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Change The Bang Disease Investigation Regulation 2008

Original Language Title: Änderung der der Bangseuchen-Untersuchungsverordnung 2008

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479. Regulation of the Federal Minister of Health, amending the Bangepidemic Examination Regulation 2008

On the basis of § 2 (2a) and (2b), § 8, § 11 and § 12 of the Bangseuchengesetz (Bangseuchengesetz), BGBl. No. 147/1957 as last amended by the Federal Law BGBl. I n ° 67/2005 and the amendment of the Federal Ministries Act, Federal Law Gazette (BGBl). I No 3/2009, shall be ordered:

The Bangseuchen Investigation Ordinance 2008, BGBl. II No 305/2007, is amended as follows:

1. § 2 Z 5 reads:

" 5.

Re-examination: a second or third examination of bovine animals in which the result of the blood serological examination was neither positive nor negative, these studies being at a distance of four to six weeks shall be implemented. However, these studies must not be carried out in the six-week period up to six weeks after the calving. "

2. § 2 Z 10 reads:

" 10.

Investigation of an individual animal test to be carried out in the presence of a non-negative milk sample by means of a blood sample


of all bovine animals aged over six months if, according to the surveys carried out by the official veterinarian, the presence of a brucellosis disease cannot be ruled out; or


of all bovine animals aged over two years, where there is no evidence of brucellosis in the presence of brucellosis after the official veterinarian's surveys, and


from other brucellosis-disease-suspected bovine animals of the herd. "

3. In § 4, the following paragraphs 4 and 5 are added in accordance with the third paragraph of paragraph 3:

" (4) The Federal Minister of Health may, by examining certain samples from certain regions, also commission other veterinary investigative bodies accredited for brucellosis investigations in Austria if:


such investigations are not reserved for brucellosis in accordance with § 5 of the National Reference Laboratory,


there is no additional cost of such an assignment,


a functional interface for the transmission of examination results to the official veterinary information system (VIS),


by participating in ring trials within the meaning of paragraph 2, it is ensured that the investigations are carried out properly, and


Such an assignment can be carried out more quickly and efficiently by carrying out the investigations.

The commission of the investigative body shall be carried out by the customer in the "Official Veterinary News" and shall take effect with the publication of this manifestation. There is no legal claim to the appointment.

(5) The Federal Minister of Health shall revoke an assignment in accordance with paragraph 4 if it follows that no more than all the conditions laid down in paragraph 4 are fulfilled or that all the provisions of the assignment are not complied with. The date of withdrawal of the assignment shall be made known by the Federal Minister of Health (Federal Minister for Health) at least six months in advance in the "Official Veterinary Messages", if the proper investigation is not to be met. "

4. § 5 (4) Z 1 reads as follows:

" 1.

"positive" if an infection of the animal is to be concluded with the pathogen of the brucellosis or if an infection of the animal with the pathogen of the brucellosis in three investigations, except in the case of § 7 para. 4, is not safely excluded can be, "

5. § 6 para. 2 Z 2 reads:

" 2.

The milk samples taken shall be forwarded without delay to the investigative body designated for the milk inspection. "

6. § 7 (2) reads:

" (2) In the case of periodic analyses of milk samples, laboratory results are not reliably negative, all animals of the stock shall be immediately examined by the official veterinarian for indications of brucellosis, and in any case also the following: the epidemiological situation of the population and the occurrence of abhorts should be taken into account. Then proceed as follows:


If the official veterinarian surveys show that there is no evidence of brucellosis disease, blood samples must be taken immediately by all bovine animals from two years onwards and shall be included in the National Reference Laboratory for brucellosis To investigate brucellosis (reconnaction investigation). In addition, it must be informed that:


the stock is in any case blocked for animal transport until the result of the reconnaction investigation has been met; and


Milk from animals of this type may be placed on the market only if the milk has been heat-treated in such a way that the phosphatase test is not negative.

This communication is also the responsibility of the competent food authority and the zoonotic coordinator of the country (§ 4 of the Zoonoses Act, BGBl. I No 128/2005).


If the official veterinarian's surveys show that the presence of brucellosis disease cannot be ruled out, blood samples from all bovine animals aged six months or more must be taken immediately and brucellosis in the National Reference Laboratory for brucellosis to investigate. The stock shall be considered brucellosis subject until the outcome of the reconnaction investigation has been fulfilled. In addition, it must be informed that:


the stock is blocked in accordance with the relevant provisions; and


milk from animals of the stock may be placed on the market only if the milk is derived from cows which have been tested with a negative result on brucellosis and show no signs of brucellosis, provided that the milk has been heat-treated in such a way that: the phosphatase test is negative.

This communication shall also be notified to the competent food authority and to the zoonotic coordinator of the country. "

7. In § 7, the following paragraph 4 is added:

" (4) By way of derogation from the provisions of paragraph 3 (1) to (5), the following procedure shall be chosen at the request of the keeper in the case of pregnant herds who have not been sure of negative laboratory results.


The stock is to be blocked for animal transport.


The milk of the animal in question is either:


to be disposed of, or


after it has been cooked to use for feeding animals of its own stock.


Milk from other animals of such stocks may only be placed on the market until the result of the investigation has been obtained if the milk has been heat-treated in such a way that the phosphatase test is negative. This communication shall also be notified to the competent food authority and to the zoonotic coordinator of the country.


The end of the gestation is to be seen.


After calving, the official veterinarian shall, as soon as possible, send the post-birth and blood of the baby's calf as well as the blood of the mother animal to the reference laboratory for brucellosis for brucellosis, and at least for brucellosis there. under investigation. In order to answer the question as to whether the pathogen is present in the herd, the use of all suitably validated and scientifically recognised methods of investigation provided by the EU or the O.I.E. shall be permitted.


In case of failure, the keeper of the animal has to take the precautions in accordance with Section 11 (6) of the Bangseuchengesetz.


As a result, in the case of a normal birth, all bovine animals aged six months or more shall, in the case of a normal birth, have a blood serological examination of all bovine animals from two years after the expiry of four weeks from the date of discaration or the birth of the calf.


If all investigations show a negative result, the stock shall be deemed to be bangfree.


If all examinations with the exception of the parent animal show a negative result, proceed with the consent of the keeper in accordance with § 7 para. 3; if the keeper does not agree, the following procedure is to be chosen:


If the clinical examination of the stock and the epidemiological surveys by the official veterinarian show that there are no indications of brucellosis disease, the stock is considered free of bangles.


The non-negative reaction animal shall be blocked by means of communication for animal transport. This barrier shall be entered in the electronic veterinary register in accordance with § 8 of the Animal Health Act (VIS).


If the periodic milk tests are carried out in a herd in which a bovine animal according to lit. If the laboratory results for brucellosis are again not safely negative, the procedure shall be taken in accordance with Section 7 (2).


Show the studies in the national reference laboratory for brucellosis, that all studies except for the studies of the animal according to lit. b for brucellosis, the stock shall be deemed to be bangfree. "
