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Law Approving The Cooperation Agreement Between The Federal State, The Flemish Region, The Walloon Region And The Brussels-Capital Region For The Integration Of Aviation Activities In The Community Emission Allowance Trading Scheme

Original Language Title: Loi portant assentiment à l'accord de coopération entre l'Etat fédéral, la Région flamande, la Région wallonne et la Région de Bruxelles-Capitale relatif à l'intégration des activités aériennes dans le système communautaire d'échange de quotas d'émission

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19 MARCH 2014. - Act to approve the cooperation agreement between the Federal State, the Flemish Region, the Walloon Region and the Brussels-Capital Region on the integration of air activities into the community-based system for the exchange of greenhouse gas emissions quotas in accordance with the Directive 2008/101/EC of the European Parliament and the Council of 19 November 2008 amending Directive 2003/87/EC to integrate air exchange activities into the EU system

PHILIPPE, King of the Belgians,
To all, present and to come, Hi.
The Chambers adopted and We sanction the following:
Article 1er. This Act regulates a matter referred to in Article 77 of the Constitution
Art. 2. Assent is given to the Agreement on Cooperation between the Federal State, the Flemish Region, the Walloon Region and the Brussels-Capital Region on the Integration of Air Activities into the Community System for the Exchange of Greenhouse Gas Emission Quotas in accordance with the Directive 2008/101/EC of the European Parliament and the Council of 19 November 2008 amending Directive 2003/87/EC to integrate air activities into the Community System
Art. 3. This Act comes into force on the day of its publication in the Belgian Monitor.
Promulgate this law, order that it be clothed with the seal of the State and published by the Belgian Monitor.
Given in Brussels on 19 March 2014.
By the King:
The Prime Minister,
Deputy Prime Minister
and Minister of the Interior and Equal Opportunities,
The Secretary of State for Environment, Energy and Mobility,
Seal of the state seal:
The Minister of Justice,

Cooperation agreement between the Federal State, the Flemish Region, the Walloon Region and the Brussels-Capital Region on the integration of air activities into the community-based system for the exchange of greenhouse gas emission quotas in accordance with the Directive 2008/101/EC of the European Parliament and the Council of 19 November 2008 amending Directive 2003/87/EC to integrate air activities into the community-based system for the exchange of greenhouse gas quotas
Having regard to Article 39 of the Constitution;
Considering the special law of 8 August 1980 on institutional reform, Article 6, § 1er, II, 1° and 92 bis, § 1er§ 5 and § 6, inserted by the special law of 8 August 1988 and amended by the special law of 16 July 1993;
Considering the special law of 12 January 1989 on the Brussels Institutions, section 42;
Having regard to the cooperation agreement of 14 November 2002, between the Federal State, the Flemish Region, the Walloon Region and the Brussels-Capital Region, on the establishment, execution and follow-up of a National Climate Plan, as well as the reporting under the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change and the Kyoto Protocol;
Considering the cooperation agreement of 18 June 2008 between the Federal State, the Flemish Region, the Walloon Region and the Brussels-Capital Region on the organization and administrative management of the standardized and secure registry system of Belgium in accordance with Directive 2003/87/EC of the European Parliament and the Council and Decision No. 280/2004/EC of the European Parliament and the Council;
Having regard to the decision of the Committee for Consultation of 6 June 2012;
Considering Directive 2003/87/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 13 October 2003 establishing a system for the exchange of greenhouse gas emission quotas in the Community and amending Council Directive 96/61/EC, Article 19;
Considering Directive 2008/101/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 19 November 2008 amending Directive 2003/87/EC to integrate air activities into the community-based greenhouse gas emission quota system;
Considering Commission Regulation (EU) No. 920/2010 of 7 October 2010 concerning a standardized and secure registry system in accordance with European Parliament and Council Directive 2003/87/EC and Decision No. 280/2004/EC of the European Parliament and the Council;
Considering the decision of Constitutional Court No. 33/2011 of 2 March 2011, which establishes that the competence of the regions in the field of air protection includes the power to adopt measures to reduce greenhouse gas emissions in the air, and that the regions may therefore take measures to reduce the greenhouse gas emissions of aircraft, provided that they do not exceed their territorial jurisdiction;
Considering that this decision also finds that the competences of the Federal State and the regions have become at this point imbriated, on the one hand, of the need in European law to have only one responsible authority per aircraft operator and, on the other, of the predominantly transregional nature of the emissions caused during the entire flight by aircraft that land in or take off from one region;
