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Amendment Of The Regulation With Which The Curricula Of The Elementary School And The Schools Shall Be Adopted

Original Language Title: Änderung der Verordnung, mit welcher die Lehrpläne der Volksschule und der Sonderschulen erlassen werden

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402. Regulation of the Federal Minister for Education, Arts and Culture, which changes the regulation which enforces the curricula of the primary school and the special schools

On the basis of the School Organization Act, BGBl. No 242/1962, as last amended by the Federal Law BGBl. I n ° 44/2010, in particular § § 6, 10 and 23, shall be prescribed:

The Federal Minister of Education and Cultural Affairs (BGBl) ordinal of the Federal Minister for Education and Cultural Affairs, with which the curricula of the primary school and the special schools are issued. No 134/1963, as last amended by the BGBl Regulation. II No 290/2008 and the Federal Law Gazette (BGBl). II No 255/2010, shall be amended as follows:

(1) In Article I, Article 5 of the following paragraph 19 is added:

" (19) Annex A Seventh part of this Regulation, as amended by the BGBl Regulation. II No 402/2010 shall enter into force on 1 September 2011. '

2. In Annex A (curriculum of the elementary school) Seventh part (educational and teaching duties as well as teaching material and didactical principles of compulsory subjects of primary and adult education) Section A (primary school) is subject to compulsory subject matter Teaching the education and teaching tasks:

" Education and teaching tasks:

The teaching of the subject is intended to help pupils assist in this, to open up their immediate and mediocre reality.

In this sense, the subject teaching has the task, in corresponding examples, the multifaceted approach of reality as well as the position of the human-in particular, that of the student and/or the pupil. of the student-to make this reality aware of this reality.

A child-tempered and At the same time, the children are taught in a more appropriate way-gradually to a differentiated view and understanding of their world of life and thus enables them to act consciously, independently and responsibly.

In physical education, learning processes are to be organized in such a way that skills and skills, knowledge, insights and attitudes are laid down. In doing so, the pupil shall be The students also learn professional ways of working and acquire forms of learning that lead to an independent examination of the reality of life and to the acquisition of independent knowledge. The children learn gradually to obtain information, to interpret and to evaluate them critically. They develop the ability to process tasks and problems independently and in a solution-oriented way.

The subject teaching is divided into the following experiential and learning areas:













In the course of teaching and teaching, it is important to ensure that content from the individual sub-areas is coordinated with each other, with special emphasis on the experience and experience of the pupils. .

In addition, relationships in the learning and thinking of the students through situational teaching events, through action-oriented learning forms (e.g. exploratory learning, project-oriented learning), as well as through meaningful knowledge The aim is to network cross-cutting aspects.

Experience and learning


This sub-area gains its learning content from the immediate social environment of the children. In doing so, insights into greater social structures and Correlations obtained It is therefore based on the field of experience of the pupils. School life as an immediate social living and action space is of particular importance.

In this area, it is desirable that the students become increasingly familiar with themselves and that their social capacity to act is extended. They are increasingly learning to move into other ways of living and viewing.

In the reflection on values and norms as well as on the different behaviour of people, the abilities to change the perspective are gradually being promoted, tolerance and acceptance promoted, but also the ability to establish a well-founded demarcation other points of view and action.

The children learn to cooperate with each other, to compromise and to deal with conflicts constructively. In this way, they acquire knowledge, skills and attitudes that are fundamental for the participation in the design of a democratic society and for the peaceful coexistence of all people.

Experience and learning


The work in this part of the area, the experience and encounters of the students with nature and the experience with your own body.

Striving is an understanding of nature as the basis of life of man and for the People themselves as a part of nature. The lesson is to talk about winning Basic knowledge and the learning of subject-specific working methods lead to responsible behaviour towards nature. The aim is to make the children aware of the importance of healthy lifestoing.

Experience and learning


This sub-area is based on the orientation of the students in their immediate surroundings and deepens insights into the relationship structure of people and space.

