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Effect Controlling Regulation

Original Language Title: Wirkungscontrollingverordnung

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245. Regulation of the Federal Chancellor on the cross-sectoral effect monitoring (implementation control regulation)

On the basis of § 68. 3 of the Federal Budget Law 2013 - BHG 2013, BGBl. I No. 139/2009, last amended by the Federal Law BGBl. I No 67/2010, in agreement with the Federal Minister for Finance, will be ordered:


§ 1. This Regulation lays down the tasks and instruments as well as the organisation of the cross-border exercise. The Regulation also regulates the reporting obligations of the budgetary institutions to the Federal Chancellor or the Chancellor (respartial Monitoring Centre).


§ 2. (1) In order to achieve the objectives of budgetary management in accordance with Section 2 BHG 2013 and to comply with the information on the impact orientation of the federal proposal, the Chancellor or the Federal Chancellor implements a cross-sectoral exercise supporting the budgetary institutions in setting up and implementing the internal impact control system.

(2) The aim is to:


supports the budgetary institutions in the systematic planning of the information on the impact orientation of the federal proposal, also with regard to the objective of effective gender equality;


the information on the impact orientation of the federal proposal according to the Regulation in accordance with § 41. 2 BHG 2013 and the actual results are judged and


Regulatory projects in accordance with § 17 1 BHG 2013 (cases of laws, regulations, over or intergovernmental agreements, agreements under Art. 15a B-VG, as well as other legislative measures in principle pursuant to § 16 BHG 2013) and projects of exceptional financial importance in accordance with § 58. 2 BHG 2013 will be evaluated on their actual objectives and their substantial impact according to uniform principles.

Organisation, tasks and instruments

§ 3. (1) The cross-sectional effect control is carried out by the Chancellor or the Chancellor (resistance control unit).

(2) The Federal Chancellor or the Chancellor of the Federal Chancellor of the Federal Republic of Germany supports the budgetary institutions in their performance control through methodological and process monitoring. This is to be ensured by recommendations for action and standards for effective management, impact-oriented impact assessment and internal evaluation of regulatory projects and other projects.

(3) The Federal Chancellor or the Federal Chancellor (residential Performance Control Unit) has to carry out quality assurance in the context of the cross-sectoral monitoring of the impact orientation of the federal proposal as well as in the case of regulatory and other projects.

(4) The reports on the results of the exercise are the National Council Committee of the National Council, each year at the latest by 31. May (Report on the results of internal evaluation) and no later than 31. to send a report on impact orientation.

Quality assurance of the data on impact orientation in the federal draft proposal

§ 4. (1) The Federal Chancellor or the Chancellor of the Federal Republic of Germany (residential performance control unit) has provided information on the impact orientation of the federal proposal on compliance with the Regulation in accordance with § 41. review 2 BHG 2013 and potential conflict of ambition.

(2) For this purpose, the Federal Budgetary Institutions of the Federal Chancellor or the Federal Chancellor (the Federal Ministry of Foreign Affairs) have to take note of the information on the impact orientation before the transmission of the draft federal proposal to the Federal Minister for Finance or the Federal Minister for Finance. The deadline for transmission is set by the Federal Chancellor or the Federal Chancellor in agreement with the Federal Minister for Finance or the Federal Minister for Finance. The Federal Chancellor or the Chancellor of the Federal Republic of Germany (the cross-sectoral function control body) has informed the Court of Auditors of this information on the direction of impact, immediately after the conclusion of the completeness.

(3) The examination of impact targets at sub-division level in the federal proposal includes in particular:


the suitability of the chosen target for presenting a desired target supplement;


compliance with the quality criteria set out in § 41. 1 BHG 2013


taking into account the objective of effective equality between women and men by formulating at least one objective of gender equality and


compliance with the maximum of five indicators per target.

(4) The examination of measures at global budget level in the federal proposal includes in particular:


compliance with the quality criteria set out in § 41. 1 BHG 2013


taking into account the objective of effective equality between women and men by establishing at least one gender equality measure in a global budget per subdivision,


the link between measures to one or more impact objectives at subdivision level; and


the use of actual verifiable milestones and indicators.

