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Law 662

Original Language Title: Ley 662

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law n ° 662

LAW OF MARCH 10, 2015



For the Plurinational Legislative Assembly, it has The following Act:


D E C R E T A:

ONLY ARTICLE. In accordance with Article 158, Paragraph I numeral 13, of the Political Constitution of the

State, the disposal is approved free of charge, of a lot of land owned by the Autonomous Government of San Lucas of the Department of Chuquisaca, with an area of 1,909.91 square meters (m2), located in Libertadores Avenue of America, San Francisco neighborhood, of the Urban Radio of Padcoyo, registered in the office of Real Rights of Camargo, under the Computerized registration number, whose colindances are: to the North, with the property of Francisco Villca and Tiburcio Centurio; to the East, with Libertadores Avenue of America; to the South with the property of Justino Villca; and to the West, with the property of Justino Villca and the street 10; in favor of Oilfields Fiscal Bolivians? YPFB, with exclusive destination for the construction of the Padcoyo Service Station, as set out in the Municipal Ordinance No 98/2013, dated October 2, 2013.

Remit to the Executive Body, for constitutional purposes.

It is given in the Session Room of the Plurinational Legislative Assembly, five days of the month of March of the year

two thousand fifteen.

Fdo. Jose Alberto Gonzales Samaniego, Victor Ezequiel Borda Belzu, Ruben Medinaceli Ortiz, Maria Argene

Simoni Cuellar, Nelly Lenz Roso, A. Claudia Torrez Diez.

Therefore, it is enacted to have and comply with the Law of the Plurinational State of Bolivia.

Palace of Government of the city of La Paz, ten days of the month of March of the year two thousand fifteen.

FDO. EVO MORALES AYMA, Juan Ramón Quintana Taborga, Félix César Navarro Miranda MINISTER OF MINING AND METALLURGY AND ACTING OF HYDROCARBONS AND ENERGY, Hugo José Siles Núñez del Prado.