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Repeal Of § 44 5 The Last Sentence Of The Federal Act On The Establishment And Residence In Austria (Settlement And Residence Act - Nag) By The Constitutional Court

Original Language Title: Aufhebung des § 44 Abs. 5 letzter Satz des Bundesgesetzes über die Niederlassung und den Aufenthalt in Österreich (Niederlassungs- und Aufenthaltsgesetz – NAG) durch den Verfassungsgerichtshof

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16. Revocation of the Federal Chancellor concerning the annulment of § 44 (5), last sentence, of the Federal Act on the establishment and stay in Austria (Niederlassungs-und Residence Act-NAG) by the Constitutional Court

According to Art. 140 (5), (6) and (7) B-VG, and in accordance with § 64 (2) and § 65 of the Constitutional Court Act 1953, BGBl. No. 85, is made known:

The Constitutional Court, with the recognition of 28 February 2011, G 201 /10-9, delivered to the Federal Chancellor on 29 March 2011, rightly recognized:

" I.

Section 44 (5), last sentence of the Federal Act on the establishment and residence in Austria (Niederlassungs-und Residence Act-NAG), Federal Law Gazette (BGBl). I No 100/2005 idF BGBl. I n ° 122/2009, is being repealed as unconstitutional.


The repealed provision shall no longer be applicable in all proceedings pending on 28 February 2011.


Previous legal provisions do not enter into force again. "
