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Scope Of The European Convention On The Compensation Of Victims Of Violent Crimes

Original Language Title: Geltungsbereich des Europäischen Übereinkommens über die Entschädigung für Opfer von Gewalttaten

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70th Federal Chancellor's presentation on the scope of the European Convention on Compensation for Victims of Violent Crime

According to information from the Secretary-General of the Council of Europe, the following states have their instruments of ratification of the European Convention on Compensation for Victims of Violent Crime (BGBl. III n ° 169/2006):


Date of deposit of the instrument of ratification:


4 July 2008


17. December 2008


19 March 2010


12 March 2009

On the occasion of the deposit of their instruments of ratification, the following states have made the following statements:


Pursuant to Article 12 of the Convention, the Republic of Croatia shall designate the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Croatia as the central authority for the reception of requests for legal assistance in connection with the matters covered by the Convention.


Pursuant to Article 12 of the Convention, the Government of the Principality of Liechtenstein shall designate the following central authority for the reception and implementation of legal assistance requests:

Justice Department

Government buildings

FL-9490 Vaduz



In accordance with Article 12 of the Convention, Montenegro declares that the Central Authority for the reception of requests for legal assistance under this Convention is the Ministry of Justice of Montenegro.


In accordance with Article 12 of the Convention, the Slovak Republic declares that the Ministry of Justice of the Slovak Republic, Zupné námestie 13, 813 11 Bratislava, as the central authority for the reception and implementation of requests for mutual assistance of this Convention.

In accordance with Article 18 (1) of the Convention, the Slovak Republic declares that the Convention shall also apply to persons who are not citizens of the European Union.

According to other communications from the Secretary-General of the Council of Europe, the following countries have changed their authorities as follows:

Luxembourg 1 :

In Luxembourg, the Central Authority for the reception and implementation of requests for legal assistance under Article 12 of the Convention is the Ministry of Justice, under the address 13 Rue Erasme, Centre Administratif Pierre Werner, L-1468 Luxembourg.

Romania 1 :

In accordance with Article 12 of the Convention, Romania states that the name and address of the central authority in Romania has been updated for the purpose of receiving and carrying out legal assistance requests as follows:

Ministry of Justice

Department of International Law and Treaties

Unit of judicial cooperation in civil and commercial matters

Strada Apollodor 17

Sector 5 Bucuresti, Cod 050741

Spain 1 :

In the event that the European Convention on compensation for victims of acts of violence is extended to Gibraltar by the United Kingdom, the Kingdom of Spain wishes to make the following statement:


Gibraltar is a Non-Self-Governing Territory for whose international relations the United Kingdom is responsible and which is established in a process of decolonization in accordance with the relevant decisions and resolutions of the General Assembly of the United Nations.


The authorities of Gibraltar are of a local nature and shall exercise exclusively internal competences originating in and based on the distribution and allocation of powers which the United Kingdom shall be responsible for in accordance with its national law. legislation and, in its capacity as a sovereign State, from which the said territory is dependent on the absence of self-government.


Consequently, the eventual participation of the authorities of Gibraltar in the application of the Convention must be understood as taking place exclusively within the limits of the internal competences of Gibraltar and must not be regarded as such as if it were bring about a change in the presentation of the two previous paragraphs.