Considering that, following this finding, the decision requires the conclusion of a cooperation agreement with a view to the transposition of Directive 2008/101/EC;
Considering that it is necessary, in order to ensure the legal security and conformity of the internal legal order with community law, that the regions and the federal state enter into a cooperation agreement;
Considering that, for the purposes of Articles 6, 7, 9 and 14 of this Cooperation Agreement, the General Directorate Air transportation is recognized as a federal mailing box through which the information of air operators is forwarded to the competent authority and the competent authority to air operators, with respect to airlines that have as air operators the holder of the Brussels-national airport operating licence;
Considering that this federal mailing box is based on the management and operating skills of the Brussels-national airport and that it is neither a filter nor a means of interference in the Flemish Region's competences;
The Federal State, represented by the Federal Government, in the person of the Prime Minister, the Minister of the Interior and Equal Opportunities and the Secretary of State for the Environment, Energy, Mobility and Institutional Reforms;
The Flemish Region, represented by the Flemish Government, in the person of its Minister-President, the Flemish Minister of Mobility and Public Works and the Flemish Minister of the Environment, Nature and Culture;
The Walloon Region, represented by the Walloon Government, in the person of its Minister-President, the Walloon Minister of the Environment, the Land Planning and Mobility and the Walloon Minister of Airport Policy;
The Brussels-Capital Region, represented by the Government of the Brussels-Capital Region, in the person of its Minister-President and the Brussels Minister of the Environment;
The following agreed:
CHAPTER Ier - General provision
Article 1er. The purpose of this Cooperation Agreement is to organize the management and administration of the tasks referred to in the Directive, in accordance with the divisional rules of competence.
CHAPTER II. - Definitions
Art. 2. For the purposes of this cooperation agreement, the following means:
1st competence: the competence of the regions in the field of environmental protection, particularly that of air, as provided for in Article 6, § 1er, II, 1°, of the special law of institutional reforms of 8 August 1980, as interpreted by the decision of the Constitutional Court No. 33/2011 of 2 March 2011, the competence of the federal authority for the equipment and operation of the Brussels-National Airport provided for in Article 6, § 1er, X, 7°, of the special law of institutional reforms of 8 August 1980, and the competence of the federal authority in the field of air protection against pollution and aggression in the air space above the Belgian maritime zones;
2° Regulation: Commission Regulation (EU) No. 920/2010 of 7 October 2010 concerning a standardized and secure registry system in accordance with European Parliament and Council Directive 2003/87/EC and Decision No. 280/2004/EC of the European Parliament and Council;
3rd Directive: Directive 2003/87/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 13 October 2003 establishing a system for the exchange of greenhouse gas emission quotas in the Community, as amended by Directive 2008/101/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 19 November 2008 amending Directive 2003/87/EC to integrate air activities into the community-based system for the exchange of greenhouse gas emission quotas; and as amended by Directive 2009/29/EC of the European Parliament and Council of 23 April 2009 to improve and extend the community-based system for the exchange of greenhouse gas emission quotas;
4° National Climate Commission: the commission established under Article 3 of the cooperation agreement of 14 November 2002 between the Federal State, the Flemish Region, the Walloon Region and the Brussels-Capital Region relating to the establishment, execution and monitoring of a National Climate Plan, as well as to the establishment of reports, within the framework of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change and the Protocol
5° Contracting Parties: the Federal State, the Flemish Region, the Walloon Region and the Brussels-Capital Region;
6° quota: the quota allowing to emit a ton of carbon dioxide equivalent during a specified period, valid only to meet the requirements of the directive, and transferable in accordance with the provisions of the directive;
7th National Greenhouse Gas Register: the Register managed by the Federal Public Service Public Health, Food and Environment Safety, in accordance with the Royal Decree of 9 July 2010;
8° emissions: the release into the greenhouse gas atmosphere from an aircraft carrying out an aerial activity referred to in Appendix I to the directive, of gases specified in relation to that activity;
9° aircraft operator: the person who operates an aircraft at the time of an aerial activity referred to in Appendix I of the directive or, where that person is not known or is not identified by the owner of the aircraft, the owner of the aircraft itself, and the responsible member State of which is Belgium in accordance with Article 3 of this cooperation agreement;