First insights can be gained on the basis of the experiences of the children in the example of the home country, the political district, the federal state as well as larger regions. In doing so, first basic geographical knowledge is supposed to be taught and simple subject-specific techniques are taught.

Experience and learning


This area of experience and learning is intended to give pupils the ability to , develop temporal dimensions for orientation (past, present, future).

The students are to learn that time runs are observable, time can be broken and measurable.

The awareness that social, political, economic and cultural conditions and developments of the past have an impact on the present and influence the future should be encouraged.

A first understanding of social backgrounds, events and developments is supposed to be supposed. In this way, children learn to perceive and evaluate actions of people not only from today's perspective, but also in consideration of circumstances and developments of previous situations.

In addition, efforts of peaceful co-existence and cooperation should be made aware. The students are supposed to recognize the change of human habits, living conditions and needs in selected examples.

Experience and learning


This sub-area is intended to be based on the immediate experiences and encounters of the student. of the student with economic relations and institutions. This is where the the basic economic needs of the children in relation to their living space. The pupils should gain insights into the world of work and understand the need for a good education. Concrete examples will provide a first insight into economic relationships. In addition, a clear, critical consumer behavior is supposed to be alleged.

Experience and learning


The work in this area of technology is based on the encounter of children with technical circumstances, with forces and their effects, as well as substances and their changes.

The aim is to understand that man, with his technical knowledge and skills, can be embeds the structure of nature, depends on the laws of nature and is responsible for the effects of its interventions in the environment.

In this area of experience and learning, children should have basic knowledge and insights win. In doing so, it is necessary to convey subject-specific working techniques and to ensure that they are properly and properly understood. the way in which substances and technical equipment can be handled in a responsible manner. "

In Annex A, Part A, section A, the subject of the compulsory subject matter of basic level II is as follows:

" Experience and learning


Understanding and co-designing living together in school

Experience joint activities as a meaningful and fruitful form of living together and learning together

Knowing and perceive rights and duties in the class, recognizing the importance of class and school rules for living together, finding, accepting and applying rituals and rules

Preparing and shaping common experiences (e.g. festivals, celebrations, exhibitions, school events)

Tasks within the scope of the classes and/or Recognizing and taking over the school community, taking advantage of the possibilities of co-design

Participate in democratic decisions in class (in school life)

Solving current conflicts in a solution-oriented way (search for causes, find solutions)

Getting to know and shape the diversity of living together in communities outside of school

Talking about "family" as a community of life

Discuss various forms of the family "Family"

Reporting from other communities (e.g. game, sports, hobby groups), understanding their tasks and the different roles of their members

Perceiving special situations of community life (e.g. recognize the need for assistance of others, evt. participate in relief operations; behave appropriately in conflict situations)

Presenting social everyday conflicts in a role-playing game, trying out possible solutions and trying to evaluate them in a simple way

Get to know the possibilities of designing festivities and celebrations


in family and family


in the home or Holiday regions of the pupils


if necessary in regions of European partner schools

Talk about local customs (e.g. place of residence, holiday region)

Understanding yourself and others

Consciously make and discuss selected experiences with other people

Recognize and understand the diversity of people and understand and respect others

Becoming aware of their own inclinations, abilities and weaknesses

Perceim your own feelings, wishes and needs as well as the others (e.g. joy, fear, affection, loneliness) and find ways to deal with them

Discuss and reflect childish perceptions and experiences (such as pregnancy, birth, partnership, nude), as well as the related feelings and social experiences

Learning to cope with conflicts from understanding for others, living with conflicts

Learn about protective and saving behaviors against sex offenders

Thinking about how people behave in certain roles or situations (have to); develop ideas about responsible action

Developing understanding of cultural diversity

Perceiuse linguistic and cultural diversity

Respecting different ways of life, traditions and value orientations

The influence of different cultures on one's own living area (festivals, customs, ...)