(5) If the examination of the Federal Chancellor or of the Federal Chancellor is carried out (the cross-border function control unit), the provisions of paragraphs 3 and 4 and the Regulation pursuant to Section 41(2). 2 BHG 2013 will not be respected or there are conflicting objectives, so the respective budgetary institutions will be informed about it.

(6) Adaptation of the information on the impact orientation in the federal proposal is for the budgetary institutions. If recommendations are not taken into account by the Federal Chancellor or the Federal Chancellor (residential power control unit), the respective budgetary institution has to justify its operation.

Quality assurance of data on the impact orientation of regulatory projects and other projects

§ 5. (1) The Federal Chancellor or the Federal Chancellor of the Federal Republic of Germany has the following:


Regulatory projects in accordance with § 17 1 BHG 2013


other legislative measures in principle in accordance with § 16(2). 2 BHG 2013 but only with total expenditures of more than 10 million euros and


Projects of exceptional financial importance in accordance with § 58. 2 BHG 2013 with total expenditure of more than 10 million euro

related information on the orientation of impact on its compliance with the provisions of Section 41. 1 BHG 2013 quality criteria, as well as the plausibility of assumptions for materiality with the exception of financial implications.

(2) For this purpose, in the context of the impact-oriented impact assessment pursuant to § 17 BHG 2013, the budgetary institutions have set out the regulatory or project objectives, indicators to assess the achievement of the objectives, the selected measures, an overdue connection to measures and/or impact objectives in the federal proposal, as well as the other essential effects, and to inform the Chancellor or the Federal Chancellor (residential power control body) in the context of evaluation, if they do not take place at the latest in advance or implementation.

(3) Does the examination of the Federal Chancellor or of the Federal Chancellor of the Federal Chancellor of the Federal Republic of Germany indicate that the abstain. 1 will not be complied with, the respective budgetary institution will be informed of this.

(4) The budgetary institutions are responsible for adapting the data on impact orientation linked to regulatory and other projects. If recommendations are not taken into account by the Federal Chancellor or the Federal Chancellor (residential power control unit), the respective budgetary institution has to justify its operation.

Report on the internal evaluation of regulatory projects and other projects

§ 6. (1) The budgetary institutions have the Federal Chancellor or the Federal Chancellor (respartial Monitoring Centre) each year up to 28/29 at the latest. to submit the results of the internal evaluations of regulatory projects and other projects carried out in the previous financial year.

(2) In addition to an in-depth analysis and evaluation of the actual impact, the reports of the budgetary institutions include in particular:


structured according to regulatory and project objectives, a description of how these objectives have been pursued, a comparison of the target and stand-up and an assessment of the success,


the presentation of the target and stand-by of the selected measures and an assessment of the success,


as high the financial impact on the federal budget, compared to the expected impact of the impact-oriented assessment;


a brief presentation of the material impact actually occurring compared to the expected effects identified in the context of the impact-oriented assessment; and


all potential for improvement.

(3) On the basis of the report with the in-depth analysis and evaluation, the budgetary institution has to prepare a summary overview and to advance the report. The Federal Chancellor or the Federal Chancellor (residential Monitoring Centre) provides a standardised presentation to the budgetary institutions (Annex 1) for this purpose. In this context, the Federal Chancellor or the Federal Chancellor (residential power control unit) determines the maximum size of the fields of entry.

(4) The budgetary institutions have to ensure the completeness and plausibility of the information before being transmitted to the cross-border monitoring body.

(5) The Federal Chancellor or the Federal Chancellor of the Federal Ministry of Finance and the Federal Minister for Finance will take a timely note of the reports of the budgetary institutions for the internal evaluation of the Federal Minister for Finance or the Federal Minister for Finance.

(6) The Federal Chancellor or the Federal Chancellor (residential Monitoring Centre) has to draw up reports from the budgetary institutions according to the criteria of plausibility and the completeness of quality assurance, in case of need, and in summary, to the National Council and the Federal Minister for Finance or the Federal Minister for Finance or to the Federal Minister for Finance, at the latest by 31. to be informed.

Report on impact orientation

§ 7. (1) The budgetary institutions have the Federal Chancellor or the Federal Chancellor (respartial Monitoring Centre) each year up to 31. to submit a report on the objectives of achieving the objectives and measures of the previous financial year, as set out in the federal proposal.

