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Act Amending The General Act On Customs And Excise And Laying Down Various Provisions

Original Language Title: Loi modifiant la loi générale sur les douanes et accises et portant dispositions diverses

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12 MAI 2014. - An Act to amend the General Customs and Excise Act and to make various provisions

PHILIPPE, King of the Belgians,
To all, present and to come, Hi.
The Chambers adopted and We sanction the following:
CHAPTER 1er. - General provisions
Article 1er. This Act regulates a matter referred to in Article 78 of the Constitution.
CHAPTER 2. - Amendments to the General Customs and Access Act
Art. 2. This chapter partially implements Regulation (EU) No 952/2013 of the European Parliament and Council of 9 October 2013 establishing the Union Customs Code.
Art. 3. In Article 1er of the General Customs and Excise Act of 18 July 1977, the following amendments are made:
- at 4°, in the Dutch text, the word "landbouwprodukten" is each time replaced by the word "landbouwproducten";
- at 5°, the words "European Communities" are replaced by the words "European Union institutions";
- at 7°, in the Dutch text, the word "doorvoer" is replaced by the word "douanevervoer".
Art. 4. In articles 2 and 3 of the same law, the words "European Communities" are replaced by the words "European Union institutions".
Art. 5. In article 5, 3°, of the same law, in the Dutch text, the words "transiterende goederen" are replaced by the words "goederen onder customsvervoer".
Art. 6. In sections 5 and 6 of the same law, the words "or his delegate" are inserted after the words "Minister of Finance".
Art. 7. In article 8 of the same law, in the Dutch text, the phrase "Alle wetsbepalingen betreffende de in, uit- en doorvoer van de goederen te water en te land zijn toepasselijk op de in, uit en doorvoer over de luchtweg." is replaced by the phrase "Alle wetsbepalingen betreffende
Art. 8. In article 9, 2°, of the same law, in the Dutch text, the word "gedaan" is replaced by the words "te worden opgesteld".
Art. 9. Section 10 of the Act is replaced by the following:
"Art. 10. The King:
1° may require that the data to be included on customs declarations be introduced by the declarant in the computerized customs declaration processing system;
2° sets out the modalities according to which the data referred to in 1° shall be introduced into the computerized system for processing customs declarations;
3° determines the specific formalities to be completed by the declarant to be exempt from the obligation to introduce the declaration data into the computerized system for processing customs declarations.
The King may direct the Minister of Finance to carry out this section. "
Art. 10. In the same Act, an article 10/2 is inserted as follows:
"Art. 10/2. The King shall determine, without prejudice to the provisions of Chapters XIV and the provisions of Article 70-3, the customs regimes for which the declaration with direct and indirect representation may be applied and shall also determine the terms and conditions of the declaration.
The King may direct the Minister of Finance to carry out this section. ".
Art. 11. In Article 11, § 1erthe words "European Communities" are replaced by the words "European Union".
Art. 12. In article 14 of the same law, in the Dutch text, the word "dezelve" is replaced by the word "deze".
Art. 13. In article 16 of the same law, in the Dutch text, the word "zomede" is replaced by the word "evenals".
Art. 14. In Article 17, § 2, 1er paragraph, of the same law, in the Dutch text, the word "deswege" is replaced by the word "derhalve" and the words "het totaal der van de cliënten teruggevorderde sommen" are replaced by the words "het totaal van de van de cliënten teruggevorderde sommen".
Art. 15. In the title of CHAPTER II of the same law, in the Dutch text, the word "op" is replaced by the word "of".
Art. 16. In article 19, paragraph 1er, of the same law, in the Dutch text, the words "andere dan handelsgoederen" are replaced by the words "zonder handelskarakter".
Art. 17.
In article 19-3, 2°, of the same law, the words "European Communities" are replaced by the words "institutions of the European Union".
Art. 18. In section 19-4, 1er the words "weder worden uitgevoerd" are replaced by the words "worden wederuitgevoerd".
Art. 19. In Article 19-5, § 2, of the same Law, the words "European Communities" are replaced by the words "institutions of the European Union".
Art. 20. In article 19-12 of the same law, in the Dutch text, the word "paletten" is replaced by the word "laadborden".
Art. 21. In articles 19-13 and 19-14 of the same law, the words "European Communities" are replaced by the words "European Union institutions".
Art. 22. In section 20 of the Act, the following amendments are made:
- at 1°, in the Dutch text, the words "weder te worden uitgevoerd" are replaced by the words "te worden wederuitgevoerd";
- at 5°, in the Dutch text, the words "onbeduidende handelswaarde" are replaced by the words "te verwaarlozen handelswaarde";
- at 6°, in the Dutch text, the words "weder worden uitgevoerd" are replaced by the words "worden wederuitgevoerd";
- at 11°, the words "Benelux Economic Union" are replaced by the words "Benelux Union";
- at 15°, in the Dutch text, the words "weder worden uitgevoerd" are replaced by the words "worden wederuitgevoerd".
Art. 23. In article 21 of the same law, in the Dutch text, the word "teruggaaf" is replaced by the word "teruggave".
Art. 24. In articles 22-2 and 22-3 of the same law, the words "European Communities" are replaced by the words "European Union institutions".
Art. 25. In article 22-7 of the same law, in the Dutch text, the word "gezuiverd" is replaced by the word "aangezuiverd".
Art. 26. In section 23 of the Act, the following amendments are made:
- the words "No goods can be imported by sea only by the first posts or" are replaced by the words "No goods can be imported by the sea in the European Union or be discharged only by the";
- the words "existing entry already, or may be designated at the mouths of rivers, passes or other points of communication with the sea, or be discharged only by virtue of documents issued to that effect, at designated unloading places, and in accordance with the provisions and except the exceptions contained in this Act." are replaced by the words "and accompanied by the documents prescribed by this Act.".
Art. 27. In Article 24, § 1er the following amendments are made:
- the words "in the first entry office" are replaced by the words "in the first office";
- in the Dutch text, the word "hunner" is replaced by the words "van hun";
- in the Dutch text, the word "aldaar" is repealed.
Art. 28. In article 24, § 2, of the same law, in the Dutch text, the words "algemene aangifte" are replaced by the words "generale verklaring".
Art. 29. In Article 24, § 4, of the Act, the following amendments are made:
- in the Dutch text, the word "Bijaldien" is replaced by the word "indien";
- in the French text, the words "the first entry office" are replaced by the words "the first office";
- in the Dutch text, the words "hetgeen zij evenzeer mogen doen, indian men, met het schiper, zich tussen de mond van het zeegat en de eerste wacht mocht blijven ophouden, langer dan getij, weer of wind medebrengen zijnde, terstond na aankomst Alle bepalingen van deze wet betreffende het lossen, het lichten of het overladen van goederen, zijn van toepassing op elk schip, van zodra het is aangekomen op het grondgebied van de Belgische staat".
Art. 30. In section 25 of the Act, the following amendments are made:
- in the French text, the words "talks, bundles, boxes or other packages" are replaced by the word "colis";
- in the Dutch text, the words "De generale verklaring moet inhouden, de lijst van al de ingeladen goederen, met uitdrukking van derzelver soort, en van het getal en de merken der vaten, balen, pakken, kisten, kassen, enz, mitsgaders van de plaats terem
- in the Dutch text, the words "ten kantore" are replaced by the words "op het kantoor";
- the words "the declaration in detail" are replaced by the words "the declaration of discharge".
Art. 31. In section 27 of the Act, the following amendments are made:
- in the French text, the word "gents" is replaced by the word "agents";
- the words "first entry office" are replaced by the words "first office";
- in the Dutch text, the word "eindelijke" is replaced by the word "uiteindelijke".
Art. 32. In section 28 of the Act, the following amendments are made:
- in the Dutch text, the words "zegel der administratie" are replaced by the words "zegel van de administratie";
- in the Dutch text, the words "welke alsdan" are replaced by the words "die dan";
- in the Dutch text, the word "derzelver" is replaced by the word "hun";
- in the Dutch text, the words "der akte van inklaring" are replaced by the words "van deze generale verklaring";
- in the Dutch text, the words "hetwelk, onder uitdrukking van het getal en korte omschrijving der overgelegde stukken, naar dezelve zal verwijzen, en tevens door schipper en ambtenaren moeten worden ondertekend, om in alles hetzelfde effect te hebben al de verklaring zal bovendien getekend moeten worden door de kapitein en de ambtenaren om de effecten te hebben als van een generale verklaring";
- in the French text, the words "exit, in all cases, the same effect as an ordinary declaration" are replaced by the words "exit the effects of a general declaration".
Art. 33. In section 29 of the Act, the following amendments are made:
- in the French text, the words "deviation of" are replaced by the words "derogation to";
- in the Dutch text, the words "dan die behoren tot" are replaced by the words "dan deze die behoren tot";
- in the Dutch text, the words "hebbe flats" are replaced by the word "plaatsvindt";
- in the Dutch text, the word "geschiede" is replaced by the word "geschiedt".
Art. 34. In section 30 of the Act, the following amendments are made:
- in the Dutch text, the words "welke bij de inklaring" are replaced by the words "die op de generale verklaring";
- in the Dutch text, the words "op behoorlijke aangifte door de belanghebbende ter losplaats" are replaced by the words "krachtens een behoorlijke aangifte, opgesteld op de losplaats door de belanghebbende";
- in the Dutch text, the words "op de voet van het hoofdstuk XII" are replaced by the words "overeenkomstig de voorschriften van Hoofdstuk XII";
- in the French text, the word "futilles" is replaced each time by the word "taste";
- in the Dutch text, the words "de fusten of packaging" are replaced by the words "de vaten of verpakkingen";
- in the Dutch text, the words "maar op de luiken van het schip" are replaced by the words "worden aangebracht maar op de luiken van het schip";
- in the Dutch text, the words "alwaar aan boord de goederen zich bevinden" are replaced by the words "waar de goederen zich aan boord bevinden";
- in the French text, the words "as long as necessary" are repealed;
- in the Dutch text, the words "zoveel nodigworden gesteld," are repealed;
- in the French text, the words "the nature of the load" are replaced by the words "the mode of loading";
- in the Dutch text, the words "groot getal" are replaced by the words "groot aantal".
Art. 35. In section 31 of the Act, the following amendments are made:
- the words "to stop at first" are replaced by the words "to stop at first office";
- in the Dutch text, the words "bij het inkomen uit zee" are repealed;
- in the Dutch text, the words "moet hij hiervan voldoende doen blijken" are replaced by the words "moet hij dit op voldoende wijze aantonen".
Art. 36. In article 32 of the same law, in the Dutch text, the words "of naaste haven, welke het hem mogelijk zijn zal te bereiken, aandoen" are replaced by the words "of eerste haven aandoen die hij kan bereiken".
Art. 37. In section 33 of the Act, paragraph 1er is replaced by the following:
"Unfortunately a fine of 50 euro, the master will be required, upon arrival of the sea building or the relief at the place of discharge, to inform the receiver within 14 hours. In addition, a statement must be made before unloading as prescribed in Chapters XV and following of this Act.".
Art. 38. In section 33, paragraph 2, of the Act, in the Dutch text, the following amendments are made:
- the sentence "Bij voormelde kennisgeving mag worden verzocht permissie tot herstel van het abuis, dat bij de inklaring mocht begaan." is replaced by the sentence "Bij voormelde kennisgeving zou de toelating gevraagd kunnen worden tot rechtzetting van de vergissing
- the words "met bijvoeging der akte van inklaring en openlegging der omstandigheden, die tot het abuis zouden hebben aanleiding gegeven" are replaced by the words "met bijvoeging van de generale verklaring en met voorbben van de omstandigheden die tot de vergisoud
- the words "op verkeerde of kwade inklaringen" are replaced by the words "op valse of onjuiste verklaringen".
Art. 39. In article 34 of the same law, the words ", including the hunters and fishermen of the country that import the fresh and salted fish from their fishing, are not obliged, when returning from the fishermen, to make the general declaration, but are obliged, under penalty of a fine of 50 EUR, to be recognized as such and not to be stopped, to hisser, to their entrance and to pass the first ".
Art. 40. In article 37, paragraph 2, of the same law, in the Dutch text, the words "in niet zijn aangehaald" are replaced by the words "in niet het voorwerp uitmaken van een inbeslagname".
Art. 41. In article 44, paragraph 1erthe following amendments are made to the Act:
- the words "destined for elsewhere" are replaced by the words "whose destination is not a port of the kingdom and";
- in the Dutch text, the words "met welke men uit zee komt uit nood" are replaced by the words "die over zee in een willekeurige haven van het koninkrijk binnenkomen, uit nood";
- in the Dutch text, the word "orders" is replaced by the words "orders te krijgen".
Art. 42. In section 44, paragraph 2, of the Act the following amendments are made:
- in the French text, the words "in the first post or office of entry" are replaced by the words "in the first office";
- in the Dutch text, the words "ter eerste wacht, verklaring te doen van de bij hen geladen goederen" are replaced by the words "op het eerste kantoor de bij hen geladen goederen aan te geven";
- in the Dutch text, the words "op dezelfde voet, als in hoofdstuk IV omtrent het inklaren uit zee is bepaald" are replaced by the words "op de wijze zoals bepaald in hoofdstuk IV omtrent de generale verklaringen bij binnenkomst over zee".
Art. 43. In section 45, paragraph 1erthe following amendments are made to the Act:
- in the French text, the words "of the post" are replaced by the words "of the office";
- in the Dutch text, paragraph 1er is replaced by the following:
"De in artikel 44 bedoelde schepen en hun ladingen zullen opnieuw mogen vertrekken zonder betaling van rechten of accijnzen maar zullen, in afwachting en onder de bijzondere bewaking van de ambtenaren van het kantoor waar de verklaring is gedaan, voor ".
Art. 44. In section 45, paragraph 2, of the Act, the following amendments are made:
- in the French text, the words "this post" are replaced by the words "this office";
- in the Dutch text, the words "inklaringspost" are replaced by the words "het kantoor".
Art. 45. In section 46 of the Act, in the Dutch text, the following amendments are made:
- the words "ten ware" are replaced by the word "tenzij";
- the words "tot de wederuitvaart" are replaced by the words "tot de wederuitvoer";
- the word "derzelver" is replaced by the word "hun";
- the words "buiten kosten van het land" are replaced by the words "zonder kosten voor de Schatkist".
Art. 46. In section 47 of the Act, the following amendments are made:
- in the Dutch text, the words "uit ten invoer gepermitteerde goederen bestaande" are replaced by the words "uit goederen bestaat waarvan de invoer is toegestaan";
- in the Dutch text, the words "om niet weder te worden ingenomen" are replaced by the words "om niet opnieuw te worden ingescheept";
- the words "we will have to pay the rights and access due to the State" are replaced by the words "the rights and access due shall be paid to the Belgian State";
- in the Dutch text, the words "omtrent het ter zee inkomen of uitgaan van goederen" are replaced by the words "many to invoke in uitvoer van goederen over zee".
Art. 47. In section 48 of the Act, the following amendments are made:
- the words "for the benefit," are repealed;
- in the Dutch text, the word "repareren" is replaced by the word "herstellen";
- in the Dutch text, the word "permissie" is replaced by the word "toelating";
- in the Dutch text, the words "gedurige tegenwoordigheid" are replaced by the words "voortdurende bewaking".
Art. 48. In Article 49, § 1erthe following amendments are made to the Act:
- the words "the most neighbors" are replaced by the words "the closest";
- in the Dutch text, the word "beambten" is replaced by the word "ambtenaren";
- in the Dutch text, the word "dezelve" is replaced by the word "deze".