Making your own experience of the outside world aware of your own experiences

Discuss everyday problems in people with different ways of life and behaviour (mutual tolerance and/or tolerance). Acceptance)

Get to know public institutions, administrative and community institutions

Insights, understanding and elemental knowledge win over:


Facilities and organs of public order and security (e.g. fire brigade, police, rescue)


Public service providers (e.g. postal service, railway)

Learn to orientate yourself in a public office (e.g. municipal office) and get to know the tasks and organisation of the organs of the municipality and district (e.g. mayor, municipal council, district capital)

Know the most important offices in the state

Discuss at best equality and differences of such facilities in some of the European regions known to the children

Information about (selected) socially important events and institutions independently determined

Using media as a source of information

Compare and evaluate the design and impact of information

Learn how to think about your own educational path

Collect information about secondary schools

Contacts offered ("Schnupperstunden") Take advantage of open-door days

Experience and learning


Life processes and biological and ecological relationships


Encounter with nature, with specific work techniques Extending, consolidating and consciously applying skills

In the immediate confrontation with nature, the working techniques learned so far, such as examining, observing, viewing, expanding, consolidating and consciously applying


in animals, observe and understand certain behaviours


planning, carrying out and evaluating simple experiments (common)


Raise plants under different living conditions, bring ZB buds to flourish


Understanding the insights of life processes and biological relationships

Detect some developmental processes in plants (eg seed germ plant; flower fruit seeds) and animals (eg Laich-Kaulquappe-Frosch)

Some tasks of individual plant parts (eg root for anchoring, food intake, food storage, reproduction; stalks as juice conductor)

Extending the insight into development processes using the example Ei-Larve-doll-insect


Gaining initial insights into simple ecological relationships

Gaining insights into correlations within individual habitats

Detect changes in the flora and fauna (e.g. leaf fall, early blossoms; hibernation of the animals)

Facilities for specific ways of life and/or Understanding habitats (e.g. animals as aquatic inhabitants, forest dwellers, animals as a jumper, flyer; soil condition-root length)


Plant companies (Stockwerkbau des Mischwaldes, ...)


Interrelationship between plants and animals (meadow, hedge, ...)


Disturbance of natural and semi-natural habitats by man (e.g. dry laying of wetlands, pollution of water bodies, use of weeds and pesticides)


Possibilities of improved living conditions for animals (eg nesting opportunities; natural meadow; ponds)


Growth of plants (e.g. fertilization-overfertilization; contamination of the pouring water with oil, detergents, salt; alteration of the soil density)

Variety of shapes in nature


Encounter with nature, expanding and consciously applying specific working methods and skills

To deepen, broaden and even apply the previously learned ways of working (collecting, searching, viewing and naming, ordering, comparing and assigning them according to common forms and characteristics):

Creation of the simplest collections (e.g. herbarium); expand collections and participate in the design of exhibitions (e.g. leaves, fruits, bark, stones, spring collections)

Determining natural objects by comparing object and image (processes for animal and plant determination)

Learn how to use the age-old destination books


Expanding and consolidating the knowledge of the shape of plants and animals

Selected plants and animals of the nearer and gradually also know and name the wider environment; also some protected plants and animals

Expanding knowledge on the construction of plants and animals: some leaf forms; characteristics of mammals, bird, fish, insects

By finding common characteristics of animal and plant groups (pathways of a biological understanding of order)

Further regulatory aspects of plants and animals are gained with a view to:


Seasonal conditions (early blossoms, autumn fruit; winter guests, animal tracks, ...)


Usefulness (useful plant; Pets, ...)


