21 DECEMBER 2013. - An Act to insert Book VI "Market Practices and Consumer Protection" into the Economic Law Code and to incorporate the definitions specific to Book VI, and the provisions for the application of the law specific to Book VI, in Book Ier and XV of the Economic Law Code. - Errata
At the Belgian Monitor of March 18, 2014, page 22131, Act No. 2014/11169, the following corrections should be made:
On page 22131:
in point 3), the Dutch text should read:
"Appendix 1" instead of "Appendix 1st";
dan le point 6), texte Dutch, il faut lire :
"Appendix 1" instead of "Appendix 1st";
On page 22132:
in point 18), the Dutch and French text should read:
"Appendix 1 to Book IV of the Economic Law Code" instead of "Appendix 1st to Book VI of the Economic Law Code";
in item 19), French text, read: "on page 103551, in Appendix 1, (5), c), 4
e in the Dutch text, read: "Instead of: "on page 103551, in Appendix 1st, (5), c), 4
e line, in the Dutch text, you must read :".