Art. 49. Section 49, § 2, of the Act is replaced by the following:
"§2. The goods that would have been transferred prior to arrival and without informing the agents will not be recognized as damaged goods. ".
Art. 50. In section 50 of the Act, the following amendments are made:
- in the French text, the words "first affordable port" are replaced by the words "the first affordable port";
- in the Dutch text, the word "genaakbare" is replaced by the word "toegankelijke";
- in the Dutch text, the word "dezelve" is replaced by the word "deze".
Art. 51. In article 51 of the same law, in the Dutch text, the words "der beambten" are replaced by the words "van de ambtenaren".
Art. 52. In section 52 of the Act, the following amendments are made:
- in the Dutch text, the word "derwijze" is replaced by the words "op een zodanige manier";
- in the Dutch text, the words "; mits onder de vereiste borgstelling en verdere nodige bepalingen tot volbrenging van de wederuitvoer" are replaced by the words ", mits zij de vereiste borgstelling verschaffen en zij zich onderwerpen aan andere bepalingen die noodzakelijk zijn voor het verzekeren van
- the words ", within the time limit set by the transit documents that will be issued to them" are repealed.
Art. 53. In section 53 of the Act, the following amendments are made:
- in the Dutch text, the words "inkomende goederen" are replaced by the words "inevoerde goederen";
- in the Dutch text, the words "dezulke, waarvan de invoer en verzekering van wederuitvoer" are replaced by the words "zulke goederen, waarvan de invoer verboden is, kunnen slechts teruggegeven worden op voorwaarde dat ze wederuitgevoerd worden";
- the words "on bail, unless they have been exported from the kingdom" are repealed.
Art. 54. In article 54, paragraph 1erthe following amendments are made to the Act:
- in the French text, the words "output rights" were replaced by the words "rights to export";
- in the Dutch text, the words "en op der- zelver uitreis verongelukt, zal niet alleen vrijdom van inkomende rechten genoten worden maar ook teruggave geschieden van de daarvan betaalde uitgaande rechten" are replaced by the words "en die schip-breuk
- in the Dutch text, the word "dezelve" is replaced by the word "deze".
Art. 55. In section 54 of the Act, paragraph 2 is repealed.
Art. 56. In article 55 of the same law, the words ", masts, sails, anchors, cordages and other agments, saved from ships failed on the coast, as well as the anchors and cordage collected at sea in the sight of the coasts, as well as the apparels and tools of national buildings naufragés on foreign shores, when they will be redistributed to the kingdom, ".
Art. 57. In the title of CHAPTER VIII of the same law, in the Dutch text, the words "te lande" are replaced by the words "over land".
Art. 58. In section 56 of the Act, the following amendments are made:
- in the Dutch text, the words "te lande" are replaced by the words "over land";
- in the French text, the words "the masters, bworkshops, valet or other persons who direct or carry the goods shall lead them or present them" are replaced by the words "importers, captains or other carriers shall lead or present the goods";
- in the Dutch text, the words "invoerders, hetzij schippers, voerlieden of andere" are replaced by the words "invoerders, schippers of andere vervoerders";
- the words "report to the first post" are replaced by the words "report to the first office";
- in the Dutch text, the word "dezefde" is replaced by the word "deze".
Art. 59. In section 58 of the Act, the words "shall, according to the general rule and on the foot prescribed by chapter XV, indicate the quantity, quality, numbers and marks, and the value of the goods, for those tariffed at the value; it must also indicate the place or country from which they come and from where they originate, and the place of their destination, whether they are intended to remain in the kingdom, to pass through or to be put into storage, and finally the places where they must be discharged or stored; it will then be issued, after it has been given bail for the entry fees and for the accesses, and after the in-depth verification of the subject goods has taken place, one or more documents, for the carriage to the payment offices at the unloading or warehouse premises, for which the said goods are intended; it will be sent on the same day or as soon as possible, an extract from each document to the Receiver or to the Depositor of these places." are replaced by the words "in detail must be established in accordance with the provisions of Chapter XV. After a bond has been made for import duties and accesses and the in-depth verification of the subject goods has taken place, one or more documents will be issued for transport to the payment offices at the unloading or storage places in warehouse for the intended goods. An extract of each document will be sent to the Receiver or the Depositor on the same day or as soon as possible.".
Art. 60. In Article 59, § 1er, of the same law, in the Dutch text, the words "ten eersten kantore" are replaced by the words "op het eerste kantoor" and the word "zomede" is replaced by the word "evenals".
Art. 61. In section 62 of the Act, the following amendments are made:
- in the Dutch text, the words "der langs rivieren inkomende goederen" are replaced by "van de langs rivieren ingevoerde goederen";
- the words "of the first entry or first payment office" are replaced by the words "of the first office";
- in the Dutch text, the word "derzelve" is replaced by the words "van deze";
- the words "then it will have to be used, as long as necessary, of the precaution of keeping or affixing seals" are replaced by the words "in this case, the goods must be kept or sealed if necessary";
- in the Dutch text, the words "doch zonder dat zulks" are replaced by the words "doch zonder dat dit";
- in the Dutch text, the words "aan de ambtenaren op de eerste wacht" are replaced by the words "aan de ambtenaren op het eerste kantoor";
- in the Dutch text, the words "zodanig gedeelte ener" are replaced by the words "een gedeelte van de".
Art. 62. In section 63 of the Act, the following amendments are made:
- the words ", namely, at the entrance by water, those designated for each river in particular; on the ground, the nearest one on the main road, or located further in the interior" are repealed;
- the words "to which the favor of the warehouse is or will be granted" are replaced by the words "where a warehouse is established".
Art. 63. In section 64 of the Act, the following amendments are made:
- the words "first posts or offices to be designated" are replaced by the words "first offices to be designated";
- in the French text, the words "inside" are replaced by the words "inside the country";
- in the Dutch text, the words "voor zulke goederen, die tot verblijf binnenlands bestemd" are replaced by the words "voor de goederen die bestemd zijn om in het binnenland te blijven";
- in the French text, the words "acquits of payment at the entrance" are replaced by the words "tests of payment at the import";
- in the Dutch text, the words "worden verleend invoerdocumenten van betaling, luidende op de plaatsen der lossing, en die mede tot na lossing en visitatie aldaar bij de goederen moeten verblijven" are replaced by the words "worden betalingsbewijzen bij invoer verleendange waarop de plaatsen
- in the Dutch text, the words "tot de surveillance" are replaced by the words "belast met de bewaking";
- in the Dutch text, the words "na visitatie" are replaced by the words "na verificatie".
Art. 64. In section 66 of the Act, the following amendments are made:
- the words "the captains or valetists" are replaced by the words "the captains or carriers";
- the words "separate payment packages" are replaced by the words "separate payment tests".
Art. 65. In section 67 of the Act, the following amendments are made:
- in the French text, the words "payment packages" are replaced by the words "payment tests";
- in the Dutch text, the words "Op de documenten zal aanhaling zoals op de invoerdocumenten van betaling, kunnen gedaan worden" are replaced by the words "De inbeslagnames zullen zowel op de documenten als op de betalingsbewijzen plaats kunnen hebben";
- in the Dutch text, the words "voor zoveel verschil" are replaced by the words "voor zo ver een verschil";
- in the Dutch text, the words "op de voet" are replaced by the words "op de wijze zoals".
Art. 66. In section 68 of the Act, the following amendments are made:
- in the French text, the words "from agents to the visit, the introductor or the driver" are replaced by the words "from agents responsible for the verification, the importer or the carrier";
- in the Dutch text, the words "Op de losplaatsen zal de invoerder, alvorens te mogen lossen, dat nimmer anders dan in tegenwoordigheid of met medeweten der ambtenaren tot de visitatie mag geschieden, de documenten ten kantore bezorgen
- in the Dutch text, the words "in geval van doorvoer" are replaced by the words "in geval van customsvervoer":
- in the Dutch text, the words "te verkrijgen de vereiste transitodocumenten" are replaced by the words "de vereiste documenten inzake customsvervoer te verkrijgen".
Art. 67. In Article 69, § 1erfrom the same law in the Dutch text, the following amendments are made:
- the word "debitering" is replaced by the word "tenlasteneming";
- the word "dezelve" is replaced by the word "deze".
Art. 68. In article 69, § 2, of the same law, the following amendments are made:
- in the Dutch text, the words "voor goederen, op entrepot aangegeven," are replaced by the words "voor die goederen, welke voor het entrepot zijn aangegeven,"
- in the Dutch text, the words "bij verklaring in dorso, gestureld door de ambtenaren ter opgegeven plaats" are replaced by the words "bij verklaring op de achterzijde door de ambtenaren van de aangewezen plaats";
- in the French text, the word "gents" is replaced by the word "agents".
Art. 69. In article 69, § 3, of the same law, the following amendments are made:
- in the Dutch text, the words "ten kantore van betaling of dat van entrepot" are replaced by the words "op het kantoor van betaling of van entrepot";
- in the Dutch text, the word "extracten" is replaced by the word "uittreksels";
- in the Dutch text, the word "verklaring" is replaced by the word "aantekening";
- the words "in order that the bonding given therein be striped or cancelled" are replaced by the words "so that the bonding given therein is released."
Art. 70. In section 70 of the Act, the following amendments are made:
- in the Dutch text, the words "of voor dezelfs bedrag gedebiteerd" are replaced by the words "of voor eenzelfde bedrag ten last worden genomen";
- in the French text, the words "unless the goods set out there have been actually discharged and verified or visited" are replaced by the words "unless the goods set therein have been effectively discharged and verified";
- in the Dutch text, the words "hetzij de goederen, op het document gemeld, inderdaad worden gelost en geverifieerd, of voor de rechten kunnen worden gevisiteerd ter plaatse op welke het document luidtijk are replaced by the words "tenzij de erop vermelde goederen daadwer
Art. 71. In article 70/3, § 2, c, of the same law, the words "in the name and on behalf of others" are replaced by the words "in the name and account of others in accordance with the conditions laid down in chapter XIV bis".
Art. 72. In the title of CHAPTER IX of the same law, in the Dutch text, the words " ter zee" are replaced by the words "over zee".
Art. 73. In section 71 of the Act, in the Dutch text, the following amendments are made:
- the words "Voor alle goederen, ter zee uitgaande" are replaced by the words "Voor alle over zee uitgevoerde goederen";
- the word "dezelve" is each time replaced by the word "deze";
- the words "voor de accijnsgoederen, die uitgaan onder genot van afschrijving van accijns" are replaced by the words "voor wat de accijnsgoederen betreft":
- the word "hetwelk" is replaced by the word "dat".
Art. 74. In section 72 of the Act, the words "of the master, boss or counteracting baker" are replaced by the words "of the incoming captain".
Art. 75. In article 73 of the same law, in the Dutch text, the words "bij het uitgaan" are replaced by the words "bij uitgang".
Art. 76. In article 74 of the same law, in the Dutch text, the word "uitgangskantoor" is replaced by the words "kantoor van uitgang".
Art. 77. In the title of CHAPITRE X of the same law, in the Dutch text, the words "te land" are replaced by the words "over land".
Art. 78. In section 75 of the Act, in the Dutch text, the following amendments are made:
- the words "te land" are replaced by the words "over land";
- the words "zijn aangeschreven" are replaced by the words "ten laste zijn genomen";
- the word "creditrekening" is replaced by the word "kredietrekening".
Art. 79. In section 76 of the Act, the following amendments are made:
- in the Dutch text, the words "te lande" are replaced by the words "over land";
- the words "that by the roads and major roads mentioned in Article 57" are replaced by the words "that by the roads and roads mentioned in Article 57";
- the words "being intended solely for the perception of the rights of exit" are replaced by the words "being intended solely for the perception of export rights";
- in the Dutch text, the word "dezelve" is replaced by the word "deze".
Art. 80. In article 77, paragraph 1erthe following amendments are made to the Act:
- in the Dutch text, the words "te land" are replaced by the words "over land";
- in the French text, the words ", and before exceeding it," are repealed;
- in the French text, the words "of the last exit office" are replaced by the words "of the last office";
- in the Dutch text, the words "op de laatste wacht, en alvorens dezelve te passeren, moeten overgeven aan de beambten" are replaced by the words "moeten overhandigen aan de ambtenaren van het laatste kantoor van uitgang";
- in the French text, the words "to be removed after the visit" are replaced by the words "to be removed after the verification";
- in the Dutch text, the words "na visitatie en vergelijking met de goederen" are replaced by the words "na verificatie".
Art. 81. In section 77 of the Act, paragraph 2 is repealed.
Art. 82. In section 78 of the Act, the following amendments are made:
- in the Dutch text, the words "te land" are replaced by the words "over land";
- in the French text, the words "the same offices or posts" are replaced by the words "the same offices";
- in the Dutch text, the words "uiterste of laatste wachten dezelfde kantoren of posten" are replaced by the words "Kantoren dezelfde kantoren";
- the words "first declaration at entry" are replaced by the words "first declaration at importation".
Art. 83. In section 78/2, § 3, of the same law, the words "Minister of Finance" are replaced by the word "Roi". This paragraph is supplemented by the following:
"The King may charge the Minister of Finance for the execution of this paragraph. ".
Art. 84. In section 78/2, § 4, of the same law, the words "Minister of Finance" are replaced by the word "Roi". This paragraph is supplemented by the following:
"The King may charge the Minister of Finance for the execution of this paragraph. ".
Art. 85. In Article 78/3, § 1er, from the same law, the words "Minister of Finance" are replaced by the word "Roi". This paragraph is supplemented by the following:
"The King may charge the Minister of Finance for the execution of this paragraph. ".
Art. 86. In section 78/3, § 2, of the same law, the words "Minister of Finance" are replaced by the word "Roi". This paragraph is supplemented by the following:
"The King may charge the Minister of Finance for the execution of this paragraph. ".
Art. 87. In section 78/11, § 2, of the same law, the words "Minister of Finance" are replaced by the word "Roi". This paragraph is supplemented by the following:
"The King may charge the Minister of Finance for the execution of this paragraph. ".
Art. 88. In section 78/12, § 2, of the same law, the words "Minister of Finance" are replaced by the word "Roi". This paragraph is supplemented by the following:
"The King may charge the Minister of Finance for the execution of this paragraph. ".
Art. 89. In Article 78/13, § 1er, from the same law, the words "Minister of Finance" are replaced by the word "Roi". This paragraph is supplemented by the following:
"The King may charge the Minister of Finance for the execution of this paragraph. ".
Art. 90. In section 78/14 of the Act, the words "Minister of Finance" are replaced by the word "Roi". This article is supplemented as follows:
"The King may charge the Minister of Finance for the execution of this paragraph."
Art. 91. In section 78/15 of the Act, the words "Minister of Finance" are replaced by the word "Roi". This article is supplemented as follows:
"The King may charge the Minister of Finance for the execution of this paragraph."
Art. 92. In section 85 of the Act, the following amendments are made:
- in the Dutch text, the words "Goederen ten invoer verboden, doch ter wacht op de inklaring of aangifte vermeld onder hun ware of eigen benaming, kunnen Dadelijk weder worden teruggevokelerd" are replaced by the words "Goederen waarvan de invoer verboden is maarte die age
- in the French text, the words "at their entrance by sea" are replaced by the words "when they are imported by sea";
- in the Dutch text, the words "welke, bij de inklaring uit zee, zijn opgegeven" are replaced by the words "die, bij invoer over zee, zijn aangegeven".
