Key Benefits:
441. Regulation of the Regulatory Commission of E-Control, with which the
Gas system use tariffs-Regulation 2008 (GSNT-VO 2008) is amended
(Gas system use tariffs-Regulation 2008 -Novelle 2012, GSNT-VO 2008 -Novelle 2012)
On the basis of § 23 bis § 23b, § 23d Gaswirtschaftsgesetz-GWG, BGBl. I n ° 121/2000, as amended by the Federal Law Gazette (BGBl). I n ° 45/2009 iVm § 170 (5) GWG 2011, Federal Law Gazette I No. 107/2011, is being ordered:
The regulation of the Energy Control Commission, which determines the tariffs for the use of systems in the gas industry (Gas-System-Use-Tarife-Regulation 2008, GSNT-VO 2008), is published in the Official Journal of the Vienna newspaper no. 021 of 30 June 2008. Jänner 2008, in the version of the GSNT-VO 2008 -Novelle 2011, published in the Official Journal of the Vienna Newspaper no. 248 of 23 December 2010, is amended as follows:
1. In accordance with Article 1 (2), the following paragraph 3 is added:
" (3) This Regulation establishes the necessary compensation payments between the network operators of a network area pursuant to Section 70 (2) of the GWG 2011 and their payment mode.
2. § 2 Z 6 reads as follows:
" 6. |
"offset calorific value" means the calorific value in kWh/m³ used for the calculation of the energy quantity for final customers. This amounts to 11.19 kWh/Nm.sup.3 for the control zone East, 11.21 kWh/Nm³ for the control zone Tirol and 11.23 kWh/Nm³ for the control zone Vorarlberg. If the average monthly value published by the respective rule zone guide deviates by more than 2% from the prescribed offset calorific value, the published average monthly value shall be applied for this period; " |
3. § 5 (8) Z 1 to Z 4 are replaced by the following:
" (8) The following tariffs shall be determined for the network usage fee to be paid by the borrower:
1. |
Network usage fee for network level 2: |
a) |
Area Burgenland-Network level 2: |
b) |
Area Kärnten-Network level 2: |
c) |
Region of Lower Austria-Network level 2: |
d) |
Area Upper Austria-Network level 2: |
e) |
Area Salzburg-Network level 2: |
f) |
Region Steiermark-Network level 2: |
g) |
Region Tyrol-Network level 2: |
h) |
Area Vorarlberg-Network level 2: |
i) |
Area Vienna-Network level 2: |
2. |
Network usage fee for network level 3: |
a) |
Area Burgenland-Network level 3: |
b) |
Area Kärnten-Network level 3: |
c) |
Region of Lower Austria-Network level 3: |
d) |
Area Upper Austria-Network level 3: |
e) |
Area Salzburg-Network level 3: |
f) |
Region Steiermark-Network level 3: |
g) |
Region Tyrol-Network level 3: |
h) |
Area Vorarlberg-Network level 3: |
i) |
Area Vienna-Network level 3: |
3. |
Network usage fee for network levels 2 and 3 for public installations which are used for refuelling of natural gas-fuelled vehicles in the network areas of Burgenland, Carinthia, Lower Austria, Upper Austria, Salzburg, Styria, Tyrol, Vorarlberg and Vienna: |
a) |
Flat rate/year: 2.400, -- €/year |
b) |
Work Price: 0.36 ct/kWh |
4. |
Network usage fee for the supply of natural gas from production and storage in €/a: |
a) |
Region of Lower Austria: 117.212, -- €. |
b) |
Area Upper Austria: 406.197, -- €. |
4. § 9 (5) is replaced by the following:
" (5) The breakdown of costs in accordance with Paragraphs 1 and 4 on the individual network areas shall result in the following net payments, with the deduction of their own costs for lines assigned to level 1. The following net payments are annual amounts and will be received in twelve equal instalments per month by OMV Gas GmbH for the Upper Austria network area of Upper Austria. Ferngas Netz GmbH, for the network area Lower Austria of the EVN Netz GmbH, for the network area Steiermark of the Gasnetz Steiermark GmbH, for the network area Burgenland of the BEGAS Netz GmbH, for the network area Carinthia of KELAG Netz GmbH, for the network area of Austria GmbH, for the network area of Austria Netzbereich Salzburg of the Salzburg Netz GmbH and for the network area Vienna of WIEN ENERGIE Gasnetz GmbH invoied. In the net payments for WIEN ENERGIE Gasnetz GmbH, KELAG Netz GmbH and Salzburg Netz GmbH, these are included in the services provided for the performance of the duties of the control zone guide.