Habitats (eg water, forest)


Stages of development (e.g. branches in the bud state; young animals)

Responsible behaviour towards nature

Learn from the insight into biological relationships the use of nature and its effects and learn to evaluate it, as far as possible in simple examples of the immediate surroundings of the students


Gaining an understanding of the ecological impact of human activity


In doing so, we realize that man can carefully use nature, but can also disturb and destroy it (identify problems: waste, air and water pollution).


understand the need for laws and measures to conserve nature (e.g. plant and animal welfare, protected areas)


Behave in an environmentally friendly way

Assess the impact of our own behaviour on nature and the environment and assess the consequences of misconduct (e.g. pollution, noise, consumption of energy) and act accordingly on the basis of this understanding

From the knowledge of the high level of responsibility of each individual of nature and the environment towards environmentally conscious behaviour

Human beings: body and health

Broaden and deepen knowledge of the human body

Get to know the tasks and achievements of individual body parts and selected outer (e.g. ear, eye) and inner organs (e.g. heart, stomach)

Understand the interaction of several parts and organs in simple examples (e.g. eye-hand coordination)

Understanding the relationships between individual parts of the body and organs and the whole body (e.g. sick teeth-sick stomach-one-sided diet) (for example, formulate and justify ways of maintaining a healthy diet)

Recognize the importance of healthy lifestation.

Health-conscious behavior on some examples (personal care, nutrition; clothes, ...) Railways

The importance of active recreation or to detect the movement of the movement

Discuss movement experiences

Make the movement and relaxation aware of your own well-being in everyday life

Get to know the simplest first-aid measures

Accident prevention

Easy-to-use, easy-to-use

Life-saving emergency measures (zB Securing the danger zone; emergency call; stable side position)

Using elementary knowledge and a positive attitude towards human sexuality

Acquire and gradually expand on areas of human reproduction basic knowledge (e.g. development of human life, pregnancy, birth, needs of infant)

Understanding love and partnership as an important basis for human sexuality

Prepare for the upcoming gender-specific developments in cooperation with the parents (guardians)

Experience and learning


Orient yourself in the room

Conduct erkundungs and orientation exercises

Knowing and applying aids for orientation in the room

Presenting the reality in a model

In the local area and in the vicinity, the orientation capacity is extended by exploratory exercises (especially in the case of courses),


Use labels for off-road shapes and types of water


identify and describe the course of paths and the forms of the landscape


public facilities, transport network, location of shops, etc.

Orientation exercises on different representations


Model: surroundings of the school, residential areas, village centres with simple means (e.g. building blocks, toys, ignition wood cartons) or in the sandbox


Discussing the landscape and settlement of the surrounding area (e.g. valley, district, district) by means of illustrations (zB landscape photo, flight picture, painting, wall sketches)


Sketches and plans are self-produced and useful for orientation

Describe sky directions through the sun

Simple orientation exercises with the compass

Describe the location of important orientation points (e.g. building, mountain) by indicating the direction of the sky

Based on the model (e.g. class, apartment; manufactured in conjunction with the technical works), create ground plans, interpret pre-defined floor plan representations, and thereby understand the understanding of ebb and size reduction in geographical How to Railways

Create simple situation sketches, which specify the course of your own school path, and compare it with a plan of the home location


Roughly orient yourself on submitted plans (eg information about buildings, ways and directions)

Know plans and maps as geographical forms of presentation and use them as orientation aids

On the basis of vivid experiences, develop the landscape presentation on simple maps


Scale, reduction


Height Representation

Exercises in dealing with cards:


Get to know the card characters


Align the card with the compass (Einorden)


Read different maps (zB hiking map, map, road map)


With the help of maps, you can extend the insights into your own federal state

Opening up spaces, gaining basic geographical insights and information

Acquire knowledge of important buildings, sights, regional particularities, etc. of the place of residence/residential district


Drawing up overviews on the location of individual landscapes (places, rivers, mountains, traffic routes) and understanding of interconnections (e.g. landscape, settlement, economy)


Learn to understand the relationship and impact of man and landscape in one example (central location-transport hub industry, beautiful landscape-tourist center)


Gain an overview of your own federal state (by way of example, talk about transport routes, political districts, business and culture)

An initial overview of Austria

Discussing aspects of inclusion in the community of Europe and the world: By referring to one's own experiences, creating a prejudging approach to foreign cultures

