Key Benefits:
255. Announcement by the Federal Minister for Education, the Arts and Culture on the curricula for Catholic religious instruction at primary schools and for the teaching of the Protestant religion at primary schools and special schools
Article 1
Notice concerning the curriculum for Catholic religious education at primary schools
On the basis of § 2 para. 2 of the Law of Religion, Federal Law Gazette (BGBl). No. 190/1949, as last amended by the Federal Law BGBl. N ° 256/1993, shall be made known:
The publication of the curriculum for Catholic religious instruction at elementary schools in the ordinance of the Federal Minister for Education and Cultural Affairs, which enacts the curricula of the primary school and the special school, BGBl. No 134/1963, as last amended by the BGBl Regulation. II No 290/2008, shall be amended as follows:
In Annex A, Part Five, lit. a will be the following from the Episcopal Conference on 25 March 1985 (preschool level) or on November 7, 1991 (primary school), and in the revised version of the General Assembly of the Bishops ' Conference of 21. until 23 June 2010, the curriculum for Catholic religious education at primary schools with effect from 1 September 2010 was announced:
" (a) Catholic Religious Instruction
1. Education and teaching tasks:
Catholic religious education in the context of school education
In the teaching of religion, the school is in a special way implementing its mission to participate in religious education (Art. 14 (5a) of the Federal Constitutional Law and § 2 of the Education Organization Act (Schulorganisationsgesetz) in the form of a separate subject of teaching. It sees itself as a service to the students and to the school.
He takes the different degrees of ecclesiastic socialization and/or Religious experiences of the students by differentiation and individualization seriously and will appeal to all students, how different their religious attitudes may be.
In the sense of holistic education, the teaching of religion has cognitive, affective and action-oriented goals, which, according to the Christian view, assume that the person is oriented towards transcendence. In this way, the basic questions to be treated, according to origin, future and meaning, are given a religious dimension.
The teaching of religion is confessionally shaped and gains its position from the orientation of the biblical revelation and the ecclesiastical tradition.
Ecumenical and inter-religious concerns should be taken into account, if possible, and thus be a valid sign of the dialogue between denominations and religions.
Content and concerns of religious education
In the middle of the religious instruction, the students, their lives and their faith are in the middle of their faith.
Therefore, the content of religious instruction is both human life and the Christian faith, as it has developed in the course of history and is lived in the Christian communities. Life, faith and world experiences of the pupils, teachers and teachers are reflected from the perspective of the Christian faith and interpreted. This faith has its center in Jesus Christ.
At the same time, students are encouraged to make their personal beliefs and, accordingly, to shape their life and their faith. In this way, the teaching of religion makes an essential contribution to the discovery of meaning, to religious competence and to values education, as well as to the shaping of school life and school culture.
Importance of religious education for society
The teaching of religion aims at ensuring that the students become more familiar with themselves and with their own religion and denomination. The confrontation with its own origin and belonging to the Catholic Church is intended to make a contribution to the formation of identity, which facilitates an unbiased and non-angst opening towards the other. This requires detailed employment with other cultures, religions, world views and trends, which today often have a competitive influence on our pluralistic world. It is both an ability to tolerate tolerance towards people with different convictions, as well as, where appropriate, the competence to objectively substantiate objection.
The theme of the social significance of Christian faith is intended to encourage and empower the use of justice, peace and the preservation of creation. The invitation to the pupils to get involved in church and society is connected with this.
The position of religious instruction at the primary school
Religious education in the teaching of religion is a communicative and process-oriented event and brings the view of God, man and world, which is inherent in the understanding of the Christian faith. It takes account of biographical, gender-specific and developmental psychology.
It makes an essential contribution to the strengthening and development of one's own identity through the development of life from the Christian perspective.
The teaching of religion is part of the educational and educational order of the primary school. The general principles of teaching also apply to the teaching of religion. As a compulsory subject, it makes a significant contribution to education and personality development.
The teaching of religion invites you to live from Christian roots, to develop a personal spirituality and to celebrate the faith in different forms of expression.
Contributions to the tasks of the school
On the background of the Christian embassy, teaching in Catholic religion makes an independent contribution to the essential tasks of the school:
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on the education of values and the shaping of cultural values |
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for the development and communication of basic knowledge, skills, insights and attitudes |
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on the development of personality |
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on social learning |
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on the individual promotion of each child |
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on conflict management and peace education, and |
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on interfaith, ecumenical and intercultural learning |
As a rule, the curriculum of the primary school and the individual learning requirements of the children and their specific needs are starting points of the teaching plan (see curriculum of the elementary school, second part, I, Z 7 to "integration"). Inclusive education opens up new perspectives of school learning and enables the development of teaching qualities that are important in the sense of joint lifelong learning.
2. Didactical principles:
General didactical principles
The general didactic principles of the curriculum of the primary school also apply to the teaching of religion:
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Child moderation and consideration of learning requirements |
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Social Learn |
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Life-and-view |
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Concentration of education |
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Fairness |
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Activation and motivation |
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Individualize, differentiate and promote |
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Backup and control of the subjudicial order |
Religious didactical principles
The basis for the religious didactical principles is the theological correlation as a reciprocal development of faith and life. The principle of "double fidelity, fidelity to God and fidelity to man", as it was in Catechesi Tradendae (No. 55) is the basis for the religious education work in the elementary school.
a) |
Theologising-Learning to reflect faith together |
In theologicalization language is found for the religious, a multifaceted knowledge of networked knowledge is built up and space is given for existential questions of humanity.
b) |
Traditions-Learn from the Christian roots |
The Christian tradition offers answers to the meaning of man. Beliefs, bearing rituals, basic prayers and customs show how people have lived and lived.
c) |
Biblical texts-learn from biographies |
In the teaching of religion, life comes to speak. How God works in the lives of the people, becomes apparent in the Bible. The access to biblical texts, the telling and the living of the text are essential basic principles of a religious teaching, which is aware of its biblical treasures.
d) |
Crafting-Learning with all your senses |
The training of human fundamental forces-marvel at, pray, praise, thank, rejot, empathy, be mindful, comforting-is one of the tasks of the teaching of religion.
e) |
Relationships-Learn how to Bet |
Relationship and communication decisively influence the success of learning processes. The teaching of religion helps to find a language for the use of the DU and for prayer.
f) |
Symbols, rituals and sacraments-Learn to celebrate |
Symbol Education contributes to the fact that reality can be perceived in a multi-dimensional way. In the teaching of religion, the symbols of the faith are opened up and possibilities open up to celebrate life and faith (church year, sacraments, rituals for different life situations, customs, school culture).
g) |
Image and language-Aesthetic Learning |
Aesthetic education is striving for increased competence in perception and a differentiated and critical approach to reality. Religious education opens up the diverse language of art, supports learning with all its senses and promotes creative forms of expression.
h) |
Learning-Learning-Reconciliation |
Building on Christian values, ethical learning allows for a constructive approach to conflicts and crises, guilt and sin, gives orientation and acts as a community-style basis. The learning of a solidary and empathetic basic attitude and the willingness to reconcile in the face of the fragility of life are important contributions of the teaching of religion for the formation of the hearts of the students.
i) |
Multireligiosity-Learning from diversity |
School reflects the multicultural society. The knowledge of one's own identity and religion, and about other religions and confestives, as well as the acceptance of the enduring foreign one, promote dialogue. They are building on an ecumenical basic attitude, which is borne by mutual respect. They are an essential contribution to peace education.