Art. 93. In section 86 of the Act, the following amendments are made:
- in the Dutch text, the words "worden gesteld onder beheer" are replaced by the words "worden opgeslagen onder toezicht";
- in the Dutch text, the words "immer binnen twee daarna" are replaced by the words "ten laatste twee dagen na hun aankomst";
- in the Dutch text, the word "medegerekend" is replaced by the word "meegerekend";
- the words "or someone delegated by him" are replaced by the words "or the official delegated by him".
Art. 94. In section 87, paragraph 1erin the Dutch text, the following amendments are made:
- the sentence "Zij zullen aldaar onder bewaring van de ambtenaren mogen verblijven gedurende de tijd van één jaar." is replaced by the sentence "De termijn van deze opslag wordt vastgesteld op één jaar.";
- the words "en de ten invoer verbodene weder kunnen worden teruggevoerd langs dezelfde weg, als zijn ingekomen, vrij van rechten." are replaced by the words "en de verboden goederen worden wederuitgevoerd langs dezelfde weg als zijn
Art. 95. In article 87, paragraph 2, of the same law, in the Dutch text, the words "beheer en bewaring" are replaced by the words "opslag en toezicht".
Art. 96. In section 89 of the Act, the following amendments are made:
- in the French text, the words "at the entrance" are replaced by the words "at the import";
- in the Dutch text, article 89 is replaced by the following: "De verkoop van de bij invoer verboden goederen zal afhankelijk gesteld worden van hun wederuitvoer over hetzelfde kantoor langs waar zij zijn ingevoerd, met vrijstelling van rechten."
Art. 97. In article 91 of the same law, in the Dutch text, the words "De zuivere opbrengst niet binnen de daartoe bepaalde tijd zijnde opgeëist, zal de zelve voor `s Rijks kas verkregen, en dienvolgens" are replaced by the words "Indien de zuivere opbrengst
Art. 98. In section 92 of the Act, in the Dutch text, the following amendments are made:
- the words "op de voet van artikel 88 omschreven" are replaced by the words "zoals omschreven in artikel 88";
- the words "niet dan na verloop van" are replaced by the words "slechts na verloop van";
- the words "voor `s Rijks kas verkregen worden" are replaced by the words "door of Schatkist verworven worden".
Art. 99. In section 93 of the same Act, the words "when the arrival or importation is made" are replaced by the words "when the place of arrival or importation is made".
Art. 100. In section 94 of the Act, the following amendments are made:
- in the Dutch text, the words "Inkomende goederen, welke de geconsigneerde niet wenst, op de voet van deze wet en van de bijzondere wetten, in of op te slaan, zullen Dadelijk weder kunnen worden teruggevoerd naar het buitenland"
- the words ", and under payment of transit rights" are repealed;
- in the Dutch text, the words "gereclameerd binnen de tijd en op de voet, als in artikel 90 gemeld" are replaced by the words "teruggevorderd binnen de termijn en onder de voorwaarden van artikel 90".
Art. 101. In the title of CHAPTER XIII and in the title of Section I of this chapter of the same law, in the Dutch text, the word "doorvoer" is replaced by the word "douanevervoer".
Art. 102. In Section I titlere the words "in `t algemeen" are replaced by the words "in het algemeen".
Art. 103. In section 95 of the Act, the following amendments are made:
- in the Dutch text, the word "doorvoer" is replaced by the word "douanevervoer";
- the words "European Communities" are replaced by the words "European Union".
Art. 104. In section 96 of the Act, in the Dutch text, the following amendments are made:
- the words "bij invoer" are replaced by "bij binnenkomst";
- the word "doorvoer" is replaced by the word "douanevervoer".
Art. 105. In section 97, paragraph 1erthe following amendments are made to the Act:
- in the Dutch text, the word "doorvoer" is replaced by the word "douanevervoer";
- in the Dutch text, the word "doorvoerdocument" is replaced by the words "document inzake customsvervoer";
- the words "either by a customs officer or accesses assisted by a member of the gendarmerie or an agent of the municipal administration, either by two members of the gendarmerie, or by two officers of the municipal administration, or by a member of the gendarmerie and an agent of the municipal administration" are replaced by the words:
"- either by a customs officer or accesses assisted by a police officer or a community administrator;
- by two police officers;
- by two officers of the municipal administration;
- either by a policeman and a community administration officer."
Art. 106. In section 97, paragraph 2, of the same law, in the French text, the words "in the interest of the vehicle and the load" are replaced by the words "to preserve the vehicle or the load".
Art. 107. Section 99, paragraph 1erthe same law shall be replaced by the following:
"If the verification at the destination office does not reveal any offence, the agents clear the transit document. This discharge becomes definitive after the finding of export.".
Art. 108. In Article 113, 1erthe following amendments are made to the Act:
- the words "Registrants, captains, bworkshops, valet or conductors" are replaced by the words "Registrants, captains or other carriers";
- in the Dutch text, the words "zomede de verpakkings-, lossings- en herladingsmiddelen" are replaced by the words "evenals de verpakkingen en de lossings- en herladingsmiddelen";
- the words "at the entrance and exit offices" are repealed;
- in the Dutch text, the word "benevens" is replaced by the word "alsook";
- in the Dutch text, the words "het doen" are replaced by the words "dit doen".
Art. 109. Article 113, § 3, of the Act is replaced by the following:
"Registrants shall be responsible for all costs of the journey and stay of customs officers and accises who escort the goods. ".
Art. 110. In Article 114, § 1erthe following amendments are made to the Act:
- in the Dutch text, the word "verwaarlozing" is replaced by the word "nalatigheid";
- in the Dutch text, the word "doorvoerdocument" is replaced by the words "document inzake customsvervoer";
- in the French text, the words "or posts" are repealed;
- in the Dutch text, the words "of posten van doortocht" are repealed;
- the words "at the exit office" are replaced by the words "at the destination office";
- in the Dutch text, the words "`t zij geheel, `t zij gedeeltelijk" are replaced by the words "hetzij geheel, hetzij gedeeltelijk";
- in the Dutch text, the words "brengen vernietiging van de doorvoer mee" are replaced by the words "leiden tot de annuling van het customsvervoer";
- the words "of the master, bworkshop or driver" are replaced by the words "of the master or carrier";
- in the Dutch text, the words "bij invoer" are replaced by the words "bij binnenkomst".
Art. 111. In article 114, § 2, of the same law, in the Dutch text, the following amendments are made:
- the word "beambten" is replaced by the word "ambtenaren";
- the word "doorvoer" is replaced by the word "douanevervoer";
- the word "veroorloven" is replaced by the word "toestaan".
Art. 112. In Article 115, § 1erthe following amendments are made to the Act:
- in the French text, the words "at the import office" are replaced by the words "at the departure office";
- in the Dutch text, the words "doorvoeraangifte vastgesteld ten kantore van invoer" are replaced by the words "aangifte inzake customsvervoer vastgesteld op het kantoor van vertrek".
Art. 113. In Article 115, § 2, of the Act, the following amendments are made:
- the words "at the exit office" are replaced by the words "at the destination office";
- the words "capitaine, bworkshop or driver" are replaced by the words "capitaine or other carriers".
Art. 114. In Article 115, § 3, of the same law, in the Dutch text, the following amendments are made:
- the word "overslag" is replaced by the word "overlading";
- the word "doorvoerdocumenten" is replaced by the words "documenten inzake customsvervoer".
Art. 115. In article 115, § 4, of the same law, in the Dutch text, the following amendments are made:
- the word "doorvoer" is replaced by the word "douanevervoer";
- the words "ten kantore van uitreiking" are replaced by the words "op het kantoor van uitreiking";
- the word "inning" is replaced by the word "invordering".
Art. 116. In article 116, 2°, of the same law, in the Dutch text, the word "geïnde" is replaced by the word "ingevorderde".
Art. 117. In article 116, 3°, of the same law, in the Dutch text, the words "of beambten" are repealed.
Art. 118. In section 117 of the Act, in the Dutch text, the following amendments are made:
- the word "beambten" is replaced by the word "ambtenaren";
- the word "douanebeambten" is replaced by the word "douaneambtenaren";
- the word "doorvoer" is replaced by the word "douanevervoer".
Art. 119. In Article 118, § 1erthe following amendments are made to the Act:
- in the Dutch text, the word "doorvoer" is replaced by the word "douanevervoer";
- in the French text, the word "consumered" is replaced by the words "disposing goods";
- in the Dutch text, the words "Hij wordt enkel voltrokken geacht wanneer de goederen" are replaced by the words "Er wordt enkel geacht over de goederen te beschikken wanneer ze".
Art. 120. In Article 118, § 2, of the same law, the word "onzijdige" is replaced by the word "neutrale".
Art. 121. In section 119 of the Act, the words "Minister of Finance" are replaced by the word "Roi". This article is supplemented as follows:
"The King may charge the Minister of Finance for the performance of this section. ".
Art. 122. Section 120 of the Act is repealed.
Art. 123. In article 121 of the same law, in the Dutch text, the words "of doorvoer" are replaced by the words "het customsvervoer".
Art. 124. In article 122, paragraph 2, of the same law, in the Dutch text, the word "doorvoerdocument" is replaced by the words "inzake customsvervoer".
Art. 125. In the title of CHAPTER XIV of the same law, the words "Customs Agents" are replaced by the words "Customs Representative".
Art. 126. Section 127 of the Act is replaced by the following:
"Art. 127. § 1er. Only a customs representative may represent a third person to the administration during import, export or transit.
§ 2. No one can act as a customs representative if he is not registered in a customs registration register.
For the purposes of paragraph 1er, it is necessary to hear by customs representative any natural or legal person who, in a professional capacity, fulfils the customs formalities to import, export and transit in his or her name or on behalf of a principal but on behalf of a principal and which is recognized by the administration as an economic operator approved in accordance with European legislation or which provides sufficient knowledge of customs and excise regulations.
§ 3. The King determines the conditions on which persons registered in the customs registration register may be registered in the customs registration register.
§ 4. The King determines the conditions to which:
- the registration register referred to in § 2 is held;
- proof of sufficient knowledge of customs and excise regulations is issued;
- representation can be considered professional. ".
Art. 127. In Article 128, § 1erin the Dutch text, the following amendments are made:
- the words "of beambten" are repealed;
- the words "te ruste" are replaced by the words "op rust".
Art. 128. In section 128, § 2, of the same law, the words "customer" are replaced by the words "representing in customs".
Art. 129. In the same Act, an article 129 (2) is inserted as follows:
"Art. 129-2. The customs representative who acts as a direct representative must file a sufficient guarantee with the administration under the terms and conditions set out in Chapter XXVI to guarantee debts that may still arise with respect to declarations for which direct representation has been applied and to the extent that this is not done by the principal himself. ".
Art. 130. Article 130, § 1erthe same law shall be replaced by the following:
§ 1. The customs representative maintains an annual directory in the form prescribed by the Minister of Finance. It lists it separately, following an uninterrupted series of numbers, by declaration for which it intervened either as an indirect representative or as a direct representative, all operations both for import and export and transit.
The registration number is mentioned at the same time as the customs representative's registration number on the corresponding documents issued to the Customs, the trade documents and the written instructions given to the customs representative by the customs official, with a view to the customs formalities to be performed, and the letters, documents and records of the customs representative, issued by him or her, relating to the customs operations made or to be done by him.".
Art. 131. In article 130, § 2, of the same law, the words "the customs officer" are replaced by the words "the customs representative".
Art. 132. In article 130, § 4, of the same law, the word "the customs officer" is replaced by the word "the customs representative".
Art. 133. In section 131, paragraph 1er, from the same law, the words "Minister of Finance" are replaced by the word "Roi" and the words "the customs officer" are replaced by the words "the customs representative". This paragraph is supplemented by the following:
"The King may charge the Minister of Finance for the execution of this paragraph."
Art. 134. In section 132 of the same law, the word "Customs Officer" is replaced by the word "Customs Representative" and the words "Minister of Finance" are replaced by the word "Roi". This article is supplemented as follows:
"The King may charge the Minister of Finance for the performance of this section. ".
Art. 135. In section 133 of the Act, the following amendments are made:
- the words "The Minister of Finance may prohibit for a period of one to six months the customs officer convinced:" are replaced by the words "The official designated by the Minister of Finance may prohibit, for the duration of one or six months, the customs representative convinced:"
- the words "In the event of recurrence, the customs officer is striped of the registration register." are replaced by the words "In the event of recurrence, the customs representative is striped off the registration register."
Art. 136. In section 134, paragraph 1er, from the same law, the words "the customs officer" are replaced by the words "the customs representative".
Art. 137. In section 135 of the Act, the following amendments are made:
- 1er the words "The customs officer" are replaced by the words "The customs representative";
- Two.e paragraph, the words "the judge puts the agent out of charge at the penal level. The latter, however, remains obliged to pay taxes, in solidarity with his client, are replaced by the words "the judge puts out the customs representative at the penal level. Notwithstanding the above, the customs representative who acts as an indirect representative remains obliged to pay taxes, in solidarity with his client."
Art. 138. In Section 136, paragraph 1er, from the same law, the words "the customs officer" are replaced by the words "the customs representative who acts as an indirect representative".
Art. 139. In section 137 of the Act, the words "Minister of Finance" are replaced by the word "Roi". This article is supplemented as follows:
"The King may charge the Minister of Finance for the performance of this section. ".
Art. 140. In section 138 of the Act, the following amendments are made:
- in the Dutch text, the words "De omstandige aangifte ten kantore moet gedaan worden bij schriftelijk biljet" are replaced by the words "De omstandige aangifte moet schriftelijk gebeuren op het kantoor";
- in the Dutch text, the words "getekend door de beheerder van de goederen, als zodanig in het vermogen om de goederen ter visitatie aan te bieden" are replaced by the words "getekend door diegene diegene die over de goederen beschikt en die bijgevolg in staat is om zean voor veratie
- the words "either as the owner, consignee, captain, valet, or conductor of the goods, either as the basis of authority or as a consignor, trade broker or ship, or as an agent recognized or admitted to that effect by the administration" are replaced by the words "either as the owner or consignor or the basis of authority or as a declarant";
- in the Dutch text, the word "admissie" is replaced by the words "akte van toelating";
- in the Dutch text, the words "onder speciale procuratie" are replaced by the words "op basis van een bijzondere volmacht".
Art. 141. In section 139, 2°, of the same law, in the Dutch text, the following amendments are made:
- in point (a), the words "Van de inkomende goederen" are replaced by the words "Van de ingevoerde goederen";
- in point b), the words "Van de uitgaande goederen" are replaced by the words "Van de uit te voeren goederen";
- in point b), the words "het uiterste kantoor" are replaced by the words "het kantoor";
- at the point c), the words "Van de doorgaande of transiterende goederen, de plaats of het land vanwaar ze aangebracht en waarvoor zij bestemd zijn, mede met aanwijzing van het kantoor van wederuitvoer, tenzij die mocht geschieden aan de zeezijde
- in point (d), the words "Van binnenlands vervoerd wordende goederen" are replaced by the words "Voor het binnenlands verkeer of voor het vervoer van goederen van één plaats in het koninkrijk naar een andere".
Art. 142. In section 139, 4°, of the Act, the following amendments are made:
- the words "The quotity or number of balls, bundles, barrels, baskets, boxes and other parcels, distinguishing the demis, quarters or other subdivisions and denoting the marks and numbers they wear" are replaced by the words "The number of packages or containers as well as the marks and numbers they wear";
- in the French text, the words "For declarations at sea entrance" are replaced by the words "To import by sea".
