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Professional Photographer-In Training Regulations

Original Language Title: Berufsfotograf/in-Ausbildungsordnung

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141. Regulation of the Federal Minister for Economic Affairs, Family and Youth on Vocational Training in the Apprenticeship profession Vocational Photography (Vocational Photographer/in-Training Order)

On the basis of § § 8 and 24 of the Vocational Training Act (BAG), BGBl. No. 142/1969, as last amended by the Federal Law BGBl. I No 40/2010, shall be arranged:

Teaching profession professional photographer/in

§ 1. (1) The vocational training profession is established with a teaching period of three and a half years.

(2) The terms chosen in this Regulation shall include the male and female form. In the teaching contract, the teaching certificate, the teaching letter and the certificate of teaching qualification, the teaching profession is to be described in the form corresponding to the sex of the apprentil's apprentiate (professional photographer or professional photographer).

Professional profile

§ 2. Through vocational training in the course of teaching and in the vocational school, the apprentice, who is trained in the teaching profession, is to be able to carry out the following activities professionally, independently and in a responsible way:


Make recordings in a wide variety of recording situations, such as people, group shots, objects, architecture and landscape photography,


Manufacture and design of recording situations by working with different light such as daylight, flashlight, artificial light, mixed light situations in indoor and outdoor areas as well as in the studio,


Take pictures with different camera types such as 35mm cameras, medium-format cameras, camera and other special cameras and lenses in the digital and/or analog area,


electronic image recording as well as electronic image processing and processing as well as carrying out photographic work including laboratory work,


Create and edit multimedia products such as combining different media such as photography, music and video by means of appropriate software for the creation of occupational products,


multimedial presentation of your own work and the implementation of presentations on the Internet,


Research and search for images in different media for the development of their own pictorial themes and for the development of image styles,


Maintain and maintain the technical facilities of the company,


Advising and advising customers.

§ 3. (1) The following job description shall be established for the training in the vocational training profession. The skills and knowledge referred to shall be conveyed, at the latest in the teaching year referred to in each case, in such a way as to enable the apprentice to pursue qualified activities in the sense of the professional profile, which shall, in particular: Independent planning, carrying out, controlling and optimising.


1. Year of Teacher

2. Year of Teacher

3. Year of Teacher

4. Year of Teacher


Knowledge of the operational and legal form of the teaching staff





Knowledge of the organizational structure and tasks and responsibilities of the individual operating areas




Introduction to the tasks, the branch position and the offer of the teaching establishment

Knowledge of the market position and the customer base of the teaching company


Knowledge of work organisation, work planning and work design


Ergonomic design of the workplace


Handling and maintenance of the equipment to be used (such as cameras, flash units, studio accessories, hardware), devices, devices, and working methods


Knowledge of the design, operation and handling of cameras (35mm cameras, medium-format cameras, camera, other special cameras) and lenses in the analogue and digital areas, as well as their effect

Handling the technical camera on an optical bench



Knowledge of digital storage formats

Basic knowledge of digital camera technology


Knowledge of optical laws, light and its effect as well as colour theory and colour temperature


Knowledge of lighting and lighting conditions (daylight, flashlight, artificial light, indoor and outdoor mixed light situations and in the studio) and the handling of lighting fixtures (lamps, accessories, studio technology, Light measuring instruments)





Setting up, operating and monitoring of lighting equipment (lamps, accessories, studio technology, light measuring instruments) for the production of various lighting situations (daylight, flash light, artificial light, mixed light situations in the indoor and outdoor areas as well as in the Studio)


Knowledge of error prevention and
-collection in photographic processes

Avoid and, if necessary, correct errors in photographic processes


Support and Assistating in Photographic Works


Perform photographic work such as making reproductions or simple product images

Carry out photographic works such as the creation of designed product images, passport pictures, personal recordings (such as portraits, weddings, group shots), objects for advertising and catalogue recordings, reports, architecture and Landscape photography as well as the implementation of its own image ideas




Creation of marketable presentations of all photographic works as well as recording of people and objects for the staged photography

Creating simple multimedia products



Knowledge of the multimedia presentation of job-specific products on the basis of different presentation techniques

Multimedia presentation of your own professional work on the basis of different presentation techniques



Setting up, operating and monitoring lighting equipment

(Lamps, Accessories, Studiotechnik)



