Key Benefits:
440. Regulation of the Regulatory Commission of E-Control, which determines the charges for the use of the system (system usage fee-Regulation 2012, SNE-VO 2012)
On the basis of § 49 Electricity Economic and Organization Act 2010 (ElWOG 2010), BGBl. I No 110/2010 as well as Section 12 (2) (1) of the Energy Control Act (E-ControlG), BGBl. I No 110/2010 in the version of the Federal Law BGBl. I No 107/2011, shall be arranged:
§ 1. This Regulation shall determine the procedures for the rolling of costs, the provisions relating to the network level allocation of the installations, the arrangements for charging the system use charges, special provisions relating to temporary connections, the compensation payments between network operators in a network area and the following system usage charges:
1. |
Network usage fee; |
2. |
Net loss of net loss; |
3. |
Network provision remuneration; |
4. |
the system service charge; |
5. |
Remuneration for measurement services; |
6. |
Remuneration for other services. |
Cost rolling
§ 2. (1) For the costs of the transmission system, a share of 65% of the network costs of the maximum voltage network remaining after deduction of the costs of secondary regulation, network losses and installations which can be assigned directly to the network level 3 shall be the ratio of the total network cost of the transmission system. Total output after electrical work (kWh) according to the gross rolling method. The remaining share will be determined by rolling up the network costs of the maximum voltage grid to the directly connected end users and the respectively directly subordinate network level after the electrical power (kW) and after the electrical work (kWh) in accordance with the netto rolling method. The direct costs for the systems of the network level 3 will be further charged separately.
(2) In the case of the rolling of the network costs of a network area in the respective network levels defined by § 63 Z 3 to 7 ElWOG 2010 to the end users, the network costs per network level plus the cost share taken from the overlaid network level to the end users directly supplied from the network level of the network area and to the supply of feed to the network level or all of the lower network levels which are subject to the network level and are subject to the payment direction. The electrical services to be used for the cost reduction shall be derived from the arithmetic average of the monthly highest quarterly performance measured in the accounting period.
Common preferences for network usage and network loss
§ 3. The following provisions shall apply to the fixing of the network usage fee and the net loss of net loss, unless specifically regulated:
1. |
for the charges in accordance with § 4 (1) (1) (1) and (2) shall be used as the 3-point-of-service for the performance of the performance; |
2. |
The abbreviation LP is used for the power price, with the price estimates referring to the power unit "one kW". The performance price is related to the billing performance of the network usage. For network users in levels 6 or 7 where performance is not measured, a flat rate is determined for the performance-related network use charge; |
3. |
The abbreviation SHT is used for summer high-rate time. Summer is the period from 1 April 00.00 clock to 30 September 24.00. The high rate is the time from 6 am to 10 pm. The fee is related to the electrical work, with the price estimates referred to the unit of work "one kWh"; |
4. |
The abbreviation SNT is used for summer low-rate. Summer is the period from 1 April 00.00 clock to 30 September 24.00. The low-tariff period is the time from 10 p.m. to 6 a.m. the following day. The fee is related to the electrical work, with the price estimates referred to the unit of work "one kWh"; |
5. |
The abbreviation WHT is used for winter high-tariff time. Winter is the period of 1. October 00.00 o'clock until 31st March 24.00 o'clock of the following year. The high rate is the time from 6 am to 10 pm. The fee is related to the electrical work, with the price estimates referred to the unit of work "one kWh"; |
6. |
The abbreviation WNT is used for winter low-rate. Winter is the period of 1. October 00.00 o'clock until 31st March 24.00 o'clock of the following year. The low-tariff period is the time from 10 p.m. to 6 a.m. the following day. The fee is related to the electrical work, with the price estimates referred to the unit of work "one kWh"; |
7. |
Interruptible shall be used for the circumstance that the network operator is entitled and technically capable of interrupting the use of the network at any time or at the contractually predetermined times; |
8. |
the indication "> (<) ... kW " means that the charges apply to network users whose contractual performance for the use of the network is greater than (less than ... kW); |
9. |
