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Change Of Uniform Protective Regulation - Ups

Original Language Title: Änderung der Uniformschutzverordnung - USV

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320. Ordinance of the Federal Minister for the Interior, with which the Regulation on the Protection of the Uniforms is amended-UPS

Pursuant to Section 83a (2) of the Security Policy Act (SPG), BGBl. No 566/1991, as last amended by the Federal Law, BGBl. I No 133/2009, shall be ordered:

The regulation of the Federal Minister of the Interior for the Protection of the Uniforms and Uniforms of the Institutions of the Public Security Service (Uniformschutzverordnung-USV), BGBl. II No 529/2004, shall be amended as follows:

1. In § 1, the name shall be deleted. "A to D" and it will be the parenthesis "(§ 5 para. 2 Z 1 to 3 and 5 SPG)" by the parenthesis expression "(§ 5 (2) (1) and (3) of the SPG)" replaced.

2. § § 2 to 6 shall be given the name "§ 6." to "§ 10." and the following § § 2 to 5 shall be inserted:

" § 2. Annex A contains the upper apparel of the Federal Police and the legal service of the security authorities.

§ 3. Annex B contains the thistintions of the Federal Police and the legal service of the security authorities.

§ 4. Annex C contains the "POLICE" sleeve badge and the cap emblems of the Federal Police and the legal service to the security authorities.

§ 5. Annex D contains the text "POLICE". "

3. In § 6 (new) the name shall be: "Annex A" by the name "Annex E" , in § 7 (new) the name shall be: "Annex B" by the name "Annex F" , in § 8 (new) the name shall be: "Annex C" by the name "Annex G" and in Section 9 (new), the name shall be: "Annex D" by the name "Annex H" replaced.

4. The text of § 10 (new) receives the sales designation "(1)" and the following (2) and (3) shall be added:

" (2) § § 1 to 9 and Annexes A to H in the version of the BGBl Regulation. II No 320/2010 will enter into force 10. October 2010, in force.

(3) § § 6 to 9 as well as the Annexes E, F, G and H in the version of the BGBl Regulation. II No 320/2010 shall expire at the end of 31 December 2014. '

5. Annexes A, B, C and D in the version of the BGBl Regulation. II No 529/2004 shall be given the name "Annex E" , "Annex F" , "Annex G" and "Annex H" , and Annexes A to D to this Regulation shall be inserted.
