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Water Status Monitoring Regulation

Original Language Title: Änderung der Gewässerzustandsüberwachungsverordnung

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465. Regulation of the Federal Minister for Agriculture, Forestry, Environment and Water Management, with which the Water Condition Monitoring Regulation is amended

On the basis of § § 59c to 59f of the Water Rights Act 1959 (WRG 1959), BGBl. No. 215, as last amended by the Federal Law BGBl. I n ° 123/2006 and the Federal Ministries of the Federal Ministries of Law 2009, BGBl. I No 3, shall be assigned:

The Water State Surveillance Ordinance, BGBl. II No 479/2006, is amended as follows:

1. § 4 Z 4 reads:

" 4.

Ground water: all underground water in the saturation zone, which is in direct contact with the ground or the ground. "

2. In § 8, paragraphs 5 to 7 receive the sales designations "(6)" to "(8)" ; the following paragraph 5 is inserted:

" (5) To the in Appendix 1 Particularly marked overviewpoints Ü1 are for long-term trend determination with regard to the concentrations of priority substances in sediments and/or fish for initial observation and a repeat observation of the data in Table 2.1.5. the Appendix 2 shall be carried out in sedimentation and/or fish-fish. Individual parameters can be omitted if sufficient information has been obtained from the previous observations and no changes can be expected. "

(3) In § 9 (6) and (7), the sales denominations shall be awarded "(7)" and "(8)" ; the following paragraph 6 is inserted:

" (6) The sampling, the choice of the sampling period and the chemical analysis for the long-term trend determination with regard to the concentrations of priority substances in sediments and/or fish have, in accordance with generally accepted conventional methods, conventional methods of testing and/or testing. Methods to be carried out. "

4. § 11 together with the headline is:

" Parameter scope, period and frequency of monitoring

§ 11. (1) Operational monitoring shall include those parameters indicative of the load on the water body. These parameters are for each load in Appendix 8 . When selecting the parameters you want to monitor, consider the following:


Depending on the material or hydromorphological load of the water body, those biological quality elements shall be monitored, which shall be: Appendix 8 have the highest impact strength for the loads determined.


The priority substances of Tables 2.1.2. and 2.1.4. of water bodies with a material load are the Appendix 2 , which are introduced into the body of the water on the basis of the results of the actual analysis of the stock, and those other synthetic and non-synthetic pollutants in Tables 2.1.2. and 2.1.4. of the Appendix 2 , the presence of which constitutes a risk of non-compliance with the respective quality objective for the body of water.


In addition, the parameters of the parameter block are physical and chemical parameters (Table 2.1.1. of the parameters of the parameter block) on all water bodies with material loads. Appendix 2 ) monitoring.

(2) If, on the basis of the results of the operational monitoring carried out on the parameters selected in accordance with paragraph 1, the condition of the water body (for example due to increased natural variability) cannot be clearly determined, additional to monitor biological quality elements set for the relevant load in Appendix 8.

(3) The period of operational surveillance shall be one year. The monitoring frequency is given in Tables 2.1.1., 2.1.2, 2.1.3 and 2.1.4. of the Appendix 2 .

(4) If, on the basis of the dependence of the results on the high variability of natural systems and unforeseeable events, the condition of the water body cannot be determined unambiguably after a one-year period of investigation, the Duration of investigation for a period of one year.

(5) Operational monitoring with regard to bilateral commitments shall include those periods, frequencies and parameters defined in the framework of the Boundary Water Commissions.

(6) The operational supervision with respect to international obligations or international obligations which are necessary for the achievement of water management objectives shall include those periods, frequencies and parameters which may be from these obligations. "

5. In § 22 (1), the Z 8 is deleted; the Z 9 to 11 are given the names "8." to "10." .

6. § 23 with headline reads:

" Parameter scope, period and frequency of monitoring

§ 23. (1) The surveillance surveillance shall cover a period of six years and shall include the first observation for the period of one year at all measuring points and, unless the conditions for the implementation of an operational programme are met, Monitoring in accordance with § 25 (1) are fulfilled-the repetition observation for the remaining period of the observation cycle.

(2) The first observation shall be carried out at all measuring points of a body of groundwater or a group of bodies of groundwater, in the third section of the Appendix 15 The following parameter blocks 1 and 2 are to be included. Within the framework of the initial observation, at least three measurements shall be carried out at the measuring points, taking into account the characteristic hydrological-hydrogeological properties of the respective groundwater body, at intervals which are as regular as possible. The measurement frequency can be increased every year at intervals of approximately three months due to specific local conditions or significant adverse effects on the nature of the groundwater on four measurements.