the gross margin for the maximum voltage level is to be paid as a work-related charge for the network use of the maximum voltage network; the gross component specified for the network level 1 shall be the operators of the respective network level 1 networks, the operators of the networks, each of which is directly connected to their networks, and, in turn, of the other operators, directly or indirectly connected, on the basis of the total amount of the networks in kWh in its own network area and in the areas of indirect and immediate shall be charged to the network operators. The total output in kWh in the network area of each network operator shall be transmitted to the respectively upstream network operators and to the E-control separately by network level; |
10. |
the net component work is the share per kWh, which is overwhelmed according to the parameters of the cost shift according to § 2 to the network users who are connected to the network level 1 and 2. |
11. |
the net component power is the share per kW, which is overwhelmed according to the parameters of the cost shift in accordance with § 2 to the network users connected to the network level 1 and 2. If a customer uses several substations, it is not possible to determine the values of the performance peaks at the same time; |
12. |
Charges for the net use of the network shall be exempted from the netting of the net use charge; |
13. |
the network level for the settlement of the network use charge depends on the ownership limit between the network user ' s assets and the network operator; |
14. |
the ownership limit in the network operator's low-voltage network shall be the network usage fee of the network level 7; |
15. |
All systems up to the customer-side terminal of the low-voltage line switching field in the substation in the ownership of the network user shall be subject to the network usage fee of the network level 6; |
16. |
the substation of medium-to-low voltage is owned by the network user, the network usage fee of the network level 5 shall apply; |
17. |
All systems up to the customer-side terminal of the medium-voltage line switching field in the substation in the ownership of the network user, shall be the network-use charge of the network level 4; |
18. |
The network user charges the network user charge of the network level 3 from high to medium voltage in the ownership of the network user. |
Determination of network usage fee
§ 4. (1) The network usage fee to be paid by borrowers per counting point shall be determined as follows. The charges for borrowers are, unless specifically stated, in accordance with Section 52 (2) ElWOG 2010 in Cent/kW, in Cent/kWh and/or in the form of an annual fixed flat rate.
(2) For the network use of network-level 3 systems of the transmission system, the following net payments, which are the annual amounts, shall be paid in twelve equal instalments to the Austrian Power Grid AG each month.
Special provisions for temporary connections
§ 5. (1) Temporary connections within the meaning of this Regulation shall be connections intended for a maximum of five years to the network. The following shall be distinguished:
1. |
temporary connections, which will be replaced by final connections after a certain period of time; |
2. |
Temporary ports, which are temporarily connected to the network for a specific period of time. |
Where the collection of electricity from the network takes place via a temporary connection, the following provisions shall apply in the case of the transfer of the network access or the network provision charge, by way of derogation from the general provisions in force for this purpose. ,
(2) The customer shall have the right to vote either for the duration of temporary connections referred to in paragraph 1, to pay a 50% increase in net usage fee from the work-related portion (kWh) of the network usage fee or to pay the network delivery charge for the agreed amount of network use within the meaning of § 55 ElWOG 2010. The regulation in § 52 para. 2 ElWOG 2010 remains unaffected.
(3) If the borrower has decided to pay the network provision fee within the meaning of Section 55 of the ElWOG 2010, the contractually agreed amount of network use for temporary connections within the meaning of Section 1 (1) Z 1 shall be applicable to the final to be able to transfer to full extent.
(4) For temporary connections within the meaning of paragraph 1 (2), which are connected to an existing connection point to the network, in the case of a lump sum, the network access charge to be billed shall not be higher than that of the network access charge which is to be paid out by the Network operator shall be charged for the re-establishment of decommissioned installations or plant parts.
Determination of net loss charges
§ 6. The following charges are respectively determined for the network loss charge to be paid by borrowers and feed-in per counting point. The charges are given in Cent/kWh and are valid for the respective network level (NE).