Apply color corrections and filters on recording and output




Researching and searching for images in different media for the development of own image themes and for the development of

Image styles


Knowledge of copyright and exploitation rights, in particular the right to own image


Knowledge of occupational plant and auxiliary materials (such as B. Memory cards, papers, printing inks, toners), their properties, possible uses, possibilities for processing and processing, as well as their professional storage



Knowledge of the different types of paper and grammages, the laminating films and outer layers


Evaluate analog and digital images in terms of density, gradation, quality, color space and sharpness


Handle the job-specific computer hardware and hardware accessories (such as scanners, CD burners, (photo) printers and/or Proof printing, etc.)




Knowledge of the calibration of screens

Calibrate screens

Basic knowledge of the calibration of printers and other peripherals


Knowledge of the essential software for image processing and
Image editing

Application of the business specific software for image processing and image processing as well as knowledge of the software for special


Combining different media such as photography, music and video using video editing or multimedia software for the creation of occupational products


Import data, prepare raw camera data, and perform simple color and contrast corrections

Assess camera data; import and further process data; perform skin or object coverings and perform image corrections

Creative retouching and influencing image results



Design and implementation of image composers



Conducting the exchange of data (e.g. placing the created images for the customer) using the Internet


Knowledge of dark chamber technology (such as enlargers, copiers) as well as the materials of the darkroom


Basic knowledge of the analogue plant and auxiliary materials, their properties and possible uses in the negative, positive and reverse processes


Basic knowledge of the various analogue recording materials and their handling as well as knowledge of further processing possibilities

Basic knowledge of the analog image processing processes and their application possibilities


Basic knowledge of photochemical solutions and photographic materials, as well as their storage and designation






Knowledge of the black/white negatives and positive development as well as the magnification and reduction techniques, the equalization, stopping and revitalization

Basic knowledge of colour enlargements and contact arcs


Basic knowledge of analogue retouting possibilities



Digital processing of analogue recordings by scanning or digital reproduction



Assessing and checking work results for compliance with specifications (quality management)



Create job-specific products by means of fonts and design tools


Further processing of analog or digital images by means of appropriate devices


Knowledge of the internal data organization, backup and

Planning data backup and archive management


Backup and archive after the internal data organization of data and/or analog materials such as negatives



Customer-friendly behavior and customer-friendly communication

(zB recognition of customer needs, guidance of consultations, customer care, treatment of complaints)




Preparing customers and models for the photo shoot


Basic knowledge of operational costs, their influence and their





Knowledge of the obligations arising from the apprenticeship contract (§ § 9 and 10 BAG)


Knowledge of the content and aim of the training, as well as essential training opportunities in this area


The measures and regulations on the protection of the environment relevant to the teaching profession: basic knowledge of the operational measures for the sensible use of energy in the work-relevant work area; basic knowledge of the work-related work area residual substances produced and their separation, recovery and disposal of waste


Knowledge of the relevant safety rules and standards, as well as the relevant rules for the protection of life and health, in particular occupational hygiene and safety requirements for toxins and handling of toxic substances electric current


Knowledge of first-time supply in case of occupational accidents


Basic knowledge of the labour law provisions which are subject to the law

(2) In the course of training in the professional knowledge and skills (with special attention to the requirements and requirements of the company (in order to ensure that the apprentite's personality is formed in order to provide him with the necessary skills for a specialist), he/she must be able to Key qualifications in terms of social competence (such as openness, teamwork, conflict ability), self-competence (such as self-assessment, self-confidence, self-reliance, resilience), methodological competence (such as presentation skills, rhetoric in German language, comprehensibility in the broad guidelines of the The English language) and competence for self-directed learning (such as willingness, knowledge of methods, ability to select suitable media and materials) to be conveyed.

Rejecting Audit


§ 4. (1) The final examination is divided into a theoretical and a practical test.

(2) The theoretical examination shall include the objects of economic calculation and subject-matter.

(3) The theoretical examination shall not apply if the candidate for the examination is to achieve the teaching objective of the last class of the professional vocational school or the successful completion of a vocational middle or higher school that replaces the apprenticeship has proven.

(4) The practical examination shall include the items of test work and expert discussion.

Theoretical examination

General provisions

§ 5. (1) The theoretical examination shall be carried out in writing. It can be carried out jointly for a larger number of candidates, if this is possible without adversely affecting the course of the examination.