3. Type and structure of the curriculum
The curriculum for the religious instruction of primary school is a curriculum with a frame character. It contains mandatory subject areas and basic concerns. The subject areas and contents of the individual school levels are arranged in such a way that differentiation and individualization are facilitated in planning and implementation.
The curriculum is divided into basic grade I (pre-school, first and second school level) and basic level II (third and fourth grade) and enables religious teachers to make decision-free spaces in terms of time and time. Distribution, the concretization and the structuring of the content of the teaching.
Special school and pastoral conditions can make a shift in the subject areas necessary.
A holistic learning process is aimed at through interdisciplinary and project-oriented work, while respecting the subject-specific goals and content.
The curriculum of the pre-school level allows for a school-level change according to the child's development status.
The church year, certain festivals and festivities, as well as the memorial days of the saints, shape the school life of the elementary school. This is taken into account at all four school levels with different emphasis and also applies to the education of prayer and sacrament.
The school levels are divided into
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a leitmotif |
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seven thematic areas with a basic concern |
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Topics and exemplary content |
Preschool level
Subject field 1
Basic concerns:
Perceim and trust yourself and others-God is with me
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Me and my name |
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Me and the others |
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God is with me |
Topic field 2
Basic concerns:
Look at the creation of God and trust-God is there
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The world is full of wonders-discover and marvel |
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The world is full of secrets-grow and pass away |
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God is there-praising and thankfully |
Subject Area 3
Basic concerns:
Jesus, the light of God, expect and celebrate
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Experience light and darkness |
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Holy people bring light to our world |
- |
Jesus, the light from God |
Subject field 4
Basic concerns:
To be silent and to hear from Jesus, as God is
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To be silent and listen |
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Through the Bible of Jesus, learn how God is |
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Praying together |
Subject field 5
Basic concerns:
Bringing joy and suffering in our lives and in Jesus ' life, considering and celebrating
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Rejection and Angenommensein |
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Jesus goes a hard way-God wears |
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The joy of the Easter message |
Subject field 6
Basic concerns:
By Baptism to the Community of Christians belong
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Grow and change |
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God calls me by name |
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The baptism |
Subject field 7
Basic concerns:
Experience joy and enthusiasm
God's spirit binds and keeps alive
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Joy and enthusiasm stuck to |
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Celebrating life-Sunday |
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God's spirit |
1. School level
Topic field 1.1
Basic concerns:
The longing for security, and trust that God is there
I am called by the name
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I am unique-I have a name (Jes 43, 1) |
Experience of use and longing for security
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I am not alone-I have my place |
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Towards each other |
People experience God's turn
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God bless Abraham (Gen 15 ,1-7) |
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I'm here (Ex 3.1-17) |
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God goes with (book Jonah); Hannah (1 Sam 1.1-2, 1); Elijah (1 Kön 19) |
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Sign of the blessing-the cross sign |
Subject field 1.2
Basic concerns:
Looking at the creation of God: Stan-Loben-Danken
Discover the world in amazement
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Abundance of life: experiencing nature with all senses-Thanksgiving |
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Mystery of Life: Becking and Vergoing-All Saints and All Souls |
Seeing the world as a precious gift from God
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People believe: God created the world and entrusted us to us (Gen 1-2,4a) |
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Praying and thankfully in prayer (Ps 148) |
Subject field 1.3
Basic concerns:
Sharing experiences of light and darkness
Jesus, the light of God, expect and celebrate
Experience light and darkness
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Experience of light and darkness |
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People bring light to the world |
- |
Holy |
Jesus is the light of God for the people
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People wait for Jesus Advent (Jes 9 ,1.5-6a) |
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Jesus, the Promised Light (Lk 1:26-38) |
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The Birth of Jesus (Lk 2:1-20) |
Theme field 1.4
Basic concerns:
Silence, listening and telling will be practiced and open to the experience that God is sharing the human being in Jesus.
Touching words
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Practice attention and silence |
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Sharing important words and stories |
The Good News touches
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The Bible-the Book of Life for Christians |
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Encounters with Jesus |
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Jesus and the Children (Mk 10 :13-16) |
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Jesus makes seeing-Bartimäus (Mk 10 ,46-52 |
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Who is this Jesus-Seesturm (Lk 8:22-25) |
Prayers-Dasein before God
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From trust in the Beten (Mt 7,7-10) |
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The Father of ours (Mt 6:9-13) |
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Embeddings |
Subject field 1.5
Basic concerns:
To raise the voice of the Lord and the Abgelehntshall and to celebrate the resurrection of Jesus as a "yes" to life
Longing for Angenommensein
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The experience of rejection and the application of |
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Jesus heals a leper (Lk 5:12-16) |
Easter Bushtime-Lent
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Jesus learns rejection and loves to death |
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The Holy Week |
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Jesus lives (Jn 20 :11-18) |
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The Easter Festival |
Subject field 1.6
Basic concerns:
Grow and get to experience and watch
Understanding the baptism as a welcome into the community of Christians
Joy at the growth and becoming
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Life force Earth-from the blossoming of nature |
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Life Force Love-from the transformation of the people |
God gives new life in Taufe
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The symbols of the baptism |
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God calls me by name |
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Accepted into the community of Christians (Acts 16 :13-15) |
Topic field 1.7
Basic concerns:
Bring joy and enthusiasm to the language and experience the action of the Holy Spirit as a contagious and changing force
Experience joy and enthusiasm
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What I'm looking forward to-what inspires me |
- |
Enthusiasm is stuck |
Celebrate Pentecost
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God sends His Spirit (Acts 2:1-6) |
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God's spirit fulfills the hearts of the people and changes them |
The message of Jesus spreads out
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Christians live and celebrate with one another-Sunday |
2nd School Level
Topic field 2.1
Basic concerns:
To experience the experiences of security, to be open to God's presence and to respond to it
People who shape my life
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Where I belong-to whom I trust |
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I need someone to accept me (Sir 6,14) |
People experience: God loves us, he keeps to us
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God cares-the good shepherd (Ps 23; Lk 15 ,3-7) |
