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Law Containing The First Adjustment Of The General Budget Of Expenditures For Fiscal Year 2015 (1)

Original Language Title: Loi contenant le premier ajustement du budget général des dépenses pour l'année budgétaire 2015 (1)

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20 JULY 2015. - Act containing the first adjustment of the general budget of expenditures for the fiscal year 2015 (1)

PHILIPPE, King of the Belgians,
To all, present and to come, Hi.
The House of Representatives adopted and sanctioned the following:
CHAPTER 1er. - General provisions
Article 1-01-1
This Act regulates a matter referred to in Article 74 of the Constitution.
Art. 1-01-2
The General Estimates for the 2015 fiscal year are adjusted in accordance with the appropriate totals of the programs in the departmental tables annexed to this Act.
Art. 1-01-3
The text of section 1-01-3, § 6, 2°, of the Act of 19 December 2014 containing the general budget of expenditures for the 2015 fiscal year is replaced as follows:
"By derogation from section 52, paragraph 1er, 1° and 2°, of the same law of 22 May 2003, and in paragraph 3 of this article, the basic allowances 1100.05, 1140.05 and 4160.05 - Social service expenditures - and basic allowances for operating and investment expenses provided under economic codes 12 and 74, specific or non-specific, and whether or not under a subsistence program, sections 02, 05, 14, 16 and 17 may be redistributed to the corresponding commitment credits in section 01, as follows:
-The above credits in section 02 with the corresponding credits of activity 1 of programme 30/6 of section 01
- The above-mentioned appropriations in section 05 with the corresponding appropriations of activity 9 of programme 30/6 of section 01
- The above-mentioned appropriations in section 14 with the corresponding appropriations of activity 2 of programme 30/6 of section 01
- The above-mentioned appropriations in section 16 with the corresponding credits in activity 3 of programme 30/6 of section 01
- The above-mentioned appropriations in section 17 with the corresponding appropriations in activities 6, 7 and 8 of programme 30/6 of section 01
This exemption does not apply to basic allowances 12.21.48 and 12.11.99. »
CHAPTER 2. - Special provisions of departments
Section 01. - Maintenance and activities of the Royal Family
Art. 2.01.1
The Minister who has the Information and Communication Technology in his or her powers is authorized to incur and dispose of expenses for the credits of Activity 9 of Program 30/6 - Activities of the Royal Family.
Section 02. - SPF Chancellery of the Prime Minister
Art. 2.02.1
Section 2.02.2 of the Act of 19 December 2014 containing the General Estimates for the 2015 Budget Year is supplemented as follows:
- Subsides to the Transitienetwerk Middenveld and Associations 21 as compasses and networks recognized in accordance with Article 19/4 § 2 of Chapter V/2 of the Act of 05 May 1997 which coordinates the federal policy of sustainable development.
- Subsidies to organizations (associations and/or organizations with a status of society) within the framework of concrete projects and initiatives aimed at promoting, implementing or supporting sustainable development. Projects and initiatives are transmitted exclusively to the Federal Institute for Sustainable Development through an application form for this purpose. The Federal Institute for Sustainable Development assesses the project or initiative based on the conditions that are previously published on the Federal Institute for Sustainable Development website.
- Subsidies to organizations (associations and/or organizations with a corporate status) that enter into a specific project call. The terms of the call for projects and the conditions to which the organization and projects must meet are published in advance on the website of the Federal Institute for Sustainable Development.
- Subsidies to international forums and organizations to promote the international sustainable development process.
- Subsidies to municipalities and other local governments to promote good practices in sustainable development.
- Grants to Member States of the European Union in activities related to sustainable development. »
Section 03. - SPF budget and Management Control
Art 2.03.1
The text of section 2.03.2 of the Act of 19 December 2014 containing the General Estimates for the 2015 fiscal year is replaced as follows:
"The provisional credit in base allowance 41.10.0100.01 may, after agreement of the Minister of Budget, be apportioned as required by royal decree between the appropriate programs of the budgets of the departments concerned.