Art. 143. In section 139, 5°, of the same law, in the Dutch text, the following amendments are made:
- the words "naar ieders soort, zowel of voor de goederen naar het gewicht of de maat, dan wel naar de waarde moet worden betaald, of wel dat zij bij stukken, pakken, tonnen, vaten of anderszins zullen worden geladen of geltalost
- the word "produkten" is replaced by the word "producten".
Art. 144. In article 140 of the same law, in the Dutch text, the words "het getal" are replaced by the words "het aantal".
Art. 145. In section 141 of the Act, the following amendments are made:
- in the Dutch text, the word "doorverzending" is replaced by the word "vervoer";
- the words "consumption declaration" are replaced by the words "consumption declaration in the field of customs".
Art. 146. In article 142 of the same law, in the Dutch text, the words "wegens welke" are replaced by the word "waarvoor".
Art. 147. In Article 143, § 1erthe following amendments are made to the Act:
- the portion of the sentence "The goods being duly declared, one may refer to the Receiver, for the calculation of the rights, and only pay the sum that it has fixed;" is replaced by the phrase "The goods being duly declared, the calculation of the rights shall be checked by the Receiver and the amount to be paid shall be communicated;"
- in the Dutch text, the phrase "zijnde de ontvangers voor alle misrekeningen aan den lande verantwoordelijk, en de aangevers niet langer dan drie jaar na de aangifte, gerechtigd tot de terugvordering van hetgeen te veel betaald mocht zijn Na deze termijn zullen deze sommen ten gunste van de Schatkist blijven";
- in the French text, the word "state" is replaced by the words "the Belgian state".
Art. 148. In section 144 of the Act, in the Dutch text, the following amendments are made:
- the word "zo" is replaced by the word "zowel";
- the words "der beambten" are replaced by the words "door of ambtenaren";
- the words "aanhaling of bekeuring" are replaced by the words "inbeslagname of overtreding".
Art. 149. In Article 145, § 1er, from the same law, the words "Minister of Finance" are replaced by the word "Roi". This paragraph is supplemented by the following:
"The King may charge the Minister of Finance for the execution of this paragraph. ".
Art. 150. In Article 145, § 3, 2°, of the same law, after the words "by" the words "Roi or" are inserted.
Art. 151. In section 146 of the same Act, the words "reporting, for loading or unloading, import, export, transit or transport or warehouse, documents that will, in a separate and legible manner, in all letters and not in figures, present the various quantities, both in relation to the number, weight or measure, and in respect of the value of the goods. Depending on the localities and circumstances, it will be possible to designate the place where the loading or unloading will have to or may be done." are replaced by the words "a copy of the declaration will be given to the declarant."
Art. 152. In Article 147, § 1erthe following amendments are made to the Act:
- in the Dutch text, the words "voor de uit zee ingebrachte goederen" are replaced by the words "voor de over zee ingevoerde goederen";
- in the Dutch text, the word "getal" is replaced by the word "aantal";
- the words "of barrels, boxes, balls, baskets or other parcels" are replaced by the words "of parcels".
Art. 153. Section 147, § 2, of the Act is repealed.
Art. 154. Section 148 of the Act is repealed.
Art. 155. Article 149, § 1erthe same law shall be replaced by the following:
§ 1. When the subsequent formalities to the declaration are time-limited, a time limit will be set reasonably on the basis of use. ".
Art. 156. Article 149, § 2, of the same law, in the Dutch text, is replaced by the following:
"§2. Na verloop van de tijd, verliezen die documenten daartoe alle kracht, tenzij de termijn is verlengd op de wijze zoals omschreven door artikel 150. Bij verandering van transportmiddelen onderweg, verliezen de documenten eveneens hun kracht, indian de overlading of de lading heeft plaatsgevonden zonder medeweten van de ambtenaren, en zonder dat zij derhalve de vereiste aantekening op de documenten gesteld hebben.".
Art. 157. In Article 150, § 1erthe following amendments are made to the Act:
- in the Dutch text, the words "in welke" are replaced by the word "waarin";
- in the Dutch text, the words "genoegzame ruimte" are replaced by the words "mare voldoende";
- in the Dutch text, the word "altoos" is replaced by the word "steeds";
- the words "by the mayor" are replaced by the words "by one of the agents referred to in Article 97".
Art. 158. Article 150, § 2, of the same law is repealed.
Art. 159. In Article 151, § 1erin the Dutch text, the following amendments are made:
- the word "research" is replaced by the word "visitatia";
- the words "ten kantore" are replaced by the words "op het kantoor";
- the words "waarvan een bewijs" are replaced by the words "waarvan in elk geval een ontvangst-bewijs of certifcaat tot vaststelling van deze opslag".
Art. 160. In article 151, § 2, of the same law, in the Dutch text, the following amendments are made:
- the word "uitdrukking" is replaced by the word "aanduiding";
- the words "gestadige tegenwoordigheid" are replaced by the words "voortdurende aanwezigheid";
- the words "deswege zij altoos" are replaced by the words "waarvoor ze echter altijd".
Art. 161. In section 152 of the same law, in the French text, the words "inside" are replaced by "inside the country".
Art. 162. In article 152 of the same law, in the Dutch text, the words "Geen goederen mogen, tot transport van de ene binnenlandse plaats naar de andere, worden ingenomen in uitgaande of inkomende schepen, noch in lichters die nog te lossen hebben" are replaced by the words "Aan boord vann
Art. 163. In Article 153, § 1er, from the same law, in the French text, the words "full" is replaced by the word "totally".
Art. 164. Article 153, § 1er, of the same law, in the Dutch text, is replaced by the following:
"Wanneer over zee ingevoerde goederen geheel of gedeeltelijk in lichters naar de losplaats worden overgebracht, en de geconsigneerden, of sommigen onder hen, in de onmogelijkheid verkeren om een afzonderlijke aangifte op te maken voor elke achtere
Art. 165. Article 153, § 2, of the Act, is replaced by the following:
"§2. However, if the consignors wish that a portion of the load be previously deposited in their store prior to verification, that authorization will be granted to them. The customs will take appropriate measures to find these goods later. ".
Art. 166. In article 154 of the same law, in the French text, the words "very in good standing" are replaced by the words "not having noticed any irregularity" and the words "except in the last office where these documents must be removed" are repealed.
Art. 167. In article 154 of the same law, in the Dutch text, the words "De ambtenaren zullen de uitvoerdocumenten en transitodocumenten, na gedane visitatie en in orde bevinding, altoos wedergeven aan degenen" are replaced by the words "Na gedane verificatie en nadat geen onregelmatigheid werd
Art. 168. Section 155 of the Act is repealed.
Art. 169. In Article 156, § 1erthe following amendments are made to the Act:
- in the Dutch text, the word "Inkomende" is replaced by the word "Binnenkomende";
- in the Dutch text, the words "eerste wacht" are replaced by the words "het eerste kantoor";
- in the Dutch text, the words "over te zetten" are replaced by the words "over te laden";
- in the French text, the words "the first entry office" are replaced by the words "the first office";
- in the Dutch text, the words "laatste wacht" are replaced by the words "het laatste kantoor";
- in the French text, the words "the last exit office" are replaced by the words "the last office";
- in the French text, the words "the nearest local chief of customs" are replaced by the words "the nearest local chief of customs";
- in the Dutch text, the words "het plaatselijk hoofd der customs te stellen op de voor de te lichten goederen verkregen documenten" are replaced by the words "het dichtstbijzijnde plaatselijk hoofd der customs voor de documenten waarop de te lossen of over te laden goederen vermeld zijn".
Art. 170. Article 156, § 2, of the same law, in the Dutch text is replaced by the following:
"§2. Wanneer in geval van overmacht de lichting meteen moet plaatsvinden, zal de overlading kunnen geschieden zonder voorafgaande toelating, mits de schipper van de gelichte goederen nauwkeurige aanteken wording houdt op de documenten en elk geval de lichtervaartuigen, tot de
Art. 171. In section 157, paragraph 1er, of the same law, in the Dutch text, the words "in doorvoer" are replaced by the words "onder customsvervoer".
Art. 172. In section 157, paragraph 3, of the same law, in the Dutch text, the word "produkten" is replaced by the word "producten" and the words "Minister of Finance" are replaced by the word "Roi". This paragraph is supplemented by the following:
"The King may charge the Minister of Finance for the execution of this paragraph."
Art. 173. In section 158 of the Act, the following amendments are made:
- the words "In each import or export with discharge or restitution, as well as in the case that is determined by this coordinated law or by special laws, or that the security of rights and excise will require it, a check shall be carried out in detail, i.e., that it will take place" shall be replaced by the words "When import or export with discharge or return of excise This audit is performed";
- the words ", and which will be required, depending on the nature of the goods, to weigh them, measure, gauge or taste" are replaced by the words "and consists, depending on the nature of the products, to weigh them, to gauge them or to carry out any useful operation."
Art. 174. In article 159 of the same law, in the Dutch text, the words "vinden alleen toepassing bij" are replaced by the words "zijn enkel van toepassing op".
Art. 175. In section 160 of the same Act, the words "In the event that the interested party is deemed to be injured by weighing, measuring, gauge, expertise, tasting or enumeration of the goods, or when a government agent committed to this operation or one of its superiors will believe the interests of the compromised treasury, one may require that the weighing, the measurement expert, the gauge, This new operation must be done by another government officer, authorized for this purpose, and will be decisive" are replaced by the words "In case the interested party believes that it is adversely affected by weighing, measuring, or any useful operation for the purpose of securing the goods or when an agent or one of its superiors considers that the interests of the treasury are in danger, weighing, measurement This new operation must be done by another agent."
Art. 176. In section 163, paragraph 1erthe following amendments are made to the Act:
- in the French text, the words "all trolleys, cars, carts or other means of transport that will come in or out" are replaced by the words "any loaded means of transport that enters or goes out";
- in the Dutch text, the words "alle inkomende of uitgaande geladen schepen, vaar en voertuigen" are replaced by the words "alle geladen schepen en vervoermiddelen die binnenkomen of uitgaan";
- in the French text, the words "everything at its expense" are replaced by the words "at its expense";
- in the Dutch text, the words "tot bij verlaten van `s Rijks grondgebied, en zulks, te haren koste" are replaced by the words "tot de uitgang uit het koninkrijk en dit op haar kosten".
Art. 177. In section 164, paragraph 1er, from the same law, the words "Minister of Finance" are replaced by the word "Roi" and the words "Customers and Access Agents" are replaced by the words "Customs and Access Agents". This paragraph is supplemented by the following:
"The King may charge the Minister of Finance for the execution of this paragraph."
Art. 178. In article 164, paragraph 2, of the same law, in the Dutch text, the word "Dienvolgens" is replaced by the word "Bijgevolg".
Art. 179. In section 165 of the Act, the following amendments are made:
- in the French text, the words "caisses, barrels, balls or other packages" are replaced by the word "colis";
- in the Dutch text, the words "fusten of verpakkingen" are replaced by the word "colli's";
- in the French text, the words "useless, unless" are replaced by the words "useless, to be paid by the captain or other carriers, unless";
- in the Dutch text, the words "waaromtrent deze maatregel van voorzorg is gebezigd, te betalen door de schipper, voerman of geleider tenzij zulks blwerbaar ware veroorzaakt door toevallige omstandigheden" are replaced by the words "ten aanzien waarvantal deze voor
Art. 180. In section 166 of the Act, the following amendments are made:
- the word "visit" is replaced by the word "verification";
- in the Dutch text, the words "beveiligt niet tegen bekeuring" are replaced by the words "bechermt de goederen niet tegen inbeslagnames en boetes".
Art. 181. In Article 169, § 1er, of the same law, in the Dutch text, the word "doorvoer" is replaced by the word "douanevervoer".
Art. 182. In section 170, paragraph 2, of the Act, the words "Minister of Finance" are replaced by the word "Roi". This paragraph is supplemented by the following:
"The King may charge the Minister of Finance for the execution of this paragraph."
Art. 183. In section 170, paragraph 3, of the Act, the words "Minister of Finance" are replaced by the word "Roi". This paragraph is supplemented by the following:
"The King may charge the Minister of Finance for the execution of this paragraph."
Art. 184. Section 171, paragraph 2, of the Act is replaced by the following:
"This prohibition does not apply to unfrauded goods that are held in a commercial enterprise or as supplies in private homes. ".
Art. 185. In Article 173, § 3, of the Act, the following amendments are made:
- the words "lower agents" are replaced by the words "subalternal agents";
- in the Dutch text, the word "hunner" is replaced by the words "van hun";
- in the Dutch text, the words "de naastbij zijnde ontvanger" are replaced by the words "de ontvanger van het dichtstbijzijnde kantoor";
- in the Dutch text, the words "voor de schaden en nadelen, welke zij bij zodanige gelegenheid aan de ingezetenen hebben toegebracht" are replaced by the words "voor de verliezen en schade, die door deze visitaties kunnen toegebracht worden aan de bewoners".
Art. 186. In section 174 of the Act, the following amendments are made:
- in the Dutch text, the word "assistentie" is replaced by the word "bijstand";
- in the French text, the words ", barns or other enclosures" are replaced by the words "or other buildings";
- in the Dutch text, the words "schuren of andere voor afsluiting vatbare plaatsen" are replaced by the words "of andere gebouwen".
Art. 187. In section 175 of the Act, the following amendments are made:
- in the Dutch text, the word "aanhaling" is each time replaced by the word "inbeslagname";
- in the French text, the words "inside" are replaced by the words "inside the country";
- in the Dutch text, the words "om 't even" is replaced by the word "eender".
Art. 188. In section 176 of the same law, the words "or horses, cars, carts and boats used for their carriage; the paths, rivers, ditches or canals that they have followed to reach or reach them, and the moment at which the goods have been introduced into the house or the enclosures visited by them and to the inhabitant or owner of which they will have to copy this act" are replaced by the words "or their means of transport; the journey they have followed to reach them or to reach them, and the time at which the goods have been introduced into the house or other building visited by them and to the inhabitant or user of which they will have to copy this act."
Art. 189. In section 178 of the same law, the word "Independent" is replaced by the words "Without prejudice".
Art. 190. In section 180 of the Act, in the Dutch text, the following amendments are made:
- the words "ganse samenhang" are replaced by the words "het geheel";
- the word "alleenlijk" is replaced by the word "slechts";
- the word "sectoral" is replaced by the word "sectoral";
- the word "beschikkingen" is replaced by the word "bepalingen";
- the words "in gans de uitgestrektheid der aangewezen strook" are replaced by the words "in het volledige gebied van de aangeduide zone".
Art. 191. In section 181 of the Act, the following amendments are made:
- in the Dutch text, the word "dezerzijds" is repealed;
- in the French text, the words "or nacelles" are replaced by the words "or boats";
- in the Dutch text, the word "dezelve" is replaced by the word "deze";
- in the Dutch text, the word "verbeurte" is replaced by the word "verbeurdverklaring".
Art. 192. In Article 182, § 1erthe following amendments are made to the Act:
- in the Dutch text, the words "te allen tijde" are replaced by the words "op elk tijdstip en op elke plaats";
- the words "both outside and within their residence" are replaced by the words "both in their residence and outside of it";
- in the Dutch text, the words "zowel bij nacht als bij dag" are replaced by the words "zowel 's nachts als overdag";
- the words "any vessel, building, car or other means of transport" are replaced by the words "any means of transport";
- in the French text, the words "back or otherwise" are repealed;
- in the Dutch text, the words "mitsgaders alle gedragen wordende goederen" are replaced by the words "alsook alle goederen vervoerd door individuen";
- in the Dutch text, the words "doorvoer plaats hebbe" are replaced by the words "douanevervoer of vervoer plaatsvindt".
