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Act To Amend Act Of 7 November 1969 On The Application Of Social Security To Holders Of A Licence For "professional Racing Cyclist. -Erratum

Original Language Title: Loi modifiant la loi du 7 novembre 1969 relative à l'application de la sécurité sociale aux titulaires d'une licence de « coureur cycliste professionnel ». - Erratum

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24 JUNE 2013. - An Act to amend the Act of 7 November 1969 relating to the application of social security to the holders of a licence of "professional cycling rider". - Erratum

At the Belgian Monitor, issue 2013/206051 of 7 November 2013 - ed.2., page 84507, the following corrections should be made:
“Documents of the House of Representatives: 53-2263 - 2011/2012
No. 1: Proposal by Ms. van Cauter, Mr. Geerts and Mr. Brotcorne, Ms. Galant and Mr. MM. Mayeur et Van den Bergh 53-2263 - 2012/2013
No. 2: Amendments
Number 3: Report
No. 4: Text adopted by the Commission
No. 5: Text adopted in plenary and transmitted to the Senate
Full report: 16 May 2013
Senate documents: 5-2092 - 2012/2013
Number 1: Project not referred to by the Senate »
Instead of:
« Session 2011-2012
House of Representatives.
Documents: 53K2263
Document. 5-2092/1 »