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God bless-the Yakobsercensus (Gen 27-33) |
Responding to the presence of God
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Praying: thanking, pray, pray, silence, complain, sing, dance, ... |
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Prayer Rooms, Prayer Hours |
Subject Area 2.2
Basic concerns:
Becoming aware of the variety of encounters
Discovering God's love in Jesus ' dealings with the people and seeing new possibilities for action
Living together
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Encounter each other in a variety of ways |
- |
Becoming a blessing to each other |
Meet God in Jesus
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Seeing-Healing of a Blind at Betsaida (Mk 8:22-25) |
- |
Heil becoming-daughter of Jairus (Mk 5 ,21-24.35-43) |
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Breaking up-Men and women go with Jesus (Lk 8:1-3; Mt 4:18-22) |
Topic field 2.3
Basic concerns:
Perceiving and giving as basic experiences of man
Celebrating the birth of Jesus as a gift from God
Gift and gift
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Basic experience of gift and gift making |
- |
Life is a gift |
God gives life-unexpected happens
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Elisabet and Mary (Lk 1,5-45) |
- |
Greetings to you, Maria |
God gives himself to himself-in Jesus he is very close to us
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Christmas Gospel (Lk 2,1-20) |
Thematic field 2.4
Basic concerns:
Attention will be drawn to the impact of our own actions
Search for new ways and let yourself be set up by God's love
People are longing for the good
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Perceim who I am |
- |
Guilty |
- |
Learn how to reconcile: signs and gestures of reconciliation |
Jesus tells the people of God forgiveness
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"Your sins are forgiven to you" (Lk 5:17-26) |
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"Your Faith has helped you" (Lk 7,36-50) |
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"Today this house is given to salvation" (Lk 19 :1-10) |
Learn God's forgiveness
- |
Ways of reconciliation |
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The Merciful Father (Lk 15 :11-32) |
- |
The Sacrament of Reconciliation |
Thematic field 2.5
Basic concerns:
Perceim bread in its meaning
Celebrating the mysterious presence of Jesus in bread and wine
Bread - Food for Life
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Bread for body and soul |
Jesus-the bread of life
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Bread for all (Joh 6:1-15) |
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The presence of Jesus-the Last Supper (Lk 22 :14-20) |
Jesus ' life for others-beyond death
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Jesus, the living bread-Emmaus (Lk 24 :13-35) |
Subject field 2.6
Basic concerns:
Learn about the importance of the Eucharistic Celebration of the Eucharistic Celebration
Gathered around a table
- |
Common food unites |
- |
Celebrating together |
Celebrating with the Auferstand Mahl
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Jesus invites us |
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Hearing the Word of God |
- |
Jesus meets us in bread and wine (Apg 2, 46-47) |
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Blessed to go into everyday life |
Front-light-celebration of the lasting presence of Jesus among us
Subject field 2.7
Basic concerns:
Becoming aware of their own abilities and strengths and advocating for a just society
God goes all the way with
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Josefsgeschichte (Gen 37-50) |
My strengths on the trail
- |
What makes me strong |
- |
How we can empower each other |
The spirit of strength
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The Apostles act in the Spirit of Jesus (Acts 5:12-16) |
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People act today in the spirit of Jesus |
3. School level
Topic field 3.1
Basic concerns:
Seeing life in communion as a gift and a task, and imagine God as a mysterious center
Community strengthens and challenges
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Life in communities as a gift and task |
- |
Faith lives in communion |
God in the midst of people
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What is the human being that you think of him (Ps 8) |
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Jesus ' promise: "Where two or three are gathered in my name, I am in the midst of them" (Mt 18,20) |
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Jesus Promise and Order: "Peace be with you" (Jn 20 :19-23) |
Topic field 3.2
Basic concerns:
To interpret one's own life as a way of faith and to recognize rescue and liberation by God in the exodusercensus
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Traces of faith in everyday life |
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Personal Wegerfahrungen |
God goes with-the history of the Exodus
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Wagon with the Yahweh (Ex 1-11) |
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Jahwe retaliates and liberates (Ex 12-20; Num 13 ,18-20.25-28) |
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God also goes my ways with |
Topic field 3.3
Basic concerns:
Perceim the world in its fragility and the longing for salvation
Celebrating Jesus as the Saviour promised by God
When paths divert
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Fractures and outbreaks |
- |
Be on Herbergssuche |
People yearn for salvation
- |
Hope Images |
- |
Prophets promise the Messiah (Jes 7,14b; Jes 11 :1-10) |
Christmas: Christ, the savior is there
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Refilled promise (Lk 1,46-56) |
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The Joyful Rosary |
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God saves (Mt 1,18-25) |
People in search of God
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Homage to the Magi (Mt 2,1-12) |
Topic field 3.4
Basic concerns:
Discovering God's promise in biblical narratives: God wants a life in abundance for all
Find traces of the kingdom of God in their own life
Encouraging and setting up each other
- |
Experience of encouragement and encouragement |
- |
Learning love (book Rut) |
- |
Jesus directs-the Curved Woman (Lk 13 ,10-17) |
God wants a life in abundance
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Mustard seed and sourdough (Mt 13 ,31-33) |
- |
From the treasure in the field and from the pearl (Mt 13 ,44-46) |
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The Beatitudes (Mt 5,1-12) |
Topic field 3.5
Basic concerns:
Recognize borders and learn to live with them
Gaining new strength from the faith in the resurrection
When a way of life becomes the crossroads
- |
Experience limits |
- |
Leidful ways |
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The Way of the Cross of Jesus |
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The painful rosary |
Jesus overcomes sin and death
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The message of the angel: "He is risen" (Mt 28 ,1-8) |
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The message of the Risen One: "Do not be afraid" (Mt 28 ,9-10) |
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Christi Himmelfahrt (Apg 1.1-11) |
New breaks up-celebrating life
New beginnings in everyday life
Topic 3.6
Basic concerns:
To become familiar with the construction of the Holy Mass and to understand it as a celebration of the new life
Celebrating Eucharist-gift of salvation
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Listen to the Good News |
- |
Mystery of faith: "Your death o Lord proclaim us and your resurrection, we praise until you come in glory" |
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"Do this to my memory" (Lk 22 ,19b) |
The construction of the Holy Mass
Topic field 3.7
Basic concerns:
Getting to know the Church as a community of believers in their beginnings and their lasting mission, and hearing from their tasks, visions and deeds
Living community becomes visible
- |
What makes a community alive |
- |
The life of the community: communion, parts, meal, praises (Apg 2,42-47) |
People proclaim the word of God, act in his spirit, and become congregation
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The vocation of Saul (Acts 9:1-30) |
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God's Spirit brings together (Apg 13-28) |
Church-People of God on the way-House of vivid stones
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What makes a parish alive |
4. School level
Topic field 4.1
Basic concerns:
Discovering, thankful and responsible for the world in its diversity, and behaving God as a creator
Our world-diverse and mysterious
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Discover, explore and marvel at the world |
- |
People ask: Where do we come from and where do we go |
The world is God's creation and gift
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God's Breath Creates Life (Gen 2:4b-25) |
- |
"Lobe the Lord, my soul" (Ps 104) |
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"Priest the Lord, all her works of the Lord" (Dan 3,57-82) |
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People take responsibility for creation |
Christians and Christians are committed to:
"I believe in God, the Father, the Almighty, the Creator of the heavens and the earth."
