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Decree No. 4420, Of 11 October 2002

Original Language Title: Decreto nº 4.420, de 11 de Outubro de 2002

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DECREE NO 4,420, DE October 11, 2002

Approves the Regimental Framework and the Framework Demonstrative of the Cargos in Commission and the Gratified Functions of the Ministry of Welfare and Social Assistance, and gives other arrangements.

THE PRESIDENT OF THE REPUBLIC, in the use of the assignments conferring you the art. 84, incisos IV and VI, point?a?, of the Constitution,

D E C R E T A:

Art. 1º Stay approved the Regimental Structure and the Demonstrative Framework of the Cargos in Commission and the Gratified Functions of the Ministry of Welfare and Social Assistance, in the form of the Annexes I and II to this Decree.

Art. 2º As a result of the provisions of the art. 1º, stay remanded, in the form of Annex III to this Decree, the following posts in Committee of the Group-Direction and Superior aides-DAS:

I-from the Office of Management, the Ministry of Planning, Budget and Management, coming from extinct organs of the Federal Public Administration, for the Ministry of Social Welfare and Social Assistance, a DAS 101.5 ; four DAS 101.4 ; seven DAS 101.3 ; two DAS 102.2 ; and five DAS 102.1 ; and

II-from the Ministry of Social Welfare and Social Assistance to the Office of Management, Ministry of Planning, Budget and Management, a DAS 102.5 ; four DAS 102.4 ; seven DAS 102.3 ; two DAS 101.2 ; and five DAS 101.1.

Art. 3º The apostillations arising from the approval of the Regimental Structure of which it treats the art. 1º should occur within the period of twenty days, counted from the date of publication of this Decree.

Single Paragraph. After the apostillations provided for in the caput of this article, the Minister of State for Welfare and Social Assistance will make publication, in the Official Journal of the Union, within sixty days, counted from the date of publication of this Decree, nominal relationship of the holders of the posts in committee of the Group-Direction and Higher Advisory-DAS, referred to in Annex II, indicating, inclusive, the number of vacant posts, their denomination and their level.

Art. 4º The internal regiments of the organs of the Ministry of Social Welfare and Social Assistance will be approved by the Minister of State and published in the Official Journal of the Union, within ninety days, counted from the date of publication of this Decree.

Art. 5º This Decree shall enter into force on the date of its publication.

Art. 6º It shall be repealed Decree No 4,259 of June 5, 2002.

Brasilia, October 11, 2002 ; 181ºda Independence and 114ºda Republic.


Guilherme Gomes Dias

Joha Ness Eck