Art. 193. Section 182, § 3, of the Act is replaced by the following:
"If the visit of the ships cannot be made during the navigation, it will be carried out instead of the destination, or, in the event of suspicion of fraud, at the first place of discharge, at the expense of the succumbing party and under the responsibility of the agents. ".
Art. 194. In section 183 of the Act, the word "designated cars" is replaced by the words "designated means of transport".
Art. 195. In Article 184, § 1erthe following amendments are made to the Act:
- in the Dutch text, the word "natuur" is replaced by the word "soort";
- the words "packs, boxes, barrels and other packages" are replaced by the word "colis";
- in the Dutch text, the word "research" is replaced by the word "verificatia";
- in the Dutch text, the word "ondergaan" is replaced by the word "ondervinden";
- the words "to favor this damage" are replaced by the words "to compensate";
- in the Dutch text, the words "ter begroting" are replaced by the words "volgens de schatting".
Art. 196. In Article 184, § 2, of the Act, the following amendments are made:
- in the French text, the words "When in the event of a road visit, or during the carriage of goods shipped in transit or otherwise, under seal or cachets," are replaced by the words "when in the event of a journey of goods under seal,"
- in the Dutch text, the words "bij visitatie onderweg van verzegelde doorvoergoederen of andere goederen" are replaced by the words "bij visitatie onderweg van verzegelde goederen";
- in the Dutch text, the words "om reden van bijzondere vermoedens" are replaced by the words "wegens bijzondere reden of ernstige vermoedens";
- in the Dutch text, the word "bezigen" is replaced by the word "gebruiken".
Art. 197. In section 185 of the Act, in the Dutch text, the following amendments are made:
- the word "mitsdien" is replaced by the word "derhalve";
- the words "bijaldien het bijzonder spoed vereisende ener expeditie, of het belang der administratie, mede-brengt, dat de visitaties niet tot een volgende dag worden verschoven" are replaced by the words "indien de noodzaak van het versnellen van de verzending van de go
Art. 198. In Article 186, § 1erthe following amendments are made to the Act:
- the words "especially those of the municipal administrations, the members of the gendarmerie, the members of the municipal police, the rural and forest guards," are replaced by the words "especially those of the municipal administrations, the police, the rural and forest guards,"
- in the Dutch text, the words "in beambten" are repealed;
- in the Dutch text, the words "en aan de bekeuringen en aanhalingen, daaruit voort-vloeiende" are replaced by the words "om de overtredingen vast te stellen en de inbeslagnames te verrichten die hieruit voortvloeien".
Art. 199. In section 187 of the same law, in the Dutch text, the word "inbreuken" is replaced by the word "overtredingen".
Art. 200. In article 188 of the same law, in the Dutch text, the words "op het stuk van" are replaced by the word "inzake".
Art. 201. In section 189 of the Act, in the Dutch text, the following amendments are made:
- the word "beambten" is replaced by the word "ambtenaren";
- the words "ter voldoening aan" are replaced by the words "in uitvoering van";
- the word "welkdanige" is replaced by the word "elke";
- the word "privatwoning" is replaced by the word "privéwoning";
- the word "aanslaan" is replaced by the words "in beslag neme".
Art. 202. In Article 191, § 1erthe following amendments are made to the Act:
- the words "carriers of charges or bundles" are replaced by the words "carriers";
- in the French text, the words "of the ray or in the free territory" are replaced by the words "of the customs radius or outside the customs radius";
- in the Dutch text, the words "in het binnenand" are replaced by the words "buiten de tolkring";
- the words "desdits bundles or charges" are replaced by the words "packages".
Art. 203. In article 191, § 2, of the same law, the words "loaders or bundles" are replaced by the word "transporters".
Art. 204. In section 192, paragraph 2, of the Act, the words ", especially those equipped with a mechanical motor," are repealed.
Art. 205. In article 192, paragraph 3, paragraph 3, of the same law, in the Dutch text, the word "aangehaalde" is replaced by the words "in beslag genomen".
Art. 206. In section 193 of the Act, the following amendments are made:
- the words "factory, factory" are replaced by the words "factory";
- in the Dutch text, the words "administratie der accijnzen" are replaced by the word "administratie";
- in the Dutch text, the words "of in welke enig bedrijf wordt uitgeoefend op welks produkt een accijns is gevestigd, of hetwelk, krachtens de wet, aan enige verifcatie onderhevig is" are replaced by the words "alsook waarin een werkzaamheidar
Art. 207. In section 194 of the Act, in the Dutch text, the following amendments are made:
- the words ", trafieken of andere plaatsen" are replaced by the words "en andere plaatsen";
- the words "wanneer in dezelve gewerkt wordt" are replaced by the words "wanneer er op dat tijdstip gewerkt wordt";
- the word "verklaring" is replaced by the word "aangifte";
- the words "al ware het ook dat de werkzaamheden stilstonden" are replaced by the words "zelfs al waren de werkzaamheden geschorst geweest".
Art. 208. In article 195 of the same law, in the Dutch text, the word "werkplaatsen" is replaced by the word "fabrieken".
Art. 209. In section 196 of the Act, the following amendments are made:
- the words "fabrics, factories and buildings" are replaced by the words "fabrics and buildings";
- in the Dutch text, the word "dezelve" is replaced by the word "deze";
- in the Dutch text, the words "in staat om de nodige aanwijzing bij de visitatie te doen" are replaced by the words "om de nodige aanwijzingen bij de visitatie te geven".
Art. 210. In section 197 of the Act, in the Dutch text, the following amendments are made:
- the words "der gevallen" are replaced by the words "van het geval";
- the words "huizen, erven in panden" are replaced by the words "panden of erven".
Art. 211. Article 198, § 1er, of the same law, in the Dutch text, is replaced by the following:
§ 1. De aanvraag tot bijstand zal altijd schriftelijk moeten gebeuren, met vermelding van het uur en de plaats van visitatie en de naam van het individu bij wie de visitatie zal moeten gedaan worden.".
Art. 212. In article 198, § 2, of the same law, in the Dutch text, the following amendments are made:
- the word "assistentie" is replaced by the word "bijstand";
- the words "te allen tijde" are replaced by the word "altijd".
Art. 213. In article 198, § 3, of the same law, in the Dutch text, the phrase "doch daarentegen door de rechter in de politierechtbank niet worden geweigerd, tenzij op gegronde vermoedens dat zonder genoegzame reden mocht worden geveld" is replaced by the phrase "maartie de rechter in poli
Art. 214. In section 199 of the Act, in the Dutch text, the following amendments are made:
- the words "Bij alle visitaties zullen de aanwezige belanghebbenden moeten worden uitgenodigd tot het vertonen van zodanige registers, bewijzen van aangifte en andere documenten, als strekken kunnen, om" are replaced by the words "De belanghebbend die aanwez
- the words "een doelmatig gevolg te doen hebben." are replaced by the words "te verzekeren".
Art. 215. In Article 200, § 1er, of the same law, in the Dutch text, the words "trafiek of werkplaats" are replaced by the word "werkplaats".
Art. 216. In section 200, § 2, of the Act, the following amendments are made:
- in the Dutch text, the words "der fabriek of trafiek" are replaced by the words "van de fabriek";
- in the French text, the word "primement" is replaced by the word "empotement".
Art. 217. In Article 201, § 1er, from the same law, the words "Minister of Finance" are replaced by the word "Roi". This paragraph is supplemented by the following:
"The King may charge the Minister of Finance for the execution of this paragraph. ".
Art. 218. In Article 201, § 2, paragraph 1er, of the same law, in the Dutch text, the words "van de aangegeven goederen" are replaced by the words "van de voor een willekeurige customsregeling aangegeven goederen".
Art. 219. In article 201, § 2, paragraph 2, of the same law, in the Dutch text, the following amendments are made:
- the word "stukken" is replaced by the word "documenten";
- the word "kopies" is replaced by the word "kopieën".
Art. 220. In article 203, § 2, paragraph 2, of the same law, in the Dutch text, the following amendments are made:
- the word "stukken" is replaced by the word "documenten";
- the word "kopies" is replaced by the word "kopieën".
Art. 221. In Article 204, § 1erthe following amendments are made to the Act:
- the words "entrance rights" are replaced by the words "rights to import";
- in the Dutch text, the words "middelen van vervoer" are replaced by the word "vervoermiddelen".
Art. 222. In section 204, § 3, of the same law, the words "entry rights" are replaced by the words "rights to import".
Art. 223. In section 204, § 4, of the same law, the words "entry rights" are replaced by the words "rights to import".
Art. 224. In article 204, § 6, of the same law, in the Dutch text, the words "of beambten" are repealed.
Art. 225. In Article 206, § 1er, of the same law, in the Dutch text, the word "produkten" is replaced by the word "producten".
Art. 226. In article 206, § 2, of the same law, in the Dutch text, the word "desverzocht" is replaced by the words "indien zij darom verzocht worden".
Art. 227. In section 206, § 3, of the same law, in the Dutch text, the following amendments are made:
- the words "big van het monster" are replaced by the words "hoeveelheid ervan";
- the words "in beambten" are repealed.
Art. 228. In Article 207, § 1erin the Dutch text, the following amendments are made:
- the word "produkten" is replaced by the word "producten";
- the words "ambtenaren van de administratie der customs en accijnzen" are replaced by the words "de ambtenaren";"
- the words "stukken van comptabiliteit" are replaced by the words "boekhoudkundige documenten".
Art. 229. In Article 207, § 2, of the same law, in the Dutch text, the word "bescheiden" is replaced by the word "documenten".
Art. 230. In Article 208, § 1erin the Dutch text, the following amendments are made:
- the words "Om het bedrog te keer te gaan" are replaced by the words "Om bedrog te voorkomen";
- the words "Ten ware daarop reeds, bij enige andere wetsbepaling, straffen mochten zijn gesteld, worden de overtredingen van door hem uitgevaardigde voorschriften gestraft" are replaced by the words " Tenzij ze reeds door een andere wetsbepaling gesanctioneerd zijn, worden de overtredingen op de door hem uitgevaardigde maatregelen gestraft".
Art. 231. In article 208, § 2, of the same law, in the Dutch text, the word "dezulken" is replaced by the word "diegenen".
Art. 232. In the same Act, an article 209/1 reads as follows:
"Art. 209/1. Within the limits of the competences assigned to them by or under a law for the execution of controls and the identification of offences, officers of the General Customs and Access Administration may, in the course of public checks or in closed places accessible to the public, use mobile or fixed cameras.
The competence to use mobile or fixed cameras also extends to cases in which the said officers perform within the framework of their competences, public checks or closed places accessible to the public, concerning the effective payment of customs duties and excise or other taxes, as well as to cases in which such agents intervene under the law of 17 June 2013 with a better perception of criminal fines.
The information collected by the use of mobile or fixed cameras may be used as evidence in court of the offences that are found in the controls carried out by such officers. ".
Art. 233. In Article 210, § 1erParagraph 1er,of the same law, in the Dutch text, the word "provinciën" is replaced by the word "provincies".
Art. 234. In Article 210, § 1er, paragraph 2, of the same law, in the Dutch text, the word "welker" is replaced by the word "wier".
Art. 235. In Article 210, § 1er, paragraph 3, of the same law, in the Dutch text, the word "bescheiden" is replaced by the word "documenten".
Art. 236. In article 210, § 2, paragraph 2, of the same law, in the Dutch text, the words "het bestuur" are replaced by the words "administratia".
Art. 237. In Article 220, § 1erthe following amendments are made to the Act:
- in the French text, the words "any bworkshop" are repealed;
- in the French text, the word "carrier" is replaced by the word "transporteur";
- in the Dutch text, the words "Elke kapitein van een zeeschip, elke schipper of patroon van om `t even welk vaartuig, elke voerman, geleider, drager, en alle andere personen, die, bij invoer of bij uitvoer, pogen, hetzij op het eerste
Art. 238. In Article 222, § 1erthe following amendments are made to the Act:
- The words ", and their ordinary connections" are repealed;
- in the French text, the words "catches" are replaced by "catches".
Art. 239. In article 222, § 2, of the same law, the words "of 20 p.c." are replaced by the words "of 20%".
Art. 240. In article 222, § 3, of the same law, in the French text, the word "of course" is replaced by the word "manifestement".
Art. 241. In section 223 of the Act, the following amendments are made:
- the words ", as well as means of transport and their connections," are replaced by the words "and means of transport";
- in the Dutch text, the words "in gemeen overleg" are replaced by the words "in overleg";
- in the French text, the words "the closest" are replaced by the words "the closest".
Art. 242. In section 226 of the Act, the following amendments are made:
- in the French text, the words "he notes that" are replaced by the words "it is found that";
- in the Dutch text, the words "bepaald; in dit geval wordt aan de rechter overgelaten, om, naarmate de Daders aan die ontdekking en overtuiging hebben toegebracht, de straf tegen dezelve te verzachten, des echter, dat deze straf niet minder zal kunnen zijn dan gevangenis gedurende een maand In dit geval wordt aan de rechter overgelaten, om, naarmate de Daders aan die ontdekking en overtuiging hebben bijgedragen, de straf tegen hen te verzachten, met dien verstande, dat deze straf niet minder zal kunnen zijn dan een gevangenisstraf
- in the French text, the words "articles, and in such cases" are replaced by the words "articles. In such cases";
- in the French text, the words "lesser imprisonment of one month" are replaced by the words "incarceration less than one month".
Art. 243. In section 228 of the Act, the following amendments are made:
- in the Dutch text, the word "bekeuring" is replaced by the word "inbeslagname";
- the words "on roads or major roads mentioned in Article 57, paragraph 1er or if, in case of importation on land, it was made in the place where the first office is established" are replaced by the words "on the roads or roads mentioned in Article 57, paragraph 1er or if, in case of importation on the ground, it was made at the first office";
- in the Dutch text, the words "bij wege van" are replaced by the word "met".
Art. 244. Article 233, § 1er, of the same law, is replaced by the following:
§ 1. Wanneer, bij invoer uit zee, ontdekt wordt, dat met betrekking tot goederen in colli, niet hetzelfde aantal aan boord aanwezig is, als bij de generale verklaring is opgeven, zal aan de kapitein een boete van 100 euro opgelegden word en zullen de overschietende stukken in beslag genomen worden en verbeurd verklaard. Deze verbeurdverklaring vindt echter niet plaats, zo de rechten en accijnzen op het overschot, 250 euro niet te boven gaan, noch ook Indien daarvan aangifte op het kantoor losplaats is geschied vór de inbeslagname. In dit laatste geval wordt voor elk bij de generale verklaring verzwegen stuk, aan de kapitein een geldboete van 50 euro opgelegd.".
Art. 245. In Article 233, § 1erin the French text, the following amendments are made:
- the words "barrels, boxes, bundles, baskets or other poultry or packaging" are replaced by the word "colis";
- the words "saisie, to which last case" are replaced by the words "saisie. In the latter case."