20.297.367 € |
EVN Netz GmbH |
7.343.534 € |
BEGAS Netz GmbH |
1.952.592 € |
Gasnetz Steiermark GmbH |
1.450.732 € |
OÖ. Ferngas Netz GmbH |
14.269.373 € |
KELAG Netz GmbH |
1.479.810 € |
Salzburg Netz GmbH |
2.540.379 € " |
Section 11 (8) reads as follows:
" (8) The following maximum prices shall be determined for the measurement charge for the feed-in of natural gas from the import, production and storage facilities:
1. |
for the supply of natural gas from import, production and storage systems into the network of OMV Gas GmbH 2.74 cents per MWh; |
2. |
for the supply of natural gas from production to the network of Salzburg Netz GmbH 2.88 cents per MWh; |
3. |
for the supply of natural gas from production and storage facilities to the OÖ network. Ferngas Netz GmbH 6.59 cents per MWh; |
4. |
for the feeding of natural gas from storage systems into the network of WIEN ENERGIE Gasnetz GmbH 4.87 cents per MWh fed in. |
The applicable measurement fee shall be calculated by the network operator on a cost-effective basis and shall be published in a suitable form. " |
6. In accordance with § 11, the following § 11a including the heading is inserted:
" Compensatory Payments
§ 11a. (1) The compensatory payments shall be determined as net payments representing the annual amounts and shall be paid on a monthly basis in twelve equal instalments. In network areas, with a number of compensation payers, or Compensatory payment payers shall be appointed by the network operators concerned to carry out the payment of payments. The costs for the payment transaction are to be borne by the network operators on a pro rata basis.
(2) The following compensation payments shall be established for the network area of Carinthia:
1. |
Energy Klagenfurt GmbH pays to KELAG Netz GmbH TEUR 173,7 |
(3) The following compensation payments shall be established for the network area Upper Austria:
1. |
Compensation payers: |
a) |
LINZ GAS Netz GmbH: TEUR 1.142,9 |
b) |
Elektrizitätswerke Wels AG: TEUR 913.9 |
c) |
Stadtwerke Steyr: TEUR 503,6 |
2. |
Compensation Payee: |
a) |
OÖ. Ferngas Netz GmbH: TEUR 1.481,5 |
b) |
Energie Ried GmbH: TEUR 1,078,9 |
(4) The following compensatory payments shall be established for the network area Steiermark:
1. |
Compensation payers: |
a) |
Stadtwerke Leoben: TEUR 88,9 |
b) |
Stadtwerke Kapfenberg GmbH: TEUR 42.5 |
2. |
Compensation Payee: |
a) |
Gasnetz Steiermark GmbH: TEUR 85,6 |
b) |
Energie Graz GmbH & Co KG: TEUR 43.4 |
c) |
Market town Veitsch-Gasnetz Veitsch: TEUR 2.4 |
(5) The following compensation payments shall be established for the Tirol network area:
1. |
EVA-natural gas supply Ausserfern GmbH pays to TIGAS-Erdgas Tirol GmbH TEUR 111,4 |
(6) The following compensation payments shall be established for the Vorarlberg network area:
1. |
Stadtwerke Bregenz GmbH pays to VEG Vorarlberger Erdgas GmbH TEUR 88,0 |
7. The following paragraph 6 is added to § 13:
" (6) § 1 para. 3, § 2 Z 6, § 5 paragraph 8 Z 1 to Z 4, § 9 paragraph 5, § 11 paragraph 8 as well as § 11a in the version of the GSNT-VO 2008-Novelle 2012 occur with 1. Jänner 2012 in force. "