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Act 542

Original Language Title: Ley 542

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law No. 542

LAW OF JULY 3, 2014



For the Plurinational Legislative Assembly, it has The following Act:


D E C R E T A:

Single Article. In accordance with Article 158, Paragraph I number 13, of the Constitution of the State,

the disposal, in compensation for expropriation, of the lot of land N ° 1 of 202,00 square meters of surface, located in the Rincon-La Portada area of La Paz, a surface that must be limited to a larger area of 5,516.75 square meters, owned by the Autonomous Municipal Government of La Paz, inscribed in Real Rights with Folio Real N °, whose colindances are: to the North, with the street Italy of 4 meters wide of via; to the South, with the United Nations Avenue of 11 meters wide of via; to the East, with the street without name of 4 meters wide of via; and to the West, with the United Nations Avenue of 11 meters wide of via; in favor of Anastacio Callisaya Mamani, represented legally by Antonia Callisaya Mamani, in accordance with the provisions of the Municipal Ordinance No 75/92 of 4 December 1992 and No 021/2011 of 24 March 2011.

Remit to the Executive Body for constitutional purposes.

It is given in the Session Room of the Plurinational Legislative Assembly, at the seventeenth day of June of the

year two thousand fourteen.

Fdo. Eugenio Rojas Aapza, Marcelo William Elio Chavez, Efrain Condori Lopez, Marcelo E. Antezana Ruiz,

Carlos Aparicio Vedia, Angel David Cortes Villegas.

Therefore, it is enacted to have and comply with the Law of the Plurinational State of Bolivia.

Palace of Government of the city of La Paz, three days of the month of July of the year two thousand fourteen.

FDO. EVO MORALES AYMA, Juan Ramon Quintana Taborga, Claudia Stacy Peña Claros, Amanda Davila Torres.