Key Benefits:
223. Ordinance of the Federal Minister of Justice on the separate fixing of the flat-rate remuneration of the Federal Republic of Germany for the services provided by lawyers and lawyers for the above-average length of time for the year 2008
Pursuant to Section 47 (5) of the Lawyers ' Code, RGBl. No. 96/1868, as last amended by the Federal Law BGBl. I n ° 111/2010, will be arranged in agreement with the Federal Minister for Finance and the Main Committee of the National Council:
The amount of the flat-rate compensation to be paid separately by the Federal Government pursuant to section 47 (5) RAO for the services of the lawyers and lawyers appointed pursuant to § 45 RAO in accordance with § 16 para. 4 RAO is to be paid for the year 2008 with a total of EUR 1 404 679.79.