Subject field 4.2
Basic concerns:
In the commandments of God find guidance and help for a happy life
My life-my world
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Living in different worlds |
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The design of our living space |
- |
Longing for happy life-All Saints, All Souls |
God's commandments as the instruction for a life in freedom and responsibility
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God wants it to be good for man (Jn 5:1-9; Mk 2:23-28) |
- |
God leads into freedom (Gal 5,1; Ex 20 :1-2) |
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The Ten Commandments (Ex 20 ,1-17) |
Topic field 4.3
Basic concerns:
To be called by God and to celebrate the Incarnation of God
Much speaks and challenges
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I am called, and I mean |
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I can decide and answer |
God speaks to people-they hear his word and answer
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Abraham, Sara, Hagar (Gen 12-22) |
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John the Baptist (Lk 3:1-20) |
God becomes man-Christmas
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The angel of the Lord |
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Simeon and Hanna bear witness to God's Incarnation (Lk 2:25-38) |
- |
God becomes man, even today |
Christians and Christians are committed to:
"I believe (...) to Jesus Christ, his only-begotten Son, our Lord, received by the Holy Spirit, born of the Virgin Mary."
Subject field 4.4
Basic concerns:
Finding orientation for your own way of life in the follow up of Jesus
Go to life-look for orientation
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Shaping traditions |
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People as a signpost |
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Human rights-Children's rights |
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The Golden Rule (Mt 7,12) |
Looking at Jesus-finding orientation
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Jesus lives in the tradition of Judaism-the 12-year-old Jesus in the temple (Lk 2,41-52) |
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Jesus hears the distress (Mt 15 :21-28) |
Follow Jesus-Learn Lieben
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The commandment of love (Mk 12 ,28-34) |
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The Merciful Samaritan (Lk 10 :25-37) |
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The works of mercy (Mt 25 ,35-40) |
Topic 4.5
Basic concerns:
Suffering as a part of our lives and recognizing the cause of our faith and our hope in the message of Jesus ' suffering, death and resurfacing.
Pity and Unheil challenge
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Experiences of Farewell, Loss and dying |
- |
People stand by each other-feel, carry and comfort each other |
Asking people-Why does God let us suffer?
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Plea psalms (Ps 13; Ps 22, 2) |
Jesus trusts in the suffering of God
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The history of the suffering (Mt 26-27) |
The Risen gives hope beyond death
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The Celebration of Easter Night |
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The Resurgence of Jesus (1 Cor 15 ,1-7) |
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Encounter the Risen One-Jesus and Thomas (Jn 20 :24-29) |
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Jesus the Way, the Truth and the Life (Jn 14 :1-6) |
Christians and Christians are committed to:
" (...), suffered under Pontius Pilate, crucified, died and buried, descended into the kingdom of death, on the third day risen from the dead, ascended into heaven; he sits at the right hand of God, the Almighty Father; from there he will be come to judge the living and the dead. "
Topic field 4.6
Basic concerns:
Discovering the power of common ideas, knowing the faith, and understanding the healing of the people as the mission of the Church
Faith in Jesus Christ spreads out and lives in the Church
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The Order of the Auferous (Mt 28 :16-20) |
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Endowments, vocations, services and offices (1 Cor 12 ,4-11) |
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Interlinked-local church and universal church |
Christians and Christians celebrate and celebrate the common faith
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Prayer Treasure of the Church |
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Liturgical Celebrations |
Christians and Christians are committed to:
" I believe in the Holy Spirit, the holy Catholic Church, communion of saints, forgiveness of sins, resurrection of the dead, and eternal life. Amen "
Topic field 4.7
Basic concerns:
Discovering common and distinguishing religions and religions and acting together in solidarity for man and the world
People looking for and asking for God
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The Christian Denominations-Ecumenism |
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The Abrahamic Religions |
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Meeting in appreciation of each other |
Justice, peace and the preservation of creation as common tasks for all human beings
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People yearn for justice and peace |
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People work for a just world and for the preservation of creation |
God's promise
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At the end of the day it will happen (Mi 4:1-5) |
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A New Heaven and a New Earth (Offb 21 ,1-4) |
Elementary School Oberstufe
For the primary school, see the Announcement for Catholic Religious Instruction at Hauptschulen, BGBl. II No 571/2003. "
Article 2
Announcements concerning the curricula for the teaching of the Protestant religion at primary schools and special schools
On the basis of § 2 para. 2 of the Law of Religion, Federal Law Gazette (BGBl). No. 190/1949, as last amended by the Federal Law BGBl. N ° 256/1993, shall be made known:
The announcements of the curricula for the Protestant religious education at elementary schools and at special schools in the ordinance of the Federal Minister for Education and Cultural Affairs, with which the curricula of the elementary school and the Special school will be issued, BGBl. No 134/1963, as last amended by the BGBl Regulation. II No 290/2008, shall be amended as follows:
1. In Annex A, Part Five, lit. (b) The following curriculum for the Evangelical Religious Instruction in Schools of the Evangelical Church, A. and H. B., adopted on 8 June 2010, is made known by the Evangelical Church Council of the Evangelical Church of the Evangelical Church of the Evangelical Church of the Evangelical Church of
" b) Evangelical Religious Education
Type and structure of the curriculum
The curriculum for the teaching of religion at primary school is a curriculum with a frame character. This enables religious teachers to free decision-making spaces in terms of time distribution, the concretization and structuring of the content of the teaching, as well as the definition of the teaching methods and methods of teaching according to various didactical points of view. The curriculum thus forms the basis for the independent and responsible preparation, implementation and follow-up of the teaching.
It includes:
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The general education and teaching task |
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The didactical principles and didactical references |
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The breakdown of the teaching material by school level (with the pre-school level, the first and second school levels as defined in the basic grade I, the third and fourth school levels as defined in the basic level II as a unit) |
The individual school levels include:
- |
The didactical keyword of the school level |
- |
The teaching material, which in eight to nine correlatively-based learning fields, in which the topic in question through the connection of didactic key word and elemental educational and teaching task in its anthropological and theological bezatitude , specifying the objectives and proposed content. The order of the learning fields can be changed and/or individual parts can be combined and exchanged, depending on the circumstances and the necessity (for example, school levels of overarching instruction). |
I. Education and teaching tasks:
The teaching of religion is a place of learning where the educational mission of the school is taken seriously in a special way. Established by the state and concerned by the Church, it perceivates the moral-religious dimension in the educational mission of the school and is thus an indispensable pedagogically indispensable part of education in a pluralistic society.