By derogation from Article 5, paragraph 2, of the Act of 16 March 1954 on the control of certain public interest bodies, the distribution by royal decree of this provisional credit may also increase the State's financial intervention in favour of public interest bodies. »
Art. 2.03.2
The provision for basic allowance 41.10.0100.02 may, after the decision of the Council of Ministers, be apportioned, by Royal Order, between the appropriate programmes of the budgets of the departments concerned.
Section 13. - Inside SPF
Art. 2.13.1
The text of section 2.13.9 of the Act of 19 December 2014 containing the General Estimates for the 2015 fiscal year is replaced as follows:
“Art. 2.13.9 § 1. The Fund's commitment authority 13-15 "Federal European Fund for Asylum and Migration and for Homeland Security - Program 2014-2020", 13-71-1, is EUR 21,221,000.
Any commitment to be made under this article is subject to the visa of the contract controller.
§ 2. By derogation from Article 62 of the Act of 22 May 2003 on the organization of the budget and accounting of the federal state, Fund 13-15 "Federal European Fund for Asylum and Migration and for Homeland Security - Programmation 2014-2020" of programme 13-71-1, is authorized to present a wind-up debit position whose amount cannot exceed EUR 7,871,000. »
Art. 2.13.2
The provisional credit under the basic allowance of the European Federal Fund for Asylum and Migration (AMIF) and Internal Security (ISF) may, after agreement of the Minister of Budget, be allocated as necessary in the allocation of the various projects between the appropriate programmes-activities of the fund, by means of a redistribution bulletin.
Art. 2.13.3
By derogation from article 52, first paragraph, 1° of the Act of 22 May 2003 on the organization of the budget and accounting of the federal state, the department is authorized to redistribute between the commitment credits of the basic allocations for the fight against fire on the SHAPE site, namely and
Section 16. - Ministry of Defence
Art 2.16.1
By derogation from Article 62, § 2, paragraph 2, of the Act of 22 May 2003 on the organization of the budget and accounting of the federal state, the payment of the benefits provided by the Ministry of Defence in favour of other federal public bodies may be charged against the credits of the general budget of expenses for the benefit of the 16-1 budget for benefits against payment.
Section 17. - Federal police and integrated operation
Art. 2.17.1
For administrative simplification in the monitoring of the execution of the federal police budget as well as in the management and payment of certain remuneration in the framework of projects financed by the European Union and under the budgetary fund of section 13 DO 71 "Federal European Fund for Asylum and Migration (AMIF) and Internal Security (ISF) - programming 2014-2020", the federal police is authorized to proceed or make the initial corrections of accounting
The Minister of Security and the Interior shall promptly inform the Court of Accounts about the corrections of writing.
Art. 2.17.2
The text of section 2.17.8 of the Act of 19 December 2014 containing the General Estimates for the 2015 fiscal year is replaced as follows:
"For the fiscal year 2015, the organic budget fund 17-4 referred to in section 11 of the Act of 21 December 2007 on various provisions (I) has a commitment authority of EUR 788,000.
Any undertaking to be made under this article is subject to the visa of the contract controller.
Prior to the 10th of each month, the Comptroller of Commitments shall forward to the Court of Auditors, together with supporting documents, a statement in three copies, on the one hand, the amount of the commitments covered in the past month and, on the other hand, the amount of commitments that have been covered since the beginning of the year.
By derogation from Article 62, § 2, paragraph 4, of the Act of 22 May 2003 on the organization of the budget and accounting of the federal state, during the fiscal year 2015, on the same organic budget fund, is authorized a debiting position in liquidation that cannot exceed 510 000 EUR. »
Art. 2.17.3
By derogation from sections 11, 12, 19, 20, 23, 60 and 61 of the Act of 22 May 2003 on the organization of the federal budget and accounting, the Minister of Security and the Interior is authorized to proceed by compensation on the basic federal staffing 2015, to the recovery of the overpayment by the police zones in 2014 in respect of federal endowments to municipalities and multi-communal police zones.
Section 18. - SPF Finance
Art. 2.18.1
By derogation from section 1-01-3 para. 2 of the Act of 19 December 2014 containing the general budget of expenses for the fiscal year 2015, the basic allowance " - Remunerations of the statutory staff of the Administration of Perception and Recovery", can be redistributed to the basic allowance " - Advances of food claims".
