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Allocation Key In The Sickness Insurance Of Pensioners And Pensioners

Original Language Title: Aufteilungsschlüssel in der Krankenversicherung der Pensionisten und Pensionistinnen

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332. Ordinance of the Federal Minister of Health on the allocation key in the health insurance of the pensioners and pensioners

Pursuant to Section 73 (5) of the General Social Insurance Act, Federal Law Gazette (BGBl). No. 189/1955, as last amended by the Federal Law BGBl. I No 64/2010, shall be:

For the calendar year 2009, for the distribution of contributions in the health insurance of pensioners and pensioners (pensioners and pensioners), the following final allocation keys shall be set at the health insurance institutions:

Wiener Gebietskrankenkasse 22,87919

Lower Austrian territorial health insurance 21,29341

Burgenland District Health Insurance 3,70942

Oberösterreichische Gebietskrankenkasse 16,20342

Steiermärkische Gebietskrankenkasse 12.76461

Kärntner District Health Insurance 6,31559

Salzburger territorial health insurance 5,39656

Tiroler Gebietskrankenkasse 6,28018

Vorarlberg Regional Health Insurance Fund 3,73418

Company rankenkasse Austria Tobacco 0.15718

Occupational health insurance of Wiener Verkehrsbetriebe 0,00455

Occupational health insurance Mondi 0.07895

Company health insurance company voestalpine Bahnsysteme 0.55995

Occupational health insurance Zeltweg 0.11302

Occupational health insurance Kapfenberg 0.44324

Insurance institution for railways and mining 0.06655
