Key Benefits:
420. Regulation of the Federal Minister of Transport, Innovation and Technology, which changes the ship's decree regulations
On the basis of § § 111 (2), 119 (4) and 128 (6) of the Maritime Law, BGBl. I n ° 62/1997, as last amended by BGBl. I No 17/2009, shall be ordered:
The Ship's Occupation Ordinance, BGBl. II No 518/2004, as last amended by BGBl. II No 199/2009, shall be amended as follows:
1. § 1 is added to the following paragraph 5:
"(5) In the case of the personal names used in this Regulation (for example, employees), the chosen form shall apply to both sexes."
2. § 4 (1) the following sentence is added: "These designations are to be used for women in the female form (e.g. deckswoman, lightweight matrosin (ship's girl), sailor's motor wartin)."
3. § 4 para. 2 Z 3 reads: "in the case of a sailor, a minimum age of 19 years and a driving time as a decker in the inland waterway transport of at least one year;"
4. § 4 (2) Z 4 reads as follows: "in the case of the Matrosen motor keeper, a driving time of at least one year as a sailor on a motor vehicle and the knowledge according to § 7;"
5. § 4 para. 2 Z 8 reads:
" at the machinist (mechanic)
a) |
a minimum age of 18 years and a successful completion examination of a vocational training course in the engine or metal sector, or |
b) |
a driving time of at least two years as a sailor's engine keeper on a motor vehicle; " |
6. § 5 (1) reads:
" § 5. (1) In the case of crew members, the physical aptitude for the occupation has the suitability for the steering of a motor vehicle of Group C (§ 2 of the German driving licence act (FSG), BGBl) in accordance with § 4 (2) (Z) 1 to 8. I n ° 120/1997) pursuant to the German Driving Licence Legislation, Federal Law Gazette (BGBl). II No 322/1997, as amended, with the proviso that, in addition, the colour distinguishing capacity of the applicant is achieved by a recognised medical test (Farnsworth Panel D15 or from a medical point of view). ) must be established. If the requirements for the colour distinguishing capacity are not met, the requirement must be registered in the Schifferdienstbuch (Schifferdienstbuch) with proof of suitability, that the holder is not used as a rowing worker in accordance with § 1.09 of the waterways traffic regulations shall be allowed. In the case of first-time recruitment as a crew member, the mental and physical aptitude must be demonstrated by a medical opinion that may not be older than three months at the time of application. "
7. § 7 reads:
" Practical use and theoretical training of sailor engine maintenance and machinists
§ 7. (1) In the context of practical use, the candidate shall be familiar with the function and mode of operation of marine steam boiler and marine heat engine types for which he is seeking maintenance power. He must at least:
1. |
get to know all modes of operation as well as the auxiliary equipment and their mode of operation and learn how to operate independently, |
2. |
Have received teachings on the behavior of critical operating states and their remedy, and |
3. |
have been informed of the necessary safety precautions. |
(2) For the Matrosen motor keeper, the practical use consists of a briefing in the operation by a machinist. The practical use within the meaning of paragraph 1 shall be confirmed by the person who carried out the instruction. The confirmation is to be signed by the company.
(3) The theoretical training is to be acquired in specialist courses, which provide the following knowledge:
1. |
scale units, |
2. |
Basic physical terms, |
3. |
Measuring instruments, |
4. |
fire protection, |
5. |
function, |
6. |
components, |
7. |
Types of construction, |
8. |
rule facilities, |
9. |
security equipment, |
10. |
Auxiliary equipment, |
11. |
operation, |
12. |
maintenance, |
13. |
legal basis, |
14. |
the principles of worker protection and risk prevention, |
15. |
First aid, |
16. |
fuels, |
17. |
filter, |
18. |
emissions and |
19. |
On and off from and to the electrical grid. |
(4) In addition, the following knowledge shall be provided for steam boilers:
1. |
fuels, firing, filters and emissions, |
2. |
Feedwater and condensation, |
3. |
fuel storage, |
4. |
Superheater, pre-warmer and regulation, |
5. |
Emergency power facility, island operation and network operation, |
6. |
waste disposal and |
7. |
Operation without permanent supervision. |
(5) As teaching staff for specialist courses, machinists, graduates of higher technical institutes for mechanical engineering or graduates of the mechanical engineering department are to be employed by universities of applied sciences, universities or universities.
(6) The successful completion of the course is to be confirmed in writing by the organiser of the course (company drawing).
(7) A successful completion of apprenticeship training for inland waterway transport shall be regarded as proof of practical use and of theoretical training. "
8. § 8 is deleted.
9. In § 14 (1) (2), the table is replaced by the following table:
Passenger number on board |
Passenger maintainers |
Passenger-Ersthelfer |
Under 20 m in length and up to 75 passengers |
- |
1 |
More than 20 m in length and up to 75 passengers |
1 |
1 |
76 to 300 passengers |
2 |
1 |
301 to 1100 passengers |
2 |
2 |
More than 1100 passengers |
3 |
3 |
§ 18 the following paragraph 3 is added:
" (3) Prior to the entry into force of the amendment of the Ship Occupation Ordinance, BGBl. II No. 420/2010, certificates registered in a "Schifferdienstbuch" and written evidence in accordance with Section 6 (1) (3) retain their validity. "