Section 19. - Buildings
Art. 2.19.1
The adjusted budget of the Buildings Board for the 2015 fiscal year, annexed to this Act, is approved.
This budget is for revenues of 944 236 424 EUR in total and for expenditures of 924 236 424 EUR in total.
Revenues include grants from the federal state for a total amount of EUR 740,288,000, of which EUR 3,997,000 is listed in Section 01 and EUR 736,251,000 in Section 19 of the General Estimates.
Revenue includes additional real property sales products for a total amount of EUR 20,000, without changes to the spending cap.
This budget includes, in expenditure, commitment credits (divided credits) for the amount of 212 941 843 EUR.
Revenues and expenses are estimated at EUR 24,510,000.
Art. 2.19.2
In section 2.19.2 of the Act of 19 December 2014 containing the General Estimates for the 2015 fiscal year, the amount of EUR 2,700,000 is replaced by EUR 4,000.
Of this amount, EUR 2,700,000 is earmarked for renovation work in the Royal Museum of Central Africa in Tervueren and EUR 1,300,000 is earmarked for the construction of a Legal Psychiatry Centre in Ghent.
Section 21. - Pensions
Art. 2.21.1
The text of section 2.21.1 of the Act of 19 December 2014 containing the General Estimates for the 2015 fiscal year is replaced as follows:
"The adjusted budget of the Public Sector Pension Service for 2015, annexed to this Act, is approved.
This budget amounts to 14 672 864 000 EUR, including 14 632 761 000 EUR for revenue related to legal missions and 40 103 000 EUR for service management revenues. Expenditures amount to EUR 14,672,000, including EUR 14,632,761,000 for statutory mission expenditures, and EUR 40,103 000 for service management expenditures. »
Section 23. - SPF Employment, Labour and Social Concertation
Art. 2.23.1
In derogation from Article 62, § 1erof the Act of 22 May 2003 on the organization of the budget and accounting of the federal state, the means available as of 1er July 2015 of the "Professional Experience Fund" (Professional Experience Fund) (Professional Experience Fund) (Professional Experience Fund) (Professional Experience Fund) (Professional Experiment Fund) (Professional Experience Fund) (Professional Experience Fund) (Professional Experience Fund) 52/3) are disbursed and added to Treasury's general resources.
Section 25. - SPF Public Health, Food Chain Safety and Environment
Art. 2.25.1
In section 2.25.6 of the Act of 19 December 2014 containing the General Estimates for the 2015 fiscal year, the amount of 84,319,974 for revenues is replaced by the amount of 75,447,142 EUR, and the amount of 84,319,974 for expenses is replaced by an amount of 75,447,142.
Art. 2.25.2
Section 2.25.5 of the Act of 19 December 2014 is adapted as follows:
The provision in A.B. - (3,463 K EUR in commitment and liquidation credits) may be apportioned as required, in the course of 2015, on the most appropriate basic allocations of the budget of the Inland SPF and the Public Health SPF, Safety of the Food Chain and Environment, for the financing of the expenses of the project 1733, by Royal Decree on the Public Health initiative.
Art. 2.25.3
25.5025.5625.2525.562525.562525.562525.562525.23 The Chairman of the Management Committee may, after the opinion of the Inspector of Finance and the agreement of the Chairman of the Management Committee of the SPF Budget and Management Control, redistribute the commitment credits on the one hand and the liquidation on the other, regardless of the amount, between the allowances of 25,35.
Section 32. - SPF Economy
Art. 2.32.1
Section 2.32.4 of the Act of 19 December 2014 containing the general budget for the 2015 fiscal year is amended to read:
"In the limits of the basic allowances concerned, the following subsidies may be awarded:
1) Grant to international metrological organizations (OIML, BIPM, EMRP).
(2) Grant to international associations active in the field of certification and accreditation (EA, IAF, ILAC, WELMEC, EURAMET). »
Art. 2.32.2
The text of section 2.32.2 of the Act of 19 December 2014 is replaced as follows:
"The adjusted budget of the Office of the Plan for 2015, annexed to this Act, is approved.
