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Legislative Decree No 266, Of 29 June 2006

Original Language Title: Decreto Legislativo nº 266, de 29 de junho de 2006

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I do know that the National Congress has approved, and I, Renan Calheiros, President of the Federal Senate, in the terms of art. 48, inciso XXVIII, of the Rules of Procedure, promulgated the following


Approves the act that outorship permission to continental COMUNICAÇons ltda. to explore sound radio broadcasting service in modulated frequency in the city of Mirassol D' West, State of Mato Grosso.

The National Congress decrees:

Art. 1º It is approved the act referred to in Portaria No. 175 of June 4, 2003, which outorga permission for Continental Communications Ltda. to explore, for 10 (ten) years, without a right of exclusivity, frequently modulated sound broadcasting service in the city of Mirassol D' West, State of Mato Grosso.

Art. 2º This Legislative Decree goes into effect on the date of its publication.

Federal Senate, on June 29, 2006.

Senator Renan Calheiros

President of the Federal Senate