Evangelical Religious Instruction in Primary School offers children to self-perpetuate themselves with the Gospel of the human-friendliness of God, as witnessed in the Old and New Testament of the Bible. The Christian faith, which justifies the freedom of man, is to be understood as a viable reason for the organization of life in growing mouths.
There are a number of tasks for the teaching of the Evangelical religion:
1. |
To perceivate the life reality of the children in their fullness and their contradictions, and to express themselves to them space and time; |
2. |
Take and accompany the children in their existential basic questions, fears and notions; |
3. |
open up the importance of the biblical and ecclesiastical tradition of the children's experience; |
4. |
help the children to understand their faith as a fundamental foundation, orientation and meaning in their relationship with themselves, their fellow human beings, the creation and the God; |
5. |
Promote theological and philosophical thoughts of the children and incorporate them into the classroom, question problematic ways of thinking and possibly correct them; |
6. |
to create a Christian community for children, teachers and parents in the school system; |
7. |
to make the local evangelical parish and its environment known to the children; |
8. |
To celebrate the festivities in the church year and to open up access to symbols of Christian faith; |
9. |
Inform and orient on basic biblical and Christian contents in clear contexts in a meaningful way based on each other in a child-friendly way; |
10. |
To awaken and preserve children's joie de vivre; to develop these behaviors that are carried by the human-friendly gift of God; |
11. |
to respect other religions and beliefs, to contribute to the development of an ecumenical attitude, to facilitate intercultural learning and to encourage the adoption of shared responsibility in the world; |
12. |
Promote and strengthen the vigilance, sensitivity, critique and commitment of the Church and society in children; |
13. |
to understand the relationship between peace, justice and the preservation of creation, and to exercise a life of freedom and responsibility. |
The teaching of religion is part of the general educational goal of the school (§ 2 of the School Organization Act), the teaching objectives of the primary school, as well as the interdisciplinary teaching principles: health, reading, media and muscular education, Political education, education for the protection of the environment, sexual, speaking, transport and economic education.
II. Didactical principles and didactical references:
General didactical principles for primary school:
Child moderation and consideration of learning requirements, social learning, life-related and sensuality, concentration of education, property justice, activation and motivation, differentiation and promotion, assurance and control of the Teaching order and
Basic learning forms:
Individualized learning, self-learning, discovering learning, learning in the game, open learning, project-based learning, repetitive learning, learning, and much more. are also constitutive for the teaching of religion. The place of learning "Evangelical Religious Education" places its specific requirements on the teaching process and on the teachers.
These can be rewritten as follows:
1. |
Accept the children unconditionally; |
2. |
take into account the reality of the life of the children with their adult reference persons and include them in the course of action (such as the different family forms, peer groups); |
3. |
Living in a socially responsible way close to distance and responsibly living; |
4. |
Identify conflicts, live through and find solutions; |
5. |
the foundations of mutual debt forgiveness and reconciliation; |
6. |
create a competition-free space-in contrast to exclusive performance orientation and evaluation; |
7. |
Do not confine children through personal beliefs, but encourage them to search independently for the faith; |
8. |
Experience integrated forms of teaching together; |
9. |
in order to know the culture of children and youth; |
10. |
Convey the message of the Gospel in a child-friendly way and motivate it to implement it |
11. |
Create God's images without fear and trust; |
12. |
to tell biblical and out-of-biblical stories and to develop a narrative culture of teaching; |
13. |
to convey and weight cognitive content; |
14. |
to offer male and female identification figures for the development of the faith of children from Bible and church history; |
15. |
Convey orientation on questions of life in the Christian sense, promote and support critics and vigilance; |
16. |
the diverse forms of faith to be expressed: prayer, song, dance, image, silence, celebration, doing (Diakonie); |
17. |
If possible, the religious/ecumenical school culture can be arranged: church services, school celebrations, religious exercises, courses and excursions as a supplement to the lessons. |
III. Curriculum Planning
In the sense of § 17 (1) of the German School Education Act (Schulunterrichtsgesetz), it is the subject of an independent and responsible teaching and teaching work of the teacher. In the course of their teaching, the teachers of religion/religion teachers have to start from an annual planning, which provides a concrete form of the curriculum for the respective school level as well as for the class and school situation in relation to a Year of teaching. From the beginning of the school year, a first temporary arrangement of the learning fields and content is carried out in the annual plan, with orientation on the experience and learning areas and/or learning areas. Partial areas of the religious teaching. The (ecclesiastic) annual festival, regional and local conditions, the possibilities of cross-connections to other teaching items, the implementation of school events and the realization of the teaching principles, are to be found in the consideration.
In the course of the school year, long-term annual planning is to be supplemented by medium-and short-term planning, in which the various learning forms according to the principles of the primary school can be observed. These plans should also take into account the current needs and interests of the pupils and enable them to have a degree of participation corresponding to the age and development of the students. Current events and learning events have to be accessed.
The work with the religious books is subordinate to this self-responsible conception.
In order to design a meaningful interdisciplinary lesson, the cooperation with the class teachers and with a view to the most holistic learning processes-albeit with due regard for the subject-specific goals and contents-is .
IV. Curriculum of the individual school levels
First School Level
Didactic keywords:
Education and teaching tasks:
Learning Field 1.1: I-You-We
As a rule, the religious teaching group does not correspond to the newly formed class. A new community emerges, in which the children understand themselves as people loved by God.
Suggested content:
- |
My name is important |
- |
My skills-I can do a lot-everyone can do something else |
- |
We don't live alone |
- |
Together, we can do more |
Education and teaching tasks:
God becomes tangible
Learning Field 1.2: Jesus is the closened of God
The children learn to know Jesus as the one who made the closeness of God felt for his fellow human beings. Trust and devotion grow out of this proximity.
Suggested content:
- |
Jesus is looking for friends (Mk. 1, 16-20) |
- |
Jesus gives children his affection (Mk. 10, 13-16) |
- |
Jesus hears Bartimäus (Mk. 10, 46-52) |
- |
Jesus tells us how God is (Luk. 15) |
- |
Jesus helps in fear (Mk. 4, 36-41) |
Education and teaching tasks:
Offer to God Relationship
Learning Field 1.3: Courage and Trust: Abraham and Sara
The first school year means a massive change in the lives of children. With Sara and Abraham, they can see their new life situation courageously in the trust of God.