(2) The theoretical examination should, in principle, be held prior to the practical examination.

(3) The tasks shall be in accordance with the scope and level of the purpose of the final examination and the requirements of the professional practice.

(4) The written work of the examination candidate shall be marked accordingly.

Economic calculation

§ 6. (1) The audit shall include the implementation of a task in each of the following areas:


Payroll calculation,


the calculation of the material costs and the calculation of the registers,


Simple calculation.

(2) Use of calculation help is permitted.

(3) The tasks shall be carried out in such a way that they can normally be carried out in 60 minutes.

(4) The test shall be terminated after 80 minutes.


§ 7. (1) The audit shall include the substantive implementation of a task in each of the following areas:


Materials science,


Apparatus, equipment and tools;


Recording and lighting,


the fundamentals of the relevant chemistry and physics,


Negative, positive and diabetic process,


Color theory, color management,


relevant image processing and image processing programs.

(2) The examination can also be checked with electronic questionnaires. In this case, four questions are to be asked from each area.

(3) The tasks shall be carried out in such a way that they can normally be carried out in 90 minutes.

(4) The test shall be terminated after 120 minutes.

Practical examination

Audit work

§ 8. (1) The examination must be carried out in the form of an operational work order, after the examination board has been specified.

(2) The work order shall include the following activities:


Make a technical recording with the technical camera,


Create portrait shots with a professional SLR camera,


Electronic processing of electronic images according to the working standard, including the display of the results of the work on the screen, by means of a multimedia presentation or as an expression.

(3) The recordings produced in accordance with paragraph 2 (2) (1) and (Z 2) shall be used to produce sound-like rhubards and to produce the selected images in a maximum of 24 cm x 30 cm. These works are to be retubed and ready for sale.

(4) The Examination Commission has to carry out a test work on the purpose of the final examination and the requirements of the professional practice for each candidate for examination, which can normally be carried out in seven working hours. The work referred to in paragraph 2 (2) (1) and (2) shall be based on a period of two and a half hours, and the work referred to in paragraph 2 (3) shall be based on two hours.

(5) The examination shall be terminated after eight hours of work in the subject-matter of the examination.

(6) The following criteria shall apply to the evaluation in the subject-matter of the test work:


Order-oriented conception and design of the recording,


Proper use of the right equipment, equipment and materials,


professional execution,


professional presentation.

Expert discussion

§ 9. (1) The expert interview shall be submitted before the entire examination board.

(2) The expert discussion has to be developed from the practical activity. Here, the practical knowledge of the candidate is to be determined by using technical terms. The examination candidate shall present technical problems and their solutions, identify the technical background relevant to the contract and justify the procedure in the performance of the contract. The examination is in the form of a conversation that is as lively as possible, with a call for discussion by means of the description of situations and problems.

(3) The purpose of the topic is to correspond to the purpose of the final examination and the requirements of professional practice. In this case, test pieces, material samples, demonstration objects, apparatus, apparatus, tools or display boards are to be used. Questions concerning the proper disposal of waste, as well as relevant safety regulations, protective measures and accident prevention are to be included.

(4) The expert discussion should take 15 minutes for each examination candidate. An extension of not more than ten minutes has to be made in individual cases, if the examination board is not otherwise able to assess the performance of the examination candidate without a doubt.

Repeat Review

§ 10. (1) The final examination of the Lehrabate can be repeated.

(2) In the case of the repetition of the examination, only the test items rated "not enough" shall be considered.

Entry into force and final provisions

§ 11. (1) This Regulation shall enter into force on 1 June 2011.

(2) The training regulations for the teaching profession photographer, BGBl. II No 266/2002, as amended by the BGBl Regulation. II No 177/2005, without prejudice to paragraph 3, with the expiry of 31 May 2011.

(3) Apprentices who are trained in the teaching profession on 31 May 2011 may be trained up to the end of the agreed teaching period in accordance with the training regulations referred to in paragraph 2 and may within one year after the end of the agreed training period. The teaching period for the examination of the LehrabFinal is due to the examination regulations contained in the training regulations as set out in paragraph 2 above.

(4) The teaching periods completed in the course of the teaching profession are to be applied to the teaching period in the teaching profession professional photographer.