Experience and learning


Develop and interpret changes in the narrower and wider environment in the course of time


Changes in the life of people (e.g. childhood of parents, grandparents and before) observe and age according to age-appropriate development series (e.g. flat, clothing, transport)


Gain insight into changes in environment and society based on selected examples (e.g. settlement, festivals, customs)

Gaining initial insights for changes through subject-specific work techniques


Observe and explore


Collection and comparison of images and sources (e.g. chronicles, narratives, legends and image documents)


Visits to museums, training courses (e.g. historical sites)


Interviews (e.g. experts, eyewitnesses, contemporary witnesses)

Gain a first historical overview through selected images and other sources from the history and culture of the homeland

Tapping the past of the place of residence in some illustrative examples, gaining initial knowledge from the early local and regional history

Get to know the past (e.g. in the federal state, in Austria, in Europe) in simple examples of historical time frames, arrange some time in time (e.g. apply a time strip) and, if necessary, establish a relationship with the present

Getting to know examples from the country's cultural heritage

Understanding the future of the future

Gradually structure and divide the future (e.g. entering dates, planning and dividing of time periods)

Aware of the possible uncertainty of future events (e.g. surprises, weather, game runs), and thus the idea of the forecast.

Experience and learning


Broaden and deepen the understanding of the areas of supply, supply and supply

Recognizing and assessing your own economic needs, discussing ways of fulfilling them, and understanding that not all wishes can be met

In selected examples, the importance of the fact that not all goods are produced domestily (import export)

Acquire first knowledge of the economic supply of larger communities (transport, trade, energy)

Gaining knowledge of work, profession, earnings and money

Recognising the personal and economic importance of work, short-time work and unemployment

Initial insights into working conditions (e.g. workplaces, working time, remuneration) and their possible impact on life-design

Different professions to discuss and recognize that they require different training

Access to economic interrelationships and to act accordingly on their own responsibility

Discover the economic context of the production, distribution and consumption of goods in easily manageable examples of everyday life

Understanding the relationship between the economy and the environment in simple examples

Know the economic importance of leisure activities (leisure activities; leisure activities; holidays, travel, ...)

Getting to know the meaning of advertising


Advertising (advertising, placards, slogans, ...)


Influence on buying behavior


Fashion trend or Trademarks

An initial understanding of risk behaviour (e.g. borgen, gain, lose)

Learn how to handle money correctly


talking about the meaning of saving


Estimate costs (e.g. mobile phone bill, internet)

Experience and learning


Technical conditions in the environment of the child


Knowledge on the technical conditions in the child's environment

Learn, test and understand the function of tools, devices and simple machines in connection with the technical works on concrete examples (e.g. technical toys, bicycle)

In an example from the environment, learn to know a technical facility composed of several parts (e.g. water supply, water disposal, heating system); essential parts and their function (eg water tank, water pipe, Waste water channel)

Applying specific work techniques; experimentation

In the context of the technical works, basic skills are acquired in the proper handling of materials and tools.

To gain insight into technical circumstances through subject-specific working methods (e.g. specific observation, writing and ordering by properties, features and functions)

In addition to basic courses of action and basic insights, working methods of experimentation are to be acquired by means of probing and constructing tues

In order to obtain and deepen the knowledge of the electrical current (circuit, conductor, insulator) only in the very low voltage range (up to a maximum of 24 volts), in this case the life risk of the mains voltage and high voltage is expressly experimented with. Indicate


Deepening the use of technology in the use of technology in a responsible and responsible manner

Learn how to deal with tools in a proper way, while taking important skills and taking precautions

Take careful action from the insight into the danger of materials, equipment and electric power

Understanding and complying with precautions to prevent accidents

Forces and effects


Acquiring knowledge of forces and their effects

Test the effect of the magnetic force (on metals, between magnets; compass needle), observe and recognize as legality

Get to know some of the effects of heat:


Heat propagation in different materials shown on everyday examples (topfhandles, cooling pocket, ...)


