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Decree No. 7375, 29 November 2010

Original Language Title: Decreto nº 7.375, de 29 de Novembro de 2010

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DECREE NO 7,375, DE November 29, 2010.

Approves the Global Dispension Program- PDG for 2011 of federal state-owned enterprises, and gives other provider.

THE PRESIDENT OF THE REPUBLIC, in the use of the attribution that confers you the art. 84, inciso VI, point?a?, of the Constitution,


Art. 1the It gets approved the Global Dispendiums Program-PDG of state-owned enterprises federal, for the financial year 2011, as shown by Company constants listed in Annex I.

Art. 2° The state-owned enterprises to which art refers. 1the should:

I-generate, in the implementation of PDG, in the financial year 2011, the results set out in Annex II, calculated second the criterion of need for net financing ; and

II-refer to the Department of Coordination and Governance of State Companies, Ministry of Planning, Budget and Management, through the respective supervisor Ministry, using the Statal Information System-SIEST, the monthly breakdown of PDG/2011, within the maximum period of sixty days, counted from the date of publication of this Decree, taking on the basis, in respect of the heading?Investments?, the values set out in the draft annual budget bill for 2011.

Art. 3o State-owned enterprises, the one that refers to art. 1o, you will be able to refer to the Department of Coordination and Governance of State Enterprises, through the respective supervisor Ministry, using SIEST, by September 20, 2011, proposals for opening additional credits to the investment budget for 2011 and reprogramming of the PDG for 2011, accompanied by detailed justifications on the main requested changes.

Art. 4o Stay the Department of Coordination and Governance of State Companies authorized to:

I-suit the PDG of state-owned enterprises, which:

a) come to have their investment budget constant from the draft annual budget bill to 2011 amended by parliamentary amendment, to approved values ; and

b) receive resources from the fiscal and social security budgets, to the limit of the additional credits that will come to be approved for those budgets, as well as for the investment budget ; and

II-to, by November 30, 2011, redeployments of values between the various headings of the PDG, except in the investment heading, provided that they do not involve alteration of the overall limit on expenditures and resources set for each company, as well as the primary result target to which the inciso I of the art is mentioned. 2o.

Art. 5o The execution of the projects approved in the investment budget for 2011, to the account of?Resources for Augmentation of Net-Treasury Heritage?, is conditional on the effective release of financial resources by the National Treasury.

Art. 6o This Decree goes into effect on the date of its publication.

Brasilia, November 29, 2010 ; 189th of the Independence 122 of the Republic.


Paulo Bernardo Silva