- Carrefour Bank of Legislation 15 DECEMBER 2013. - Act respecting various provisions on agriculture (1)
PHILIPPE, King of the Belgians,
To all, present and to come, Hi.
The Chambers adopted and We sanction the following:
er. - General provision
Article 1
er. This Act regulates a matter referred to in Article 78 of the Constitution
CHAPTER 2. - SPF Public Health, Food Chain and Environment Safety - DG Animals, Plants and Food
Setion 1
re. - Amendment of the Act of 2 April 1971 on the Control of Plant and Plant Pests
Art. 2. In article 9, paragraph 1
er, from the Act of April 2, 1971 on the Control of Plant and Plant Pests, as amended by the Act of December 22, 2008, the word "denaturated" is inserted between the word "detruits," and the word "treated".
Setion 2. - Amendment of the Act of 23 March 1998 on the establishment of a Budget Fund for the Health and Quality of Animals and Animals
Art. 3. Section 4 of the Act of 23 March 1998 on the establishment of a Budget Fund for the Health and Quality of Animals and Animals, as amended by the Act of 22 December 2003, is supplemented by a paragraph, which reads as follows:
"The King shall, by order deliberately in the Council of Ministers, determine which income or income may be refunded without interest after notice from the Board of the Fund. ".
Setion 3. - Confirmation of Royal Orders
Art. 4. Confirmed with effect on the date of their respective entry into force:
1° the Royal Decree of March 28, 2012 amending the Royal Decree of November 13, 2011 setting out the contributions and contributions due to the Budget Fund for raw materials and products;
2° the Royal Decree of 19 February 2013 amending the Royal Decree of 5 December 2004 setting out the temporary crisis contributions due by potato producers for compensation for losses incurred as a result of measures taken against pests;
3° the Royal Decree of April 24, 2013 amending the Royal Decree of November 13, 2011 fixing the contributions and contributions due to the Budget Fund for raw materials and products
Setion 4. - Amendment to the Royal Decree of 24 June 1997 on mandatory contributions to the Animal Health and Production Fund, set for the poultry sector
Art. 5. Article 2, § 1
er, of the Royal Decree of 24 June 1997 on mandatory contributions to the Health and Production of Animals Fund, replaced by the Act of 22 December 2008, set for the poultry sector, is supplemented by the 19th and 20th written as follows:
"19° those responsible for breeding poultry farms authorized by the AFSCA pay an annual fee of 0.24 euro per breeding female, set up during the previous calendar year, and as long as the animals remain in Belgium after the deck stage;
20° those responsible for farms for rent poultry for the production of consumption eggs registered or authorized by the AFSCA pay an annual fee of €0.075 per animal set up during the previous calendar year, and as long as the animals remain in Belgium after they have been raised to the stage of the bridge. ".
Art. 6. Section 5 comes into force on 1
er January 2014.
CHAPTER 3. - Federal Agency for Food Chain Safety
Setion 1
re. - Amendments to the Royal Decree of February 22, 2001 organizing the controls carried out by the Federal Agency for the Safety of the Food Chain and amending various legal provisions
Art. 7. In Article 3 of the Royal Decree of February 22, 2001 organizing the controls carried out by the Federal Agency for the Safety of the Food Chain and amending various legal provisions, confirmed by the law of July 19, 2001 and amended by the laws of December 22, 2003, 1
er March 2007 and 29 March 2012, a paragraph 1/1 is inserted, as follows:
§ 1/1. Statutory and contractual agents of the common services who enter into a contract with the Agency, whose terms and conditions are defined by order deliberately in the Council of Ministers, are competent to exercise control over the following provisions, provided that this control is limited to the retail sector:
1° the Act of 5 September 1952 on the expertise and trade of meats and its enforcement orders;
2° the Act of 15 April 1965 concerning the expertise and trade of fish, poultry, rabbits and game and amending the Act of 5 September 1952 on the expertise and trade of meats and its enforcement orders;
3° the Act of 24 January 1977 on the Protection of Consumer Health in respect of foodstuffs and other products and its enforcement orders, provided that they relate to hygiene, tobacco use in public places, labelling and composition of foodstuffs and other products that may be found in the food chain;
4° Regulation (EC) No 852/2004 of the European Parliament and Council of 29 April 2004 concerning the hygiene of foodstuffs;
5° Regulation (EC) No 853/2004 of the European Parliament and Council of 29 April 2004 establishing specific rules of hygiene applicable to foodstuffs of animal origin;
6° the decrees taken in execution of articles 3bis and 4, § 3, of this decree.
