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Law Approving The Protocol To The Athens Convention Relating To The Carriage Of Passengers And Their Luggage By Sea, Done In London On 19 November 1976 (1)

Original Language Title: Loi portant approbation du Protocole de la Convention d'Athènes relative au transport par mer de passagers et de leurs bagages, fait à Londres le 19 novembre 1976 (1)

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11 AVRIL 1989. - An Act to approve the Athens Convention Protocol on the Carriage by Sea of Passengers and Their Baggage, done in London on November 19, 1976 (1)

As of 23 April 2013, the Kingdom of Belgium denounced the Athens Protocol.
This denunciation takes effect on April 23, 2014.
(1) See Belgian Monitor of 6 October 1989.