Key Benefits:
456. Regulation of the Federal Chancellor concerning the Women's Development Plan for the Federal Chancellery
Due to § 11a of the Federal Equal Treatment Act (B-GlBG), BGBI. N ° 100/1993, as last amended by the Federal Law BGBI. I No 6/2011, shall be arranged:
Women's promotion plan for the Federal Chancellery
1. Main item-objectives and measures to achieve objectives |
§ 1 |
Objectives |
§ 2 |
Measures to achieve objectives |
§ 3 |
Preferred recording |
§ 4 |
Preferred appointment/appointment |
§ 5 |
§ 6 |
Selection criteria |
§ 7 |
Selection procedure |
§ 8 |
Measures for the protection of dignity at work |
§ 9 |
Linguistic equality |
§ 10 |
Information work |
§ 11 |
Reform measures/Future programmes |
§ 12 |
Resources in support of equal treatment officers |
§ 13 |
Information rights |
2. Main piece-Special support measures |
1. Measures in the field of education and training |
§ 14 |
Increasing the proportion of women through education and training measures |
§ 15 |
Lectures and teaching materials |
2. Promotion of career advancement |
§ 16 |
Career and career planning |
§ 17 |
Line functions |
§ 18 |
Improvement of internal information |
3. Promotion of re-entry |
§ 19 |
Information |
§ 20 |
Sliding back-up |
4. Measures to promote the reconciliation of work and family life |
Section 21 |
Care obligations, flexible working time forms, part-time employment |
Section 22 |
Part-time employment and management responsibility |
5. Measures to increase the proportion of women in commissions and advisory councils |
Section 23 |
Promotion of the participation of women |
§ 24 |
entry into force |
Annex 1 Representative areas of the equal treatment officers |
Annex 2 Objective to increase the proportion of women |
1. Main item
Objectives and measures to achieve objectives
1. Objectives
§ 1. (1) The Federal Chancellery is committed to an active equal treatment policy in order to ensure equality for women and men.
(2) The aim of the implementation of the Women's Development Plan is to achieve and achieve the following objectives in particular:
1. |
To promote the recognition of women as equal and equal partners in the professional world and to promote a positive attitude towards women's professional activities at all levels of the hierarchy, |
2. |
the promotion and strengthening of the professional identity, the self-awareness of women and the willingness to influence, influence and take responsibility, |
3. |
the promotion of consensus on the equivalence of women's and men's work and the promotion of the acceptance of the use of parental leave by men in the resort; |
4. |
the reduction of existing disadvantages for women, |
5. |
the improvement of the reconciliation of work and family life for women and men, |
6. |
the promotion of equal representation of women in all decision-making structures, at least in proportion to their share in employment, |
7. |
the increase in the proportion of women in all use or Pay groups and function or Assessment groups in which women are under-represented, |
8. |
raising the proportion of women in leadership positions, as well as in functions, commissions and bodies in which women are under-represented, |
9. |
In measures and strategies, in particular in the area of the organisational and human resources sector of the Federal Chancellery, the guiding principle of gender mainstreaming is to be taken into account; the instrument is to be used for the advancement of women. |
10. |
The measures for the promotion of women are to be integrated into the system of personnel planning and personnel development |
2. Measures to achieve objectives
§ 2. (1) Equality in the Federal Chancellery is to be achieved at all levels.
(2) In particular, the HR department and all functionally responsible organizational units have to contribute to the measures to be taken and to participate in their development.
(3) All staff members who are also new members of staff shall be informed in an appropriate manner of the Women's Development Plan by the Equal Treatment Officees.
(4) After consultation with the Service Centre, all staff members shall participate in information sessions of the equal treatment officers or the individual contact with the relevant equal treatment officers within the Allow service time.
Preferred recording
§ 3. For all categories of use/remuneration groups where there is under-representation of women in accordance with § 11b B-GlBG, applicants who are not less suitable for the planned site than the best-suited competitor, are: preferably to receive.
Preferred appointment/appointment
§ 4. (1) Applications for women during a statutory form of absence from the service; The place of service shall be considered on the same level as other applications; § 3 shall apply mutatily.
(2) In the case of more than one suitable application, the relevant applicants must be informed that they are open to appeal to the Equal Treatment Commission.
§ 5. (1) All tender texts according to the Tendering Act (AusG), BGBI. No 85/1989, and internal invitations to tender are to be drawn up in a gender-neutral manner.