Suggested content:
- |
Abraham, a nomad |
- |
God keeps me |
- |
Abraham donates peace (Gen. 13) |
- |
The promise and the wait (Gen. 15, 18) |
- |
Joy about Isaac (Gen. 21) |
Education and teaching tasks:
Forms of lived faith
Learning field 1.4: Expressive forms of faith
Faith knows as many different forms of communication as people are available to express. The children learn about the wealth and draw from it.
Suggested content:
Songs, Prayer, Silence, Dance, Segen
Education and teaching tasks:
Learning Field 1.5.1: Christmas: The Birth of Christ
The children make a reference between Christmas and the birth of Jesus. They discover and celebrate the feast of God's love for the people in the Christmas season.
Suggested content:
- |
Advent: A time of waiting and joy |
- |
An angel comes to Mary-Jesus is born |
- |
The shepherds hear, see and look forward to |
- |
The Wise Men come to the crib |
Learning Field 1.5.2: Passion-Easter: Trauer-Freude
The children are not unknown to the children, as well as feelings of pain and grief. Through the customer of Jesus ' death and resurrection, the children recognize that God can turn their sadness into joy.
Suggested content:
- |
From the verb and the new |
- |
Friends-Enemies/Joy-Pain |
- |
Death |
- |
Women at the grave |
Education and teaching tasks:
Meeting Christian habitats
Learning field 1.6: Our parish community
The children learn that they belong to a parish church of the Evangelical Church of A. B., H. B., or to the Evangelical Methodist Church, and where this is.
Suggested content:
- |
The parish: church and people |
- |
Accepted by God and man: Baptism |
- |
The Divine Service |
- |
The Reformation Festival |
Education and teaching tasks:
Information about the Bible and the History of the Church
Learning field 1.7: Palestine at the time of Jesus
With the biblical stories, the children immerse themselves in a world unknown to them. By looking at and identifying possibilities, the environment of Jesus is opened up in approaches.
Suggested content:
Life Day at the time of Jesus
Education and teaching tasks:
Ethical issues
Learning field 1.8: Joy at the creation
Children perceive miraculous and beautiful in our world with all senses.
Suggested content:
- |
I'm wonderful |
- |
Sensory perceptions |
- |
Importance of sun and water |
- |
We show our joy in praise (Ps. 104) |
- |
Harvest thanks |
Education and teaching tasks:
Intercultural learning, ecumenism, solidarity
Learning Field 1.9: I am Evangelical
Children discover different affiliations.
Suggested content:
My Home
- |
in the family |
- |
in the religious education group |
Second School Level
Didactic keywords:
Education and teaching tasks:
Learning field 2.1: dispute and reconciliation
Children are suffering from a dispute. Good cohabiting and reconciled relations must always be practised anew. Peaceful conflict resolution can be learned. Jesus gives us courage.
Suggested content:
- |
My feelings-your feelings |
- |
Dispute in everyday life-rules on fairness |
- |
We let other opinions apply |
- |
Peace-how is that? |
Education and teaching tasks:
God becomes tangible
Learning Field 2.2: Eyes as Jesus
Children learn to look beyond themselves, to have eyes for others, for the injured, the hungry, the unloved, and the homeless: to this diaconical task Jesus wants to encourage us.
Suggested content:
- |
We perceim each other-the symbol eye |
- |
In the unloved one guest (Lk. 19, 1-10) |
- |
Give her to eat them! (Mt. 14, 13 ff) |
- |
The good man from Samaria (Lk. 10, 25 ff) |
- |
The curved woman (Lk. 13, 10-13) |
- |
Be there for each other (Mk. 2, 1-5, 10b-12) |
Education and teaching tasks:
Offer to God Relationship
Learning field 2.3: "Despite all": Jakob and Esau
In the stories of the different brethren the children find themselves again. Their trust in God can grow when they hear God holding to those who make mistakes.
Suggested content:
- |
The unequal twins: Esau and Jacob (Gen. 24, 25 i. A.) |
- |
From brethren, enemies (Gen. 27) |
- |
God also wants to bless Jacob (Gen. 28) |
- |
Jacob's experiences in the stranger (Gen. 29; 30) |
- |
Jacob is struggling with God-the brethren are reconciled (Gen. 32; 33) |
Education and teaching tasks:
Forms of lived faith
Learning field 2.4: Beten
In prayer, children learn to know God as you can talk about anything.
Suggested content:
- |
How we can pray |
- |
Prayer-turn to God |
- |
God, we bring our claims before you |
- |
Psalms |
Education and teaching tasks:
Learning Field 2.5.1: Christmas: The Feast of Hope
In the lives of children and adults, there are difficult "dark" situations. People are waiting and waiting for someone who gives them hope and ends the dark.
Jesus was born to fulfill both.
Suggested content:
- |
What makes life difficult for me |
- |
Isaiah makes man hope (Jes. 9) |
- |
With Jesus comes a glimmer of hope into the world (Lk. 2, 1-7) |
- |
How we can be light for each other |
Learning Field 2.5.2: Passion-Easter: abandoned-learn hope
The everyday experience of children includes feelings of abandonment and loneliness. All those involved in the suffering history experience these feelings in their deepest form. Through the encounter with the Risen One, new hope and life-courage grow. We are also experiencing this in the celebration of the Last Supper.
Suggested content:
- |
The Last Supper |
- |
Gethsemane: abandonment and fear |
- |
Prisoner-Crucifixion |
- |
Emmausyoungger |
Education and teaching tasks:
Meeting Christian habitats
Learning Box 2.6: I am evangelical, and you?
Children capture the typical of the evangelical.
Suggested content:
- |
Our Church |
- |
Why are the Evangelical people in Austria a few? |
- |
Evangelical Gospel |
- |
Baptism and supper-our two sacraments |
Education and teaching tasks:
Information about the Bible and the History of the Church
Learning Field 2.7: Faith and Life
Faith lives from role models. Christian action must be invited. The children recognize historical personalities, which can be called Christ.
Suggested content:
- |
Albert Schweitzer |
- |
Elisabeth von Thüringen |
- |
Margarete Steiff |
- |
Elvine de la Tour |
- |
Nikolaus von Myra |
- |
Martin von Tours |
Education and teaching tasks:
Ethical issues
Learning field 2.8: Future of creation
Children learn that people are committed to the protection of the world of the world. On the basis of the application for creation, a sense of responsibility and courage is growing in order to get involved.
Suggested content:
- |
Our habitat |
- |
Plant and animal worlds and their threat |
- |
The special mission of the human being (Gen. 2, 15) |
- |
God's covenant with Noah |
Education and teaching tasks:
Intercultural learning, ecumenism, solidarity
Learning field 2.9: In the House of Christian Christians
The children recognize the common foundations of the Christian faith. They see what connects them to other confessions or separates them from them.
