, consider child the person of up to twelve years of uncompleted age, in the terms of art. 2o of Law no 8,069, of July 13, 1990.

§ 5o The extension of the licence will be cost-cost with National Treasury appeal.

Art. 3o In the period of leave-maternity and licence to the adopter that it treats this Decree, the public servings referred to in art. 2the shall not be able to exercise any paid activity and the child shall not be able to be held in daycare or similar organization.

Single Paragraph. In case of the occurrence of any of the situations provided for in the caput, the beneficiary shall forfeit the right to extension, without prejudice to due rearson to the eryary.

Art. 4o The server in enjoyment of maternity leave on date of publication of this Decree may apply for the extension of the licence, provided that it is required up to thirty days after that date.

Art. 5o This Decree applies to the public servant that has its period of permit-maternity completed between September 10, 2008 and the date of publication of this Decree.

Single Paragraph. The public servant mentioned in the caput shall be entitled to the enjoyment of the licence for the days corresponding to the extension, as the case may be.

Art. 6o The Ministry of Planning, Budget and Management will be able to expedite standards additional to run this Decree.

Art. 7o This Decree goes into effect on the date of its publication.

Brasilia, December 11, 2008 ; 187o of Independence and 120the of the Republic.


André Peixoto Figueiredo Lima

Jose Gomes Tembasement

Paulo Bernardo Silva