Art. 246. Section 233, § 2, of the Act is replaced by the following:
"§2. A fine of 50 euro will be incurred for each parcel that, at the time of the declaration to the office, or previously, would have been recognized to contain another species of goods than that designated by the general declaration. If this statement has been made in accordance with the documents or manifests, the fine will not weigh on the master, but the falsely declared goods will be seized and may be confiscated. Interested persons may, however, prevent confiscation by paying immediately or at the latest in the space of fourteen days after seizure, the amount of rights, access and fine, as well as the costs incurred by seizure. No fines are incurred when the various parties reported in detail correspond to the general statement. "
Art. 247. In section 235 of the Act, the following amendments are made:
- § 1erthe word "carrier" is replaced by the word "transporter";
- in § 2, the words "to the visits, affixed to this document, that the operation took place in their presence, or that they were warned of it, as well as any relief or removal of the board with document, but operated in a different way than that prescribed by this law, shall prevail for the captain or valeter a fine equal to cella in § 1er,and then the goods shall be subject to an exact and strict check and may be moved and held for the duration of the time to that necessary." are replaced by the words "in the case of the check, affixed to this document, that the operation took place in their presence, or that they were notified of it, as well as any relief or removal of the ship with document, but carried out in a different mannerer. Then the goods will be subject to accurate and strict checks and will be able to be moved and retained for the necessary time. ";
- in § 3, the words "The carriers or drivers will pay a fine of EUR 25 for each poultry, package, bundle or basket of goods" are replaced by the words "The carriers will pay a fine of EUR 25 for each parcel of goods. ".
Art. 248. In Article 236, § 1erthe following amendments are made to the Act:
- in the Dutch text, the words "zullen worden aangehaald" are replaced by the words "zullen worden in beslag genomen";
- in the French text, the words "payment packages" are replaced by the words "consumption declaration".
Art. 249. In article 237 of the same law, in the Dutch text, the words "worden aangehaald" are replaced by the words "worden in beslag genomen".
Art. 250. In section 238 of the Act, the following amendments are made:
- in the current text which will form § 1er, the words "from the dual right to the undeclared party, to be calculated, for the goods passing in transit, according to the rights established on the same goods at the entry, provided that the declarant, or someone on his or her part, shall make in this respect, within fourteen days after the seizure, an application in writing, to the Regional Director of Customs and accises in the spring of which the seizure took place, and however, under the obligation of However, if the undeclared party exceeds the twelfth of the mass, the confiscation may only be replaced by a fine of the tenfold of the rights due for the entire undeclared party; all things to be dealt with in the above manner." are replaced by the words "double rights on the undeclared party, provided that the declarant, or someone on his or her part, make in this regard, within fourteen days after the seizure, an application in writing, to the Regional Director of Customs and Excise where the seizure took place, and however, under the obligation to pay less
- the article is supplemented by § 2, written as follows:
"§2. If the undeclared part exceeds the twelfth of the mass, § 1er is applicable on the understanding that forfeiture can only be replaced by a fine equal to the tensile of rights due for the entire unreported party. ".
Art. 251. In Article 239, § 1er, from the same law, in the Dutch text, the words "verbeurt de aangever of de houder van het afgegeven document, uit dien hoofde," are replaced by the words "wordt de aangever of de houder van het afgegeven document, uit dien hoofde, bestraft met".
Art. 252. In section 240 of the same law, the words "; or if loaded in ships entering after they have exceeded the first office, or on alleges that still have to be discharged, the goods so loaded or received on board will be seized and confused, and the captain will incur a fine of 100 EUR if the goods are in bulk, and of 25 EUR for each barrel, package, bundle, basket or parcel, if they are in futs or packaging."
Art. 253. In section 241 of the Act, the following amendments are made:
- § 1er, in the Dutch text, the words "en visitatie ter definitieve losplaats of opslagen in entrepot, en eeneens bij uitvoer en doorvoer, moeten de daartoe vereiste documenten bij de goederen voorhanden wordenijk, om, desgevorderd, ook onderweg aan de ambtenaren
- in § 2, the words "the declaration of the goods has actually taken place following document or documents obtained on this declaration, it will be released from the seizure for the amount of the expenses, and the captain or valet, patron of rider or driver, will only be liable to a fine of EUR 25, for each document that will be missing" are replaced by the words "the clearance or declaration of the goods has actually taken place and a document
- in § 3, the words "When this proof cannot be established in respect of a few articles in particular, or of a few barrels, packages, bundles, baskets or parcels only, of any cargo or cargo, the captain, valet, rider or conductor are replaced by the words "When this proof cannot be established in respect of a few items in particular, or
Art. 254. In section 242 of the Act, as amended by the Act of December 21, 2009, the following amendments are made:
- § 1er, the words "Any internal transport that will be carried without advances" are replaced by the words "Any transport of goods that will be carried without accompanying documents".
- in § 2, the words "the legal existence of the goods in the interior of the kingdom, as also that which this transport has not been an attempt of fraud, it may be granted release for the seized objects, and the contravention may be left without action, with the payment of the costs, and of [a fine between one and two times the rights] that these goods should have paid, if they had been declared to export, and to calculate as to the determination of this value, as well as that of the tariffed goods, it shall be reported, in respect of the recovery of the fine, to the declaration of the persons concerned to the goods seized, except to the agents the right to challenge the value declared by following the provisions of chapter XXIII." are replaced by the words "the legal presence of the goods inside the Kingdom, as also that which this transport has not been an attempt ".
Art. 255. In section 243 of the Act, the words "carrier or driver" are replaced by the word "transporter".
Art. 256. In section 244 of the Act, the words "Capitals, drivers and declarants" are replaced by the words "Carriers and declarants".
Art. 257. In section 245 of the Act, in the Dutch text, the following amendments are made:
- the word "aanhaling" is replaced by the word "inbeslagname";
- the words "aangehaalde goederen" are replaced by the words "in beslag genomen goederen".
Art. 258. In section 246 of the Act, in the Dutch text, the following amendments are made:
- the words "aanhaling der goederen" are replaced by the words "inbeslagname van de goederen";
- the words "Rijks" are replaced by the words "van het Rijk".
Art. 259. In article 247 of the same law, in the Dutch text, the words "Bij overtreding als in de artikelen 220 in 224 is gemeld, zullen de Daders, die niet vallen in de termen" are replaced by the words "Bij overtreding zoals vermeld in de artikelen 220 in 224, zullen de Daders, die niet vallen onder
Art. 260. In Article 249, § 1erthe following amendments are made to the Act:
- the words "All captains, valet and other individuals" are replaced by the words "All captains, carriers and other individuals";
- in the Dutch text, the words "waartegen geldboete is gesteld" are replaced by the words "waarop een geldboete is gesteld";
- in the Dutch text, the words "overgeleverd als bepaald in artikel 247, totdat het beloop der boete" are replaced by the words "ter beschikking van de rechter worden gesteld zoals bepaald in artikel 247, totdat het bedrag van de boete".
Art. 261. In article 249, § 2, of the same law, in the Dutch text, the words "verwezen en niet in staat zijn tot de voldoening derzelve" are replaced by the words "veroordeeld en niet in staat zijn tot de voldoening ervan".
Art. 262. In section 250 of the same law, the words "or the officers of the gendarmerie, if it is in that place, and in this case the judge in the police court or the officers of the gendarmerie will be required to lead, as soon as possible, the individuals arrested before the King's prosecutor." are replaced by the words "or the officers of the federal police, if he finds himself in that place, and in that case
Art. 263. In article 252 of the same law, in the Dutch text, the word "Bijaldien" is replaced by the word "Indien".
Art. 264. In section 253 of the same law, the words ", horses and other beasts of sum, which would not be in the case of being confiscated, and by means of which one would nevertheless have committed some contravention, are declared specially compelled and enforceable for the fine incurred by the captains, bworkshops, valet or conductors; with the exception, however, of the extraordinary couplings or relays used to climb the mountains." are replaced by the words "and other means of transport, which would not be in the case of being confiscated, and by which one would nevertheless have committed any contravention, may be retained as goods specially affected and achievable for the payment of the fine incurred by the captains, carriers or drivers. ".
Art. 265. In section 254 of the same law, the words "or traffic, without prior information, or without obtaining the required permission, in cases where, the establishment, increase or decrease may not take place without information or special permission, according to the provisions of the law, shall be punished by a fine of 400 EUR dependant of the manufacturer or trafficker contravening, and in addition, in the first case, Moreover, in the first case, the factories so established or organized will be demolished, and in the other two cases, all will be restored in the same state as before."
Art. 266. In section 255 of the Act, the following amendments are made:
- the words "Manufacturers, traffickers or other persons" are replaced by the words "Manufacturers or other persons";
- in the Dutch text, the words "zijn gesteld geworden" are replaced by the words "werden aangebracht door de agenten";
- in the Dutch text, the words "wegens zodanige schending, of verbreking van zegels lopen zij een boete op, gelijk staande met die" are replaced by the words "bij schending, of verbreking van zegels lopen zij een boete op, gelijk aan met die";
- in the Dutch text, the words "waren gesteld, behalve in het geval dat het verzegelde werktuig, uit deszelfs aard" are replaced by the words "waren aangebracht, behalve in het geval dat het verzegelde werktuig, uit zijn aard".
Art. 267. In article 256 of the same law, in the Dutch text, the words "een uitlandse" are replaced by the word "buitenlandse".
Art. 268. In Article 257, § 1er, of the same law, in the Dutch text, the words "ten kantore" are replaced by the words "op het kantoor".
Art. 269. In article 257, § 2, of the same law, in the Dutch text, the word "beambten" is replaced by the word "ambtenaren".
Art. 270. In article 257, § 3, of the same law, in the Dutch text, the words "verbeurt de straffen bepaald, volgens het geval, bij artikel 157, bij de artikelen 220 tot 225, 227 en 277 of bij artikel 231" are replaced by the words "worden de straffen bepaald, volgenj het geval, 157
Art. 271. In article 261 of the same law, the words "European Communities" are replaced by the words "European Union".
Art. 272. In article 263 of the same law, in the Dutch text, the words "heffing der accijnzen, zal door, of op autorisatie der administratie, omtrent geldboete, verbeurdverklaring en het sluiten der fabrieken" are replaced by the words "heffing van accijnzen, zal door, of autoris
Art. 273. In article 264 of the same law, in the Dutch text, the words "Alle transactie is verboden, wanneer het misdrijf moet worden gehouden voor genoegzaam in rechten te kunnen worden bewezen, en aan het oogmerk ener" are replaced by the words "Iedere transactie is verbot, wjanne
Art. 274. In the same law, a Chapter XXIVbis is inserted entitled "Administrative sanctions".
Art. 275. In the same Act, a Chapter XXIVbis, comprising section 266-2, is inserted as follows:
"Without prejudice to the application of the administrative sanctions referred to in articles 17, 19/5, 70/28, 70/29, 129, 130, 131, 133 and without prejudice to the administrative sanctions provided by the specific excise laws, any licence, authorization, permission, concession granted on the basis of European or national customs and excise legislation may be withdrawn if:
- the licensee of the licence, authorization, permission, permission, concession shall not make a voluntary payment of the customs debt originated in its name or;
- the licensee no longer meets the requirements set out in its licence, authorization, permission or concession. ".
Art. 276. In the title of CHAPITRE XXV of the same law, in the Dutch text, the word "aanhalingen" replaced by the word "inbeslagnames".
Art. 277. In article 268 of the same law, in the Dutch text, the word "der" is each time replaced by the words "van de".
Art. 278. In article 269 of the same law, in the Dutch text, the words "Jaars, in mitsdien" are replaced by the words "van het jaar, in dus ook".
Art. 279. In article 270 of the same law, in the Dutch text, the words "der gemeente waar het misdrijf werd vastgesteld, of aan diens gemachtigde" are replaced by the words "van de gemeente waar het misdrijf werd vastgesteld, of aan zijn gemachtigde".
Art. 280. In article 271 of the same law, in the Dutch text, the words "De bekeurde, tegenwoordig zijnde bij de bekeuring, zal worden uitgenodigd, om ook bij de opmaking van het proces-verbaal tegenwoordigijk te zijn, en, desverkiezende, hektzelve die
Art. 281. In article 272 of the same law, in the Dutch text, the word "deszelfs" is replaced by the word "zijn".
Art. 282. In Article 273, § 1erthe following amendments are made to the Act:
- in the Dutch text, the words "Bijaldien de ambtenaren goederen aanhalen" are replaced by the words "Indien de ambtenaren goederen in beslag nemen";
- in the French text, the words "transport to the next office" are replaced by the words "transport to the nearest office";
- in the Dutch text, the words "tegenwoordig is, in wil blijven, volgens de uitnodiging, die hem daartoe zal gedaan en het proces-verbaal moeten vermeld zijn" are replaced by the words "aanwezig is, in wil blijven, volgenshande de ldnodiging, die
Art. 283. Article 273, § 2, of the same law is replaced by the following:
"§2. De administratie is bevoegd, de in beslaggenomen goederen vervolgens naar de hoofdplaats der directie, waarin de in beslagname is geschied, te doen overbrengen, en in geval van verkoop, deze te doen geschieden op de plaats waar zij dit het meestee voordelig o
Art. 284. In section 274 of the same law, the words "navires or ships, cars and couplings, utensils, instruments or other objects in respect of which or with which it has been prevaried, and of which, in accordance with section 253, the seizure must have for effect the application of a penalty, or that are assigned to the recovery of a right." are replaced by the words "means of carriage, use"
Art. 285. In Article 275, § 1erthe following amendments are made to the Act:
- in the Dutch text, the word "aangehaalde" is replaced by the words "in beslag genomen";
- the words ", ships, cars and couplings" are replaced by the words "and means of transport";
- in the Dutch text, the words "dezelve, of van het beloop der" are replaced by the words "ervan, of ten belope van de".
Art. 286. In article 275, § 2, of the same law, in the Dutch text, the word "aanhaling" is replaced by the word "inbeslagname".
Art. 287. Article 275, § 3, of the same law is replaced by the following:
§ 3. de handlichting zal ook kunnen worden geweigerd wanneer de inbeslagname is geschied wegens verkeerde aangifte van de soort van de goederen, en men, door middel van monsters of stalen, de zaak tot de beslissing niet behoorlijk in haar geheel kan houden, als
Art. 288. In article 275, § 4, of the same law, in the Dutch text, the word "dezelve" is replaced by the word "deze".
Art. 289. In Article 276, § 1erin the Dutch text, the following amendments are made:
- the words "Aangehaalde goederen" are replaced by the words "In beslag genomen goederen";
- the words "aangehaalde koopwaren" are replaced by the words "in beslag genomen koopwaren".
Art. 290. In article 276, § 2, of the same law, in the Dutch text, the following amendments are made:
- the word "aangehaald" is replaced by the words "in beslag genomen van";
- the word "bekeuring" is replaced by the word "inbeslagname".
Art. 291. In article 276, § 4, of the same law, in the Dutch text, the word "aangehaalde" is replaced by the words "in beslag genomen".
Art. 292. Article 276, § 5, of the same law, is replaced by the following:
§ 5. Wanneer na de verkoop van goederen, waarvan de verbeurdverklaring nog niet was uitgesproken, de inbeslagname in rechte wordt vernietigd, en de verkoop is geschied met inachtneming van de bovengemelde voorschriften, zal de bechoukeurde de verkoop
Art. 293. In section 277 of the Act, in the Dutch text, the following amendments are made:
- § 1er, the word "Aanhaling" is replaced by the word "Inbeslagname"; and the words "der goederen ze niet per aangetekende brief heeft teruggevorderd van de gewestelijke directeur der customs en accijnzen in wiens gebied de aanhaling plaats heeft gehad." are replaced by the words "van de goedijkeren ze niet per aangetekende brief heeft teruggevorderdij de gewestel
- at § 2, the words "Zullen desgelijks geldig zijn de regelmatig gedane aanhalingen ten laste van gekende personen, voor zover de waarde der koopwaar" are replaced by the words "Zullen eveneens geldig zijn de regelmatig gedane inbeslagnames ten laste van gekende personenwaar".
Art. 294. In article 278 of the same law, in the Dutch text, the words "De vergoeding van schaden, veroorzaakt door verkeerde aanhalingen," are replaced by the words "De vergoeding voor schade, veroorzaakt door verkeerde inbeslagnames" and the words "der aangehaalde goederen per maand, be
Art. 295. In article 281, § 2, of the same law, in the Dutch text, the following amendments are made:
- the words "Zodanige der" are replaced by the word "Alle".
- the word "dezelve" is replaced by the word "deze".
- the word "anzoek" is replaced by the word "verzoek".
Art. 296. In article 281, § 3, of the same law, in the Dutch text, the following amendments are made:
- the words "der voormelde wetten" are replaced by the words "van de voormelde wetten";
- the words "in daarop bij een en hetzelfde vonnis" are replaced by the words "in bij één en hetzelfde vonnis".
Art. 297. In section 287 of the Act, in the Dutch text, the following amendments are made:
- the words "De te stellen borgtocht is vierderlei" are replaced by the words "De borgtocht kan op vier manieren gesteld worden";
- the word "vast" is replaced by the word "onroerende".
Art. 298. In Article 288, § 1erin the Dutch text, the following amendments are made:
- the words "bij invoer aan de landzijde voor deleving der goederen ter losplaats" are replaced by the words "bij invoer via het land voor de levering van de goederen op de losplaats";
- the words "gedeelte der goederen" are replaced by the words "gedeelte van de goederen".
Art. 299. In article 288, § 2, of the same law, in the Dutch text, the word "welker" is replaced by the word "welke".
Art. 300. In section 289 of the Act, the following amendments are made:
- the words "consignation of the deniers" are replaced by the words "consignation in cash of the sums";
- in the French text, the word "dus" is replaced by the word "dues";
- in the Dutch text, the words "ten kantore" are replaced by the words "op het kantoor";
- in the Dutch text, the word "Bijaldien" is replaced by the word "indien".
Art. 301. In article 290 of the same law, in the Dutch text, the word "Bijaldien" is replaced by the word "indien".
Art. 302. In article 291, 5°, of the same law, in the Dutch text, the words "der eigendommen worde" are replaced by the words "van de eigendommen wordt".
Art. 303. In article 294, 2°, of the same law, in the Dutch text, the words "gedomicilieerd zij" are replaced by the words "gedomicilieerd is".
Art. 304. Section 294, 3°, of the same law is replaced by the following:
"3° dat de borg geen ambt bekleedt of bedrijf uitoefent, waarvoor hij zelf rekenplichtig aan het Rijk is, of hiermee een openstaande rekening heeft;".
Art. 305. In article 294, 4°, of the same law, in the Dutch text, the words "worde door de akte van het plaatselijk bestuur, welke" are replaced by the words "wordt door de akte van het plaatselijk bestuur, dat".
Art. 306. In article 294, 5°, of the same law, in the Dutch text, the words "kracht hebben dan één maand na de betekening der hiertoe strekkende akte" are replaced by the words "kracht heeft dan één maand na de betekening van de hiertoe strekkende akte".
Art. 307. In article 294, 6°, of the same law, in the Dutch text, the words "der dertig dagen, volgende op de dag waarop de erfgenamen van de borg van deszelfs overlijden" are replaced by the words "van dertig dagen, volgende op de dag waarop de erfgenamen van de borg van dit overli
Art. 308. In article 295 of the same law, in the Dutch text, the word "der" is each time replaced by the words "van de".
Art. 309. In section 297 of the same law, the word "justifcation" is replaced by the words "justification of solvency".
Art. 310. In Article 298, § 1erthe following amendments are made to the Act:
- in the French text, the words "purchases or documents" are replaced by the words "documents";
- in the Dutch text, the word "extract" is replaced by the word "uittreksel";
- in the Dutch text, the words "daarin tot gebruik van hetzelve bepaald, ten kantore" are replaced by the words "die voorzien is voor het gebruik ervan, op het kantoor";
- in the Dutch text, the words "bedrag der rechten" are replaced by the words "bedrag van de rechten".
Art. 311. In article 301 of the same law, in the Dutch text, the words "in het ongerede raken der" are replaced by the words "verloren raken van de".
Art. 312. In section 302 of the Act, in the Dutch text, the following amendments are made:
- the words "ten kantore van de ontvanger, alwaar" are replaced by the words "op het kantoor van de ontvanger, waar";
- the word "welke" is replaced by the word "die".
Art. 313. In article 303, § 1, of the same law, in the Dutch text, the following amendments are made:
- the words "voor welker accijns" are replaced by the words "waarvoor zij accijns";
- the words "zal zulks aan dezelve vrij staan" are replaced by the words "zal hen dit vrij staan";
- the words "te dien aanzien" are replaced by the word "hiervoor".
Art. 314. Article 303, § 2, of the same law is replaced by the following:
"§2. De nieuwe verkrijger zal aangifte voor de overschrijving doen, op de plaats waar hij er voor moet gedebiteerd worden. Na het stellen van de vereiste borgtocht en het op zich nemen van de verplichtingen, die op de vorige debiteur rusten, zal hij hiervan een bewijs verkrijgen, dat, bekrachtigd met de handtekening van de afleveraar, zal moeten vertoond worden aan de ontvanger
Art. 315. In article 303, § 3, of the same law, in the Dutch text, the words "ten wiens kantore" are replaced by the words "op wiens kantoor".
Art. 316. In article 304 of the same law, in the Dutch text, the words "voor zoveel voor sommige dier goederen" are replaced by the words "voor zover voor sommige van zijn goederen".
Art. 317. In article 305 of the same law, the words "voor welke de accijns wel verschuldigd, doch niet is betaald, zal van de betaling niet bevrijden, tenzij zulks door de wet speciaal mocht zijn bepaald, of in zeer bijzondere gevallental mochten word
Art. 318. In Article 308, § 1erthe following amendments are made to the Act:
- in the Dutch text, the words "voor hetwelk" are replaced by the word "waarvoor";
- in the Dutch text, the words "welke zij verlaten" are replaced by the words "die zij verlaten";
- the words "to the recipe of the place" are replaced by the words "to the competent office of the place".
Art. 319. In article 308, § 2, of the same law, in the Dutch text, the words "Bijaldien zij verzuimen mochten op die wijze te liquidren, zullen zij op hun nieuwe woonplaats, of ter plaats" are replaced by the words "Indien zij mochten verzuimen op die wijze te liquidren, zullen zij op hun
Art. 320. In article 309 of the same law, the words "De belastingschuldigen, welke het genoten hebben van krediet op termijnen die, en welke verzuimen een termijn van krediet op de vervaltijd te voldoen
Art. 321. In article 312 of the same law, in the Dutch text, the word "enigerlei" is replaced by the word "enige".
Art. 322. In article 313, § 2, of the same law, in the Dutch text, the following amendments are made:
- the words "de verschuldigde accijns" are replaced by the words "hun verschuldigdheden";
- the sentence "Dien onverminderd is de administratie boven alle andere crediteuren bevoorrecht, op de goederen, welke ten name van de debiteur in entrepot zijn." is replaced by the sentence "Dit onverminderd is de administratie boven alle andere crediteuren bevoorrecht, op de goederen, welk
Art. 323. Section 313, § 3, of the Act is replaced by the following:
§ 3. In the privilege on movable property are understood all the instruments and utensils found in the factories and factories of the debtors, without distinction to which is the property, so that the execution can be prosecuted as furniture objects".
Art. 324. In article 314, § 4, of the same law, in the French text, the words "of consignation of all or part of the sums" are replaced by the words "of consignation of all or part of the sums".
Art. 325. In Article 315, § 1er, of the same law, in the Dutch text, the words "op de vast goederen van elke persoon te wiens laste" are replaced by the words "op de onroerende goederen van elke persoon lastens wie".
Art. 326. In article 315, § 2, of the same law, in the Dutch text, the word "der" is replaced by the words "van de".
Art. 327. In Article 316, § 1er, from the same law, in the Dutch text, the word "hunner" is replaced by the words "van hun".
Art. 328. In article 316, § 2, of the same law, in the Dutch text, the word "vast" is replaced by the word "onroerende".
Art. 329. In article 317 of the same law, in the Dutch text, the word "der" is replaced by the words "van de".
Art. 330. In Article 318, § 1er, of the same law, in the Dutch text, the word "vast" is each time replaced by the words "onroerende".
Art. 331. In article 318, § 2, of the same law, in the Dutch text, the word "der" is replaced by the words "van de".
Art. 332. In article 319 of the same law, in the Dutch text, the words "der met hypotheek bezwaarde vast goederen" are replaced by the words "van de met hypotheek bezwaarde onroerende goederen".
Art. 333. In the title of CHAPTER XXVIII of the same law, in the Dutch text, the word "der" is replaced by the words "van de".
Art. 334. In article 320, paragraph 2, of the same law, the words "European Communities" are replaced by the words "European Union".
Art. 335. In section 321 of the Act, in the Dutch text, the following amendments are made:
- the word "welke" is replaced by the word "die";
- the words "alls op de straffen, bij de wetten vastgesteld, onverminderd zodanige administratieve maatregel" are replaced by the words "dit alles op de straffen, bij de wetten vastgesteld, onverminderd de administratieve maatregel".
Art. 336. In article 326 of the same law, in the Dutch text, the words "alwaar hij is of mocht worden aangesteld, geheel gene, of geen behoorlijke woning, tegen betaling ener redelijke huur, zou kunnen verkijkrijgen, zal hij aan de burgemeester diens tussenkomst en mede Governors der provinciën zullen zorgen, dat aan zodanige verzoeken door de burgemeester geredelijk worde voldaan." are replaced by the words "waar hij is of mocht worden aangesteld, geen, of geen behoorlijke woning, tegen betaling van een redelijke huur, zou kssen De provinciegouverneurs zullen zorgen, dat aan dergelijke verzoeken door de burgemeester geredelijk wordt voldaan.".
Art. 337. In Article 328, § 1er, from the same law, in the Dutch text, the words "hunner functies" are replaced by the words "van hun functie".
Art. 338. Section 329, § 2, of the Act is replaced by the following:
"§2. These figures are quintupled when the refusal of exercise is committed by people ostensibly carrying firearms, truncheons, gourdins or a prohibited weapon, or using motor means of transport, or travelling in a band of at least three individuals".
Art. 339. Article 329, § 3, of the same law, is replaced by the following:
§ 3. Onverminderd de door de Daders opgelopen gemeenrechtelijke straffen, wordt ook een boete opgelopen tussen 125 eur en 625 eur wanneer het verhinderen van ambtsverrichting met weerspannigheid of met mishandeling van de ambtenaren gepaard gaat".
Art. 340. In article 330 of the same law, in the Dutch text, the word "waarmede" is replaced by the words "waarmee".
Art. 341. All ministerial orders in force at the present time and enforced articles for which, pursuant to this Act, jurisdiction shall be given to the King until the King amends or repeals them.
Art. 342. This chapter comes into force on 1er July 2014.
CHAPTER 3. -- Biofuels Act
Art. 343. This chapter is part of the following regulatory and legislative frameworks:
- Council Directive 2003/96 of 27 October 2003 restructured the community framework for the taxation of energy products and electricity that allows member states to apply a tax exemption or a reduced tax rate under tax control to certain biofuels;
- Directive 2009/28 of 23 April 2009 on the promotion of the use of energy from renewable sources, and Directive 2009/30/EC of the European Parliament and the Council of 23 April 2009 amending Directive 98/70/EC with regard to the specification of gasoline, diesel and diesel fuel and the introduction of a mechanism to monitor and reduce emissions of gasoline.
Art. 344. Section 419 of the Program Act of 27 December 2004, last amended by the Act of 30 July 2013 on various provisions, is amended as follows:
(1) (a), (b) and (c) shall be replaced by the following provisions:
"(a) leaded petrol under NC 2710 11 31, 2710 11 51 and 2710 11 59:
excise fee: EUR 245,4146 per 1,000 liters at 15° C;
Special excise fee: 363,6238 EUR per 1,000 liters at 15° C;
Energy contribution: 28,6317 EUR per 1,000 liters at 15° C;
(b) unleaded petrol under NC 2710 11 49:
(i) High sulphur and aromatic content:
excise fee: EUR 245,4146 per 1,000 liters at 15° C;
special excise fee: 354,5238 EUR per 1,000 litres at 15 ° C;
Energy contribution: 28,6317 EUR per 1,000 litres at 15 ° C;
(ii) * low sulphur and aromatic content:
excise fee: EUR 245,4146 per 1,000 liters at 15° C;
Special excise fee: 339,5238 EUR per 1,000 litres at 15 ° C;
Energy contribution: 28,6317 EUR per 1,000 litres at 15 ° C;
** with low sulphur and aromatic content and with a maximum oxygen content of 2.7% (m/m), supplemented to at least 5% vol of bioethanol under code NC 2207 10 00 of a volumic alcoometric title of at least 99% vol, pure or in the form of ETBE under code NC 2909 19 00, and which is not of synthetic origin and
Excise fee: EUR 245,4146 per 1,000 litres at 15 ° C;
Special excise fee: 324.2211 EUR per 1,000 litres at 15 ° C;
Energy contribution: 28,6317 EUR per 1,000 litres at 15 ° C;
*** with low sulphur and aromatic content and with a maximum oxygen content of 3.7% (m/m), supplemented to at least 10% vol of bioethanol under NC 2207 10 00 of a volumic alcoometric title of at least 99% vol, pure or in the form of ETBE under NC 2909 19 00, and which is not of synthetic origin and
excise fee: EUR 245,4146 per 1,000 liters at 15° C;
Special excise fee: EUR 308,9184 per 1,000 litres at 15 ° C;
Energy contribution: 28,6317 EUR per 1,000 litres at 15 ° C;
(c) unleaded petrol under NC 2710 11 41 and 2710 11 45:
(i) not mixed:
- excise fee: EUR 245,4146 per 1,000 litres at 15 ° C;
- special excise fee: 339,5238 EUR per 1,000 litres at 15 ° C;
- Energy contribution: 28,6317 EUR per 1,000 litres at 15 ° C;
(ii) * low sulphur and aromatic content with a maximum oxygen content of 2.7% (m/m), supplemented to a maximum of 5% vol of bioethanol under NC 2207 10 00 of a volumic alcoometric title of at least 99% vol, pure or in the form of ETBEN under NC 2909 19 00, and which is not of origin
- excise fee: EUR 245,4146 per 1,000 litres at 15 ° C;
- special excise fee: 324.2211 EUR per 1,000 litres at 15 ° C;
- Energy contribution: 28,6317 EUR per 1,000 litres at 15 ° C;
** with low sulphur and aromatic content and with a maximum oxygen content of 3.7% (m/m), supplemented to at least 10% vol of bioethanol under code NC 2207 10 00 of a volumic alcoometric title of at least 99% vol, pure or in the form of ETBE under code NC 2909 19 00, and which is not of synthetic origin and
- excise fee: EUR 245,4146 per 1,000 litres at 15 ° C;
- special excise fee: EUR 308,9184 per 1,000 litres at 15 ° C;
- energy contribution: 28,6317 EUR per 1,000 litres at 15 ° C;"
2° (e), (i), is replaced by the following provision:
"(i) used as fuel:
- excise fee: 198,3148 EUR per 1,000 litres at 15 ° C;
- special excise fee: EUR 229.4996 per 1,000 litres at 15 ° C;
- energy contribution: EUR 14.836 per 1,000 liters at 15 ° C;"
3° (f), (i), is replaced by the following provision:
"(i) used as fuel:
* not mixed
- excise fee: 198,3148 EUR per 1,000 litres at 15 ° C;
- special excise fee: EUR 214.4996 per 1,000 litres at 15 ° C;
- Energy contribution: EUR 14.836 per 1,000 liters at 15 ° C;
** completed up to at least 7% EMAG flight under NC 3824 90 99 and corresponding to the last edition NBN-EN 14214:
- excise fee: 198,3148 EUR per 1,000 litres at 15 ° C;
- special excise fee: 197,2987 EUR per 1,000 litres at 15 ° C;
- Energy contribution: EUR 14.836 per 1,000 liters at 15° C;".