10° registry administrator: the person(s) who manage and maintain the national greenhouse gas register in accordance with the cooperation agreement of 18 June 2008 on the organization and administrative management of the standardized and secure registry system of Belgium in accordance with the directive;
11th auction: the sale of quotas to aircraft operators, as organized under the directive;
12° free-of-charge allowance: the granting of quotas to aircraft operators that are not required to be auctioned under the directive, as organized under this cooperation agreement;
13th special reserve: the special reserve for certain aircraft operators that begin to operate on air after the current reporting year, or have experienced a fixed increase in air operations, in accordance with the terms of this cooperation agreement;
14° year of surveillance: for periods 1er January to 31 December 2012 ander January 2013 to December 31, 2020, 2010; for subsequent periods, the calendar year ending 24 months before the beginning of each period;
15° period: the duration for which a fixed volume of quotas is allocated to cover the emissions of an air activity, in this case of 1er January to 31 December 2012 (first period)er January 2013 to 31 December 2020 (second period) and so on;
16° emission reduction unit or ERU: a unit issued under Article 6 of the Kyoto Protocol and decisions adopted under UNFCCC or the Kyoto Protocol;
17° reduction of certified or REC emissions: a unit issued under Article 12 of the Kyoto Protocol and decisions adopted under the UNFCCC or the Kyoto Protocol;
18° Aerodrome Manager: the public or private person responsible for the aerodrome to which most of the aerial activities are attributed, as listed in Appendix I of the Aircraft Operator's Directive in the reference year. An aerodrome is assigned an aerial activity resumed in Schedule I of the directive when the aerodrome takes place, or when the aerodrome lands, unless the flight departs from a Member State where the Treaty establishing the European Community applies;
19th base year: with respect to the aircraft operator that began operations in the Union after 1er January 2006, the first calendar year of the operation; in all other cases, the calendar year that began 1er January 2006;
20° Competent authority: the authorities designated in accordance with Article 18 of the Directive, in this case the Walloon Region, the Flemish Region, the Brussels-Capital Region and the Federal Authority.
Scope of application of this Cooperation Agreement
Art. 3. § 1er. Belgium is the Member State responsible for an aircraft operator:
(a) to which it issued a valid operating licence in accordance with the provisions of Commission Regulation (EEC) No. 2407/92 of 23 July 1992 concerning the licences of air carriers;
(b) in all other cases, where it is in Belgium that the estimate of the emissions attributed to the aircraft operator's flights during the reference year is the highest.
§ 2. When for the first two years of any period, none of the emissions attributed to flights by an aircraft operator under paragraph 1er(b) of this Article shall not be assigned to Belgium, the aircraft operator shall be transferred to another responsible Member State for the following period.
§ 3. When an aircraft operator ceases to be responsible for another Member State, Belgium becomes the responsible Member State when it is in Belgium that the estimate of the emissions attributed, related to the flights carried out by that operator during the first two years of the previous period, is the highest.
CHAPTER IV. - Aircraft operators
Art. 4. § 1er. The National Climate Commission directs the registry administrator to publish the list of aircraft operators of which Belgium is the responsible Member State, specifying for each aircraft operator the competent authority and the respective aerodrome manager, no later than 4 weeks after the entry into force of this Agreement, as well as following each update of this list.
§ 2. The respective competent authority for each aircraft operator referred to in paragraph 1er is the area in which the aerodrome is located, which is managed by the aerodrome manager of the aircraft operator.
Art. 5. § 1er. The registry administrator creates an aircraft operator deposit account for any aircraft operator listed in accordance with section 4.
§ 2. Each aircraft operator is required to activate this deposit account in accordance with the Royal Order of 9 July 2010.
§ 3. Subject to specific provisions adopted by the Federal Authority for the implementation of this cooperation agreement, the rules relating to the management of the national greenhouse gas register and the conditions applicable to its users are set, for aircraft operators, by the Royal Decree of 9 July 2010.
CHAPTER V. - Programme setting out emission monitoring and ton-kilometer data
Art. 6. § 1er. At least four months before the start of each monitoring year, aircraft operators submit their emission monitoring plan and data monitoring plan for tonnes-kilometers to airfield managers, which promptly transmit them to their respective competent authorities.