Expansion of substances (eg shown by the Thermometer)


Weather phenomena (e.g. thunderstorms, fog, storm), also know and observe special sources of danger

Knowing the mode of action of different forces


Weight as a force (deformation due to load)


Buoyance, Swimming, Sinking

Apply specific work techniques

Experiments with magnets carry out long-term observations (of weather) and create tables

Compare and measure forces (e.g., wreaver; spring balance)

Carry out experiments (e.g. swimming and sinking, sliding and sliding tests)

Substances and their changes


Acquiring knowledge of substances and their changes

Know and name the manifestations of various substances (solid, liquid, gaseous)

Get to know the conditions for the state changes of the water (eg heating, cooling)

Water-soluble (e.g. salt, sugar, soap, certain colours) and non-water-soluble substances (e.g. oil, sand, soil)

Discuss the extraction and use of natural resources in an example in accordance with regional conditions

Know air as a significant substance (e.g. breathing, combustion)

Knowledge of polluting substances (e.g. exhaust gases, plastics, detergents) and procedures for their disposal

Apply specific work techniques:




Melting of ice, freezing of water, discoloration on heating, evaporation




Order and map according to specific considerations


by properties, for example, swims-not floats, magnetic-not magnetic


after changes, zB becomes larger, becomes firm; becomes lighter




Conducting experiments and simple test series
Water: evaporation, evaporation, freezing, melting; cleaning of water by filtering, mixing and separation of substances Simple tests on examples of combustion or rotting




Describe observed processes (e.g., melting ice, fat; dissolving in water: salt, sugar, thick juice) and results of experiments in a suitable manner (e.g. tables, weather maps, logging)


Acting responsibly and responsibly in handling substances

To know the labelling of dangerous substances (e.g. package leaflets) and to avoid the use of substances that are labelled as hazardous

Knowing the dangers of water pollution and trying to keep the water clean

Contribute to the collection of recyclable materials (objects)

Learn to act in an environmentally friendly way in the acquisition, use and disposal of certain substances

Getting to know the possibilities for the elimination and recycling of substances "

4. In Annex A, Part A, Section A, in the subject matter of the compulsory subject matter, the didactical principles are:

" Didactical principles:

The breakdown of teaching materials in six areas of experience and learning is not the primary structuring principle for the planning and the design of the daily teaching work. Rather, it must be ensured that learning processes are made possible beyond the general didactical principles in concrete experience, action and factual contexts. It is therefore possible to take up such subject areas, which allow for interdisciplinary and interdisciplinary learning (e.g. living, working, ensuring the environment), while at the same time making it possible to gain first insights beyond Austria's borders. The didactic implementation of the "European dimension" in the classroom is primarily concerned with the development of attitudes, attitudes and orientations. At basic level II, the teaching of the individual experience and learning areas will be able to orientate themselves to a greater extent.

Community experience and learning

Learning in this area requires special didactical measures and conditions and is often dependent on long-term processes; also detours can be positive elements of this learning. As a prerequisite, such learning particularly requires the emotional affectedness of all the participants. In addition, it is dependent on an atmosphere of mutual trust and mutual tolerance. The teacher the teacher should be the model for the children in a democratic attitude and an appreciative way of dealing. Discretion, tact and care are particularly appropriate in the field of sex education.

In this area of experience and learning, the forms of cooperative learning and a pedagogical climate in which everyone can feel well can be regarded as an important framework.

There is a variety of methodological options available for this purpose:


the emergence of real social events and situations;


the verbal representation and processing of social events and problems in different conversational situations;


Verbalize feelings, attitudes and opinions;


the clear social phenomena and processes, as well as feelings through representation and editing in different forms of play;


the obtaining and processing of information on itself and others;


to experience social situations and find different solutions for them (e.g. picture and text specifications);


the diverse possibilities of school life for encounters, social planning, decision-making and action (e.g. cross-class actions, sponsorships, involvement of the parents);


the planning and implementation of social projects.

