Key Benefits:
349. Ordinance of the Federal Minister for Education, Arts and Culture, which changes the regulation on student support for students at conservatories
On the basis of § § 5 (3), 24 and 76 (2) of the Law on the Promotion of the Study Promotion Act 1992, BGBl. No. 305, as last amended by the Federal Law BGBl. I n ° 135/2009, shall be assigned in agreement with the Federal Minister for Finance:
The ordinance of the Federal Minister of Education, Science and Culture on the Study Funding for Students at Conservatories, BGBl. II No 390/2004, as last amended by the BGBl Regulation. II No 325/2011, shall be amended as follows:
(1) The following paragraph 9 is added to § 4:
" (9) Z 13 and Z 14 of the Annex in the version of the BGBl Regulation. II No 349/2011 shall enter into force at the end of the day of the event in the Federal Law Gazans and shall apply to applications for study aid from the academic year 2011/12. "
2. In Z 13 of the plant, the turn "Vioilincello" through the turn "Violincello" replaced.
3. After Z 13 of the plant, the following Z 14 is added:
" 14. |
Jam Music Lab-Conservatory for Jazz and Popular Music Vienna of the Jam Music Lab GmbH |
Main course |
Study Duration |
Vocals |
8 |
Piano |
8 |
Guitar |
8 |
Bass |
8 |
Percussion |
8 |
Saxophone |
8 |
Trumpet |
8 |
Trombone |
8 |
Violin |
8 |
Theory/Arrangement/Composition |
8 |
Instrumental (vocals) pedagogy |
8 " |