15 JANVIER 2015. - Act granting naturalization
PHILIPPE, King of the Belgians,
To all, present and to come, Hi.
The House of Representatives adopted and sanctioned the following:
Article 1
er. This Act regulates a matter referred to in Article 74 of the Constitution.
Art. 2. Pursuant to the law of 1
er March 2000 amending certain provisions concerning Belgian nationality, naturalization is granted to:
Aharchoun, Adil, born in Tangier (Morocco) on October 7, 1971.
Bakali, Mohammed El Amine, born in Tangier, Morocco, on 13 November 1968.
Benitez Iza, Monica del Rosario, born in San Francisco (Ecuador) on 2 August 1977.
Cruz, Myrna, born in Tay Tay (Philippines) on November 19, 1959.
Diarra, Oumar, born in Abobo, Abidjan (Côte d'Ivoire) on 30 June 1980.
Direk, Erhan, born in Adana, Turkey, on March 28, 1977.
Elmis, Karol Adam, born in Legionowo (Poland) on October 22, 1987.
Ewala Oleko, Jean Paul, born in Lodja (Congo) on 25 August 1970.
Fares, Rahmouna, born in Oran, Algeria, on May 14, 1982.
Ghannan, Moussa, born in Oran, Algeria, on 7 April 1953.
Guaneme, William, born in La Dorada Caldas, Colombia, on 7 September 1963.
Kapiamba Mbuyi, Isabelle, born in Mbuji-Mayi (Congo) on June 14, 1967.
Krasniki, Hazir, born in Sredno Konjari (Macédoine) on 28 October 1979.
Kuyucuoglu, Ümit, born in Yunak, Turkey, on 15 September 1982.
Kyoumjian, Sylva, born in Aleppo (Syria) on May 9, 1965.
Mohout, Fatiha, born in Douar Habkouch Trougout (Morocco) on 24 July 1980.
Mouyabi, Naire Nika Prisca Christelle, born in Brazzaville (Congo (rep. pop.)) on September 1, 1975.
Musala Mayisanga, Marie-France, born in Bundundu (Congo) on 5 March 1967.
Ndayahoze, Fatuma, born in Bujumbura (Burundi) on 9 March 1975.
Nkoyi Sapu, Caroline, born in Kinshasa (Congo) on 9 January 1955.
Okitowamba Wandja, born in Mputu (Congo) on 12 November 1968.
Sulkgian, Berj, born in Aleppo (Syria) on August 21, 1957.
While Aliou was born in Gagnoa (Côte d'Ivoire) on 10 July 1970.
Promulgation of this law, let us order that it be clothed with the seal of the State and published by the Belgian Monitor.
Given in Brussels, January 15, 2015.
By the King:
Minister of Justice,
Seal of the state seal:
Minister of Justice,