For the purposes of this paragraph, any communication from aircraft operators to their respective competent authority shall be forwarded by the airfield manager. In the case of the Brussels-National airport, the airfield manager also sends a copy to the competent authority for the operation of the Brussels-National airport, and all communications from the respective competent authority to the aircraft operators transit through the competent authority for the operation of the Brussels-National airport.
§ 2. The respective authorities approve all emission monitoring plans and data monitoring plans for tonnes-kilometers and transmit them to the National Climate Commission for endorsement.
CHAPTER VI. - Free quota allocation requests: reporting and verification of metric tonnes
Section Ire. - Application, free allocation and issuance of quotas to aircraft operators
Art. 7. § 1er. Applications from operators of free-of-charge quotas are submitted by aircraft operators to their airfield managers, who promptly transmit them to the respective competent authorities at least 21 months prior to the commencement of the application period.
For the purposes of this paragraph, any communication from aircraft operators to their respective competent authority shall be forwarded by the airfield manager. In the case of the Brussels-National airport, the airfield manager also sends a copy to the competent authority for the operation of the Brussels-National airport, and all communications from the respective competent authority to the aircraft operators transit through the competent authority for the operation of the Brussels-National airport.
The competent authorities shall forward the requests received to the National Climate Commission at least nineteen months before the beginning of the period to which the requests relate.
The applications contain data on controlled, reported and verified ton-kilometres in accordance with Schedules IV and V of the Air Operations Directive conducted by the aircraft operator during the monitoring year.
The National Climate Commission submits requests received to the European Commission eighteen months before the beginning of the period to which the application relates.
Within three months of the adoption by the European Commission of a decision under Article 3sexiès, § 3, of the directive, each competent authority shall calculate the total of the quotas allocated to each aircraft operator assigned to it for the period concerned and the total for each year of that period, and shall forward the allocation table to the National Climate Commission.
§ 2. The National Climate Commission aggregates the allocation tables of the competent authorities that have reached it in accordance with paragraph 1er, and directs the registry administrator to publish these aggregate allocation tables on the national greenhouse gas emission register website.
§ 3. On 28 February of each year, the registry administrator allocates to each aircraft operator the number of quotas allocated to that operator for the year in question pursuant to paragraph 1er.
Section II. - Application for special reserve quotas for certain aircraft operators
Art. 8. § 1er. A free quota allocation from the special reserve is provided for aircraft operators:
1° that begin to carry on an air activity after the year of surveillance for which the ton-kilometer data were reported;
2° whose data on tonnes-kilometers reflect an annual increase of more than 18% between the monitoring year for which the data on tonnes-kilometers were reported for a period, and the second calendar year of that period;
and whose activities referred to in items 1° and 2° do not, for part or in their entirety, fall within the framework of the continuation of an air activity previously carried out by another aircraft operator.
§ 2. Pursuant to paragraph 1eran aircraft operator cannot be allocated more than 1,000 000 quotas.
Art. 9. § 1er Aircraft operators, who are eligible for a quota allocation from the special reserve, pursuant to section 8, are required to submit an application to their airfield managers, who promptly forward it to the respective competent authorities before June 30 in the third year of the application period.
For the purposes of this paragraph, any communication from aircraft operators to their respective competent authority shall be forwarded by the airfield manager. In the case of the Brussels-National airport, the airfield manager also sends a copy to the competent authority for the operation of the Brussels-National airport, and all communications from the respective competent authority to the aircraft operators transit through the competent authority for the operation of the Brussels-National airport.
§ 2. Applications from aircraft operators are forwarded by the respective authorities to the National Climate Commission by 30 September of the third year of the period to which it relates.
§ 3. The application:
1° contains data relating to monitored, reported and verified ton-kilometres in accordance with Annexes IV and V of the Directive for air activities referred to in Annex Ire and conducted by the aircraft operator during the second calendar year of the period to which the application relates;
2° demonstrates that the eligibility criteria referred to in section 8 are met; and
3° in the case of an aircraft operator under section 8, § 1er2°, indicates:
(a) the rate of increase expressed in tonnes-kilometers for the operator's activities between the monitoring year for which the data on tonnes-kilometers were communicated for their initial free allocation request for the period, and the second calendar year of that period;
(b) the increase in absolute terms expressed in tonnes-kilometers relating to the activities of this aircraft operator between the monitoring year for which the data relating to tonnes-kilometers were communicated for their initial free allocation request for the period, and the second calendar year of that period;
(c) the share of the absolute increase expressed in tonnes-kilometers related to the activities of this aircraft operator between the monitoring year for which the data relating to tonnes-kilometers were communicated for their initial free allocation request for the period, and the second calendar year of that period which exceeds the percentage indicated in Article 8, § 1erTwo.