(2) The reports of the budgetary institutions per subdivision have to include:


a description of the real development of the environment. This included the qualitative or quantitative description of influence factors that are suitable or were capable of exerting a positive or negative influence on the actual objectives


a description of how this objective has been pursued, the number of data sources and method of calculation for the achievement of the objectives, a comparison of the target and stand-up, as well as an assessment of success and


an indication of the impact objectives of the measure, the number(s) including the source of data and the method of calculation and/or the milestone(s) to evaluate the achievement of the objectives, a comparison of the target and stand-up and an assessment of the success.

(3) The Federal Chancellor or the Federal Chancellor of the Federal Chancellor of the Federal Republic of Germany provides a standardised presentation (Annex 2) to the budgetary institutions. In this context, the Federal Chancellor or the Federal Chancellor (residential power control unit) determines the maximum size of the fields of entry.

(4) The budgetary institutions have to ensure the completeness and plausibility of the information before being transmitted to the Federal Chancellor or the Federal Chancellor (respartial Monitoring Centre).

(5) The Federal Chancellor or Chancellor of the Federal Republic of the Federal Republic of Germany has to compile the individual reports of the budgetary institutions, in case of need, and the Committee of the National Council and the Federal Minister for Finance or the Federal Minister for Finance, which is being discussed by the Federal Finance Acts, each year at the latest by 31 December at the latest. to submit a report on impact orientation in October.

Entry into force

§ 8. This Regulation is to be applied for the first time in the preparation of the Federal Financial Law for the financial year 2013.

Transitional provisions

§ 9. (1) The results of the exercise are for the first time to the Federal Chancellor or the Federal Chancellor (resistance Control Unit) up to 28/29. February 2014 (Report on internal evaluation) and up to 31. to send a report on the impact orientation.

(2) The Federal Chancellor or the Chancellor of the Federal Chancellery (the cross-border function control unit) has, by way of derogation, § 6 to the National Council Committee on Pre-consultation until 31 at the latest. May 2013 a report on the impact-oriented impact assessment of regulatory projects in accordance with § 17 1 BHG 2013 and projects of exceptional financial importance in accordance with § 58. 2 BHG 2013

(3) The Federal Chancellor or the Chancellor of the Federal Chancellery (the cross-border function control unit) has, by way of derogation, § 7 to the National Council Committee on Pre-consultation until 31 at the latest. to submit an activity report of the cross-sectoral function control body on October 2013.

(4) The implementation of the impact-oriented impact assessment in accordance with Section 17 BHG 2013 is the responsibility of the budgetary institutions and applies to all regulatory projects, which will take place from 1. A review procedure will be carried out on 1 January 2013 as well as for legislative measures in principle in accordance with § 16(2). 2 BHG 2013 and projects of exceptional financial importance in accordance with § 58. 2 BHG 2013 for which the agreement was made with the Federal Minister for Finance or the Federal Minister for Finance from 1. January 2013 will start.


Annex 1: Information from the budgetary institutions for the report on the internal evaluation of regulatory projects and other projects

Report structure per scheme or other project

Name of the project:

Objective 1(presentative for regulatory or project objectives):

What is success:


Date of the EFC

Objective supplement
Evaluation time

Evaluation time


Measure 1 (the template is exemplary):

What is success:

State of origin of the WFA

Objective supplement
Evaluation time

Evaluation time


Assessment of success:

Expected significant effects:

In fact, significant and non-integrated effects:

Expected financial implications:

In fact, financial implications:

Improvement potential:

Annex 2: Information from the budgetary institutions for the report on impact orientation

Report structure per subdivision

Key image:

Development of the environment:

Objective 1 (the template is exemplary for the Objectives 1-5 of the Sub-division):

Why this aim:

How has this effect been pursued:

What is success:


Year n-2

Objective supplement
Year n-1

Year n-1

Year n-1

Objective supplement
Year n

Assessment of success:

Report structure per global budget

Measure 1 (the template is exemplary for actions 1-5 of the global budget):

What is success:

Contribution to Objectives

Number(s)/ milestone(s)

Year n-2

Objective supplement
Year n-1

Year n-1

Year n-1

Objective supplement
Year n

Assessment of success: