Key Benefits:
438. Regulation of the Regulatory Commission of E-Control, amending the Regulation of the Energy Control Commission concerning the charge for the control zone guide (Gas-RZF-VO-Novelle 2012)
Due to § 12f Gaswirtschaftsgesetz-GWG, BGBl. I n ° 121/2000 as amended by the Federal Act BGBl I No. 45/2009 iVm § 170 para. 5 GWG 2011, Federal Law Gazette I No. 107/2011, is hereby ordered:
The Regulation of the Energy-Control Commission on the charge for the control zone leader, published in the Official Journal of the Vienna newspaper no. 188 of 30 September 2002, as last amended by the Gas-RZF-VO-Novelle 2009 of 22 December 2009, In the Official Journal of the Vienna newspaper No 249 of 24 December 2009, the following amendments are amended as follows:
1. In § 2 para. 1 Z 1 the expression "11,199.369" by the expression "12,577,807" replaced.
2. In § 2 para. 1 Z 2 the expression "208.734" by the expression "249.431" replaced.
3. In § 2 para. 1 Z 3 the expression "150.607" by the expression "190.874" replaced.
4. § 2 (4) is replaced by the following:
The share of the annual fee for the control zone guide to be paid by the natural gas undertakings in accordance with paragraph 2 shall be determined as follows:
1. |
East Austria Control Zone |
a) |
for the network area Upper Austria the Upper Austria. Ferngas Netz GmbH |
3,554,322 €; |
b) |
for the network area Lower Austria, EVN Netz GmbH |
2,408,262 €; |
c) |
for the network area Steiermark the Gasnetz Steiermark GmbH |
2,319,798 €; |
d) |
for the network area Burgenland the BEGAS Netz GmbH |
€ 285,795; |
e) |
for the network areas of Carinthia, Salzburg and Vienna, OMV Gas GmbH |
4,009,630 €; |
2. |
Tirol Rule Zone |
a) |
for the network area Tyrol the TIGAS-Erdgas Tirol GmbH |
€ 249,431; |
3. |
Vorarlberg Rule Zone |
a) |
for the network area Vorarlberg the VEG Vorarlberger Erdgas GmbH |
190.874 €; " |
5. The following paragraph 9 is added to § 4:
" (9) § 2 in the version of the Gas-RZF-VO-Novelle 2012 occurs with 1. Jänner 2012 in force. "