The conditions to be met by statutory and contractual agents of the common services in order to exercise these competencies shall be determined by order deliberately in the Council of Ministers. "
Art. 8. Article 6, § 3, of the same order, as amended by the law of 30 December 2001, is supplemented by a paragraph written as follows:
"When the products are to be destroyed, denaturated, processed or rendered unfit for the use to which they were normally intended, the owner, or otherwise the holder, of these products shall communicate to the Agency, within a time limit fixed by the verbalizing agent, the chosen action as well as the method and time limit. The chosen action shall be implemented, after agreement of the Agency, according to the method and within the time provided. "
Setion 2. - Amendment of the Act of 4 February 2000 on the Establishment of the Federal Agency for Food Chain Security
Art. 9. In Article 6 of the Act of 4 February 2000 on the establishment of the Federal Agency for Food Chain Security, amended by the laws of 13 July 2001 and 24 December 2002, §§ 1
er to 4 are replaced by the following:
§ 1
er. The Agency's day-to-day management is entrusted to a delegated administrator. It operates the Agency. He runs the staff. The King can also assign him specific skills.
§ 2. The delegated administrator represents the Agency in judicial and extrajudicial acts and acts validly on behalf of or on behalf of the Agency.
§ 3. The delegated administrator is assisted, where appropriate, in the course of his or her duties, by a deputy director and by a steering committee of which he or she chairs.
The deputy head belongs to the other language role as the delegated administrator. The delegated administrator and deputy managing director are part of the steering committee.
§ 4. The King sets out, by order deliberately in the Council of Ministers, the composition of the steering committee, the status and procedure for appointing the delegated administrator, if any, the deputy deputy deputy administrator and members of the steering committee."
CHAPTER 4. - Bureau d'intervention et de restitution belge
Unique setion. - Amendments to the Act of 10 November 1967 establishing the Belgian Office for Intervention and Restitution
Art. 10. Article 6ter of the Act of 10 November 1967 establishing the Belgian Office of Intervention and Restitution, coordinated by the Royal Decree of 3 February 1995, inserted by the Act of 27 December 2006, is replaced by the following:
"Art. 6ter. § 1
er. The daily management of the Belgian Office of Intervention and Restitution is entrusted to a Director General. It shall, under the authority and control of the Board of Directors, ensure the operation of that Office. He runs the staff.
§ 2. The Director-General represents the Office in judicial and extrajudicial proceedings and acts validly on behalf of or on behalf of the Office.
§ 3. The Director General is authorized, with the advice of the Board of Directors, to delegate some of the powers conferred on him and the signature of certain pieces. Only the Director General may authorize subdelegations of authority.
§ 4. The Director General is assisted, if any, in the exercise of his or her duties by an Assistant Director General.
The Deputy Director General belongs to the other language role that the Director General has. In the event of absence or incapacity of the Director General, his or her powers are exercised by the Deputy Director General. In the event of absence or incapacity of both the Director General and the Deputy Director General, their powers are exercised by the member of the Board of Directors with the most important seniority of service.
§ 5. The King sets the status of the Director General and Deputy Director General of the Belgian Office of Intervention and Restitution. "
Art. 11. Section 6quater of the Act, inserted by the Act of 27 December 2006, is replaced by the following:
"Art. 6quater. Staff members of the Office, including the Director General and the Deputy Director General, are appointed by the Board of Directors. "
Promulgate this Act, order that it be put on the State Seal and published by the Belgian Monitor.
Given in Brussels on 15 December 2013.
By the King:
Minister of Agriculture,
Seal of the state seal:
The Minister of Justice,
(1) Session 2012-2013.
House of Representatives
Documents. - 53-3047
No. 1: Bill
Number 2: Report
No. 3: Text adopted
Number 4: Report
No. 5: Text adopted
Document. - S-5-2348
N° 1: Project not mentioned