Art. 10. § 1er. The National Climate Commission shall submit to the European Commission requests received no later than 6 months after the deadline provided for in Article 9, § 1er.
§ 2. Within three months after the adoption by the European Commission of a decision to stop the referential in accordance with Article 3septies, § 5, of the directive, each competent authority shall calculate, the following and transmit them to the National Climate Commission:
1° the allocation of quotas from the special reserve to aircraft operators within its jurisdiction and whose application has been submitted to the Commission in accordance with paragraph 1er. This allocation is calculated by multiplying the repository:
(a) in the case of an aircraft operator under section 8, § 1er, 1°, by data relating to tons-kilometers recorded in the application submitted to the Commission;
(b) in the case of an aircraft operator under section 8, § 1er, 2°, by the share of the increase in absolute terms expressed in tons-kilometers that exceeds the percentage indicated in Article 8, § 1er2°, recorded in the application submitted to the Commission; and
2° The allocation of quotas to each aircraft operator for each year, which is determined by dividing the allocation of quotas under item 1 by the number of complete calendar years remaining for the period to which the allocation relates.
The National Climate Commission aggregates allocations to the respective aircraft operators, as calculated in accordance with 1°, and assigns the registry administrator to publish these aggregate allocation tables on the national greenhouse gas emissions registry website.
Art. 11. Quotas that should not be issued free of charge are auctioned.
CHAPTER VII. - Auction of quotas
Art. 12. The registry administrator is designated as a proxy.
Art. 13. This cooperation agreement does not prejudge the distribution of proceeds from the auction.
CHAPTER VIII. - Emission reporting and verification
Art. 14. § 1er. Each year from 1er January 2012, aircraft operators send their annual emission declarations for the previous year's emissions and the audit report to their airfield managers, who promptly inform the respective authorities, by the second Thursday of March.
For the purposes of this paragraph, any communication from aircraft operators to their respective competent authority shall be forwarded by the airfield manager. In the case of the Brussels-National airport, the airfield manager also sends a copy to the competent authority for the operation of the Brussels-National airport, and all communications from the respective competent authority to the aircraft operators transit through the competent authority for the operation of the Brussels-National airport.
§ 2. The National Climate Commission ensures that the competent authorities have approved the statements of aircraft operators including the report of the audit, in accordance with the criteria set out in Annex V of the directive, and then informs the administrator of the register with the authorization of the respective authorized representative of the competent authority designated by the cooperation agreement of 18 June 2008 between the Federal State, Flemish Region, Walloon Region and the Brussels-Capital Region
§ 3. In accordance with the terms and conditions set out in the Royal Decree of 9 July 2010, the Registry Administrator blocks the transfer of any quota or RR & E from the aircraft operator's deposit account that has not been recognized as satisfactory on 31 March.
Art. 15. The competent authorities adopt the necessary measures to ensure compliance with Article 14, § 1erby aircraft operators and airfield managers.
Validity, restitution and cancellation of quotas
Art. 16. Quotas issued from 1er January 2013 is valid for emissions produced during eight-year periods beginning 1er January 2013.
Art. 17. § 1er. No later than April 30 of each year, each aircraft operator shall return a number of quotas equal to the total emissions of the previous calendar year, verified in accordance with section 14, § 2, resulting from air operations for which it is considered to be the aircraft operator.
§ 2. Derogation from paragraph 1eran aircraft operator may, for each period, issue a quantity of RECs and ERUs instead of emissions fees, up to a specified percentage of the number of emissions that the aircraft operator must issue in accordance with paragraph 1eras published by the European Commission.
§ 3. The total of the emissions of the previous calendar year is that which is verified and recognized as satisfactory by the authority and competent and referred to by the National Climate Commission, as communicated to the Registrar in accordance with Article 14, § 2.
Art. 18. § 1er. The Register Administrator cancels the quotas returned in accordance with Article 17, § 1er.
§ 2. Four months after the beginning of each period referred to in paragraph 1er, the registry administrator cancels the quotas that are no longer valid and have not been returned and cancelled in accordance with paragraph 1er.