This budget is for revenue at 10.604.000 EUR and for expenditure at 10.604.000 EUR. »
Section 33. - Moblilted SPF and Transport
Art. 2.33.1
Section 2.33.2 of the Act of 19 December 2014 containing the general budget for the 2015 fiscal year is deleted.
Art. 2.33.2
The text of section 2.33.3 of the Act is supplemented as follows:
Subsides related to the promotion of combined and diffuse transport.
Compensation to ensure the safety of air navigation.
Art. 2.33.3
The text of section 2.33.4 of the Act is supplemented as follows:
"- those of the Fund relating to the operation of the Railway Accident Investigation Organization (Program 22/1) up to EUR 37,000. »
Art. 2.33.4
Section 2.33.5 of the Act is supplemented by a paragraph written as follows:
"By derogation from section 52, paragraph 1er, 1° of the law of 22 May 2003 concerning the organization of the budget and accounting of the federal state and by derogation from Article 1-01-3, § 2, of the law of 19 December 2014 containing the general budget of the expenses of the fiscal year 2015, the appropriations of the basic allowances generally of any kind "11.00.03 - Statutory staff and trainee" and "11.00.04 - Basic staff" can be reassigned 17. »
Section 44. - SPP Social integration, poverty reduction and social economy
Art. 2.44.1
The text of section 2.44.7 of the Act of 19 December 2014 containing the General Estimates for the 2015 Budget Year is replaced as follows:
Ҥ1. Licensing authorities are granted for the following organic funds up to the amounts indicated:
- Federal European Social Fund - programme 2007-2013 (programme 56/2): EUR 3,462,000;
- European Third Country Integration Fund (programme 56/5): EUR 733,000.
- European Fund for Assistance to the Poor (programme 56/6): 11 259 000 EUR
Any undertaking to be made under this article is subject to the visa of the contract controller.
§ 2. By derogation from section 62 of the Act of 22 May 2003 on the organization of the federal budget and accounting, the following organic fund is authorized to present a debiting position in liquidation, which cannot exceed the amount mentioned:
- European Fund for Assistance to the Poor (programme 56/6, activities 1 and 2) : 9 803 000 EUR »
Art. 2.44.2
Section 2.44.5 of the Act of 19 December 2014 containing the General Estimates for the 2015 fiscal year is replaced as follows:
"Agreed is the budget of the Federal Agency for the reception of asylum seekers for 2015, annexed to this Act.
This budget is for revenues of 305 973 325 EUR and for expenditures of 305 973 325 EUR. »
Section 46. - SPP Scientific policy
Art. 2.46.1
The text of section 2.46.10 of the Act of 19 December 2014 containing the General Estimates for the 2015 fiscal year is replaced as follows:
"By derogation from section 52, paragraph 1, of the Act of 22 May 2003 on the organization of the budget and accounting of the federal state, the favourable opinion of the inspection of Finance is sufficient so that the competent minister, or his delegate, may make a further breakdown, between them and exclusively between them, of the appropriations of commitment on the one hand and of the liquidation credits on the other, of the following basic allowances:
- Basic allowance with basic allowances, and;
- Basic allowance with basic allowances and;
- Basic allowance with basic allowances and »
CHAPTER 3. - Restitution and allocation funds
Art. 3.01.1
The transactions carried out on the restitution and allocation funds during the 2015 fiscal year are reassessed in accordance with the table annexed to this Act.
CHAPTER 4. - Separate Management State Services
Art. 4.01.1
The budgets of the Separate Management State Services for the 2015 fiscal year are adjusted in accordance with the tables annexed to this Act.
CHAPTER 6. - Public bodies
Art. 6.01.1
The budgets of the public interest agencies of category A of the 2015 fiscal year are adjusted in accordance with the tables annexed to this Act.
CHAPTER 7. - Final provisions
Art. 7.01.1
This Act comes into force on the day of its publication in the Belgian Monitor.
Promulgate this law, order that it be clothed with the seal of the State and published by the Belgian Monitor.
Given in Brussels, 20 July 2015.
By the King:
The Prime Minister,
The Minister of Budget,
Minister of Finance,
Seal of the state seal:
Minister of Justice,
(1) House of Representatives
Documents: 54-1027 - 2014/2015.
Full report: 24 June and 1er July 2015 .

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