Art. 345. § 1er. The excise rates referred to in Article 419, (b) (ii)**, (b) (ii)*, (c) (ii)*,** and (f) (i) **, of the programme law of 27 December 2004, are applied to the energy products that they aim to which the percentage of biofuels that they contain comes exclusively from production units approved by the General Customs Administration and accises after notice of the Commission In addition, the application of the excise rates referred to above is limited to consumer discounts made up to the ...... at 24 hours.
§ 2. Excise rates referred to in paragraph 1er are subject to semi-annual review, in accordance with the following procedure:
(a) for 5e the working day of the month following each calendar semester, the Directorate General of Energy of the SPF Economy communicates to the General Administration of Customs and accises, the average difference between the price of gasoline and bioethanol (per 1000 litres at 15 ° C) and between the price of the diesel and the price of the EMAG (per 1000 litres at 15 ° C) corrected to take into account the difference of the calorific power of the
(b) the variable amount shall be calculated as follows:
RVar,p = 0.50 x (Valp,corr - Valfos)
In which:
Valp,corr: the average value of the quotes on the international biofuel market in EUR/m® and corrected to reflect the difference in the calorific power of fossil and biofuel products.
Valfos: the average value of the quotes on the international market of fossil fuel to which biofuel is mixed in EUR/m®.
(c) any upward or downward fluctuation of more than 5% of the average price observed in relation to the variable average price taken into account in computing the excise rates referred to in paragraph 1er, i.e. for bioethanol: 117 EUR per 1,000 litres at 20 ° C, and for EMAG: 136 EUR per 1,000 litres at 15 ° C, leads to the change of the excise rate(s) referred to in paragraph 1erin the event of a decrease in the excise rate referred to in paragraph 1er, this decrease cannot exceed the amount of the above-mentioned variable average price; in the event of an increase in excise rates referred to in paragraph 1er, this increase cannot exceed the amount of the above-mentioned variable average price.
(d) the amendment referred to in (c), is subject to a Royal Decree to be issued no later than the last day of the second month following the civil semester concerned; the order comes into force on the first day of the third month following the civil semester.
Art. 346. § 1er. The Accreditation Commission referred to in Article 345, § 1er, is composed of four officials designated by the federal Minister in charge of Finance, the federal Minister in charge of the Environment, the federal Minister in charge of Energy and the federal Minister in charge of Agriculture. The King sets out the operating conditions of this Commission.
§ 2. The Accreditation Commission:
- prepares the call for applications for operators and publishes it in the Official Journal of the European Union;
- establishes the guide for the candidate operators in accordance with Article 347;
- selects and proposes to the Council of Ministers, the operators who can claim an approval and assigns them a volume of biofuel that can benefit from the exemption of the excise during their consumption in Belgium;
- examines all matters and conducts all controls relating to the application of this Article.
§ 3. The validity period of the certificates issued shall not exceed three years.
§ 4. In the event of a transfer for consumption in the country of a volume less than that set out in the approval granted to the operator, the General Customs and Access Authority may, after the agreement of the Accreditation Commission, reduce it to due competition for one or more subsequent years.
In this case, the Accreditation Commission undertakes a new allocation of the released volume, equally among other authorized operators.
§ 5. The approvals are granted to the following annual lots:
- 10 lots of 9,750,000 litres of bioethanol, for the products referred to in section 419, (b) (ii)**, (b) (ii)***, (c) (ii)** of the programme law of 27 December 2004;
- 6 batches of 41,000 litres of EMAG produced from vegetable raw materials, for products referred to in section 419, (f)(i)** of the Program Law of 27 December 2004;
- 2 batches of 30,000 litres of EMAG produced from animal fats Class C1, C2 or used oils, for products referred to in section 419, (f) (i)** of the Program Law of 27 December 2004.
Volumes of a calendar year not accepted by the General Customs Administration and accessed on December 31 at 24 hours, in accordance with the procedure referred to in Article 349, § 3, paragraph 3, cannot be deferred to the following calendar year.
§ 6. The King shall determine the procedure for the control and validation of the annual reports referred to in Article 347, § 2, (f) and (i).
With respect to the validation of the said annual reports, it may include that, in the event of a breach, this validation is accompanied by a reduction in the annual volume granted by the accreditation, corresponding to the percentage of the failure found.
§ 7. Authorized operators shall transmit monthly, no later than the tenth working day of the month following the month of production, to the Accreditation Commission, evidence of the sustainable nature of the volumes produced as part of their approval; This evidence is as follows:
1° the volumes produced must be recorded in the data bank created by the Royal Decree of November 26, 2011 establishing standards of products for biofuels;
2° the volumes produced must meet the durability requirements of the royal decree of 26 November 2011.
The Accreditation Commission may apply to the General Customs and Access Authority, as well as to the Environment Directorate of the SPF Public Health, Safety of the Food Chain and Environment, for a monitoring mission that consists of on-site verification of the relevance of the data transmitted by the operators; This commission may also seek the assistance of the Directorate General of Energy of the SPF Economy, in cases where controlled volumes are consumed under the Act of July 17, 2013 on the minimum nominal volumes of sustainable biofuels that must be incorporated in the volumes of fossil fuels put annually to consumption.
When the sustainable character is not recognized at a specified volume, the total volume assigned to the failed approved operator is reduced due to competition from the recognized volume as failing to meet the requirements of the Royal Decree of November 26, 2011 establishing product standards for biofuels; in the hypothesis that the volume still available to the failed registered operator is insufficient to absorb the volume recognized as non-sustainable or that the validity period of the licence is exceeded, the General Customs and Excise Administration shall apply to that registered operator, a financial penalty calculated on the volume that cannot be depleted from the available volume, and equal to the amount of the excise that may have been potentially elected; for the calculation of this sanction, reference is made to the excise rates in effect on the date on which the non-sustainable character was found.".
Art. 347. § 1er. Candidates wishing to apply to the tender for EMAG production can subscribe for up to 2 lots. Candidates wishing to apply to the tender for bioethanol production can subscribe for up to 4 lots.
§ 2. Any application file submitted following the call for applications referred to in Article 345 shall contain:
a) a declaration of commitment by which the operator certifies to act in accordance with the social, fscale and environmental regulations of the country in the territory of which the production unit is installed;
(b) a descriptive technical report of its production unit showing its actual production capacity and capacity to produce biofuel in accordance with the technical specifications imposed in Belgium, and specify:
(1) if the plant is in operation at the time of the tender;
(2) if it is at the time of the call for tenders able to produce a biofuel that meets the specifications set out in the call for applications;
3) description of production facilities;
(4) the production capacity of the effective unit (in tonnes of biofuel per year);
(5) the theoretical capacity of the unit (in tons of biofuel per year);
6) an estimate of the amount of product still available in respect of other contractual commitments throughout the tender period;
(7) where applicable, other types of biofuels produced in the unit;
(8) a description of finished product storage facilities and capabilities;
9) the raw material used to produce biofuel for the duration of the tender;
10) in the event of the use of animal fat C1, C2, proof of compliance with Regulation 2009/106 establishing sanitary rules applicable to animal by-products and derivatives not intended for human consumption and repealing Regulation (EC) No. 1774/2002 (rules relating to animal by-products), issued by the competent authorities of the place where the production unit is located;
11) in the event of the use of used oils in the production of EMAG, bring all the evidence that demonstrates that it is actually used oils, by the provision of all the evidence of collection, and this throughout the appeal period;
12) the insertion of the biofuel production unit throughout the industrial site with a plan of the unit and plant in which it is inserted;
(13) the reception and storage facilities for internal raw materials at the unit with an indication of the loading and unloading capabilities of these raw materials;
(c) the annual minimum and maximum volumes for which the operator participates in the call for applications;
(d) for units producing biofuels that may be incorporated into diesel and wishing to participate in this tender, they must demonstrate a CO2 reduction by type of raw materials used at least:
- rapeseed oil: 45%;
- soy oil: 40%;
- palm oil: 65 per cent;
- sunflower oil: 60%;
- used animal fat C1, C2: 85%.
The application for the EMAG must be made for a single raw material, it must always be the same for the duration of the tender.
For units producing biofuels that can be incorporated into the gasoline and wishing to participate in the call for tender, they must demonstrate a CO2 reduction of at least 60%. The raw materials that can be used are:
- beets;
- corn;
- wheat.
This evidence must be provided by an organization recognized by an official body within the European Union.
e) a list of investments made specifically for the production of biofuels with their technical characteristics and costs and a note on the energy efficiency of the production unit (renewable energy ratio produced divided by the primary energy consumed) detailing, in addition, the measures taken to meet environmental measures (part of environmental investments versus global investment).
The CO2 reduction investment list should be provided separately.
(f) a declaration of commitment to provide an annual report during the licence term on the evolution of volume, origin and supply of raw materials in relation to the production of biofuel;
(g) a declaration of commitment to ensure that biofuels are sold to companies established in Belgium that produce their mixture and consumption, along with a trade policy note;
(h) a declaration of commitment to provide, upon request by the Accreditation Commission, samples collected at its expense by experts that the Commission mandates;
(i) a declaration of commitment to provide an annual report on biofuel production, quality controls and the outcome of these controls; this report mentions the names and addresses of companies established in Belgium to which biofuel has been sold;
Reports and all supporting documentation provided throughout the tender period must be written in one of the official languages of Belgium. Official documents must be translated by a translator recognized by an official body of the country where the unit is located.
(j) a relative note:
- the raw materials supply plan;
- the demonstration that over a period of at least 18 months, the operator has a supply security of:
- 50% of the volume of raw materials for bioethanol production;
- 40% of the volume of raw materials for the production of EMAG;
- the biofuel distribution plan since the production unit;
(k) for production units located outside Belgian territory, a declaration of commitment to designate a tax representative;
(l) for production units located outside Belgian territory, a declaration of commitment to designate a natural or legal person, responsible for the quality of the product placed on the Belgian market;
(m) a declaration of commitment to be permanently available in Belgium with a minimum biofuel stock of 30% of the annual volume per lot obtained;
(n) a note describing public economic, technical support that has benefited in the last ten years for the production and sales of biofuels carried out in the territory where it is located, and, where appropriate, the annual approved volumes giving rise to challengescalization already granted for the past years and to come until 31 December 2015, by the authorities of the territory where fuel is put to consumption;
(o) demonstrate recognition by a voluntary certification scheme recognized by the European Union.
The application must be submitted in one of the official languages of Belgium.
Official documents must be translated by a translator recognized by an official body of the country where the unit is located.
Art. 348. § 1er. Operators who have introduced a regular application are, by lot, selected on the basis of the following criteria:
(a) the actual capacity to produce a biofuel that meets the technical specifications imposed by Belgium in compliance with the social, fiscal and environmental regulations of the country concerned;
(b) the security of supply of the raw materials production unit;
(c) the ability to deliver biofuel to between-prices located in Belgium for consumption;
(d) the additional reduction in CO2 in addition to the values set out in Article 347, § 2, d);
(e) the largest storage capacity in Belgium;
§ 2. Operators who meet the criteria referred to in § 1er(a) to (c) are the subject of a classification for the criterion referred to in § 1er, d).
§ 3. A lot is assigned to the candidate who obtained the largest total weighting.
§ 4. In case of ex aequo, the lot is assigned to the candidate who has the largest storage capacity in Belgium.
§ 5. In case of ex aequo, after application of § 4, the lot is divided equally between the operators who have obtained the same weighting.
Art. 349. § 1er. The person who wishes to consume energy products in the country at the excise rates referred to in section 419, (b) (ii)**, (b) (ii)***, (c) (ii)** and (f) (i)**, of the programme law of 27 December 2004 shall be registered with the General Customs and Access Administration in accordance with the procedure established by the King. This registration that results in the issuance of an authorization is subject to the filing of a guarantee whose calculation terms are determined by the Minister of Finance.
§ 2. The declaration of consumption of energy products affected by the excise rates referred to in Article 419, (b) (ii)**, (b) (ii)*, (c) (ii)*, and (f) (i)**, of the programme law of 27 Decem-bre 2004, is supplemented by the references to the authorization granted to the person referred to in § 1er.
§ 3. For 31 January of each year, persons registered in accordance with § 1er, must file with the employee designated by the deputy head of the General Customs and Excise Administration, a record demonstrating that, for all consumer declarations filed during the previous calendar year with the application of the excise rates referred to in section 419, b) ii)**, b) ii)***, c) ii)* , c) ii)**
This respect is demonstrated by the purchase invoices of a sufficient volume of biofuels from approved production units; this volume must at least be equal to the total volume of biofuels corresponding to the percentages of incorporation referred to in the consumer declarations filed.
These purchase invoices must be accepted by the General Customs Administration prior to the preparation of the declarations of consummation to be accepted in accordance with the procedure established by the deputy head of customs and accises.
The file must be accompanied:
(a) invoices for the purchase of biofuels accepted by the General Customs and Excise Administration;
(b) as appropriate:
- a copy of the electronic administrative documents relating to biofuels received from the approved production unit;
- a copy of the electronic administrative documents relating to biofuels that they sent by the registered production unit to a third party;
- in the event of shipment of biofuels to a third party, a copy of the electronic administrative documents relating to mixed energy products, addressed to them by that third party;
- consumer declarations and their possible annexes.
Documentary evidence can be verified by physical controls of consumer products. These can be carried out in collaboration with the SPF Economie's Energy Directorate in the context of fuel quality control missions.
§ 4. When the legal percentages of incorporation are not reached, and without prejudice to the application of the fine provided for in section 436 of the Program Law of 27 December 2004, the volume resulting from the difference between the volume of incorporation to be achieved and that actually obtained, is subject to the payment of the excise at the highest rate, according to the relevant energy product species, in section 419 (b) In addition, the authorization referred to in § 1er is removed. In this case, an administrative remedy may be introduced on the basis of Chapter XXIII of the General Customs and Access Act.
Art. 350. § 1er. The Biofuels Act of 10 June 2006 is repealed.
§ 2. References made to the Biofuels Act of June 10, 2006 agree to this Act.
Art. 351. This chapter comes into force on 1er the day of the month following the month of publication to the Belgian Monitor of a notice announcing the approval by the European Commission of the request "state aid" introduced by the Belgian Government on 12 May 2014, with the exception of Article 344 which comes into force on the date fixed by royal decree deliberated in Council of Ministers.
CHAPTER 4. - Confirmation
Art. 352. Are confused with effect on the date of their respective entry into force:
1° the Royal Decree of 14 December 2012 amending the Program Law of 27 December 2004;
2° the Royal Decree of 18 June 2013 amending the Act of 3 April 1997 on the tax system of manufactured tobacco;
3° the Royal Decree of 27 September 2013 provisionally amending the Act of 10 June 2006 concerning biofuels
4th Royal Decree of 28 November 2013 amending the Act of 3 April 1997 on the tax system of manufactured tobacco;
5° the Royal Decree of November 28, 2013 provisionally amending the Act of June 10, 2006 concerning biofuels.
Promulgate this law, order that it be re-elected from the state seal and published by the Belgian Monitor.
Given in Brussels on 12 May 2014.
By the King:
Minister of Finance,
Seal of the state seal:
The Minister of Justice,