(3) Repeal observation shall, in principle, be carried out at all measuring points of a body of groundwater or a group of bodies of groundwater, in the third section of the Appendix 15 The following parameter blocks 1 and 2 are to be included. In the context of repeat observation, a measurement must be carried out at all measuring points at least once a year at intervals of approximately twelve months. With regard to specific local conditions or if, on the basis of the measurements carried out so far at this measuring point, at least one exceedation of one in column 1 of Appendix 1 QZV Chemie GW, BGBl. II No 98/2010, the measurement frequency can be increased at a measuring point to four measurements per year at intervals of approximately three months. If there is no further overshoot in the sequence, the frequency can be reduced again. The repeat observation of a parameter from the parameter blocks 2.3.2 to 2.3.9 can be completely omitted at a measuring point at a measuring point if the one for this parameter in column 1 of Appendix 1 to the QZV Chemie GW, BGBl. II No 98/2010, fixed threshold in the context of initial observation not exceeding a single measured value, and the arithmetic mean of the measurements made available for this measurement point from the initial observation 75% of this Threshold has not been exceeded.

(4) After the end of an observation cycle (§ 21), a new observation cycle shall be started with the first observation in accordance with paragraph 1. "

7. § 26 together with headline reads:

" Parameter scope, period and frequency of monitoring

§ 26. (1) The operational supervision shall be carried out at all measuring points in accordance with § 25 of the Appendix 15 parameters of parameter blocks 1 and 2.

(2) The measurement of the parameters of the parameter block 1 and those parameters of the parameter block 2, on the basis of which an operational monitoring is to be carried out in accordance with § 25 (1) Z 1 and 2, has at least twice a year at intervals which are as regular as possible. shall be carried out at all measuring points of the body of groundwater, taking into account the characteristic hydrological and hydrogeological characteristics of the body of groundwater. With regard to specific use structures or special characteristics (e.g. B. Groundwater age) of the groundwater body/groups of groundwater bodies, the measurement frequency can be increased to four measurements annually at intervals of approximately three months. For the measurement of the remaining parameters of the parameter block 2, the provisions for the repetition observation concerning the parameter range and frequency according to § 23 (3) apply analogously.

(3) Operational monitoring with regard to bilateral commitments shall include those monitoring periods, monitoring frequencies and parameters set out in the framework of the Boundary Water Commissions.

(4) After the end of an observation cycle (§ 21), a new observation cycle shall be started with the monitoring monitoring referred to in section 1. "

8. The text of § 32 shall become the sales designation "(1)" , the following paragraph 2 is added:

" (2) § 4 Z 4, § 8 (5) to (8), § 9 (6) to (8), § 11 (including title), § 22 (1) (8) to (10), § 23 with title, § 26 including the title, § 32 (1), § 34 Z 6 to 9, Appendix 1, Appendix 2, Table 2.1.1. including heading, Appendix 2, Table 2.1.4. with heading, Appendix 2, Table 2.1.5. including heading, Appendix 3, Appendix 4, Appendix 6, Appendix 8, Appendix 9 and Appendix 15, as amended by Regulation 465/2010, will expire at the end of the day of the proclamation of the shall be in force. At the same time, Section 22 (1) (8) shall not apply in the version in force at that date. "

9. In § 34, the point at the end of Z 6 shall be replaced by a stroke; the following Z 7 to 9 shall be added:

" 7.

Directive 2006 /118/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 12 December 2006 on the protection of groundwater against pollution and deterioration, OJ L 327, 22.12.2006, p. OJ L 372 of 27 December 2006, S 19, corrected by OJ L 378, 27.12.2006, p. No. OJ L 53 of 22.02.2007, p. No. OJ L 139, 31.05.2007 p. 39;


Directive 2008 /105/EC of the European Parliament of 16 December 2008 on environmental quality standards in the field of water policy and amending and subsequent repeal of Council Directives 82 /176/EEC, 83 /513/EEC, 84 /156/EEC, 84 /491/EEC and 86 /280/EEC, and amending Directive 2000 /60/EC, OJ L 327, 22.12.2000, p. OJ L 348, 24.12.2008 p. 84;


Commission Directive 2009 /90/EC of 31 July 2009 laying down technical specifications for the chemical analysis and monitoring of the state of water status in accordance with Directive 2000 /60/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council, OJ L 327, 22.12.2009, p. OJ L 201, 01.08.2009 p. 36.

10. to 23.: see under Appendixes.