Determination of the network delivery pay
§ 7. (1) The network delivery fee to be paid by borrowers shall be determined as follows. The charges are given in euro (€) /kW and are valid for the respective network level (NE).
Determination of the system service performance
§ 8. The following charges shall be determined for the system service charge to be paid by feed-in, including power plant parks of more than five MW:
Austrian area: |
Cent 0 ,1180/kWh |
Region Tyrol: |
Cent 0 ,1180/kWh |
Vorarlberg region: |
Cent 0 ,1180/kWh |
Types of measurement
§ 9. If not separately regulated, the following definitions shall apply to measurements of quantities of electrical energy produced or consumed:
1. |
"Medium-voltage converter-load profile counting" is the measurement of electrical work, with the additional recording of all one-quarter hourly average loads (performance values) of a period for one or two energy exposures at measuring points of the Network level 4 or 5. |
2. |
"Low-voltage converter-load profile census" is the measurement of electrical work with the additional recording of all one-quarter hourly average loads (performance values) of one period for one or two energy exposures at measuring points of the Network level 6 or 7 with the use of transducers. |
3. |
"Low-voltage converter-quarter-hour maximum count" is the measurement of electrical work, with the additional recording of the highest one-quarter hourly average load (performance) within a calendar month at network level measurement points 6 or 7 with the use of transducers. |
4. |
"Direct load profile census" is the measurement of electrical work, with the additional recording of all one-quarter hourly average loads (performance values) of a period for one or two energy policies. |
5. |
"Quarterly maximum census" is the measurement of electrical work, with the additional recording of the highest one-quarter hourly average load (performance) within a calendar month. |
6. |
"2 tariff-counting" is the measurement of electrical work without recording of performance values with at least 2 tariff times including the required tariff switching device. |
7. |
"1 tariff-rotation-current count" is the measurement of electrical work without recording power values in a 4-wire three-phase current system. |
8. |
"1 tariff-AC census" is the measurement of electrical work without the detection of power values in a 2-wire system. |
9. |
"Blind current counting" is the measurement of electrical blind work without recording performance values. A separate calculation of blind current measurement shall not be allowed in the cases referred to in paragraphs 1, 2 and 4. |
10. |
"intelligent measuring instrument" means a technical device that measures the actual energy consumption and usage period in a timely manner, and which has a remote-readable, bidirectional data transmission. |
11. |
"Prepaymentcounting" is an additional function for the measurement of electrical work without recording performance values, which are included in the forecasting and/or pre-payment. in advance as a prepayment. |
12. |
"Tariff circuit" is an additional function for activating and deactivating interruptible power plants, as well as for the tariff switching in the case of double tariff counting. |
Determination of the maximum prices for the payment of measurement services
§ 10. (1) For the remuneration for measurement services to be paid by network users, the following maximum prices per calendar month shall be determined for the measurement types described in § 9:
75.00 € |
52.00 € |
11,00 € |
50,00 € |
9,00 € |
4.00 € |
2,40 € |
€ 1.00 |
2,40 € |
If a count by means of an intelligent measuring instrument replaces one of the measuring powers referred to in the Z 1 to 9 or in the 2 Z 1 and 2 points respectively, respectively, additional functions, the corresponding charges shall apply.
(2) For the following additional services, which are provided in connection with measurement services, the maximum of the following maximum prices may be charged at the maximum of the following calendar month:
1. |
Rate circuit € 1.00 |
2. |
Prepaymentcount € 1.60 |
(3) For other functions related to measurement services which are not mentioned in § 9 and which are owned by the network operator, a total of not more than 1.5% of the value of the device fulfilling this function may be used as a fee per month. shall be charged.
(4) If a measuring device is provided by the network users themselves, the maximum price shall be reduced as follows:
Attached Device |
Reduction of pay |
$6.00 |
€ 5.00 |
€ 5.00 |
3,50 € |
0,80 € |
0,40 € |
0.30 € |
20.00 € |
€ 1.50 |
0,80 € |
Determination of charges for other services
§ 11. (1) Network operators shall be entitled to provide other services other than those provided for in accordance with the provisions of this Regulation. § 51 (2) (2) (1) to (6) and (Z) 8 of the ElWOG 2010 and which are directly caused by the network user are to be offset by the following charges:
1. |
Charges for reminders: |
(a) First reminder |
0, -- € |
(b) any further reminder |
€ 1.50 |
(c) last reminder in accordance with Section 82 (3) ElWOG 2010 |
€ 5.00 |
2. |
Changes made by the network user, such as installation, conversion or removal of measuring equipment: |
(a) fulfil the functions within the meaning of § 9 Z 5 to 12 |
20.00 € |
(b) fulfil the functions within the meaning of § 9 Z 1 to 4 |
150.00 € |
3. |
Disconnection and restoration of network access on site 25,00 € |
4. |
Reading and interim settlement of measuring devices at the request of the network user |
a) Reading on the spot without any interim settlement |
10,00 € |
b) Interim settlement without reading on site |
€ 5.00 |
c) Intermediate settlement with local reading |
15,00 € |
5. |
Daily long-distance reading of a load profile counter and electronic data transmission 7,00 € |
6. |
Checking of measuring devices at the request of the network user |
a) on the spot |
40,00 € |
(b) by a competent inspection body |
70.00 € |
(2) If services pursuant to paragraph 1 (2) and (6) are provided at the customer's request in the period from Monday to Friday, 7 p.m. to 7 a.m., as well as on Saturdays, Sundays and public holidays, the two times the respective pay is to be offset.
(3) The charges in accordance with paragraph 1 Z 6 are to be calculated only in the case of non-defective measuring devices. The charges in accordance with paragraph 1 Z 5 are billable on a monthly basis, (1), (1), (1), (2), (3), (4) and (6) are each billable in the event of
Settlement of charges
§ 12. (1) The accounts shall be invoicing at the latest eight weeks after the meter reading relevant for the accounting period. The network operator shall forward the invoice via the system usage fees to the supplier within four weeks, provided that the supplier also places the invoice through the use of the network.
(2) Weighs a calculation of the consumption value according to § 52 (4) and § 53 (3) of the ElWOG 2010 from the actual values, a free invoice correction shall be made.
(3) The charges for measurement services to be applied shall be published by the network operator in an appropriate form, such as on the Internet.
(4) The network operator shall take a lump-sum payment in the course of the transfer of the network access charge. § 54 (2) of the ElWOG 2010 for comparable network users, the packages to be used are to be published in an appropriate form, for example on the Internet.
(5) charges for other functions in connection with measurement services in accordance with § 10 (3) shall be published in an appropriate form, for example on the Internet.
§ 13. (1) The compensatory payments shall be determined as net payments representing the annual amounts and shall be paid on a monthly basis in twelve equal instalments. In network areas, with a number of compensation payers, or Compensatory payment payers shall be appointed by the network operators concerned to carry out the payment of payments. The costs for the payment transaction are to be borne by the network operators on a pro rata basis.
(2) The following compensation payments shall be established for the region of Lower Austria:
1. |
EVN Netz GmbH pays to Stadtwerke Amstetten TEUR 129,4 |
(3) The following compensation payments shall be established for the network area Upper Austria:
(4) The following compensatory payments shall be established for the network area Steiermark:
(5) The following compensation payments shall be established for the Tirol network area:
(6) The following compensation payments shall be established for the Vorarlberg network area:
(7) The following compensation payments shall be established for the Linz network area:
entry into force
§ 14. (1) This Regulation shall enter into force 1. Jänner 2012 in force.
(2) The Regulation of the Energy Control Commission, which defines the tariffs for the use of the system (system-use tariff-Regulation 2010, SNT-VO 2010), published in the Official Journal of the Vienna newspaper no. 249 of 24 December 2009, as amended by the SNT-VO 2010 -Novelle 2011, published in the Official Journal of the Vienna newspaper no. 248 of 23.12.2010, enters into force with 31 December 2011.