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Law Containing The General Estimates For The Fiscal Year 2014 (1)

Original Language Title: Loi contenant le budget général des dépenses pour l'année budgétaire 2014 (1)

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19 DECEMBER 2013. - Act containing the General Estimates for the Budget Year 2014 (1)

PHILIPPE, King of the Belgians,
To all, present and to come, Hi.
The House of Representatives adopted and sanctioned the following:
CHAPTER 1er. - General provisions
Art. 1-01-1
This Act regulates a matter referred to in Article 74, 3° of the Constitution.
Art. 1-01-2
The General Estimates for the 2014 Budget Year are approved in accordance with the totals of the programs in the budgets by section annexed to this Act.
Art. 1-01-3
§ 1er. - Provision for programmes related to administrative costs, known as subsistence programmes, includes:
1. Generally any remuneration and allowances of active and lay-off staff, the remuneration or wages of auxiliary staff, the allowances for higher and special duties, the intervention in public transit subscriptions, the compensation for occupational accidents - including the payment of these allowances to family members of the victim in the event of death - as well as the reduced remuneration or wages of temporary or auxiliary personnel, accidented in service.
2. Other expenses of the social service.
3. Permanent costs for non-expendable property and services:
- Lawyers and doctors fees - Civil, Administrative and Criminal Affairs Justice Expenses - Attendance fees, travel and residence fees for persons outside the State administration - Remunerations of foreign experts to the Administration and third-party benefits;
- Consumption expenses related to the occupancy of premises - including energy consumption expenses "mazout, gas, petrol, electricity, coal" - and maintenance expenses - Office fees, transport, taxes, retributions, department publications, vocational training, clothing and other small administrative expenses;
- Generally any allowances to State personnel for real expenses and material damage, transportation costs for service trips and insurance premiums from departmental delegates travelling abroad.
4. Miscellaneous operating expenses related to computing.
5. Exceptional expenses for the purchase of non-expendable goods and services, such as work and supplies for the development of new premises and moving expenses.
6. Real property rents and related taxes from the various departments of the department, paid without the intervention of the Buildings Board.
7. Other costs related to the operation of services that are detailed in the subsistence programmes.
8. Expenditures for the acquisition of non-expendable furniture: machinery, furniture, equipment and means of land transport.
9. Investment expenditures related to IT.
§ 2. By derogation from section 52, paragraph 1er, 1°, of the Act of 22 May 2003 on the organization of the budget and accounting of the federal state, the appropriations for the commitment of the basic allowances relating to remuneration and generally any allowances "11.00.03 - Final and intern staff" and "11.00.04 - Non-statutory staff" and the basic allowances 12.21.48, may be redistributed between them and exclusively among them within the same section of the budget.
This exemption does not apply to the basic allowances for the expenses of the strategic bodies of ministers and state secretaries.
§ 3. By derogation from section 52, paragraph 1er, 1°, of the Act of 22 May 2003 on the organization of the budget and accounting of the federal state, the commitment credits of the basic allowances 1100.05, 1140.05 and 4160.05 - Social service expenses - and basic allowances for operating and investment expenses provided by economic codes 12 and 74, specific or non-specific and non-subject to a subsistence program, may be redistributed to each other and exclusively within the same section of the budget.
This exemption does not apply to the basic allowances for the expenses of the strategic bodies of ministers and state secretaries or to the basic allowances 12.21.48.
§ 4. By derogation from paragraph 3, the applicable base allowances may be redistributed, within the same section of the budget, also to basic allocations 21.40.01
§ 5. By derogation from Article 52 of the Act of 22 May 2003 on the organization of the budget and accounting of the federal state and without prejudice to the provisions of §§ 2 to 4, the chair of the relevant steering committee may, after the agreement of the chair of the steering committee of the SPF Budget and Management Control, redistribute the commitment credits on the one hand and the liquidation credits on the other hand of the basic allowances. However, the proposed increases cannot exceed a maximum amount of 50,000 euros per basic allowance. Where the same basic allowance is subject to successive increases, the amounts are added for the purposes of this provision.
This exemption also applies to the Department of Defense, for which the authority assigned to the chair of the steering committee is assigned to the Chief of Defence, and to the Federal Police, for which this jurisdiction is assigned to the Commissioner General.
This exemption does not apply to the basic allowances for the expenses of the strategic bodies of ministers and state secretaries.
§ 6. By derogation from section 52, paragraph 1er, 1°, of the Act of 22 May 2003 on the organization of the budget and accounting of the federal state, the appropriations for the commitment of the basic allowances relating to the expenditure of personnel on the one hand and to the costs of operation and investment on the other hand of the strategic organs of the ministers and the secretaries of state, can be redistributed only among them within the same programme.
§ 7. 1°. By derogation from section 52, paragraph 1er, 1° and 2°, of the Act of 22 May 2003 on the organization of the budget and accounting of the Federal State, and in paragraph 2 of this article, the commitment credits of the basic allowances generally of " 11.00.03 - Final and interns statutory staff" and " 11.00.04 - Staff other than statutory staff" as well as the basic allowances 12.21.01 of sections 16 and 17 of the budget may be redistributed with the corresponding appropriations
- The above-mentioned appropriations in section 16 with the corresponding credits in activity 3 of programme 30/6 of section 01
- The above-mentioned appropriations in section 17 with the corresponding appropriations in activities 6, 7 and 8 of programme 30/6 of section 01
Two. By derogation from section 52, paragraph 1er, 1° and 2°, of the same law of 22 May 2003, and in paragraph 3 of this article, the basic allowances 1100.05, 1140.05 and 4160.05 - Social service expenditures - and basic allowances for operating and investment expenses provided by economic codes 12 and 74, whether specific or not, and whether or not under a subsistence program, sections 02, 14, 16 and 17 may be redistributed to the corresponding commitment credits of section 01, as follows:
The above-mentioned credits in section 02 with the corresponding credits of activity 1 of programme 30/6 of section 01
The above-mentioned appropriations in section 14 with the corresponding appropriations of activity 2 of programme 30/6 of section 01
The above-mentioned appropriations in section 16 with the corresponding credits in activity 3 of programme 30/6 of section 01
The above-mentioned appropriations in section 17 with the corresponding appropriations in activities 6, 7 and 8 of programme 30/6 of section 01
Three. By derogation from section 52, paragraph 1er, 1° and 2° of the same Act of 22 May 2003, the commitment credits of the basic allowances 19.55 21 61.41.03 and 19.55 22 41.40.02 may be redistributed with the corresponding commitment credits of activity 5 of programme 30/6 of section 01 and the commitment credits of the basic allowances 46.60 11 33.00.01 and 46.61 12.11.23 may be redistributed with the corresponding appropriations
Four. The credits for the liquidation of the basic allocations of this paragraph may also be redistributed mutatis mutandis under the same conditions.
§ 8. By derogation from section 52 of the Act of 22 May 2003 and paragraphs 2 and 3 of this section, redistributions are only permitted, in section 01 of the budget, within the limits of the commitment credits on the one hand and the liquidation credits on the other hand of each of the activities of program 30/6. This exemption does not apply to activities 6, 7 and 8 of the aforementioned 30/6 program that may be redistributed to each other.
Art. 1-01-4
Provision can be made to lawyers, experts and judicial officers acting on behalf of the State.
Art. 1-01-5
By derogation from Article 48, paragraph 3 of the Act of 22 May 2003 on the organization of the budget and accounting of the Federal State, subsidies may be granted, pursuant to Article 43 of the special law of 12 January 1989 on the Brussels Institutions, and in charge of the Fund for the Financing of the International Role and the Capital Function of Brussels.
CHAPTER 2. - Special provisions of departments
Section 01
Royal Family Dots and Activities
Art. 2.01.1
Within the limits of the basic allowances concerned, the following subsidies may be granted:
Grant to the ABL "Prince Laurent Foundation".
Section 02
SPF Chancellery of the Prime Minister
Art. 2.02.1
Derogation from art. 66 of the Act of 22 May 2003 on the organization of the budget and accounting of the federal state, advances of up to 250,000 euros can be made to the accountant of the SPF Chancellery of the Prime Minister.
By means of these advances, the accountant may make the payment of claims of any kind, including the purchase of tangible property, not exceeding 1,000 euros.
Art. 2.02.2
Within the limits of the basic allowances concerned, the following subsidies may be granted:
1. Subsides the International Press Centre "Residence Palace";
2. Any subsidies in the context of the information and communication missions approved by the Council of Ministers;
3. Subsides to "VOCATIO";
4. Subsides to the ABL "European Movement - Belgium";
5. Granted to the King Baudouin Foundation (Fonds Prince Philippe);
6. Subsides to the ABL "A Evening... a Seed";
7. Subsides to the ABL "Visit Brussels";
8. Subside to the ABL "Brussels major Events"
1. Subside to the Royal Theatre of the Mint;
2. Subsides to the National Orchestra of Belgium;
3. Subside at the Palais des Beaux-Arts.
Trade union bonuses.
- Subsidies to dome organizations or sustainable development networks, in particular to perform a forum function within civil society. By Community, only a coupole organization can be subsidized by the King. These organizations must meet the following conditions:
o gather the interests of its members;
o its members are themselves organizations of social interest;
o represent its members vis-à-vis the federal authority with a common position;
o focus on sustainable development as the main objective of its activities.
- Subsidies to organizations in projects and initiatives to promote, implement and support sustainable development. The King sets out the modalities to which these projects and initiatives must satisfy;
- Subsidies for the operation of foundations which, under their statutes, aim to promote sustainable development in Belgium. The King sets out the modalities to which these foundations must satisfy;
- Subsidies to federal public administrations to promote the concept of sustainable development in the federal government;
- Subsidies to international forums and organizations to promote the international process and sustainable development;
- Subsidies to local governments for the emergence of good sustainable development practices;
- Subsidies under the Energy Savings Fund;
- Subsidies to federal public administrations in support of the environmental management system and the impact assessment of decisions on sustainable development;
- Subsides reducing interest in the Energy Savings Fund;
- Subsidies to the member states of the European Union in activities related to sustainable development;
- Subsidies to the provinces;
- Subsides to the municipalities.
Art. 2.02.3
The Prime Minister is authorized to pass, in the interest of the Treasury and provided that public procurement legislation is respected, exchange agreements to encourage the renewal of the ITC Shared Services equipment.
Art. 2.02.4
Within the limits of the credits listed in program 21/1 "Reseau ICT", can also be adjusted - in addition to the recurring operating costs and investments - of any kind related to presetsed services, as well as to the installation and maintenance of the software and equipment of the various user services connected to the network of the ITC.
Art. 2.02.5
The External Communications Branch is authorized to make expenditures for information and communication missions to federal and programmatory public services. To this end, the External Communications Branch, through the CPI, receives advances from the SPF and SPPs concerned prior to the payment of these expenses.
Art. 2.02.6
By derogation from Article 1-01-3, § 2 and 3 of this Act, a further breakdown of the commitment credits of Basic Allowance 31.11.1211.27 may be carried out by means of a redistribution - "Different expenditures relating to external communication", within Program 31/1 - "External communication".
Art. 2.02.7
Derogation from art. 18, § 1, 2° of the law of 19 April 1963 creating a public establishment known as the Royal Theatre of the Mint, amended in particular by Royal Decree No. 545 of 31 March 1987 concerning the Royal Theatre of the Mint, subsidies for 2014 to the Royal Theatre of the Mint (AB 31.20.41 40.21) are paid for 75% in the first quarter.
The balance will be transmitted each time in 3 equal instalments for October, November and December.
Art. 2.02.8
By application of art. 18 of the Act of 22 April 1958 on the status of the National Orchestra of Belgium, grants it to the National Orchestra of Belgium (AB for 75% in the first quarter.
The balance will be transmitted each time in 3 equal instalments for October, November and December.
Art. 2.02.9
In execution of art. 13.3° of the Act of 7 May 1999 establishing the Palais des Beaux-Arts in the form of an anonymous society of public law with social purpose and amending the Act of 30 March 1995 concerning broadcasting distribution networks and the exercise of radiodistribution activities in the bilingual region of Brussels-Capital and by derogation of art. 29 of the management contract between the Belgian State and the anonymous society of public law with a social purpose " Palais des Beaux-arts" for the period 2009-2013, approved by the AAR of 22/12/2009, grants it to SA of public law with a social purpose Palais des Beaux-arts' (AB 31.20.4140.25) is paid for 75% in the first quarter.
The balance will be transmitted each time in 3 equal instalments for October, November and December.
Art. 2.02.10
The Prime Minister is authorized to enter and liquidate, subject to the credits of activity 1 of programme 30/6 of section 01 of the expenditures arising from the activities of the Royal Family.
Art. 2.02.11
The provision in program 33/1 (A.B. 02/ - Interdepartmental provision for expenses of any kind related to environmental management in federal institutions) may be apportioned, as appropriate, between the appropriate programs of the budgets of the various federal institutions, by Royal Order and with the agreement of the Minister of Budget.
Art. 2.02.12
The provision in program 33/2 (A.B. 02/ - Provisional Energy Saving Investment Credit) may be apportioned, as appropriate, between the appropriate programs of the budgets of the departments concerned, by Royal Decree and with the agreement of the Minister of Budget.
Art. 2.02.13
Credits for various expenses of the social service can be used as a subsidy to the ABL "Social Service of the Public Health SPF, Safety of the Food Chain and Environment and SPF Social Security".
Section 03
SPF Budget and Management Control
Art. 2.03.1
By derogation from section 66 of the Act of 22 May 2003 on the organization of the budget and accounting of the Federal State, advances of up to EUR 200,000 may be made to the accountants of the SPF Budget and Management Control.
By way of these advances, the accountant is authorized to pay receivables of any kind, including the acquisition of movable property, the amount of which does not exceed 5.500 EUR.
Can be paid through these advances regardless of the amounts:
(1) Social expenditure;
(2) costs for foreign missions and for the posting of correspondence, as well as advances related thereto.
The Accountant responsible for the payment of foreign mission fees is authorized to make the necessary advances to officials sent on mission abroad.
Art. 2.03.2
The provision under program 41/1 may, after agreement of the Minister of Budget, be apportioned as required, by Royal Order, between the appropriate programs of the budgets of the departments concerned.
By derogation from Article 5, paragraph 2, of the Act of 16 March 1954 on the control of certain public interest bodies, the distribution by royal decree of this provisional credit may also increase the State's financial intervention in favour of public interest bodies.
Art 2.03.3
Within the limits of the basic allowances concerned, the following subsidies may be granted:
Program 21/0 - Management and Management
Subsides to the ABL "Social Service of the Ministry of Public Service" on the basic allowance
Programme 51/0 - Financing of the Interfederal Corps
Subsides to the ABL "Social Service of the Ministry of Public Service" on the basic allowance
Section 04
SPF Personnel and Organization
Art. 2.04.1
By derogation from Article 66 of the Act of 22 May 2003 on the organization of the budget and accounting of the Federal State, advances of up to EUR 250,000 may be made to the accountants of the services and institutions whose expenses are recorded in this section.
