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Guideline Values For The Average Staff Costs /-Costs, The Durchschnittsmietkosten And The Imputed Interest Rate

Original Language Title: Richtwerte für die Durchschnittspersonalausgaben/-kosten, die Durchschnittsmietkosten und den kalkulatorischen Zinssatz

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97. Customer of the Federal Minister of Finance concerning the indicative values for average salary/costs, the average rental costs and the calculated interest rate

On the basis of § 14 (5) BHG, BGBl. No. 213/1986, as last amended by the Federal Law BGBl. I n ° 67/2010, in conjunction with Z 8 of the Regulation of the Federal Minister of Finance on guidelines for the identification and presentation of the financial implications of new legislative measures, BGBl. II No 50/1999, as amended by the BGBl Regulation. II No 126/2010 shall update the values set out in Annex 3 and the calculation rate in accordance with the following overviews.
