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Decree No. 7989, Of 22 April 2013

Original Language Title: Decreto nº 7.989, de 22 de abril de 2013

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DECREE N °-7,989, DE April 22, 2013

Amend the Decree No. 4,418 of October 11, 2002 approving the Social Statute of the National Economic and Social Development Bank-BNDES.

THE PRESIDENT OF THE REPUBLIC, in the use of the assignments that confers him on art. 84, caput, incisos IV and VI, paragraph "a", of the Constitution, and in view of the provisions of the art. 2º, single paragraph, of Law No. 5,662 of June 21, 1971,

D E C R E T A:

Art. 1º The Social Statute of the National Economic and Social Development Bank-BNDES, approved by Decree No. 4,418 of October 11, 2002, passes vigorously with the following changes:

" Art. 14. The BNDES will be run by a Board composed of the President, Vice President and seven Directors, all appointed by the President of the Republic and demissables ad nutum.


§ 4º Act of the President of the BNDES shall designate a Director, among the Directors referred to in the caput, as responsible for the matters concerning Latin America, the Caribbean and Africa.

§ 5º The designation that it treats § 4º does not exclude the rule of deliberation provided for in § 1º of the art. 16 for the subjects mentioned in § 4º. " (NR)

Art. 2º This Decree shall enter into force on the date of its publication.

Brasilia, April 22, 2013 ; 192º of Independence and 125º of the Republic.


Fernando Damata Pimentel