By means of these advances, accountants are allowed to pay all service fees not exceeding 5.500 EUR, as well as, regardless of the amounts, the costs of water consumption, gas, electricity, telephone, fuel and fuel for cars and any allowances and allowances of any kind allocated to the budget.
Can be paid through these advances, regardless of the amounts:
(1) Social expenditure;
(2) costs for foreign missions and for the posting of correspondence, as well as advances related thereto.
Accountants charged with payment of foreign mission fees are authorized to make advances to officials sent on mission abroad.
Art. 2.04.2
Within the limits of the basic allowances concerned, the following subsidies may be granted:
Subsides to the ABL "Social Service of the Department of Public Service" on the basic allowance
Grants relating to the promotion or study of the public service in general, the improvement of the staff culture, the policy of equal opportunities and diversity within the federal state can be awarded to the basic allowance
1° Cotization of EUR 10.450 at the International Institute of Administrative Sciences on basic allowance;
2° Cotisation of 95.000 EUR at the European Institute of Public Administration in Maastricht on the basic allowance;
3° Intervention for training activities organized by representative trade union organizations on the basic allowance in accordance with the terms determined by the Royal Decree of 24 March 2003 on the granting of a subsidy to representative trade union organizations referred to in Article 7 of the Act of 19 December 1974 organizing relations between public authorities and trade unions of agents under these authorities.
Art. 2.04.3
The provision for the basic allowance may, after agreement of the Minister of Budget, be apportioned as required by royal decree between the appropriate programmes of the budgets of the departments concerned.
By derogation from Article 5, paragraph 2, of the Act of 16 March 1954 relating to the control of certain public bodies, the distribution by royal decree of this provisional credit may also increase the State's financial intervention in favour of these public bodies.
Art. 2.04.4
The treasury account on which the remuneration and various allowances are charged for the final and intern statutory staff and the contractual staff of the Federal Administration Selection Office (SELOR), Separate Management Status Service, may present a debtor balance of up to EUR 450,000. In the event that this amount exceeds, the Minister of Budget may decide an exemption, in agreement with the Minister of Finance, on the basis of a reasoned record.
Section 05
SPF Information and Communication Technology
Art. 2.05.1
By derogation from Article 66 of the Act of 22 May 2003 on the organization of the budget and accounting of the Federal State, advances of up to EUR 250,000 may be made to the accountants of the services and institutions whose expenses are recorded in this section.
By means of these advances, accountants may make the payment of claims of any kind, including the purchase of personal property, not exceeding EUR 5,500, as well as, no matter how much, the cost of water consumption, gas, electricity, telephone, fuel for motor cars, and any allowances and allowances of any kind allocated to the budget.
Can be paid through these advances regardless of the amounts:
(1) Social expenditure;
(2) costs for foreign missions and for the posting of correspondence, as well as advances related thereto.
Accountants charged with payment of foreign mission fees are authorized to make advances to officials sent on mission abroad.
Art. 2.05.2
Within the limits of the basic allowances concerned, the following subsidies may be granted:
Subsides to the ABL "Social Service of the Ministry of Public Service" on the basic allowance
- ASBL Egov allocation on basic allowance
- ASBL Problématique ICT allocation on basic allowance
Grants through collaboration between FEDICT and national and international organizations for projects of general interest in ITC relating to citizens.
Section 12
SPF Justice
Art. 2.12.1
By derogation from section 66 of the Act of 22 May 2003 on the organization of the federal budget and accounting, advances of up to EUR 2.500,000 may be made to the following accountants.
By means of these advances, claims for operating expenses and allowances of any kind may be paid as follows:
1. a debt with a lower value as determined by the King with respect to the contracts recognized by an accepted invoice, to:
the Accountant of the Budget Management Service, Management Control and Logistics.
The Accountant of the Budget, Management Control and Logistics Supervisory Service is also authorized to make advances necessary to officials sent on mission abroad.
2. regardless of the amount of the debt:
the Social Services accountant for the payment of social relief and allowances, as well as allowances for cultural and sporting circles created by the SPF Justice staff;
the accountant of the National Centre for Electronic Monitoring to pay integration income;
the accountant of the State Security for the payment of confidential expenses.
Art. 2.12.2
For the payment of the fees of judicial experts and bailiffs, as well as any other legal costs, including those relating to international judicial cooperation, regardless of their amount, the Minister of Justice shall make available to the court clerks a provision.
Art. 2.12.3
The recovery of advances in the form of loans granted to employees may, if any, be made in accordance with Article 23, paragraph 4 of the Law of 12 April 1965 on the Protection of Workers' Wages
Art. 2.12.4
Within the limits of the basic allowances concerned, the following subsidies may be granted:
Subsidies to public bodies and associations responsible for the guardianship of unaccompanied foreign minors.
1) Subsidies to publications and scientific institutions.
2) Subsides to the ASBL "Litigational Travel Commission".
3) Subsides at the Kinderrechten Coalitie Vlaanderen and the NGO Coordination for the Rights of the Child.
4) Subsides to the ASBL "Compilation Commission - Construction".
Quote-part of Belgium in the operating costs of the International Criminal Police Organization in Lyon (O.I.P.C.) and the Schengen Information System in Strasbourg (S.I.S.).
Intervention by Belgium in the operating costs of international bodies.
Subsidies to bodies responsible for the therapeutic support of sexual assault authors.
(1) Subsidies to organizations allocated for the organization of work of general interest and training activities in the context of judicial proceedings, restorative mediation, support for the right to visit and legal assistance of victims.
(2) Subsidies to local authorities to finance the supervision of alternative legal measures and penalties.
Subsides for the use by judicial services of bar libraries in certain courthouses.
Subside for the recognition of Islamic worship.
Grant to the Belgian Buddhist Union for the recognition of Buddhism.
Art. 2.12.5
The Minister of Justice is authorized to grant financial intervention to inmates under electronic surveillance, which will be charged to AB
Art. 2.12.6
The proceeds for order made under the cooperation agreement establishing a National Commission for the Rights of the Child will be recorded on the accounts C and B of the section "Fashion order operations".
Such income may be used to cover the operating and staff costs of the Commission, respectively.
Art. 2.12.7
By derogation from Article 61, 2nd paragraph of the Law of 22 May 2003 on the organization of the budget and accounting of the Federal State, the Minister of Justice is authorized to enter into agreements with the institutions of the European Union in order to carry out European projects financed by Europe.These projects aim to improve the functioning and integration of justice at the European level.
Art. 2.12.8
By derogation from Article 62 of the Act of 22 May 2003 on the organization of the budget and accounting of the federal state and by derogation from Article 185 of the law programme of 23 December 2009, revenues for the benefit of the Fund of the Commission of the Hasard Games (Program 12-62-5) are disbursed up to EUR 200,000 and allocated to the Fund for the Fight against Debt (Program 32-49-2).
Section 13
SPF Interior
Art. 2.13.1
§ 1 By derogation from Article 66 of the Act of 22 May 2003 on the organization of the budget and accounting of the federal state, advances of up to EUR 5,000 may be made to accountants of advances of services and proceedings whose expenses are recorded in this section. For expenses in a foreign mission, the maximum amount is EUR 25,000.
Using these advances, advance accountants are allowed to pay all urgent expenses by not exceeding EUR 500 per expenditure (including VAT).
§ 2 By derogation from § 1, advances of funds for up to EUR 25,000 may be granted for:
1) expenditures carried out by the Central Accountant of the advances of the DG Civil Security;
(2) all expenses of Program 55 for repatriation and removal of persons deemed undesirable. The limit of EUR 500 is not valid for these expenses.
§ 3 By derogation from § 1 of the advances for a maximum amount of EUR 15,000 may be granted for all expenses incurred by the accountants of the advances:
- closed centres of the Foreign Office;
- the open return centre of the Foreign Office;
- columns of the DG Civil Security.
Art. 2.13.2
Within the relevant basic allowances, the following subsidies may be granted:
1° Allowances for the perpetrators of acts of courage, victims of their dedication or the rights of the heroes who have lost their lives by carrying out such acts or obvious follow-ups of these acts, as well as compensation for funeral expenses.
2° Subside to the Brussels Union of Initiative and Promotion, as an intervention in the fees of the festivities organized each year in the Brussels Park on the occasion of the national holiday.
Subsides as part of the development of applications for the electronic identity card.
1° Subside to the Fire Services Training Council.
2° Intervention in civil security information, documentation and public relations costs.
1° Subside to the Brussels-Capital Region, to the municipalities, and intercommunal for the purchase of special equipment for fire services.
2° Interventions for fire services in fire prevention campaign fees, support of local initiatives.
3° Subsides to the Higher Council for Incendie Public Services, the Programming Commission, the Equivalences and Dispenses Commission, the Drafting Committee, the French- and German-speaking Supreme Council, and the Dutch-speaking Supreme Council.
1° Intervention in laboratory fees conducting fire prevention research.
2° Subsides to the Royal Federation of Firefighters of Belgium, French-speaking and German-speaking wings, subsidies to the Flemish Association of Incendie Services and the Caisse nationale d'entraide des sapeurs-pompiers.
3° Interventions in the funding of courses organized by provincial training centres for fire service members.
4° Intervention in funding the expenses incurred for the organization of training by provincial training centres for fire service members.
1° Subsides to prezones and emergency areas.
2° Allowances to emergency areas to finance the reform, acquire special equipment and equipment for the operation and ensure the recruitment of firefighters.
3° Allocations to the Brussels capital fire department to acquire special equipment and equipment for operation.
1° Subsides to third parties to carry out projects within the framework of the foreign policy on the basis of the variable credits of the Office of Foreigners (activity 1 of programme 2 of organic division 55) and on the basis of its own means (activity 2 of programme 2 of organic division 55).
2° Subsides with third parties to carry out actions and initiatives for the prevention of illegal immigration of certain countries (Activity 3 of Programme 2 of Organic Division 55).
1° Subsides to provide Belgian universities or other organizations, concerned with the study or control of crime, public or private initiatives in the field of crime prevention, including hooliganism, integrated local crime initiatives and the investigation into the presence of certain criminal phenomena.
2° Intervention in laboratory fees conducting fire prevention research.
3° Subsidies to provincial governments for the performance of their information and coordination mission between the authorities and the relevant security services.
Subsides to stimulate projects from the world of football for the security of matches.
Subsidies to local police areas and municipalities related to the security of the organisation of European Summits held in Brussels.
1° Subsides to local authorities as part of subsidiated action plans and custodial measures of peace.
2° Subsides to local security and prevention policies.
Subside awarded to the Association of State Councils and Administrative Supreme Courts of the European Union.
1° Subside to S.A. ASTRID to cover the operating costs of the common infrastructure.
2° Subside to S.A. ASTRID to cover the investment costs of the common infrastructure.
Art. 2.13.3
By derogation from article 52, first paragraph, 1° of the Act of 22 May 2003 on the organization of the budget and accounting of the federal state, the department is authorized to make redistributions between the commitment credits of the basic allowances and (indemnities).
Art. 2.13.4
The social service accountant, who is competent on behalf of cultural activities, is authorized to collect contributions from participants in cultural activities and is also authorized to pay expenses on the part of the income received, to the organizers of these cultural activities.
Art. 2.13.5
The social service accountant, who is competent on behalf of childcare, is authorized to collect parents' income for the registration of children at the nursery and is also authorized to pay the costs of the nursery on the portion of the income received.
Art. 2.13.6
The accountant of the logistics service, competent on behalf of the cafeteria, is authorized to collect revenue for drinks, small catering sold and conference organization.
It is authorized to use these recipes for payment of beverage, snack and conference expenses.
Art. 2.13.7
The organic fund "Funds as part of the migration policy" has a commitment authorization of EUR 7.182.000.
Any undertaking under this Article shall be subject to the visa of the Registrar of Commitments and the Court of Accounts.
Prior to the 10th of each month, the Comptroller of Commitments shall forward to the Court of Auditors, together with supporting documents, a statement in three copies, indicating, on the one hand, the amount of the commitments covered in the past month and, on the other hand, the amount of the commitments covered since the beginning of the year.
Art. 2.13.8
The Minister of the Interior is authorized to withdraw from the specific budget section provided for in section 1er§ 2 quater, paragraph 2, of the law of 1er August 1985 bringing social provisions, as amended by the Act of 30 March 1994 on social provisions, funds for coordination and supra-local actions in the areas referred to in Article 69 of the Act of 30 March 1994 referred to above.
These funds are paid to the Accountant of the advances of the Policy and Prevention Branch which justifies their employment with the Court of Accounts.
Section 14
SPF Foreign Affairs, Foreign Trade and Development Cooperation
Art. 2.14.1
The terms and conditions for the execution of receipts and expenses for order, carried out under the agreements on delegated cooperation, will be included in the agreements with the various partners.
The operations are subject to the preliminary opinion of the Inspector of Finance, in accordance with the provisions of articles 14 and 15 of the Royal Decree of 16 November 1994 on administrative and budgetary control.
Art. 2.14.2
By derogation from Article 1-01-03, § 2 of this Law, Basic Allowances,,, and Basic Allowances, and of Section 14 may be redistributed between them.
Art. 2.14.3
Some expenditures made outside the framework of the Royal Decree of 19 November 1996 on emergency assistance and short-term rehabilitation in favour of developing countries can be attributed to the basic allocation of programme 54/5.
These are the following expenses:
- funding of studies and evaluations related to disaster prevention and preparedness, broad-based emergency assistance, short-term rehabilitation both material and psychological;
- training of nationals from low-income countries, specifically related to the issue of humanitarian assistance and provided by specialized international organizations such as the Office of the High Commissioner for Refugees (HCR) and the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC);
- expenses related to the provision of personnel, the provision of goods and services and cash assistance for the purchase of basic food by victims, where these expenses are an essential element of actions deemed necessary to meet the priority needs of affected populations.
Art. 2.14.4
The credits in programme 42/0 (A.B. are intended to provide permanent working capital for the payment of expenses related to the operating and investment costs of Belgian diplomatic and consular posts and permanent representations from international organizations. Expenditures on these advances are regulated by imputation on the budgetary appropriations provided for this purpose. For the same purpose and with the application of the same budgetary regulation procedure, the Treasury is also authorized to replenish these working capitals abroad.
Art. 2.14.5
Public procurement for pre-work studies (base allocation and work (base allowances and that are awarded abroad and that remain below the European thresholds, may be awarded by negotiated procedure provided that the necessary announcement is made to ensure effective competition and that the equality of bidders, the essential provisions of the general terms of reference of the general terms of reference
Art. 2.14.6
Within the relevant core allocations, the following grants and contributions may be granted:
Participation in conference and other events organized by international bodies.
Subsidies to promote Belgium's brand image in international and commercial relations.
(1) Subsidies to organizations or associations with international activities.
2) Subsides at the Royal Institute of International Relations.
3) Subsides to the International Crisis Group.