Experience and learning in nature

The didactic considerations for the learning area of nature must be based on the fact that the primary school child (when dealing with the environment) shows particular interest in nature. It is an important prerequisite for learning motivation and good teaching if direct encounter with nature can be made possible. In addition, it will be necessary to convey the children through appropriate media in a way that is not directly related to the processes and circumstances. The teaching has to follow such didactic concepts, which in the child increase the desire to discover and explore nature. The schoolgirl or the pupil is to be introduced into the use of age-appropriate sources of information, such as destination books.

By networking the learning area of nature with the other areas of teaching, the deepening of responsible and environmentally friendly behaviour is aimed at.

Experience and learning area

In the area of experience and learning space, first insights into the near and farther distant reference spaces will be made possible. Care must be taken to ensure that it is the first insights, as well as the recognition of interconnections, and not to be a superficionous, questionable concept. In the selection of the learning content, the life and experience of the children is in the foreground and not the systematics.

Based on the fact that the children can already find themselves in their immediate surroundings, this orientation ability is to be extended and expanded (e.g. through orientation games and child-oriented exercises).

Examples from the surroundings of the children form the basis for the recognition and understanding of relationships between landscape, cultural, economic and traffic conditions.

The following methodical possibilities are available:


Conscious viewing of scenic terrain and comparisons with reality and realistic figures, eg photos, drawings, picture cards, brochures;


Representing, describing the geographical environment of the place of residence, the school place, the municipality, the political district and the federal state;


Collection of illustrative material for illustration and consolidation;


Use of models and simple sketches;


Orientation aids: eg in nature; compass, plan, map.

Experience and learning time

School beginners are only able to orient their orientation in time dimensions to an extent that can be reached in terms of experience; therefore, the orientation capacity must be increasingly developed and grasped by means of appropriate assistance. by events, persons, objects, to which the student or the student can make relationships, be involved in the lessons.

The historical space is to be increasingly captured in significant time frames from the experience and experience of the pupils.

As learning and working forms, we offer:


Collect, organize and compare information from a historical and cultural point of view;


Explore and recognize changes in the environment of the student the student and her/her/her/ its reference persons by writing, presenting (role play), comparison, time allocation (development series);


Encounter with contemporary witnesses; other sources of the past;


other sources of the past.

Experience and learning economy

Elementary economic learning is primarily carried out in the immediate encounter and examination of the excerpts and contexts of the economy, to which the pupils, respectively, Meet students in their daily lives.

In addition, there is always a lot of experience that the child has gained from his own economic situation.

The following procedures are available:


the academically accentuated teaching exit; the evaluation of exploration and observation tasks; the questions of persons who can report on their own economic experiences (e.g. parents, experts);


Arranging learning situations with the help of original materials from the business sector (food, clothing, packaging materials, advertising materials, tools and the like) as well as with relevant didactic material;


by working or Clarify basic concepts from economic life to make facts and contexts more understandable;


Make the processes of economic activity transparent in a playful way;


Discuss appropriate behaviour in shops and businesses (e.g. shopping, advertising, advertising, price and quality awards)

Experience and learning technology

The didactic considerations for the learning area technique must be based on the fact that the interest of primary school children is very much oriented towards natural scientific facts of its environment.

In the immediate encounter with reality, the child is to be able to learn how to learn how to learn and discover. The free and initiated experimentation plays a central role in this. Here, children are given the opportunity to get from their everyday ideas to knowledgingly well-founded knowledge.


Factual texts and material drawings should accompany the experimentation;


Student experiments integrate all subject-specific working methods and promote willingness to learn, sense of responsibility and cooperation skills;

By networking the learning area Technology with the other areas of teaching, the deepening of responsible and environmentally friendly behaviour is aimed at;

In addition, the cross-connections to the subject matter of the subject are to be perceived as technical works and to avoid overlapping. "