Art. 19. The registry administrator publishes on the public website of the national greenhouse gas registry the names of aircraft operators that are in violation of the requirement to return sufficient quotas under section 17.
Art. 20. § 1er. An aircraft operator who, by April 30 of each year, does not return a sufficient number of quotas to cover its emissions in the previous year is required to pay a fine on excess emissions. For each ton of carbon dioxide emitted for which the aircraft operator did not return quotas, the fine on excess emissions is EUR 100 indexed as of 2013.
§ 2. The National Climate Commission ensures that this penalty is implemented by the respective competent authority.
§ 3. The payment of the fine on surplus emissions does not release the aircraft operator from the obligation to return a number of quotas equal to these excess emissions when returning the quotas corresponding to the following calendar year.
§ 4. In the event that an aircraft operator does not comply with the requirements of this Agreement and its implementation measures, and if other measures to ensure compliance have not enabled it to be compelled, the Federal Authority may enjoin the National Climate Commission to request the European Commission to adopt a decision imposing an operational ban against the aircraft operator concerned.
§ 5. The request under paragraph 4 shall include:
(a) evidence that the aircraft operator has not complied with its obligations under this Agreement;
(b) details of the coercive measures taken by the respective competent authority to ensure compliance with this Agreement;
(c) a justification for the imposition of a ban on exploitation at the community level; and
(d) a recommendation on the scope of a ban on exploitation at the community level and on possible conditions that should be applied.
§ 6. The Federal Authority organizes the necessary and feasible consultations for the adoption of a decision following a request made under paragraphs 4 and 5, and participates in the same consultations organized by the European Commission.
§ 7. The Federal Authority directs the National Climate Commission to inform the Commission of any action taken to implement such a decision.
CHAPTER XI. - Abrogatory and final provisions
Art. 21. The Contracting Parties undertake to share all information relevant to the implementation of this Agreement with the relevant authorities, including information on applications made by aircraft operators prior to the entry into force of this Cooperation Agreement, exchange of information between the Contracting Parties and the European Commission, and any action taken under the Directive and related to the integration of air activities into the Community emission quota system.
Art. 22. The competent authority for the operation of the aerodrome may delegate the tasks of the aerodrome manager related to the implementation of this cooperation agreement to the competent authority on the territory of which the aerodrome is established, except in the particular case of the Brussels-National airport, where the competent authority for the operation of the aerodrome may authorize the aerodrome manager to delegate the tasks related to him.
Art. 23. This cooperation agreement shall be concluded for an indefinite period. Each Contracting Party may denounce the cooperation agreement with a notice of eighteen months.
Art. 24. Disputes arising between Contracting Parties concerning the interpretation or execution of this cooperation agreement shall be settled within the National Climate Commission, or in the absence of a solution, within the framework of the Interministerial Conference of the Extended Environment and, where appropriate, the Consultative Committee. In the absence of a solution, the dispute will be submitted to a jurisdiction as referred to in Article 92 bis, §§ 5 and 6, of the special law of institutional reforms of 8 August 1980.
The operating costs of the jurisdiction shall be borne by each regional government in accordance with the distribution key used in Article 16bis, § 1erthe special law of 16 January 1989 on the financing of the Communities and Regions.
The proceedings before this court shall be conducted in accordance with the relevant provisions of the law of 23 January 1989 on the jurisdiction referred to in articles 92 bis, §§ 5 and 6, and 94 § 3 of the special law of 8 August 1980 of institutional reforms.
Art. 25. The Agreement will be issued to the Belgian Monitor by the Prime Minister's services, at the request of the Party whose legislator has been the last to agree. The agreement comes into force on the day of its publication in the Belgian Monitor.
Established in Brussels on 2 September 2013, as many copies as there are contracting parties,
For the federal state:
The Prime Minister,
Federal Minister of the Interior and Equal Opportunities,
State Secretary for the Environment, Energy, Mobility
and Institutional Reforms,
For the Flemish Region:
The Minister-President of the Flemish Government,
The Flemish Minister of Environment, Nature and Culture,
The Flemish Minister of Mobility and Public Works,
For the Walloon Region:
Minister-President of the Walloon Government,
Walloon Minister of Environment, Land Planning and Mobility,
Walloon Minister of Airport Policy,
For the Brussels-Capital Region:
The Minister-President of the Government of the Brussels-Capital Region,
The Brussels Minister of the Environment,