4) Subside to the Europalia Foundation.
5) Subside to the College of Europe (Bruges).
6) Subsides at the European University Institute (Florence).
(1) Grants for operations under the policy of bilateral action programmes.
2) Supports the EU-LAC Foundation, the Anna Lindh Foundation and the King Baudouin Foundation for the Development of Dialogue among Cultures.
3) Subside to the ASAF.
4) Subside to the Eurodistrict.
5) Subsides the European Territorial Cooperation Group (GECT) Western Flanders - Dunkirk (Opal Coast).
(1) Subsidies to support the economic network abroad.
2) Export support.
Contributions from Belgium to international organizations.
Contributions from Belgium to international organizations.
Expenditures on training in Belgium of nationals outside the European Union.
1) Interventions and initiatives in preventive diplomacy.
(2) Conflict prevention, peacebuilding and human rights.
(1) Subsidies to international initiatives in the evaluation of development cooperation.
(2) Subsidies to third party initiatives for the preparation and monitoring of development cooperation and for the organization of meetings.
(1) Belgian Development Cooperation Junior Programme.
(2) Debt relief from low-income countries.
3) Subsides to the Sahel Club, the Africa Partnership Forum, the Mekong River Commission, the EU-Africa Infrastructure Trust Fund, the Congo Basin Forest Partnership, the East African Community, the West African Development Bank (BOAD), the Economic Community of the Great Lakes Countries (CEPGL), the Indigena Fund in Latin America and other regional organizations or initiatives
4) Subsidies to non-governmental cooperation partners, for synergy financing with direct bilateral cooperation.
(5) Subsides in cooperation with local civil society organizations.
(6) Subsidies for the consolidation of society and good governance.
7) Subsidies for the activities of the Belgian Food Security Fund, established by law and the complementary programmes of the Belgian Food Security Fund.
(8) Subsidies to delegated cooperation.
(1) Subsidies to non-governmental organizations for the financing of the execution, management and evaluation of NGO programmes and projects, with the exception of activities for the prevention, relief and rehabilitation, food aid and conflict prevention that will be subsidized for ad hoc basic allocations, and actions carried out under the Belgian Food Security Fund.
2) Subsides to the "Vlaamse Vereniging voor Ontwikkelingssamenwerking en Technische Bijstand" (VVOB) and to the "Association for the Promotion of Education and Training in Stranger" (APEFE).
3) Subsides in support of educational activities in Central Africa.
4) Subsides at the Royal Institute of Natural Sciences of Belgium.
5) Subsides at the Royal Museum of Central Africa.
6) Subsides at the Institute of Tropical Medicine.
7) Subsides at the European Centre for Development Policy Management.
8) Subsidies to Vlaamse Interuniversity Raad, the Francophone Interuniversity Council and academic institutions for the financing of scholarships, training fees, institutional cooperation, clean initiatives, actions-north and joint actions.
9) Subsides to the asbl Agri-Overseas.
10) Subsidization of cooperation activities of certain decentralized administrations.
11) Subsidy of trade union initiatives of the International Institute of Education (IEOI), the Institute of International Syndical Training (IFSI) and the International Solidarity Movement (MSI).
12) Subsidy of social and cultural assistance to students and trainees from low-income countries.
(13) Subsidization of programmes for the development of migrant associations.
14) Reimbursement of medical care expenses for Belgian and Luxembourg missionaries in Europe.
15) Subsides at the Royal Institute of International Relations.
16) Subsidy of awareness by third parties and Annunciate the Colour.
17) Subsidiation of Africanlia.
18) Subsidy of mutual funds.
1) Subsidies to the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development for development cooperation activities, the Multilateral Organisation Performance Assessment Network and other international initiatives on aid effectiveness.
(2) Subsidies to international multilateral cooperation partners, including agricultural research programmes and development banks.
(3) Voluntary contributions to the Bretton Woods institutions.
4) Mandatory contributions and financial participation to development banks, including debt relief operations in low-income countries.
5) Mandatory contributions to the World Health Organization (WHO), the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), the United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO), the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO), the International Labour Organization (ILO) and the International Organization for Migration (IOM).
6) Contributions to the Global Environment Facility, the Multilateral Fund for the Implementation of the Montreal Protocol, the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change, the Kyoto Protocol, the Convention on Biological Diversity, the Secretariat of the Convention to Combat Desertification, the Least Developed Countries Fund, to specific mechanisms to support the efforts of developing countries in the fight against deforestation and other initiatives in the framework of climate change
(7) Mandatory contributions to the International Fund for Agricultural Development.
8) Mandatory contributions to the United Nations Mission in the Congo and the International Tribunal for Rwanda and the Residual Mechanism.
(9) Subsidies for the recruitment of multilateral cooperation staff.
10) Subsidy of operating expenses in Brussels of the International Organization for Migration and the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees.
(1) Miscellaneous subsidies for trade and private sector promotion in low-income countries.
(2) Subsidy of ad hoc actions within the framework of the Millennium Development Goals.
(1) Subsidies to humanitarian programs including food and transition programs.
(2) Contributions to the general resources of international humanitarian organizations and to humanitarian and food funds.
(3) Subsidies to humanitarian projects including food aid projects.
With respect to subsidies and allocations,
- on the one hand under programme 53/4 - Humanitarian assistance - in conflict prevention, peacebuilding and human rights,
- and on the other hand, under Program 54/5 - Humanitarian Programs - in the context of transition actions and strategic humanitarian interventions, in the context of short-term food aid and food security, as well as in the framework of prevention, emergency assistance, short-term rehabilitation assistance and humanitarian action, the assignment of goods or services free of charge is permitted. Legislation and regulation in public procurement are applicable in the procurement of goods and services to be disposed of.
Subsidies for European integration.
Art. 2.14.7
Within the limits of basic allocations and, programme 53/4 - Humanitarian aid - expenses of any kind can be made, with prior agreement of the Council of Ministers, as interventions and initiatives of Belgium in the field of preventive diplomacy.
Art. 2.14.8
The provisional budget included in programme 53/5 (A.B. - Provisional credit for the compensation of the military, members of the Federal Police, representatives of the judiciary and members of the Justice, Foreign Affairs, Finance and other public bodies responsible for foreign missions and reimbursement to the departments of origin of the foreign nationals and the costs related to the deployment and operation of the military
Art. 2.14.9
For the year 2014, the Belgian Food Security Fund (base allocation has a commitment authority of EUR 17.500,000.
Any undertaking under this Article shall be subject to the visa of the Contractor.
Prior to the 10th of each month, the Comptroller of Commitments shall transmit to the Court of Accounts, together with supporting documents, a statement made in three copies indicating, on the one hand, the amount of the commitments covered in the past month and, on the other hand, the amount of the commitments covered since the beginning of the year.
Art. 2.14.10
Subsidies attributed to an indirect actor, as part of a multi-year programme, must be justified on the date provided for in the relevant orders or conventions. The unused balance of such an annual subsidy, attributed to a previous fiscal year, may be deducted from the dependant subsidy of this fiscal year to the same indirect actor.
As a result, the approved annual plan of action or programme for the new fiscal year will be funded with new means to be undertaken and with means still available to the indirect actor, as a result of amounts not used as part of previous annual action plans or programmes.
This article concerns the following basic allocations:,,,,,,,,, 54.
The second paragraph of this article also covers basic allowances, and
Art. 2.14.11
In principle, subsidies for projects and programmes of international organizations must be justified in accordance with the terms and conditions set out in the relevant decrees and arrangements. However, the subsidies granted in previous fiscal years, as well as the unused balances, may be redirected on a proper basis and with the agreement of the Minister of Development Cooperation or, with respect to the basic allocation - Conflict prevention, peacebuilding and human rights, of the Minister of Foreign Affairs. The approved amendments will be forwarded on a regular basis to the Court of Accounts and the Minister of Budget.
Art. 2.14.12
In 2014, the State can enter into new multi-year commitments with partner countries for a total of EUR 250.000.000. In addition, the flow of bilateral commitments, to be carried out by the CTB, cannot exceed 750.000.000 EUR. These are projects and programs to be carried out by the CTB in governance, co-management or national execution on the basic allowance
Any undertaking under this section shall be subject to the Comptroller of the commitments that will verify the application of administrative and budgetary control procedures and the compliance of the cap. If the project or program is partially or fully implemented in national execution, the registration submitted to the Comptroller of the undertakings will separately mention the amount of the national execution.
Prior to the 10th of each month, the Comptroller of Commitments shall forward to the Court of Auditors, for information, a statement in three copies, together with supporting documents, which shall include both the amount of commitments entered in the past month and the amount of commitments entered since the beginning of the year.
Art. 2.14.13
As part of the consular assistance to Belgians residing or travelling abroad, the Department of Foreign Affairs is authorized, on an exceptional basis, to withdraw advances in cash in an individual amount of up to EUR 1,500 on the consular account of diplomatic posts in the Euro Area under the following conditions:
- the diplomatic station concerned does not have a working capital,
- funds required for assistance cannot be made available by the central administration within a reasonable time frame,
- any intervention must be authorized in advance by the competent departments of the Consular Affairs Branch, which shall also collect and transmit to the post data relating to the imputation of expenditures within the limits of its budgetary means,
- all consular revenues will be reconstituted and paid to the Treasury within a maximum of three months.
Art. 2.14.14
§ 1. For the year 2014, a loan program for foreign states can be negotiated up to EUR 50.000.000.
In view of the budgetary resources for this purpose, the loan programme must be approved by the Council of Ministers. It mentions, on the one hand, loans to be made as a priority and, on the other, priority replacement loans as a multi-year program.
Alternative loans may be substituted at any time for loans to be made initially that are deleted.
The liability controller records the accomplishments and replacements of a program's loans.
§ 2. Loans to foreign States are made by the Comptroller of the commitments prior to the notification of the loan agreement, at the time the Minister of Finance agrees on the loan to be granted by signing a proxy or loan agreement.
Art. 2.14.15
In the event that the total amount of the justification for expenditures by benefit, certified "in accordance with and faithful to the law, this management contract and the annual accounts", by the auditors of the Belgian Technical Cooperation (CTB), exceeds the advances received, the CTB will introduce, no later than 1er September of the year following the year to be funded, a claim for the balance. After approval of this declaration of debt by the Minister of Development Cooperation, the State will pay this balance to the credits of the current year, registered in the basic allowance - Coverage of operational costs of the CTB and supply of accounts co-managed or managed by the partner.
Art. 2.14.16
As part of the litigation in which judgment No. 124/04/11 of 15 April 2011 was rendered by the Court of First Instance of Brussels, the Minister of Development Cooperation is authorized to conclude a transaction.
Art. 2.14.17
The modalities for the execution of proceeds and expenditures for order, carried out in the framework of the agreements on the joint evaluations of development cooperation, carried out under the responsibility of Belgium, will be included in the agreements with the various partners.
The operations are subject to the preliminary opinion of the Inspector of Finance, in accordance with the provisions of articles 14 and 15 of the Royal Decree of 16 November 1994 on administrative and budgetary control.
Art. 2.14.18
The Consolidated Revenue Fund is authorized to make advances where transactions relating to the account opened on behalf of B.I.T.D. (International Customs Tariff Office), create a debiting position of this account.
Art. 2.14.19
In 2014, the Minister of Foreign Affairs can sign promises of financial interventions as part of the export support for which the basic allowance is concerned for a total amount of EUR 70.000.000. In addition, the stock of these promises cannot exceed 210.000.000 EUR.
Any promise of intervention under this section shall be subject to the Comptroller of the commitments that will verify the application of administrative and budgetary control procedures and compliance with the cap.
Prior to the 10th of each month, the Comptroller of Commitments shall forward to the Court of Auditors, for information, a statement in three copies, accompanied by supporting documents, which shall include both the amount of the promises entered in the past month and the amount of the promises entered since the beginning of the year.
Art. 2.14.20
The following expenses, made outside the framework of the Royal Decree of 28 February 2003, establishing a coordination council for emergency assistance abroad in the event of disaster or calamity and a permanent support service B-FAST (Belgian First Aid and Support Team), may be charged to the basic allowance
- costs arising from the annual UNDAC (United Nations Disaster Assessment and Coordination) training offered to a candidate from a partner country of government development cooperation,
- costs arising from support to UNDAC training in Africa, mainly from the West.
Art. 2.14.21
§ 1er. By derogation from Article 1-01-03, § 3, of this Act, the excess of the commitment credit of the basic allowance, following the imputation of unfavourable exchange differences, may be regulated by a redistribution between the said credit and those of the basic economic code allocations 3540 or 3560 (SEC95) at the origin of the overrun.
This regulation is made on an annual basis, no later than February 28 of the year following the year in which the overrun occurred.
§ 2. The favourable exchange differences are subject to negative imputations on the commitment and liquidation credits of the base allowance
Art. 2.14.22
The Minister who has foreign affairs and foreign trade in his or her powers is authorized to enter and dispose of expenses arising out of the activities of the Royal Family, subject to the credits of Activity 2 of Program 30/6 of Section 01.
Section 16
Ministry of Defence
Art. 2.16.1
By derogation from Article 66 of the Act of 22 May 2003 on the organization of the budget and accounting of the federal state, advances may be granted for the execution of the contracts passed by the Belgian Military Supply Office (BMSO) in Washington.
Advances may also be made to the Ministry of Defence's advance accountant and to the Ministry of Defence staff.
These advances are transferred by the Minister of Finance or by his representative on the accounts of the beneficiaries. In the event of an emergency or where circumstances so require, these advances are paid by the Ministry of Defence advance accountant who receives the necessary funds from the Minister of Finance or his or her agent.
The total amount of advances mentioned in the preceding paragraphs cannot exceed 27 million euros.
Art. 2.16.2
By derogation from Article 117 of the Act of 22 May 2003 on the organization of the budget and accounting of the federal State and by derogation from Article 151 of the Act of 2 August 2002, the Minister of Defense is authorized, both in the context of technical cooperation and emergency assistance to third countries, and in the case of mutual assistance provided for in Article 3 of the North Atlantic Treaty, to proceed as a gratuity
Art 2.16.3
The Minister of Defence is authorized to liquidate advances on:
(a) compensation to the State of the head of damages suffered by personnel or by third parties;
(b) expenses related to hospitalization costs in civilian establishments, long-term treatments and supplies of pharmaceuticals by civil informals;
(c) costs of using foreign facilities.
Art. 2.16.4
Contracts to be contracted by the Department of Defense in the United States of America or Canada may be entered into under the negotiated procedure.
Funds obtained through appropriation orders issued in the past may be used to pay expenses arising from the above-mentioned contracts.
The excess funds are transferred to the Consolidated Revenue Fund as soon as the accountant has submitted to the Court of Accounts the management account with the final account of the contracts for which these funds were allocated.
The obligations arising from orders of purchase given to the Belgian Military Supply Office (BMSO) in Washington before the beginning of the fiscal year and which could not have been contracted before that date may be incurred during the fiscal year, within the limits of the balance of the amounts that were incurred by the head of these orders of purchase.
The amounts that are incurred by the head of purchase orders given to the Belgian Military Supply Office (BMSO) in Washington, D.C. during the fiscal year, regardless of the year in which the obligations arising from these orders are entered, are charged to the appropriations for the budget year.
Can also be concluded in accordance with the negotiated procedure, the contracts and exchange agreements with the NATO Maintenance and Supply Organization (NATO Agency for Maintenance and Procurement and its subordinate agencies), as well as those with a NATO member country under an international agreement, with the objective of supplying spare parts, maintenance of the work of the NATO member country, and the maintenance of the ammunition
Art 2.16.5
Withdrawal of the Minister of Defence's exclusive decision to resolve the disputes arising from the receipt of supplies resulting from contracts passed by the Ministry of Defence:
(a) in the United States of America, Canada, with the NATO Supply and Repair Agency and its subordinate agencies;
(b) with the Government of the Federal Republic of Germany, as a result of the agreement on the supply of spare parts for the LEOPARD weapon system and its derivative versions.
Art. 2.16.6
For markets subject to liquidations for NATO infrastructure, bids or offers, depending on the type of market, will be compared without taking into account the value added tax, or the tariffs applied in the countries of the European Union.
Art 2.16.7
Within the limits of the credits to the core allocations concerned, the following grants may be granted to the organizations mentioned in program 50/9:
National Geographical Institute
ASBL "Cadets de l'air de Belgique
Union Royale Nationale des Officiers de Réserve de Belgique
Union Royale Nationale des Sous-Officiers de Réserve de Belgique
ASBL "Tank Museum"
ASBL "Brussels Air Museum Fund"
ASBL "The Friends of the Marine Section of the Royal Army and Military History Museum"
ASBL"Les Amis de la Musique Royale des Guides"
ASBL "Belgian Air Force Royal Symphonic Band Association";
ASBL "Corps Royal de Cadets de Marine-Belgique"
The National Memorial of the Fort of Breendonk
Office Central d'Action Sociale et Culturelle (OCASC) of the Ministry of Defence
Royal Army and Military History Museum
Art 2.16.8
The treasury is authorized to make advances in the payment and reimbursement of remuneration on behalf of other departments or services, foreign or international organizations, or other third parties.
These advances are accounted for in the Department of Defense's accounting plan.
The cumulative amount of debiting positions in these accounts may not exceed EUR 55 million.
Art 2.16.9
Revenue and expenditure transactions in international or national treaties or agreements shall be recorded on accounts opened for this purpose in the Department of Defense's accounting plan.
The cumulative balance of these accounts cannot be receivable for more than six months. In the event that the cumulative balance of these accounts is receivable, the balance cannot exceed EUR 10 million.
The law of the markets on behalf of the State and the corresponding delegation system are applied to the expenditure transactions.
The latter are subject, prior to any legal undertaking, to the opinion of the Inspector of Finance in accordance with the provisions of articles 14 and 15 of the Royal Decree of 16 November 1994 on administrative and budgetary control.
Art. 2.16.10
The Minister of Defence is authorized to use, up to EUR 100,000, revenues from interest generated by advances filed with the "Federal Reserve Bank of New York" in the context of the contracts for the supply of aircraft, logistics support, ground installations and related costs for the entire fleet F-16.
Art 2.16.11
The Central Office for Social and Cultural Action (OCASC) of the Ministry of Defence is authorized to carry out missions as provided for in section 1er of the Royal Decree of 10 January 1978, as amended by the Royal Decree of 7 December 1998, determining the mission and regulating the organization and operation of this body, for the benefit of the Federal Police personnel.
The members of the Defence staff who, pursuant to Article 11 § 2 of the Act of 10 April 1973 establishing the Central Office of Social and Cultural Action of the Ministry of Defence (OCASC) for the benefit of members of the military community, are made available to the CSCO, remain in charge of the Defence budget.
Art. 2.16.12
By derogation from section 61, 2e paragraph of the Act of 22 May 2003 on the organization of the budget and accounting of the federal State, the Minister of Defence is authorized to value the benefits provided to the Federal Police, with the exception of those relating to staff permanently available to the Federal Police, and to compensate the benefits provided by the Federal Police, on the basis of the additional costs incurred.
Apart from occasional benefits, the financial coverage of benefits whose volume is known priori is subject to a provision of credits whose amount is determined by the estimate of benefits to be realized and the count of those actually carried out previously.
Art. 2.16.13
The Minister of Defence is authorized, within the framework of an international integration of the Armed Forces, or in order to deal with emergency cases, to conclude agreements with foreign countries on mutual benefits of services.
The financial regulation of these transactions may be made by means of compensation, either when the agreement has ceased its effects, or at the expiry of an agreed period or by the common will of the parties involved. The potential balance will be the subject of an imputation, either in the National Defence Budget or in the Ways and Means Budget for the benefit of the budget fund for benefits against payment.
Finally, the Minister of Defence is authorized, with regard to materials, materials, weapons and ammunition, to pass conventions of mutual assignments, exchange and loan with other departments, Belgian or foreign companies and third countries, provided that this is favoured by the renewal of the relevant stocks to the Armed Forces.
Art. 2.16.14
The Minister of Defence or the delegated official is authorized to return, in whole or in part, real property or other property intended to be returned as a result of the restructuring, which is owned by the Federal Republic of Germany or a Land and which has been made available to the force or civil element for use, and to determine the financial implications of such restitution after negotiations with the State of residence.
The net financial consideration of these restitutions, determined on the basis of Article 52 of the Agreement supplementing the Convention between the States Parties to the North Atlantic Treaty on the status of their forces, with respect to the foreign forces stationed in the Federal Republic of Germany and the Protocol of signature to the Complementary Agreement, signed in Bonn on 3 August 1959 and approved by the law of 6 May 1963, will be the subject of a global discount
Partial payments may be made by the Federal Republic of Germany.
The contingent balance and/or partial payments will/will be the subject of an imputation either to the budget of the departments and agencies of public interest concerned or to the Recruitment Fund of the revenues from the alienation of immovable property that is part of the heritage entrusted to the management of the Minister of Defense and allocated to programme 16-50-3 for, after counting with the organizations mentioned above, to be used in the coverage of expenses resulting from work of remediation
Art. 2.16.15
The very urgent costs to be incurred in foreign operations can be carried out in the context of contracts that may be awarded according to the negotiated procedure. The basic principles of public procurement legislation will be applied for the conclusion of the aforementioned markets unless local circumstances permit it.
Art. 2.16.16
The Minister of Defence is authorized, with the approval of the Minister of Budget and by Royal Decree deliberated in the Council of Ministers, within the limits of the appropriations of Section 16 - National Defence, to carry out transfers for the benefit of programme 16-50-5, "Implementation", in order to meet the specific needs of humanitarian operations and peace support.
Such transfers of credit will be communicated without delay to the House of Representatives and the Court of Auditors.
Art. 2.16.17
By derogation from section 61.2e paragraph of the Act of 22 May 2003 on the organization of the budget and accounting of the federal State, the Minister of Defence is authorized to enter into agreements with other public bodies in the context of the provision of mutual benefits. The financial regulation of these transactions may be effected by compensation, either when the agreement has ceased its effects, or at the expiry of an agreed period or by the common will of the parties involved. The potential balance will be compensated in kind either from an imputation to the Defence Budget (General Estimates), or the Ways and Means Budget for the benefit of the budget for benefits against payment.
Art. 2.16.18
By derogation from section 61.2e paragraph of the Act of 22 May 2003 on the organization of the federal budget and accounting, the Minister of Defence is authorized to acquire a mine control simulator through a joint financial participation of the Kingdom of Belgium and the Kingdom of the Netherlands.
By derogation from the provisions of section 19 of the Act of 24 December 1993 on public procurement and certain contracts of work, supplies and services, the Minister of Defence is authorized to enter into a single market, awarded in accordance with the provisions of the Act of 24 December 1993 referred to above and for the joint acquisition of a mine control simulator with the Netherlands that mandate it to do so.
Expenditure transactions under this contract are subject, prior to any legal undertaking, to the opinion of the Finance Inspector in accordance with the provisions of the Royal Decree of 16 November 1994 on administrative and budgetary control.
Art. 2.16.19
By derogation from section 61.2e paragraph of the Act of 22 May 2003 on the organization of the budget and accounting of the federal State, the Minister of Defence is authorized to use the revenues realized from 2002 from the sale of wood in the areas that are part of the real estate entrusted to his management, collected and charged to the profit of the re-employment fund of the revenues derived from the alienation of immovable property that are part of the property entrusted to the management of the Minister of Defense and allocated to programme 16 July 2001.
Art. 2.16.20
By derogation from Article 117 of the Act of 22 May 2003 on the organization of the budget and accounting of the federal State, and provided that these transactions have a relationship with the execution of a F-16 aircraft sales contract concluded following a negotiated procedure pursuant to Article 41 of the Program Law of 19 July 2001, the Minister of Defence is authorized:
- to sell non-surplus assets that are part of the heritage entrusted to its management;
- to make expenditures on behalf of the buyer of these aircraft, provided that these expenses relate to the logistical support of the aircraft or to the provision of certain services concerning them;
- to give pre-financing to the buyer of these planes.
Sales referred to in paragraph 1er, first dash and obligations originating from the expenditures referred to in paragraph 1er, second dashes are contracted after they have been submitted to the opinion of the Finance Inspectorate and with the prior agreement of the Minister of Budget, in accordance with the provisions of the Royal Decree of 16 November 1994 on administrative and budgetary control.
Expenses cited in paragraph 1er, second indent and revenues resulting from the reimbursement of these are equivalent to transactions for order within the meaning of section 2.16.9 of this Act.
Art. 2.16.21
The exemption provided for in Art 1-01-3, § 3 does not apply to the commitment credits recorded in the basic allowances relating to investment expenses provided under Economic Code 74 of Section 16 - National Defence.
Art 2.16.22
The commitment authority for Fund 16.2 to redeploy revenues from the disposal of surplus equipment, materials or ammunition as part of the assets entrusted to the management of the Minister of Defence is EUR 16,411,000.
Art 2.16.23
The authorization for a commitment to fund 16.3 of income from the alienation of immovable property that is part of the heritage entrusted to the management of the Minister of Defence is EUR 21.074.000.
Art. 2.16.24.
The Minister who has the Defence in his or her duties is authorized to enter and liquidate, subject to the credits of Activity 3 of Program 30/6 of Section 01 of the expenditures arising from the activities of the Royal Family.
Section 17
Federal police and integrated operation
Art. 2.17.1
The Minister of the Interior is authorized to liquidate and make pay advances on the State's dependant compensation for damages suffered by staff members or by third parties.
Art. 2.17.2
The costs for health care abroad and for the execution of temporary missions or a permanent service, as referred to in Article XI.IV.13, 4°, paragraph 5, of the Royal Decree of 30 March 2001 bearing the legal position of police personnel may be paid, in the form of provisional advances, if necessary.
However, advances for the performance of temporary missions or for the performance of a permanent service are limited to 75% of the estimated amount of compensation payable as a result of the performance of the travel of service.
Art. 2.17.3
Within the limits of the applicable basic allowance, the following subsidy may be granted:
- to the ABL "Social Service of the Integrated Police" - 0479.741.709: budget allocation as a contribution to the expenditures required for the management of HORECA services within the federal police;
- to various agencies and ABLs that promote integration within or between local and federal police: intervention by the federal authority in the financing of their projects or social activities:
- Belgian Police Sports Federation ASBL- 0419.215.687
Art. 2.17.4
Budgetary account transactions bearing addresses 1787075074B8 11118, 11128, 11208, 11318, 11328 and 11408, each time followed by code 0030000 (former account of the section "Treasury Order Operations"), may create a debiting position of these accounts. This debiting position may not exceed a total of EUR 3.000.000.
Art. 2.17.5
By derogation from the provisions of articles 60 and 61 of the Act of 22 May 2003 on the organization of the budget and accounting of the federal State, the assets made available to a liaison officer, and which are out of service, may be sold by him according to the negotiated procedure and according to the rules in force in each country.
This may be done in the same way for the equipment and goods in stock at the time when a representation of the federal police abroad is definitively lifted, unless the stocks concerned can be sold, free of charge or under the condition of compensation equivalent to the receiving party, to the services of the Foreign Affairs, Foreign Trade and Development Cooperation SPF.
In cases where an on-site sale is made, the product will be paid to the Ways and Means Budget.
However, if the equipment can be delivered to the supplier of new similar properties, compensation may be made by subtracting the value of the alienated property from the amount charged for the purchase of the new equipment.
Art. 2.17.6
The budgetary account transactions bearing address 1787075175B8, followed by POL 88 0750000 (former Account of the "Treasury Orders" section), may create a debiting position of this account. However, this debit position cannot exceed EUR 1,200,000.
Art. 2.17.7
By derogation from Article 1-01-3 § 2 and § 7, paragraph 1er, of this Act, the basic allowances referred to in the above-mentioned paragraph relating to staff costs may also be redistributed to the basic allowance 11.00.13 - compensation to public transport companies for unpaid benefits - in section 17 - Federal police and integrated operation as well as the same basic allowance in section 01 - programme 30/6 - activity 8.
Art. 2.17.8
For the fiscal year 2014, the organic budget fund 17-4 referred to in section 11 of the Miscellaneous Provisions (I) Act of December 21, 2007, has a commitment authority of EUR 1.152.000.
Any undertaking to be made under this article is subject to the visa of the contract controller.
Prior to the 10th of each month, the Comptroller of Commitments shall forward to the Court of Auditors, together with supporting documents, a statement in three copies, on the one hand, the amount of the commitments covered in the past month and, on the other hand, the amount of commitments that have been covered since the beginning of the year.
By derogation from Article 62, § 2(4), of the Act of 22 May 2003 on the organization of the budget and accounting of the federal state, during the fiscal year 2014, on the same organic budget fund, is authorized a debiting position in liquidation that cannot exceed 508.000 EUR.
Art. 2.17.9
With a view to an administrative simplification in the monitoring of the execution of the federal police budget, as well as the General Inspectorate of the Federal Police and the Local Police (IGA) and the Integrated Police Secretariat (IPS) as well as in the management and payment of consumables and other small supplies, the federal police is authorized to make or make write corrections in respect of budgetary accounting initially charged between its credits dciissoci
Art. 2.17.10
The provision under programme 90/1 (AB - provision to encourage the policy of recruitment in police areas faced with a high staff shortage may, on the proposal of the Minister of the Interior, be apportioned as necessary, by way of royal decree, between the appropriate programmes, activities and budgetary items of the budgets of the federal police or the SPF.
In the distribution, all or part of this amount may be listed as a grant.
Art. 2.17.11
In order to make administrative simplifications in the monitoring of the execution of the federal police budget as well as in the management and payment of certain remuneration of operational staff involved in the escorts of funds or at sea, the actions carried out in the framework of the action plans for road safety, the implementation within the separate areas of personnel or the response body or within the framework of projects financed by the European Union and under the
Art. 2.17.12
By derogation from section 1-01-3 § 2, of this Act, the basic allowances referred to in the above-mentioned paragraph relating to staff costs may also be redistributed to the basic allowance 12.11.99 - compensatory lump-sum allowances (non-taxable stopover) to staff - from section 17 - Federal police and integrated operation, with the exception of programs-activities 22 and 31 of Organic Division 90 or Program 23 of Organic Division 60, and vice versa.
By derogation from section 1-01-3 § 2, of this Act, in section 01, the basic allowances referred to in the above-mentioned paragraph relating to staff costs may also be redistributed to the basic allowance 12.11.99 - compensatory lump-sum allowances (non-taxable stopover) to personnel - of programme-activity 66 of the organizational division 30, and vice versa.
By derogation from Article 1-01-3 § 3 of the Act, in Section 17, the commitment credits of Basic Allowances 12.11.99, except for those set out in programmes-activities 22 and 31 of Organic Division 90 or in Program 23 of Organic Division 60, cannot be redistributed with those of the basic allowances relating to operating and investment expenses.
By derogation from Article 1-01-3, § 3, the commitment credits of Allowance 12.11.99, with the exception of those listed in Programme Activity 68 of Division 30 of Section 01, cannot be redistributed with those of the basic allowances relating to the operating and investment expenses listed in Activity 6 to 8 included in the same program of this section.
Art. 2.17.13
By derogation from Article 62 of the Act of 22 May 2003 on the organization of the budget and accounting of the Federal State, the budgetary fund 17/1 - funds for benefits against payment (Program 17-90-4), referred to in the Schedule to the Act of 27 December 1990 creating budgetary funds, can be fed by the budgetary fund 13/9 (Program 13-56-7) - funds for financing certain expenses incurred that are related to the security arising from the organization of the summits
Art. 2.17.14
The Minister who has the Royal Palace's security detachment in his duties is authorized to enter and liquidate, subject to the appropriations of activities 6 to 8 included in program 30/6 of section 01 of the expenditures arising from the activities of the Royal Family.
Section 18
Art. 2.18.1
§ 1. By derogation from section 66 of the Act of 22 May 2003 on the organization of the budget and accounting of the federal state, advances may be made to the accountants of the Budget and Management Supervisory Service, up to EUR 500,000.
These accountants are allowed to pay, through advances, all service fees not exceeding 5.500 EUR (excluding VAT).
§ 2. The Accountant of the Budget and Management Control Supervisory Service, responsible for the "miscellaneous income" account, is authorized to make expenditures exclusively within and within the financial limits of the programmes pre-funded on this account by the European Union or other international bodies.
Prior to payment, invoices and claims relating to these programs must be subject to the visa of the delegated coordinator of the Budget and Management Supervisory Service.
Art. 2.18.2
The Minister of Finance may provide loans and assistance to Department Agents in active service, former agents, pensioned or non-resident, persons entitled to finance and their family members. It can grant grants to Department Agent Associations and existing meeting centres and to create FPS Finance staff. Voluntary subsidies and voluntary contributions may also be granted to national and international bodies.
Within the relevant core allocations, the following grants and contributions may be granted:
Programme 40/0 - Management bodies - Subsistence
1. Subsides to the Asbl Inter Nos
2. Subsidies to the Royal Finance Harmony
3. Interventions for the Amicale of the Finance Cultural and Sports Circles
4. Grants to Finance Staff Associations
5. Interventions in support of the Finance Staff Meeting Centres in Antwerp and Kapellen (O.P.F.) and Liège (C.A.R.A.F.)
Programme 52/0 - DOUANES AND ACCISES - Subsistence
1. Belgium's contribution to the financing of OECD tax and public finance programs
2. Annual contribution from Belgium to IOTA (Intra-European Organisation of Tax Administrations)
3. Contributions from Belgium to the World Customs Organization
4. Grants and contributions to national and international organizations for joint tax initiatives
5. Belgium share in the operating costs of international organizations.
Art. 2.18.3
§ 1. By derogation from section 1-01-3, § 2 of this Act, the credits of the basic allowance " - Final and interns statutory staff" may be redistributed to the basic allowance " - Customs and Access Administration personnel made available to other FPS Finance and other FPS and Public Services administrations";
§ 2. By derogation from section 1-01-3, § 3 of this Act, the credits of the basic allowances referred to in this paragraph concerning the operating expenses of section 18 - SPF Finance may also be redistributed to the basic allowance " - Third-party allowances".
Art. 2.18.4
By derogation from sections 60 and 61 of the Act of 22 May 2003 on the organization of the federal government's budget and accounting, the Minister of Finance is authorized to use revenues from the tax arrears securitization operation, up to 1.5 per cent of the objective, in order to cover the expenses resulting from the execution of this transaction.
Art. 2.18.5
The Buildings Authority is authorized to make expenditures necessary for the management of certain buildings when occupied by separate public services. This is the case for the "Finance Tower" building where the SPF Finance is one of the occupants.
For this purpose, the Régie receives, prior to the payment of these expenses, instalment advances from the SPF Finance.
A possible available balance of the previous year may be used to cover the expenses inherent in the current fiscal year.
Section 19
Regulation of buildings
Art. 2.19.1
The budget of the Buildings Board for the 2014 fiscal year, annexed to this Act, is approved.
This budget amounts to 1.086.713.956 euros in total and for expenditures to 1.045.713.956 euros in total.
Revenue includes grants from the federal state for a total amount of 800,774,000 euros, of which 4,700,000 euros are recorded in section 01 and 79,064,000 euros in section 19 of the General Estimates.
Revenues include additional real property sales products for a total of EUR 20.000.000, without changes to the spending limit.
The revenues take into account the collection of backward subsidies in the amount of 21.000.000 euro from the National Lottery for the restoration of architectural heritage, also without modification of the expenditure ceiling.
This budget includes, in expenditure, commitment credits (divided credits) for a total of 233.509.046 euros.
Revenues and expenses for order are estimated at 27.333.578 euros.
Art. 2.19.2
The Minister who has the Régie des buildings in his or her responsibilities is authorized to contract, apart from the amount of the limiting commitment credits of the investment programs, set out in sections 533.01, 533.03, 533.11, 533.12, 533.13, 533.14, 533.16, 536.02, 536.11, 536.13, 536.14 and 536.15 of the budget of the Régie des buildings
The accounting commitment of these operations is limited in 2014 to 100,000 euros, for renovation work in the Royal Museum of Central Africa in Tervueren (last tranche of total funding of 66,500,000 euros).
Art. 2.19.3
The Buildings Authority is authorized to make expenditures for first-time work in buildings leased by it for the use of services to which it must provide housing under the Act of 1er April 1971, establishing a Buildings Board.
If it is installation work that can be considered as standard completions or equipment, these costs are borne by the Régie des buildings budget.
If, on the other hand, it is installation work that comes from the needs of the current or future occupant and cannot be considered as standard completions or equipment, the costs are borne by the occupant. In this case, the Buildings Regime receives, prior to the payment of expenses, advances from the occupying services. It will not be possible for the Buildings Board to make any pre-financing of these expenses.
Art. 2.19.4
The Buildings Authority is authorized to make expenditures, regardless of the nature, necessary for the management of certain buildings where several public services are simultaneously housed, but which are considered to be entities for their effective management (e.g. Administrative centers, the palaces of the Fifty-year-old in Brussels, some large complexes rented.
The Buildings Authority is authorized to charge the amount of these expenses to the occupants of the buildings in question, either by recovering the payments made, or by using an order account. In these two cases, the Régie receives pre-payment of the expenses of these occupants.
Art. 2.19.5
The Régie des buildings is authorized to cover certain expenses relating to fixed occupancy charges of the personal secretariats and strategic bodies of ministers and state secretaries housed in state buildings or in leased buildings that do not cohabit with their administration. These expenses are limited to EUR 49.579 per Minister and EUR 24.789 per Secretary of State for State Buildings and EUR 99.157 per Minister and EUR 49.579 per Secretary of State for leased buildings. The guidelines for the distribution and use of this credit are set together by the Minister of Budget and the Minister who has the Buildings Board in his or her duties.
Must be considered as occupancy charges, including: central heating and air conditioning maintenance costs, window washing fees, lawn maintenance fees and telephone exchanges, elevators and other lifting facilities, electrical and safety facilities, common parts charges, maintenance fees for parks, parks and gardens, management fees, and regional security fees
Art. 2.19.6
The Régie des buildings is authorized to use actual revenues, the proceeds of the sale of real estate and other real estate transactions. The proceeds of these transactions will be paid to the Fund established under section 335 of the Program Act of 22 December 1989.
The availability of the Unused Fund at the end of a fiscal year is deferred to the following fiscal year in which they are confused with its own revenues.
By derogation from the first paragraph and by derogation from art. 335, § 4, of the programme law of 22 December 1989, the Régie des Bâtiments is authorized to make additional revenues in 2014 up to 20.000.000 euros from real estate operations, which cannot be allocated to the financing of the missions to the Régie des Bâtiments.
Art. 2.19.7
By derogation from articles 19 and 20 of the law of 1er April 1971, establishing a Buildings Board, the Buildings Board is authorized to make expenditures for the execution of ordinary and extraordinary maintenance work, studies and other miscellaneous work in certain well-defined buildings that are not owned by the State, when these expenses are explicitly borne by the Buildings Board by contracts, conventions or other agreements.
Art. 2.19.8
By derogation from section 2 of the law of 1er April 1971, establishing a Buildings Board, the Buildings Board is authorized to support the housing costs of the Federal Agency for Food Chain Safety.
Art. 2.19.9
By derogation from section 2 of the law of 1er April 1971, establishing a Régie des buildings, the Régie des buildings is authorized to contribute to the execution of a technical examination and to the development of an annual report concerning the general state and compliance with the legislation and regulations (French) in force, of the renovated building "Maison des étudiants belges et luxembourgeois" in Paris (Fondation Biermans-Laposto). The costs associated with these activities will be borne by the federal public programming service Scientific Policy.
Art. 2.19.10
The Régie des buildings is authorized to pay contractors the construction and renovation works (including studies) of Block A of the "Residence Palace" complex in Brussels for the needs of the Council of the European Union, via funds made available by the Treasury.
In the fiscal year 2014, these expenditures will be limited to an amount of Euro21,170,430 in commitment and to Euro136,558.032 in liquidation.
Reimbursement of the entire investment of the project will be paid directly by the Council of the European Union to the Treasury.
Art. 2.19.11
By derogation from section 2 of the law of 1er April 1971, establishing a Buildings Board, the Buildings Board is authorized to carry out investment and maintenance work in open reception centres for the needs of the Federal Agency for the reception of asylum seekers.
Art. 2.19.12
By derogation from section 2 of the law of 1er April 1971, establishing a Buildings Board, the Buildings Board is authorized to take charge of the housing costs of the Federal Agency for Drugs and Health Products.
Art. 2.19.13
As part of the construction of the new penitentiary infrastructure, the Régie des buildings is authorized to pre-finance the fees of external experts on section 560.08 of its budget until the sponsor is appointed. After the designation of the proponents, they pay the Régie des buildings a "entrance right", which will cover these expenses.
Art. 2.19.14
Derogation from art. 66 of the Act of 22 May 2003 on the organization of the budget and accounting of the federal state, advances of up to EUR 250,000 may be made to the accountants of the central office and the external services of the Régie des buildings.
Accountants are authorized to use these advances for the payment of certain expenses relating to accepted invoices (or accepted documents that may take place, such as claims of receivables or claims for payment) that do not exceed 5.500 EUR (excluding T.V.A.) per expenditure, payable on a one-time basis and do not relate in any way to a contract of work, services and supplies in excess of the amount referred to above.
The "Instruction for Fund Advances", approved by the Director General of the Buildings Board at 27/08/2007, determines the nature of the expenses payable by the advances.
Art. 2.19.15
Within the limits of the credit set out in section 511.06 of the 2014 budget of the Régie des buildings, a grant may be granted to the ASBL "Social Service of the Ministry of Public Service".
Art. 2.19.16
By derogation from section 2 of the law of 1er April 1971, establishing a Buildings Board, the Buildings Board is authorized to take charge of the costs related to the rent of the building occupied by the Autonomous Competition Authority.
Art. 2-19-17
The Minister who has the Board of Buildings in his or her powers is authorized to enter and dispose of the credits of Activity 5 of Program 30/6 of Section 01 of the expenditures arising from the activities of the Royal Family.
Section 21
Art. 2.21.1
The initial budget of the Public Sector Pension Service for 2014, annexed to this Act, is approved.
This budget is for revenues of 14.152.438.000 euros, of which euros for revenues relating to legal missions and 38.406.000 euros for service management revenues. It amounts to 14.152.438.000 euros, of which euros for expenses relating to legal missions, and 38.406.000 euros for expenses related to the management of the service.
Art. 2.21.2
Treasury Grand Book 466543 - "FPS Finance - Treasury - SCDF - Pensions and other benefits - Public Sector Pension Service (PSS)" - on which are charged from 1er January 2006 the pension and survival expenses that are managed by the Public Sector Pension Service, may present a debtor balance of up to 20% of the expenses related to the legal missions of that Service.
Art. 2.21.3
The Grand Account Cash Book 466515 - "FPS Finance - Treasury - SCDF - Salaries and other fixed expenses for public sector pension service staff (PSS)" - on which are charged from 1er January 2006 the salaries of staff appointed on a final and contractual basis by the Public Sector Pension Service may be charged up to 20% of the management costs of this Service.
Section 23
SPF Employment, Labour and Social Concertation
Art. 2.23.1
By derogation from section 66 of the Act of 22 May 2003 on the organization of the budget and accounting of the federal state, advances of up to EUR 10,000 may be made to the Accountant of the Department - Management Boards - in effect of paying - possibly through advances - receivables not exceeding EUR 5.500 excluding VAT, as well as expenses of an urgent and exceptional nature.
By derogation from Article 66 of the Act of 22 May 2003 on the organization of the budget and accounting of the federal state, advances of up to EUR 10,000 may be made to the accountant of the Strategic Cell of the Minister of Employment to the effect of paying - possibly through advances - receivables not exceeding EUR 5.500 excluding VAT, as well as exceptional expenses of an emergency nature.
Art. 2.23.2
Within the limits of the basic allowances concerned, the following subsidies may be granted:
- Grant for the SPF Staff Association Employment, Work and Social Concertation;
- Participation in the United Nations social workers exchange programme.
- Participation in the implementation of bilateral social collaboration initiatives established by the International Labour Organization or with a third country;
- Grants to international organizations (BIT, Council of Europe, European Organisations, ...), to recognized or accredited non-governmental organizations, to Belgian research institutes;
- Financial contributions to small-scale interventions via the Belgian Technical Cooperation SA.
- Grants to private organizations in the context of diversity, interculturality and equal opportunities;
- Impulsion Fund membership in the policy of immigrants in the context of diversity, interculturality and equal opportunities;
- At the Centre for Equal Opportunities and Combating Racism in the context of diversity, interculturality and equal opportunities;
- Grants to public bodies in the context of diversity, interculturality and equal opportunities.
At the Institute for the Equality of Women and Men.
- Subsidies to ALS as part of the federal contribution "operational program 2007-2013";
- Grants to universities as part of the federal contribution "operational program 2007-2013".
- Subsidies to ALS as part of the federal contribution "operational program 2014-2020";
- Grants to universities as part of the federal contribution "operational program 2014-2020".
- Provision of a grant to the three specialized reception centres in the fight against human trafficking, i.e.:
- Sürya centre
- center Pag-Asa
- Payoke Center.
Membership in the National Labour Council.
Grant for the Association of Heads of Safety and Hygiene Service of Belgium.
(1) Expenditures of any kind related to the award of prices of the Higher Council for Safety, Hygiene and Embellishment of Workplaces and the Directorate General Control of Well-being at Work.
2) The Royal Institute of Labour Elites.
(3) Grant to representative organizations of workers referred to in Article 3 of the Act of 5 December 1968 on collective labour agreements and joint commissions.
Art. 2.23.3
In addition to an amount set by the Minister of Employment, the social partners designated by the Minister may obtain the reimbursement of the theoretical and practical training they organize in the context of bilateral social collaboration.
Art. 2.23.4
The Minister of Employment, after agreement of the Minister of Budget, is authorized to transfer, on the basis of a reasoned opinion from his department, within the framework of the debts of the promoters of projects prior to 1990 relating to the expenses of the past arising from the management of the European Structural Funds and in particular the European Social Fund for which the European Commission has operated under the Regulation (EC,Euratom) Council No. 1605/2002 of 25 June 2002 regulating the general budget of the European Communities and the Regulation (EC,Euratom) Commission No. 2342/2002 of 23 December 2002 establishing the terms and conditions for the execution of the above-named regulation, ex officio compensations.
Section 24
SPF Social security
Art. 2.24.1
By derogation from section 66 of the Act of 22 May 2003 on the organization of the federal government's budget and accounting, advances of up to EUR 10,000 may be made to the department's accountants, as a result of paying claims for all service fees, allowances and allowances of any kind not exceeding EUR 1,000.
Authorization is given to these accountants to make the necessary advances to officials and experts on mission abroad, even if these advances are greater than EUR 1,000.
Payment of expert fees from other countries and fees resulting from arrangements with foreign countries may also be made in advance of funds, regardless of the amount.
Art. 2.24.2
Credits for various expenses of the social service can be used as a subsidy to the ABL "Social Service of the SPF Social Security and the SPF Public Health, Safety of the Food Chain and Environment".
Art. 2.24.3
Within the limits of the basic allowances concerned, the following subsidies may be awarded:
Subsides the General Secretariat of Benelux.
Subsidies to organizations, institutions, associations and groups that through study, information or other social activities, contribute to the integration of persons with disabilities (studies, research, study days, various interventions, information and propaganda on the policy of persons with disabilities...)
Subsidies to organizations, institutions, associations and groups that through the study, information or other social activities are active in the field of family policy.
Subsidies to the OECD (Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development) and the ISSA (International Social Security Association).
Subsidies to organizations, institutions, associations and groups that through study, information or other social activities, contribute to the promotion of social progress (studies, research, study days, various interventions, information and propaganda about the various branches of social security...)
Subsidies to public social security institutions (IPSS) and public social security organizations pursuant to section 2-04-3 of this Act.
Subsides to the ASBL SIGeDIS for the management of the data bank: "Constitution of supplementary pensions".
Subsidies to support the social action of certain federations and works in favour of the victims of war and their beneficiaries.
Art. 2.24.4
By derogation from article 61, first paragraph, of the Act of 22 May 2003 on the organization of the budget and accounting of the federal state, basic allowance 55 31 34.31.06 "Payment of allowances to persons with disabilities under the Act of 27 February 1987" may present a debiting position in commitment and liquidation.
Section 25
SPF Public Health, Food Chain Safety
Art. 2.25.1
By derogation from section 66 of the Act of 22 May 2003 on the organization of the budget and accounting of the Federal State, advances of up to 744.000 EUR may be made to the accountants of the department, to the effect of paying the claims for all service costs, allowances and allowances of any kind not exceeding 5.500 EUR, as well as, no matter how much
Authorization is provided to these accountants to make the necessary advances to staff for the collection of samples. These advances are limited to EUR 2,000.
Authorization is given to these accountants to make the necessary advances to officials and experts on mission abroad, even if these advances are greater than EUR 3.000.
Payment of expert fees from other countries and fees resulting from arrangements with foreign countries may also be made in advance, regardless of the amount.
Art. 2.25.2
Credits for various expenses of the social service can be used as a subsidy to the ABL "Social Service of the Public Health SPF, Safety of the Food Chain and Environment and SPF Social Security".
Art. 2.25.3
Within the relevant basic allowances, the following subsidies may be granted:
- Grants, contributions as a member country or participation in operating costs for the benefit of international organizations in the field of Public Health.
- Subsidies to organizations based in Belgium and working with international organizations in the field of public health.
- Subsidies for direct financing of meetings in Belgium of experts from international organizations on public health, food chain protection and the environment.
- Subsides "Health in All Policies".
Subside for Sport and Culture.
Subsidies as compensation to live organ donors.
- Subsides to pilot projects "crisis units and case management" (9 hospitals).
- Subsidies to pilot projects "Integrated double diagnostic units" (2 hospitals).
- Subsidies to various associations for the supervision and support of the citizen in his patient capacity.
- Subsidies to ASBL Medical errors.
- Subsidies to the associations "LEIF" and "EOL" with the aim of supporting doctors and informing the public about the legal provisions on euthanasia.
- Subsidies to the Public Health Schools of the Universities, the University Departments of General Medicine, the Nursing Departments of the High Schools or Universities, and all associations of health care professionals for their work:
contribute to a better organization of different health care professionals,
working to improve their skills,
developing policies that help increase their effectiveness,
develop synergies and complementarities between these professionals within a network including the 3 care lines and the social sector.
- Subsidies to representative organizations of general medicine for their scientific work contributing to the modernization of medical practice taking into account the evolution of the health care sector, demographic evolution and information technology, as well as the national and international context.
- Grants to university or inter-university centres of general medicine for the training and scientific supervision of internship teachers.
- Subsidies to encourage initiatives taken in the context of public health information study and dissemination days.
- Subsidies to the Cancer Registry Foundation.
- Subsides to the circles of licensed doctors.
- Subsides at the Belgian Centre for Evidence-Based Medicine (CEBAM) to stimulate the knowledge of the Evicende-Based Medicine and its application in the various disciplines of care in Belgium.
- Subsides at the Royal Academy of Medicine in Belgium for the award of the quinquennial prizes in medical sciences.
- Subsidies under the 2010-2014 National Action Plan to Combat Violence between Partners and Other Forms of Domestic Violence.
- Subsidies to the scientific and professional associations of health care professionals in RA 78 for the development and/or adaptation, dissemination and implementation of good practice guidelines based on the Evidence Based Practice.
- Subsidies relating to the Urgent Medical Aid Fund (MUFA) under the Act of 8 July 1964.
- Subsides relating to the training centres for ambulance workers under the RA of 13 February 1998.
- Subside to the Red Cross Belgium/Rode Kruis Vlaanderen.
- Subside to the Anti-Population Center.
- Subside to the Agency Call for Emergency Services.
- Subsides Ambulance services.
- Subsides Implementation PIT projects.
- Subsidies to the training and training centres for ambulance workers.
- Mandatory subsidies to international organizations pursuant to Article 39 of the cooperation agreement of 18/06/2003 between the Federal Government and the Regions.
- Amounts, inter alia, due by the State, following convictions in court cases or for compensation of animals that have been subject to a slaughter order or a death order for diseases, as set out in chapter III of the Animal Health Act of 24 March 1987, in particular the measures and allowances under section 8 of the said Act, for the species for which the funds for which they have paid
- Grants as a share in operating costs to the OECD International Organization - Pesticide Program - in which DG4 has a representation.
- Subsidies to various associations for the supervision and/or support of citizen initiatives within the framework of the federal policy "Pets, Plants and Food".
- Subsides as a share of operating costs to international organizations O.I.E. - EPPO and FAO in which DG4 has a representation
- Subside for the study on the identification of birds protected by legislation concerning the protection of wildlife.
- Subsidies to the "NUBEL" asbl, with a view to developing a scientific database on the nutritional composition of foods present in the Belgian market.
- Subsides to the CRIOC (Centre de Recherche et d'Information des Organisations de Consommateurs).
- Grants to CIRIHA (Information and Research Centre on Intolerance and Food Hygiene).
- Subsidies for studies necessary to implement the EU Directives and Regulations
- Subsides necessary for the application of the National Nutrition Health Plan.
- Control of other consumer products.
- Subsides in energy saving.
- Operating and investment subsidies - for ecological projects - to companies (public and private companies), not-for-profit associations and others.
- Subsidies as participation in the costs of operating and executing or contributing to international organizations in the implementation of conventions or protocols signed by Belgium for the protection of human and environmental conditions in the areas of air and water pollution, acidification, climate change, hazardous waste, chemicals, biocides, nanotechnology, mercury, biotechnology and other biodiversity (OESO, SAICM, UNEP, UN ECE, International Whaling Commission, Secretariat of the Antartic Treaty, CCAMLAR....)
- Subsidy to CITES (Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (UNEP/CITES)
- Subsidies as participation in OECD/IUCN/UNESCO/CIB/CEEWeb/UNEP and NU biopropection activities ea.
- Subsides for capacity building projects.
- Subsides as participation in the OSCE project and subsidies for capacity building projects.
- Subsidies to scientific collaboration with some institutions in the fight against pollution and safety of risk industries.
- Subsidies to scientific collaboration on cross-border transport of industrial waste.
- Access to Information Subsidies, Public Participation in Decision-making and Access to Justice in Environmental Matters (EEB)
- Subsidies to national and international associations/organizations active in the field of the environment. (Natuurpunt, Natagora, Greenpeace Belgium, asbl Forum des Juges de l'UE pour l'Environnement ea)
- Subsidies to initiatives related to symposiums and awareness-raising campaigns, study days and dissemination of information on environmental awareness (including CITES); to scientific collaboration with certain institutions/organizations + structural funding of the NGO platform composed of the four coordinating bodies of Belgian NGOs for the environment, as a point of contact for their members in the coordination of the federal, international and European environmental policy (BBL/BRAL/I.E.B/I.E.W).
- Biodiversity Awareness Grants (including CITES) and the Environment Component of Sustainable Development in Impel
- International Networks of the UCN World Conservation Union, Impel ea.
- Grants to inter-union employment and environment networks. (BRAL, Arbeid en Milieu, RW Rise CEPAG, RW RISE FEC, RBC CCB, RBC Labour Foundation University, RBC Well Being Employees, CGSLB, International Polar Foundation).
- Subsidies to public sector associations/organizations (IRSNB).
- Subsidies for direct financing of meetings in Belgium, experts from international organizations on public health and environmental issues (including CITES)
- Subsides as a contribution to the conservation of the marine fauna and flora of Antarctica.
- Operating and investment subsidies for ecological projects.
- Subsidies to universities.
- Subsides for the financing of organizations and associations (among other contributions Climate Action Network Europe asbl, VODO asbl, subsidies for local information evenings...).
- Subsides for the operation of international organizations (e.g. contribution to the UNFCCC Trust Fund for Supplementary Activities) and to the UNFCCC Trust Fund for Participation (UNFCCC Trust Fund for Participation) for the activities organized by the Secretariat of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change including the connection of the national register to the International Transaction Log (ITL Fee) /UNFCC, grant to the global forum OECD CCXG e.a.
- Grants for the operation of international cooperation, partnerships and networks (including Climate Justice Dialogue, Center for Clean Air Policy, MRV Partnerschip).
Subsidies as participation in OECD activities/projects.
- Subsidies for public institutions.
- Subsidies for direct financing of meetings in Belgium, experts from international organizations on climate change policy.
- Operating and investment grants for green projects, energy saving projects and renewable energy projects.
- Subsidies to associations/organizations related to awareness-raising campaigns, days of information and awareness-raising activities on products that are more environmentally friendly (as reflected in the scope of the Act of 21/12/98 on product standards), energy saving products, environmentally friendly products, sustainable or environmentally friendly construction and the promotion of efficient products and appliances. (Nature and Progress, Netwerk Bewust Verbruiken/infolabel ASBL ea).
- Grants and/or awards to companies established in Belgium that take into account, in the development of their products, ecological aspects such as sustainable development, eco-efficiency, IPP, LCA, ea. (Support for the development of eco-design in Belgium).
- Subsides for the promotion of energy efficient devices / products (time to change).
- Subsidies as participation in operating and executing costs or contributions to international organizations in the implementation of conventions or protocols signed by Belgium for the protection of the marine environment. (e.a. OSPAR Commission, RAMSAR, ASCOBANS, BONN Agreement, Convention de la Meuse, Convention de l'Escaut,AEWA).
- Subsidies to national and international associations/organizations active in the field of the marine environment and the fight against pollution of the North Sea.
- Subsidies to initiatives related to symposia and awareness-raising campaigns, study days and dissemination of information on awareness of marine issues, scientific collaboration with some institutions/organizations.
- Subsidies to public sector associations/organizations.
- Subsidies to scientific cooperation with some institutions for the protection of the marine environment and/or for the creation of marine protected areas.
- Subsides for both the private and public sector as an intervention in the costs related to the commitments and/or investments undertaken by these institutions in the fight against hydrocarbon pollution and other pollutions as well as for the protection of the marine environment (among other subsidies to the ABL "Revalidation Center for Wild Birds and Animals in Ostend", subsides to the European project "Integrated Management of Western Coastal Areas"
- Subsidies related to the organization of awareness within the framework of the production of energy at sea and the resulting impacts on the marine environment.
- Subsidies for direct financing of meetings in Belgium, experts from international organizations on the policy of the marine environment.
- Subsides for capacity building projects.
- Subsidies as participation in UN activities.
- Subsides as Participation in IUCN projects and contributions related to the organization of international meetings abroad.
- Grants associations/organizations, aids/subsidies related to the seal action plan and other projects related to the marine environment.
- Subsidies for basic scientific research and international exchange of data on recent developments and problems in the field of prophylaxis, hygiene, food hygiene and pharmacy.
- National funding to the Medical Scientific Research Fund.
- Subsidies to scientific research on food security, health policy and animal welfare for scientific institutions of the SPF SPSCAE.
- Subsidies to scientific research on food security, health policy and animal welfare for subsidized free education.
- Subsidies to scientific research on food security, health policy and animal welfare for institutions of public law, universities of the Communities and their ABLs.
- Subsidies to scientific research on food security, health policy and animal welfare for regional scientific institutions.