Suggested content:
- |
The Evangelical Churches |
- |
The röm.-kath. Church |
- |
The Orthodox Churches |
- |
Similarities-Differences |
Third School Level
Didactic keywords:
Education and teaching tasks:
Learning Field 3.1: We live in communion
Children experience failure, exclusion and guilt in addition to the living community.
The sensitive perception that there is room in a community must always be practiced. A new beginning is possible and forgiveness can be attributed. Jesus lived this.
Suggested content:
- |
How Community can succeed |
- |
The golden rule-so simple and yet so difficult |
- |
Failure and guilty |
- |
Forgiveness is possible, because God forgives us |
- |
Experience reconciliation in the evening meal |
- |
Serve Mutual Purpose (Mk. 10, 35-37 and 40-45) |
- |
Foot washing (Joh. 13, 1-20) |
Education and teaching tasks:
God becomes tangible
Learning field 3.2: With Jesus on the way to the people
Children are not only protected and in safety, but also alone and misunderstood. Jesus turned to the outcasts of his time. This gives the children orientation and life-courage.
Suggested content:
- |
I'm "outside"-I'm being taken in |
- |
"Come to the center" (Mk. 3, 1-6) |
- |
The trust of a stranger (Mt. 8, 5-13) |
- |
The woman, the Pharisee and the rabbi (Lk. 7, 36-50) |
- |
Jesus heals a leper (Lk. 5, 12-16) |
Education and teaching tasks:
Offer to God Relationship
Learning field 3.3: With God on the way: Josef
The Josefsgeschichte (Josefsgeschichte) gives the children another viable reason to trust in their way of life. God leads to a good end, to rescued life.
Suggested content:
- |
Josef and his brothers; family conflicts (Gen. 37) |
- |
Josefs Experiences in Egypt (Gen. 39 and 40) |
- |
The Pharaoh and Joseph (Gen. 41) |
- |
Salvation of the family of Jacob and reconciliation (Gen. 42-46; 50) |
Education and teaching tasks:
Forms of lived faith
Learning field 3.4: We complain of a loss
Children already have painful experiences of loss and death. The lawsuit and the conversation, however, also the perception of becoming and demise on the basis of the seasons, are possibilities of handling it.
Suggested content:
- |
The limitations of all walks of life |
- |
When children grieve |
- |
Trust in a security at God |
Education and teaching tasks:
Learning Field 3.5.1: Christmas: God comes to the world: A child
Children experience that much is regulated by violence, and that many follow the "strong".
God responds to this in his coming as a child.
Suggested content:
- |
What we need in order to live well with each other |
- |
The desire for a king to judge everything (1. Sam. 8) |
- |
The hope of the Messiah |
- |
God gives himself to himself as a child |
- |
Simeon and Hanna (Lk. 2, 22-40) |
Learning field 3.5.2: Passion-Easter: ways into the suffering-ways to life
Whoever uses himself is committed to this. Children have already experienced this. Jesus remains faithful to his path to the end. God confirms this way through his Auferveckung. This gives courage to follow Jesus ' way.
Suggested content:
- |
The Way to Jerusalem |
- |
The Way to the Cross |
- |
Easter routes |
- |
Meeting of the Risen One with Mary Magdalene (Jh. 20, 11-18) |
Thomas (Jh. 20, 24-29)
Education and teaching tasks:
Meeting Christian habitats
Learning field 3.6: Our parish community (n)-diocese, regional church; local church history
Evangelical children, teachers often have to deal with situations of singling and deprivation. The involvement-being in the larger community of the parish, diocese, state church gives backing.
Suggested content:
- |
The content is determined by the environment of the respective teaching and/or educational system. the distance to the next Evangelical parish. |
- |
The local Evangelical Church, also in the vastness of its diocese, is based on this. National Church made known to the students. |
Education and teaching tasks:
Information about the Bible and the History of the Church
Learning field 3.7: Bible
The children already know biblical stories. They learn that the Bible is the foundation of the Gospel faith.
Suggested content:
- |
The Book of Books-First Meeting with the "Sacred Scripture" |
- |
The Bible-our Book of Faith (AT, NT, languages) |
Education and teaching tasks:
Ethical issues
Learning field 3.8: Rules and rights
Living together needs rules. Rights protect the habitat of the weak.
In the double offering of love, Jesus shows new ways.
Suggested content:
- |
Rules for a good cooperation |
- |
Next Love |
- |
Justice |
Education and teaching tasks:
Intercultural learning, ecumenism, solidarity
Learning field 3.9: perceim strangers-to go towards each other
Children from different cultural backgrounds are often in a class association.
Reduction of prejudices, acquisition of a tolerant and accepting attitude are objectives of this teaching unit.
Suggested content:
- |
What is home to me |
- |
Towards each other |
- |
Ruth |
Fourth School Level
Didactic keywords:
Education and teaching tasks:
Learning field 4.1: guilt and forgiveness
Children are very painful to find that they can be found guilty. This experience makes them lonely and hopeless if they have no way of telling themselves. We clarify with each other that all people are to blame with themselves and open the view for relief and forgiveness.
Suggested content:
- |
Alone with my fault (Mk. 14, 66-72) |
- |
The Beichte |
- |
Forgiveness-be redeemed (Jh. 21 ,15 -17) |
Education and teaching tasks:
God becomes tangible
Learning field 4.2: Jesus commissioned to work together
Children carry a bit of the imagination for a new world in themselves. To live God's world in one another-Jesus lived for this hope. We are considering what we can do about it, even though this world seems to be very remote from us.
Suggested content:
- |
We are on our own responsibility: Ascension (Apg. 1, 9 et seq.) |
- |
The community: Community (Apg. 2, 42 et seq.), conflicts (Apg. 6, 1 ff) |
- |
We belong together (1. Kor. 12, 12 ff.) |
Education and teaching tasks:
Offer to God Relationship
Learning Field 4.3: God free for siblindness: Moses
The children learn that God is there for the oppresso: the liberation from slavery will remind and celebrate the Jews to this day. The commandments-given by God to the Sinai-help a life in freedom succeed.
Suggested content:
- |
People rule over righteous-women dare resistance (Ex. 1) Moses is saved (Ex. 2) |
- |
God presents himself (Ex. 3) |
- |
Excerpt from Egypt (Ex. 7-12 i. A. 15, 21) |
- |
The covenant between God and Israel (Ex. 19) |
- |
The new order of life (Ex. 20; Lev. 19; Mt. 5, 43-48) |
More Moses-Stories in Selection
Education and teaching tasks:
Forms of lived faith
Learning field 4.4: Taufe and Abendmahl
The two sacraments are the hallmarks of God's love for us. The promise of God in them: his closenings, his forgiveness, need children as well as adults.