(2) As long as the requirements of § § 11b and 11c B-GlBG are not met, it is expressly to be pointed out in all invitations to tender of posts and functions in the call text that the proportion of women on posts and in The aim is to increase the number of management functions and to urge women to apply. It should also be pointed out in the call for tenders that applicants should preferably be included in the case of equal suitability.
(3) If the proportion of women in the scope of action of the respective service authority is below 50% in a use or function, it should be explicitly stated in the call text that applications from women for posts in this The use (classification) or function is particularly desirable.
(4) Prior to the call for tenders of a function, it is to be examined whether this function can also be exercised with reduced weekly service time (partially employed). An indication should be included in the call for tenders.
(5) Requirement profiles for functions need to be clearly defined, to meet the actual requirements of the function and to be formulated in such a way that women are not disadvantaged either directly or indirectly.
Selection criteria
§ 6. (1) The selection criteria according to § 5 B-GlBG must be observed.
(2) In interviews with women, discrimination against women (such as family planning) is inadmissible. The assessment of suitability must not be based on evaluation criteria based on a discriminatory, role stereotypical understanding of the sexes.
Selection procedure
§ 7. (1) The selection decision shall not discriminate against the following criteria in particular:
1. |
existing or earlier |
a) |
the interruption of employment, |
b) |
Part-time employment, |
2. |
Age and family status. |
(2) The existence of a pregnancy must not be grounds for refusal of inclusion in the service relationship.
(3) Criteria catalogues for interviews must be drawn up in such a way that they do not discriminate against women either directly or indirectly.
(4) In order to assess leadership qualities, social competence should also be used as a criterion.
(5) The skills and qualifications acquired in a Karenz are to be appropriately appreciated.
Measures for the protection of dignity in the working environment
§ 8. (1) The dignity of employees in the working environment shall be protected. Conduct which infringes or is intended to infringe the dignity of the human person, in particular statements and representations, sex or sexual harassment, or discrimination in accordance with the second main piece of the Federal Equal Treatment Act are not to be tolerated and must not be tolerated by superiors. The service provider shall take appropriate measures to raise awareness.
. (2) The employees are the superiors of the legal and other possibilities to defend themselves in the event of violations of their dignity in the working environment, particularly in the case of gender or sexual harassment and bullying. and, above all, on the occasion of the employee interview.
(3) Training on how to deal with incidents of gender or sexual harassment, discrimination based on sex or ethnicity, religion or belief, age or sexual orientation (Anti-discrimination) as well as bullying are to be offered and to recommend their visit.
(4) There shall be no discriminatory assignment of duties in the determination of service obligations for the female service workers.
(5) It is necessary to respect a working atmosphere, which is carried out by mutual respect.
Linguistic equality
§ 9. On all occasions, as well as internal and external documents of the resort, the names of persons are in female and male or female. gender neutral form.
Information work
§ 10. (1) The applicable women's support plan is to be published on the homepage of the BKA (Intranet).
(2) All employees-in particular new members of the staff-are the women's support plan from the Human Resources Department. To bring the service to the attention of the staff.
(3) In the framework of the basic training, information about the B-GlBG and the women's promotion plan must be provided.
Reform measures/Future programmes
§ 11. (1) Working groups on administrative reform measures, human resources planning and personnel development, reorganisation and future projects of the management innovation programme shall be accompanied by an appropriate proportion of women.
(2) In structure and reorganization programmes for personnel planning and human resources development, consideration should be given to the promotion of women.
Resources in support of equal treatment officers
§ 12. (1) The activities of the Equal Treatment Offiders and their alternates according to the B-GlBG and this support plan are part of the service activity. The Equal Treatment Officer or their substitutes may not have a professional disadvantage as a result of their duties during their exercise or after leaving the office.
(2) The managers shall ensure that the equal treatment officer or give their deputitians the resources necessary to carry out their activities (computer, human resources, space and equipment, financial resources).
(3) In order to carry out their duties according to the B-GlBG, the equal treatment officers shall be supported by the service provider. The necessary budgetary resources and other necessary resources shall be made available to them. The equal treatment officers can use these property and human resources resources according to the principles of cost-effectiveness, expediency and economy.
(4) Travel movements in the performance of the function as an equal treatment officer or the participation in meetings or on the basis of precharges with the Federal Equal Treatment Commission shall be deemed to be a business trip within the meaning of the travel fee rule 1955, BGBI. No. 133.