- Subsides for the Biosafety-House organization (BCH)
- Subsidies for disease surveillance such as Creutzfelt-Jakob, measles and poliomyelitis.
Art. 2.25.4
The budget of the Federal Agency for Food Chain Safety for 2014 is approved, annexed to this Act.
This budget is for revenues of 200 278 226 EUR and for expenditures of 196 762 936 EUR.
Art. 2.25.7
The provisional credit in program 25-40/1 (A.B. - Fedoclean Reserve Credit) may be apportioned on the most appropriate basic allowances (personal, endowment operation) by Royal Decree and with the agreement of the Minister of Budget and the Secretary of State to the Public Service.
Art 2.25.8
The provision in A.B. - (3,424 keur in commitment and liquidation credits) may be apportioned as required, in the course of 2014, on the most appropriate basic allocations of the Inland FPS budget for the financing of the personnel costs of Project 1733 in the Agency call for relief services, by way of Royal Order at the initiative of the Minister of Health.
Art. 2.25.9
The budget of the Federal Agency for Drugs and Health Products for 2014 is approved, annexed to this Act.
This budget amounts to 84,908,727 EUR and costs to 85,398,227 EUR.
Art. 2.25.10
By derogation from section 52, paragraph 1, 1°, of the Act of 22 May 2003 on the organization of the budget and accounting of the federal State and by derogation from paragraph 3 of article 1-01-3 of this Act, the commitment credits of the basic allowances referred to therein may also be redistributed with the basic allowance 56/
Art 2.25.11
The proceeds for order made under the Crisis and Resident Management are carried out using account B of the "Treasury Order Operations" section.
They may be used to cover all management costs arising from these activities.
Art 2.25.12
The order revenue transactions carried out under "Euphresco" are carried out using account B of the "Treasury Order Operations" section.
They may be used to cover all management costs arising from these activities.
Art. 2.25.13
The proceeds for order made under the Vesalius Document and Information Center (VDIC) are carried out using account B of the "Treasury Operations" section.
They may be used to cover all management costs arising from these activities.
Art. 2.25.14
Revenue operations for order carried out under the "Personnel-Expert" framework are carried out using account B of the "Treasury Operations" section.
They may be used to cover all management costs arising from these activities.
Art. 2.25.15
The order revenue operations carried out in connection with the sanitary inspection of the port of Antwerp are carried out using account of the section "Treasury operations".
They may be used to cover all management costs arising from these activities.
Art. 2.25.16
The order revenue operations carried out under the "social manager" function are carried out using account of the "Treasury Operations" section.
They may be used to cover all management costs arising from these activities.
Art. 2.25.17
Revenue transactions for order made in the context of contributions to the secretariat of the High Council of Health are carried out using account of the "Treasury Operations" section.
They may be used to cover all management costs arising from these activities.
Section 32
SPF Economy, P.M.E., Average Classes and Energy
Art. 2.32.1
§ 1. By derogation from Article 66 of the Act of 22 May 2003 on the organization of the budget and accounting of the Federal State, advances may be made.
Advances may be made to the relevant extraordinary accountants, designated as part of Belgium's participation in international exhibitions, up to the level of the budgetary appropriations provided for this purpose and up to the level of the variable credits available for this purpose on the Fund for the Organization of International Exhibitions.
§ 2. Under the control of the Minister or his representative, subject to further justification by the Department and within the limits of budgetary appropriations, advances may be made available to the Treasures, designated by the Minister, to the International Exhibitions for the execution of expenditures.
Dependant payments of funds available on the variable credits of program 44/7 (International Exhibition Organization Fund) may be made, regardless of the amount, in advance of funds.
The potential balance of these advances as at December 31, 2013 may be used for 2014 expenditures.
Art. 2.32.2
The adjusted budget of the Office of the Plan for 2014, annexed to this Act, is approved.
This budget amounts to 9.887.790 EUR for revenue and to 9.887.790 EUR for expenditures.
Art. 2.32.3
By derogation from article 62 of the Act of 22 May 2003 on the organization of the budget and accounting of the General State, the Debt Control Fund is authorized to present a debiting position in commitment and liquidation that cannot exceed 2,000. EUR 000.
Art. 2.32.4
Within the limits of the basic allowances concerned, the following subsidies may be awarded:
Miscellaneous social service expenses, other than property purchases.
1) Intervention in the costs of publishing reports and studies as well as in the costs of organizing conferences and seminars.
(2) Grant to the permanent office of the Standing International Commission (I.C.) for the portable firearms test.
(3) Holding at the Institute for National Accounts (ICN).
Economic events (Royal Decree of 9 April 1962) both in Belgium and abroad (participations, various interventions, purchase or rental of equipment)
Offering to the Autonomous Authority of Competition
1) Funding of the public body O.N.D.R.A.F.
2) At the Nuclear Energy Study Centre (NCE) for the financing of social liabilities.
3) Holdings to the O.N.D.R.A.F. for the Nuclear Liability Fund.
Fonds social mazout
(1) Grant to the Interuniversity Institute of Nuclear Sciences (I.I.S.N.).
(2) Research Grant in the area of fusion and related research.
3) Belgium's contribution to R. & D programmes in the field of energy.
4) Charges incombant à l'État belge en vertu de sa participation à l'entreprise commune "Joint European Torus".
5) Economic assistance to Eastern European countries.
(6) Belgium ' s contribution to the European Centre for Nuclear Research (C.E.R.N.) in Geneva.
7) Grant to the Institute of Radio Elements (I.R.E.).
8) Grant for investments at the Institute of Radio Elements (I.R.E.).
9) Grant to the Nuclear Energy Study Centre (NCE).
10) Grant for exceptional investments to be made by the Nuclear Energy Study Centre (NCE).
11) Grant to the Institute of Radio Elements (I.R.E.) for specific operating expenses.
12) Grant to the International Energy Agency (IEA).
13) Presentation symposium
14) Halden Project
16) CEN - Myrrha
17) Additional IIRE Grant for New Studies, New Investments and Projects
18) Grant to the International Energy Forum
19) Grant for the Physical Protection of CEN
20) IRE Physical Protection Grant
21) Group AEN - radio isotopes
1) Grant to AGORIA for contact cell
(2) Direct contribution to the joint venture ITER
3) Grant to the Royal Military School (Research Activities)
4) Grant to the Royal Military School (Prototypes)
5) Euratom/Japan Contribution
(1) Cotisation of Belgium at the World Intellectual Property Organization in Geneva.
(2) Charges in Belgium to the European Patent Office in Munich: tax adjustment of pensions.
3) EPO: Research Reports
4) Subside UPOV
ABL Grant Belgian Bioindustries Association (B.B.A.).
Grant to the International Exhibition Office in Paris.
1) Grants for the promotion of MEPs.
2) Funding
3) Doing CEFIP
1) Grant to international metrological organizations (EA, IAF, ILAC, WELMEC, EURAMET).
(2) Grant to international associations active in the field of certification and accreditation (OIML, BIPM, EMRP).
3) Grant to the International Cold Institute (I.I.F.).
4) SCEPYLT Grant (Traceability of Explosives).
(1) Grant pre-normative research.
(2) Specific actions of the Collective Centres for Small and Medium Enterprises.
3) Grant to the Normalization Office (N.B.N.).
1) Grant to the International Statistical Institute in The Hague.
2) Grant to the Belgian Society of Demographics.
3) Grant to the Belgian Statistical Society.
1) Grant to the Consumer Organizations Research and Information Centre (CRIOC).
2) Grants to associations in the context of consumer protection and information.
3) Subsidy to the ABL "Commission des Litiges Voyages".
1) Contribution to the European Consumer Centre (Euroguichet).
(2) Credit Observatory
3) Contribution to the Internet supported Communication System for Market Surveillance (ICSMS).
(4) Subside to Prosafe (Best practice market surveillance).
5) Service Mediation banks.
Grants to coal-fired personnel affected by closure measures.
The Federal Office of the Plan.
Section 33
SPF Mobility and Transport
Art. 2.33.1
By derogation from section 66 of the Act of 22 May 2003 on the organization of the budget and accounting of the federal state, advances may be made to the accountants of the Federal Public Service Mobility and Transport, which are validated by the officer, officer of the Service, or by his delegate and are attributed by the competent minister in order to cover the payment of the expenses that are recovered below.
The accountant has a specific financial account, open to its name and on which the centralized accountant transfers the amount of the advance from the Financial Expenditure Account of the Federal Public Service Mobility and Transport. This transfer is a purely financial operation.
The maximum amount for which a small expense advance can be awarded is 5.000 EUR.
A supplementary advance for small expenses may be requested when the balance of the means of payment on the accountant's financial account is EUR 2.500 or less.
The amount of a small expense may not exceed 500 EUR Including VAT.
The accountant may make available to staff members means of payment for small expenses, either in cash or via an electronic wallet or through a debit card.
The maximum amount for which an expense advance for a foreign mission can be awarded is EUR 25,000.
A supplementary advance for these expenses may be requested when the balance of the means of payment on the accountant's financial account is EUR 10,000 or less.
The accountant may make available to public servants on mission abroad means of payment for expenses, in cash up to EUR 500, either via a debit card or via debit card.
An employee for whom means of payment have been made available by the accountant must justify his or her expenses by means of supporting documentation in order to demonstrate the expenditures in the accountant's management account. It shall pay the balance, without delay, of the advance of funds received and the expenses justified to the accountant of the relevant advances.
The accountant accounts for expenditures made by advances on the appropriate commitment and liquidation credit.
If an advance or part of it is no longer required for the continuity of the service, the accountant shall remit the balance without delay on the account of the financial revenues of the centralizing accountant.
The competent minister informs the Court of Accounts on a monthly basis about the advances he has made.
The Coordinator, a senior official of the Federal Public Service Mobility and Transport or his delegate, is responsible for the regular follow-up of requests and awards of advances by accountants.
Accountants and their alternates are designated by the competent minister or his or her delegate. The designation order describes the specific tasks of the accountants, indicates the number of the financial account on which the accountant will receive his or her advance of funds and sets the date on which the accountant manages it, in accordance with the rules established by the competent minister. A copy of this order is forwarded to the Minister of Budget and Finance.
Art. 2.33.2
By derogation from Article 62 of the Act of 22 May 2003 on the organization of the federal budget and accounting, the funds mentioned below may present in 2014 a debtor balance of:
- the fund for the Organization of Exceptional Transport: 250,000 EUR
- the fund for the operation of the Brussels-National Airport Rail Transport and Operation Control Service: 522,000 EUR
- the fund for the operation of the Railway Safety Authority : 2.150.000 EUR
- the fund for the operation of the railway accident investigation agency: EUR 275,000.
Art. 2.33.3
Within the limits of the basic allowances concerned, the following subsidies may be granted:
1) Subside to the ABL Social Service of the Federal Public Service Mobility and Transport.
Mobility and transport subsidies.
(1) Subsidies planned in execution of the management contract between the State and bpost;
(2) State contribution to Belgacom for the coverage of the social benefits granted under the PTS plan.
(1) Subsidies planned for the execution of management contracts between the State and the Public Law Associations Infrabel, the SNCB and the SNCB Holding.
(2) Contribution of the State of Belgium in the expenses of the Central Office of International Rail Transport in Bern;
(3) Contribution to cover the operating costs of the HR rail public law SA.
Subsidies related to the promotion of combined transport
(1) Weather Stations Montreal: Belgium's participation in the operating costs of weather and safety stations in the North Atlantic Ocean.
2) International Civil Aviation Organization (OACI Montréal), European Commission for Civil Aviation (CEAC Neuilly sur Seine - France), participation of Belgium in operating costs.
Contributions to international organizations in the context of air navigation.
(1) Secretariat for the information system within the framework of the Paris Agreement Memorandum concerning the control of ships by the State of the Port: contribution of Belgium in the operating costs.
(2) Intergovernmental Maritime Organization (O.M.I. London).
(3) Patrol services for iceberg observation in the North Atlantic.
4) Central Commission for the Navigation of the Rhine
5) Administrative Centre for Social Security of Rhine Bworkshops
6) Contribution to the CDNI Convention
Subsidies for the financing of initiatives under the Cooperation Agreement concluded on 15/09/1993 between the Federal State and the Brussels-Capital Region as supplemented by its successive amendments
Subsides to the ABL Social Service of the Federal Public Service Mobility and Transport.
Art. 2.33.4
All revenues from the Aerial Transport Directorate are allocated to the Fund for the Financing and Improvement of Control, Inspection and Investigation Means and Aeronautics Prevention Programs.
Art. 2.33.5
By derogation from section 62 of the Act of 22 May 2003 on the organization of the federal budget and accounting, the available means of the organic funds mentioned below are partially disaffected and added to the general resources of the Treasury:
- those of the Financing Fund for the International Role and Capital Function of Brussels (Programme 55/2) up to EUR 143.000;
- those of the Fund for the Financing and Improvement of Control, Inspection and Investigation and Aeronautics Prevention Programs (Program 52/5) up to EUR 2.331.000;
- those of the Fund relating to the operation of the Railway Transport Regulatory Service and the Exploitation of the Brussels-National Airport (Program 22/5) up to EUR 215,000;
- those of the Operating Fund of the Railway Safety Authority (Program 22/6) up to 511.000 EUR;
- those of the Fund relating to the operation of the Railway Accident Investigation Organization (Program 22/1) up to EUR 37,000.
Art. 2.33.6
By derogation from Article 1-01-3, § 2 of this Act, the following basic allowances may be redistributed between them and only between them:
AB 33 52 01 11.00.16 and AB 33 52 01 12.21.48
AB 33 22 40 11.00.16 and AB 33 22 40 12.21.48
Section 44
SPP Social integration, poverty reduction and social economy
Art. 2.44.1
By derogation from section 66 of the Act of 22 May 2003 concerning the organization of the budget and accounting of the federal state, advances of up to EUR 100,000 may be made to the accountants of the department, to the effect of paying claims for all operating expenses, allowances and allowances of any kind not exceeding EUR 5.500, as well as, no matter how much,
Authorization is given to these accountants to make the necessary advances to officials and experts on mission abroad, even if these advances are greater than EUR 3,000.
Payment of expert fees from other countries and fees resulting from arrangements with third countries may also be made in advance of funds, regardless of the amount.
Art. 2.44.2
Credits for various expenses of the social service can be used as a subsidy to the ABL "Social Service of the SPF Social Security and the SPF Public Health, Safety of the Food Chain and Environment".
Art. 2.44.3
Within the relevant basic allowances, the following subsidies may be awarded:
Subsidies to public social action centres (C.P.A.S.) for their mutual cooperation in the execution of their missions.
Subsidies to C.P.A.S. for the promotion of the social, cultural and sports participation of their users.
Subsidies to the C.P.A.S. for the costs of the measures, taken under the National Plan for Combating the Digital Divide.
Subsidies to C.P.A.S. for the award of installation bonuses to persons who lose their homeless status but who are not entitled to integration income.
