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Change Of Service Law Procedure And Staff Bodies Regulation Judicial Dvpv-Justice

Original Language Title: Änderung der Dienstrechtsverfahrens- und Personalstellenverordnung–Justiz – DVPV–Justiz

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327. Ordinance of the Federal Minister of Justice, with which the ordinance of the Federal Minister of Justice on the regulation of jurisdiction in the matters of duty of officials, officials and contract staff of the judicial department (Service Law and Staff Regulation-Justice-DVPV-Justice) will be amended

On the basis of § 2 of the Act on the Law of the Law 1984 (DVG), BGBl. No. 29, as last amended by the Federal Law BGBl. I n ° 6/2010, as well as § 2e of the Contract Law Act 1948 (VBG), Federal Law Gazette (BGBl). N ° 86, as last amended by the Federal Law BGBl. I No 82/2010, shall be arranged:

The ordinance of the Federal Minister of Justice on the regulation of jurisdiction in matters of service of civil servants, civil servants and contract staff of the Department of Justice (duty procedure-and staff posts regulation-Justice- DVPV-Justice), BGBl. (II) No 471/2008, shall be amended as follows:

1. In § 1 Z 3, after the word "Oberlandesgerichte" the parenthesis expression "(the President of the Higher Regional Court of Vienna, moreover, with regard to the Bundeskartellanwaltes and its deputy as well as with regard to the supervisory authority for collecting societies)" inserted.

2. The following paragraph 3 is added to § 2:

" (3) § 1 Z 3 in the version of the BGBl Regulation. II No 327/2010 shall enter into force 1. October 2010, in force. Procedures that were pending on 30 September 2010 are based on the procedure of 1. The Commission shall continue to apply new rules of jurisdiction which enter into force in October 2010. "