Suggested content:
- |
Baptism of Jesus on the Jordan River (Mk. 1, 9-13) |
- |
The baptism |
- |
The Last Supper |
Education and teaching tasks:
Learning Field 4.5.1: Christmas: Christ comes to an unreconciled world
The children realize that the Christmas message contains important basic values of Christianity, which at the same time represent liberation and order.
Suggested content:
- |
Zacharias and Elisabeth (Lk. 1, 5-25) |
- |
Mary makes God great: the Magnificat (Lk. 1, 46-55) |
Learning field 4.5.2: Passion-Easter: Resurrection is new beginning
Children deepen their understanding of Passion and Easter. The Easter message contains experiences of liberation from fears, hope in situations of hopelessness, new beginns after defeats.
Suggested content:
- |
Jesus in Jerusalem |
- |
The Easter evangelium |
- |
Easter tracks |
Education and teaching tasks:
Meeting Christian habitats
Learning field 4.6: The Church
Christians all over the world live. What unites them is the creation of the Church of Pentecost and the importance of baptism.
Suggested content:
- |
Confession of faith (se) |
- |
Faith comes everywhere (Mt. 28, 18-20; Apg. 8, 26 ff) |
- |
Pfingsten (Apg. 2, 1 ff) |
- |
The Kämmerer from Ethiopia (Apg. 8, 26-39) |
Education and teaching tasks:
Information about the Bible and the History of the Church
Learning field 4.7: Reformation
Children of different Protestant confespation (evang. A. B., evang. H. B., evang.-meth.) belong to the same teaching group. Together, they will be given the fear-free and trusting access to God.
Suggested content:
- |
Anxiety: The sense of time in the late Middle Ages |
- |
The discovery of the Bible |
- |
Consequences-personal, social, ecclesiastic |
Education and teaching tasks:
Ethical issues
Learning field 4.8: The one world
Information from other countries is accepted by the children with curiosity. A life-worthy future of humanity depends on whether a "life together" succeeds-in both the small and the large.
Suggested content:
- |
There are many worlds in the one world |
- |
We need each other-economic, social intertwine |
- |
We can live with each other when we learn |
- |
The promise of God: " A new heaven and a new earth |
- |
(Jes. 65, 17 ff) |
Education and teaching tasks:
Intercultural learning, ecumenism, solidarity
Learning field 4.9: Children of other religions live with us
Children with different religious confessions go to school together.
Getting to know other religions promotes acceptance and mutual understanding.
Suggested content:
The world religions
For the pre-school level, the learning fields of the basic level I are to be applied according to the development status of the children.
For the upper secondary school, see the Announcement for the Evangelical Religious Instruction at Hauptschulen, BGBl. II No 201/2002. '
2. In Annex C1, Section 6, lit. b is made known to the following curriculum for the Evangelical Religious Instruction in General Special Schools of September 1, 2010, adopted by the Evangelical Oberkirchenrat A. and H. B. on 8 June 2010:
" b) Evangelical Religious Education
The Teaching Curriculum for the Evangelical Religious Education is a curriculum with a framework character.
It allows religious teachers to decide freely in terms of time distribution, the concretization and structuring of the content of the teaching, as well as the definition of teaching methods and methods according to the various didactic points of view, both for integration and for special students.
All children and young people are to be taught according to the highest possible curriculum objectives. Therefore, the educational and teaching tasks, as well as the didactic principles of the primary school curriculum and the curriculum of the primary school, have to be the basis for the planning and implementation of the Evangelical Religious Education.
The curriculum, together with the Individual Support Plan, thus forms the basis for the independent and responsible preparation, implementation and follow-up of the teaching.
In the context of reflection, it is necessary to decide whether the set objectives have been achieved or whether they are to be changed.
I. Education and teaching tasks:
The general education objective and the general provisions of the syllabus of the General Special School, as well as the educational and teaching tasks of the curricula for the Protestant religious instruction, apply to the grant of the religious teaching. Primary and secondary schools.
II. Didactical principles and didactical references:
The general didactical principles apply with the acceptance of the following didactical references:
The general educational objectives of the syllabus of the General Special School provide that children and young people can, if possible, be provided with an education corresponding to the primary school or the primary school. These curricula should be the basis for planning and implementation. It is therefore possible to refer to the teaching material contained in these curricula for the teaching of the Evangelical Church.
The curriculum is designed as a planning concept, which enables teachers in the selection of tasks and contents to be able to meet the individual needs and requirements of the students.
The existing curricula for the teaching of the Protestant religion for the primary school and the primary school enable the independent and independent work of the religious teachers. Differentiation and individualization are required in all curricula.
This presupposeth that religious teachers carry out and observe the individual child and the group closely. The reality of life for children and young people must be the starting point, their personal strengths and talents are to be recognised as the basis of the teaching work and to make the best use of them as resources.
The teacher of religion is to take a look at the individual funding plans of the students and, if necessary, participate in the preparation of these. Differentiation and individualization measures can be described in a short form by the religious teacher/teacher of religion and can be settled in the individual funding plan.
According to need, a cooperation agreement between religious teacher/religious teacher and the teacher or teacher can be made. teaching staff to gain insight into the work with the child or into the Individual Support Plan.
The cooperation with the teachers responsible for the individual funding plan is to design a meaningful interdisciplinary teaching and with a view to learning processes as holistic as possible-but with due regard for the subject-specific objectives and content.
III. Breakdown by curriculum-main levels:
The eight school levels of the curriculum of the General Special School are summarized in three main syllabus:
Basic level I: Preschool level, 1. and 2nd school level |
Basic level II: 3. and 4. School level |
Secondary level I: 5. to 8. School level |
The primary school curriculum and the curriculum for the primary school provide an appropriate framework for the planning and implementation of the Protestant Religious Education for children and young people with special educational support needs. The selection of goals and content is focused on the essentials. "
3. In Annex C2 and C3, Section 7, lit. b will replace the printed curricula for the Evangelical Religious Instruction with the following citation:
" b) Evangelical Religious Education
See the notice in Annex C1. "
4. In Appendix C4, Part Five, the lit. b:
" b) Evangelical Religious Education
See the notice in Annex C1. The curricula of the General Special School can be shortened and simplified according to the specific nature and disability, as well as the limited absorption and development capacity of the pupils. "
5. Annex C5 to paragraph "General provisions" is after the word order " or the curriculum of the Polytechnic School (BGBl. II No 236/1997, as amended) " the phrase "as well as the curricula for religious education announced therein" .
6. Annex C6, Part Five reads:
(Announcement according to § 2 para. 2 of the Religious Education Act)
See announcements
BGBl. |
II No 364/2001 as regards the teaching of the Catholic faith; |
BGBl. |
II No 479/2001 as regards the teaching of the Evangelical Church, |
BGBl. |
II No 365/2001 as regards the New Apostolic Religious teaching. " |