Subsidies to C.P.A.S. for the provision of important data for the policy on the right to social integration and financial social assistance.
Subsidies to C.P.A.S. for their costs when they intervene by advancing rental guarantees.
Subsidies to the C.P.A.S. unions for the support of the C.P.A.S. in the execution of their missions.
Grants encouraging days of study, research, dissemination of information on the fight against poverty.
Subsidies supporting integration initiatives in the society of certain groups that, due to financial, family or social circumstances, do not participate fully.
Subsidies to organizations promoting the reintegration of former drug addicts.
Subsidies to private organizations for the help they give to special target groups, such as the Belges repatriated.
Subsidies to the CAAMI covering the intervention of the State's share in the medical expenses of the dependents of a C.P.A.S. for which the CAAMI intervened, on behalf and on behalf of the SPP Social integration, on the basis of the law of 2 April 1965
Granting of the Annual Poverty Reduction Award to a private or legal person (C.P.A.S., ASBL, private enterprise, ...).
Subsidies to organizations and communes that support the first reception and distribution of refugees.
Subsidies to organizations for the individual assessment of the specific needs of vulnerable people and adaptation of their accommodation.
Subsidies to organizations supporting psychological assistance initiatives (individual care, prevention tools, information and training).
Subsidies to organizations to make the stay in reception structures more useful to everyone by acquiring a transposable know-how (e.g., basic learning, literacy, national language learning, qualifying training, etc.), whatever the outcome of the asylum procedure.
Subsidies to organizations for individualized information on the rights and obligations of asylum seekers, in particular with regard to the right to social assistance and conditions of reception, procedure and legal assistance, institutional landscape, living conditions in Belgium and assistance in return.
Subsidies to organizations carrying out social Interpretation missions.
Subsidies to organizations for the development of local communication policies and strengthening general means of communication on the reception of asylum seekers.
Subsidies to organizations for the development of voluntary return programmes or projects.
Subsidies for support of innovative initiatives in the social economy.
Grants related to the Open Stadium Fund.
Subsidies under the social economy component of the spring programme.
Subsidies as part of the integrated approach to socially and environmentally responsible production.
Subsides to support social entrepreneurship.
Subsides as part of the city's policy.
Subsidies to local authorities through local initiatives in social integration, security, employment, poverty alleviation, social economy and improved living conditions.
Subsidies to local authorities for innovative projects.
Subsidies to C.P.A.S. for the additional workload resulting from regularized support.
Contributions to European cooperation agreements.
Subsidies to local authorities for urban prevention projects to combat insecurity.
Subsides under federal programming 2007-2013.
Subsides under federal programming 2007-2013.
Art. 2.44.4
The amounts paid to the C.P.A.S. in previous years under the Act of 2 April 1965 on the Care of Relief granted by the Public Social Assistance Centres, the Act of 7 August 1974 establishing the right to a minimum of means of existence and the law of 26 May 2002 on the right to social integration may be considered for the year 2013 as advances for the year.
Art. 2.44.5
The budget of the Federal Agency for the reception of asylum seekers for 2014 is approved, annexed to this Act.
This budget is for revenues of 313.281.627 EUR and for expenditures of 334.247.542 EUR.
Art. 2.44.6
The available balance of previous years under the law of 7 August 1974 establishing the right to a minimum of means of existence, and the law of 26 May 2002 concerning the right to social integration, may be used to cover the expenses inherent in the current fiscal year.
The available balance of previous years under the Act of 2 April 1965 on the care of relief provided by public welfare centres can be used to cover the expenses inherent in the current fiscal year.
Art. 2.44.7
By derogation from Article 66 of the Act of 22 May 2003 concerning the organization of the budget and accounting of the federal state, advances may be made to the appropriate accountant for the expenses of the organic fund "Belgian European Social Fund". None of these advances are subject to a maximum amount, except for programming 1994-1999, for which they cannot exceed the available variable credits.
Art. 2.44.8
§ 1. Licensing authorities are granted for the following organic funds up to the amounts indicated:
Federal European Social Fund - programming 2007-2013 (programme 56/2): EUR 7.136.000;
European Fund for the Integration of Third Country Members (programme 56/5) : 912.000 EUR.
Any undertaking to be made under this article is subject to the visa of the contract controller.
§ 2. By derogation from section 62 of the Act of 22 May 2003 on the organization of the federal budget and accounting, the following organic fund is authorized to present a debiting position in liquidation, which cannot exceed the amount mentioned:
European Social Fund - programme 2007-2013 (programme 56/2) : 6.360.000 EUR.
Section 46
SPP Scientific policy
Art. 2.46.1
By derogation from section 66 of the Act of 22 May 2003 on the organization of the federal budget and accounting of the State, advances may be made up for up to EUR 400,000, to the accountants of the SPP Scientific Policy and to the accountants of the institutions that fall under it.
With these advances, PPS accountants may make payment of claims of any kind, including the purchase of heritage furniture, not exceeding EUR 5.500.
The potential balance of these advances as at December 31, 2013 may be used for 2014 expenditures.
Art. 2.46.2
By derogation from Article 66 of the Act of 22 May 2003 on the organization of the federal budget and accounting of the State, successive advances in an amount not exceeding 2.500 EUR may be made to the accountant responsible for the liquidation of relief and social benefits.
Art. 2.46.3
Within the limits of the basic allowances concerned, the following subsidies may be granted:
Grant to the Social Service of the Science Policy PPS.
1. Funding for R & D government impulse programs within the national framework.
2. Financing interuniversity attraction poles.
3. Financing of the technological attraction poles.
4. Financing studies, research and missions on behalf of third parties.
5. Financing of construction, management, operation and maintenance, as well as scientific projects related to the Belgian base in Antarctica.
6. Grants to Academia Belgica in Rome and the Belgian Historical Institute in Rome.
7. Heritage Grant of the Academy of Sciences of Outre-Mer.
8. Grant to the National Commissions under the joint auspices of the Academy of Sciences, Letters and Fine Arts of Belgium and the Koninklijke Academie voor Wetenschappen, Letteren en Schone Kunsten van België.
9. Grant for the recruitment of additional researchers at federal universities and scientific institutions as part of the measures to support the research policy in the multi-year employment plan.
10. Coverage of R-D expenditures of Airbus aircraft.
11. Provision to the Scientific and Technical Information Service (S.I.S.T.).
12. The Belgian television network "Belnet".
13. Membership in the Polar Secretariat.
14. Funding for scientific support to federal drug policy.
15. Financing of the programme for the return of Belgian scientific competence.
16. Grant to the ABL "Foundation Prince Laurent".
17. Grant to the Center for Nuclear Energy Studies (CEN) for the MYRRHA project.
1. Funding for R & D government impulse programs in the international framework.
2. Belgian participation in the activities of the European Space Agency.
3. Belgian participation in bilateral or multilateral space projects (excluding ASE).
4. Participation in the Center for Optical Testing of the Centre Spatial de Liège (CSL)
5. Grants to intergovernmental scientific research and public service organizations.
6. Grants to international scientific research and public service organizations, groups and centres.
7. Grant awarded to the ABL "The Royal Academies of Sciences and the Arts of Belgium" to finance, among other things, contributions to international organizations related to the Royal Academy of Belgium and the "Koninklijke Academie van België" and to national committees related to it:
8 Grant to the Eureka Secretariat
9. Grant to the von Karman Institute.
1. Federal scientific institutions under the Minister of Science Policy.
2. Grant to the Study and Documentation Centre "Guerre and Contemporary Societies".
3. Funding for R & D actions of federal scientific institutions.
4. Specific allocation to federal scientific institutions.
5. Support activity for federal scientific institutions - additional staffing.
6. Grant to the International Centre for Studies for the Conservation and Restoration of Cultural Property (ICCROM).
7. Grant to the Royal Cinema Library.
8. Archives of history and news.
9. Grant to the Cinema Museum.
10. Grant to the ABL Decentralisation of classical and contemporary films.
11. Additional allocation to federal scientific institutions to strengthen their research capacity.
12. Funding for the digitalization of the collections of the Federal Scientific Establishments and the CEGES.
1. Grant to the Fondation Biermans-L apostle (Paris).
2. An exceptional grant to the Biermans-L apostle Foundation for the coverage of the loan refund.
3. Grants to the University Foundation.
4. Grant to the "Belgian-American Educational Foundation".
1. Grant to the Belgian Museum Friends Federation and other cultural support associations.
2. Grant to the Children's Museum.
3. Grant to the Belgian Centre for Musical Documentation (CEBEDEM).
4. Grant to concert associations meeting the criteria set out in the Royal Decree of 20 January 1956 defining the conditions for granting grants to concert associations.
5. Grant to the Musical Chapel "Reine Elisabeth".
6. Queen Elisabeth International Competition - Government Award.
7. Grant to the ABL "Young Philharmonie".
8. Fees for music promotion.
9. Fees related to the opening of the Royal Palace to the public.
10. Financing of the library of the Royal Conservatory of Music.
11. Grant to the "Fundation Europalia International".
1. Grants to international youth organizations.
2. Belgian contribution to the financing of the "Commission for Educational Exchanges USA, Belgium, Luxemburg".
3. Grant to the Secretariat of the International Federation of Musical Youth.
4. Other international grants and contributions.
5. Purchases of publications and works of art for cultural promotion abroad.
Grant to the SHAPE International School.
Art. 2.46.4
The commitment credits for the following expenses are allocated by decision of the Council of Ministers:
- Government impulses of R & D within the national framework (programme 60/1);
Interuniversity amusement poles (Program 60/1);
- Technology attraction poles (Program 60/1);
- coverage of R & D expenditures of Airbus aircraft (programme 60/1);
- Belgian participation in non-ASE bilateral or multilateral space projects (programme 60/2).
Art. 2.46.5
The Minister of Science Policy is authorized to waive, in accordance with the unanimous commitments of the member countries of the European Space Agency, the recovery of national fees and taxes affecting the cost of the work and supplies carried out in Belgium for this organization and whose payment in national currency or euro has been advanced to the dependant of its budget, and to repay to this organization in addition to the Belgian contribution, the amount of any national fees and taxes paid in national currency or euro by the aforementioned Agency.
Art. 2.46.6
By derogation from section 52, paragraph 1er, 1°, of the Act of 22 May 2003 concerning the organization of the budget and accounting of the federal State, and of Article 1-01 3 § 2 of this Law, the appropriations of the basic allowances,, and may be, by means of redistributions of basic allowances, transferred to the base allowance 21.01.
Art. 2.46.7
By derogation from section 52, paragraph 1er, 1°, of the Act of 22 May 2003 on the organization of the budget and accounting of the Federal State, the appropriations of the basic allowances,, and may be redistributed between them.
Art. 2.46.8
The credits of Program 5 of Division 61 (Education and Culture) can be used to pay the fees of lawyers representing the State in the disputes related to the "loads of the past" of the former Ministry of Education/Onderwijs.
Art. 2.46.9
By derogation from Article 1-01-3 § 2 of this Law, the commitment credits of the basic allowances,,,,,,,, and
Art. 2. 46.10
The Minister who has the scientific policy in his or her powers is empowered to enter and dispose of the credits of Activity 4 of Program 30/6 of Section 01 of the expenditures arising from the activities of the Royal Family.
Section 51
Public debt
Art. 2.51.1
By derogation from section 52, first paragraph, 1° of the Act of 22 May 2003 on the organization of the federal government's budget and accounting, all commitment and liquidation credits listed in this section of the budget may, at the request of the Minister of Finance and with the agreement of the Minister of Budget, be redistributed to each other.
Section 52
Financing of the European Union
Art. 2.52.1
The Minister of Finance may make advances for urgent payments resulting from Belgium's obligations at the European level and which are addressed to the Treasury Services responsible for European and international financial matters.
CHAPTER 3. - Restitution and allocation funds
Art. 3-01-1
The transactions carried out on the restitution and allocation funds during the 2014 fiscal year are assessed in accordance with the table annexed to this Act.
Art. 3-01-2
The method of disposition of each of the funds mentioned in the tables annexed to this Act is set out next to the number of the article pertaining to each of them:
- the funds and accounts, which are prepared by the Minister of Finance, are indicated in letter B;
- the funds and accounts, which are directly disposed of by the accountants who made the revenues, are indicated in letter C.
CHAPTER 4. - Separate Management State Services
Art. 4-01-1
The budgets of the Separate Management State Services for the 2014 fiscal year are approved in accordance with the tables annexed to this Act.
Art. 4-01-2
The method of payment of the expenses of each of the Separate Management Services, as set out in the tables annexed to this Act, is indicated next to the number of the article pertaining to each of them:
- services, whose expenses are incurred by the Minister of Finance, are indicated in letter B;
- services, whose expenses are incurred directly by the accountants who made the revenues, are indicated in letter C.
Art. 4-01-3
By derogation from Article 16 of the Act of 28 June 1989 amending the Act of 28 June 1963 amending and supplementing the laws on State accounting, the provisions of Articles 1er and 5 of the same Act are not applicable in the 2014 fiscal year in respect of the Separate Management State Services that have no legal basis and whose operation estimate is resumed in the budgetary tables annexed to this Act.
CHAPTER 5. - State enterprises
Art. 5-01-1
By derogation from Article 112 of the Acts on State Accounting, coordinated on 17 July 1991, expenses resulting from the provision of goods or services are charged to the budget of the year in which the invoice is dated.
Art. 5-01-2
By derogation from Article 114 of the State Accounting Laws, coordinated on 17 July 1991, the capital transactions budget may include non-limitative credits. In this case, the wording mentions it. This option is limited to refunds and payments (articles 91.11 to 94.11 of the budget of the Royal Mint of Belgium).
Art. 5-01-3
The Royal Mint of Belgium is authorized in 2014 to offer coins or medals for a maximum amount of 14.873.61 EUR.
Promulgation of this law, let us order that it be clothed with the seal of the State and published by the Belgian Monitor.
Given in Brussels, 19 December 2013.
By the King:
The Prime Minister,
The Minister of Budget,
Minister of Finance,
Seal of the state seal:
The Minister of Justice,
(1) Regular session 2013-2014.
Parliamentary references
Doc 53 3071/ (2013/2014):
001: Bill (Part I).
002: Bill (Part Two).
003 : Erratum.
004 and 005: Amendments.
006 to 008: Reports.
009: Amendments.
010 to 020: Reports.
021: Amendments.
022 to 038: Reports.
039: Amendments
040: Report (return)
041: Text adopted.
Annales parliamentarians. - Discussion: meeting of 16 December 2013 - Adoption: meeting of 18 December 2013.

For the consultation of the table, see image

Consultation p. 102182-102230
Image of publication part 1
Consultation p. 102231 to 102330
Image of the publication part 2
Consultation p. 102331 to 102430
Image of publication part 3
Consultation p. 102431 to 102530
Image of the publication part 4
Consultation p. 102531 to 102630
Image of the publication part 5
Consultation p. 102631 to 102730
Image of the publication part 6
Consultation p. 102731 to 102820
Image of publication part 7