Information rights
§ 13. The chairperson of the Working Party on Equal Treatment Questions is the following: Data to be transmitted in automated form:
1. |
In accordance with § 31 B-GlBG, the Equal Treatment Officer and her deputists are to be provided with information and, if requested, all requested information, such as evaluations from pm/sap or other statistical evaluations, are available. . Statistical data are to be made available in the form and preparation requested by the Equal Treatment Officer; |
2. |
Statistical data are according to the Federal Minister for Social Security and Generations regulation on the statistical data to be included in the equal treatment reports, BGBl. No 774/1993, up to 1. (to the chairperson of the Working Party on Equal Treatment), to make available each second year; |
3. |
Reports of the completed trainings are up to 1. (to the chairperson of the Working Party on Equal Treatment). From this statistical data, the proportion of women in the respective educational activities, as well as the number of days of schooling-separated by gender-should be visible; |
4. |
written information on planned training; |
5. |
written information in the case of functional tenders: |
a) |
Call text at the same time as the information to the Staff Committee |
b) |
Appointment of the Review Commission |
c) |
Names and horseback of applications |
d) |
the name of the person who has been assigned the function. |
2. Main piece
Special support measures
1. Measures in the field of education and training
Increasing the proportion of women through education and training measures
§ 14. (1) The task of the immediate superiors is to inform and encourage their employees to participate in the selection of available educational opportunities in a timely and verifiable way and to encourage them to participate.
(2) The persons responsible for education shall draw the staff's attention to appropriate internal and external training events; for example, on the homepage of the BKA (Intranet).
(3) In the case of seminars at the place of employment, the course times should, if possible, be used in such a way that inexorable social activities, such as the removal of the children from the kindergarten, can be carried out despite the course attendance.
(4) The participation of parttime workers in educational activities for official reasons is to be guaranteed. Part-time workers participating in training events shall be subject to the obligation to pay the hours worked there, which go beyond their normal weekly hours of service, within the framework of the applicable statutory provisions.
(5) Employees in professional problem situations is the participation in individual supervisions or Coaching in the justified case of need.
Lectures and teaching materials
§ 15. (1) The increase in the proportion of women as a person to be present is to be sought. Once a year, the Equal Treatment Officer is sent a list of the examiners of the resort. The responsible Equal Treatment Officer will be involved in the search for new auditor and examiner.
(2) curricula may not contain (indirectly) women's discriminatory content, and should be extended to include women-specific themes and gender aspects.
2. Promotion of career advancement
Career and career planning
§ 16. (1) The employer shall have the effect of ensuring that a family break does not adversely affect the career and career planning of women and men.
(2) The promotion of women does not only have to be carried out in management positions, but must be actively promoted by the employer and immediate superiors at all organizational and hierarchical levels.
(3) In the employee interview, topics such as more flexible working time arrangements, etc. to be addressed.
(4) It is the responsibility of superiors to motivate staff to take over management positions, to encourage participation in special training seminars and to transfer them to their own responsibility (project management, grant, and Extension of the appropriation of approbation).
(5) The participation of female (including part-time) staff in management channels is to be encouraged, especially in those areas where women are under-represented in the functions.
Line functions
§ 17. (1) It shall apply to the admission, appointment and/or Order in accordance with § § 3 to 6.
(2) Do not apply to women for management functions, to set appropriate measures by the service authority in order to qualify and motivate women in the context of succession planning for the assumption of leadership responsibility.
Improvement of internal information
§ 18. In order to promote the mobility of staff and to increase the potential of interested applicants, all possibilities of internal information exchange should be used. are made known.
3. Promotion of re-entry
§ 19. (1) Staff members shall be informed by the Human Resources Department of all models of flexible working time in relation to maternity. In particular, men are also responsible for the legal possibilities of taking advantage of the Karenzurlaubes and/or the Part-carence should be noted.
(2) Staff who apply for a reduction of the weekly service period must be shown to be aware of the conditions and consequences in general terms and conditions.
(3) At the latest four weeks before the re-entry, the staff member shall be invited by the Human Resources Department or the superiors for a call in which the future use will be clarified after the re-entry.
(4) Karenzised staff members shall be informed of planned internal and external training events, provided that the training measure is temporally after the end of the Karenz.
(5) The respective service authorities shall ensure appropriate retraining of the re-entering carded staff.
(6) On a voluntary basis, staff members are allowed to participate in service meetings or training.
Sliding back-up
§ 20. A sliding re-entry should be made possible in accordance with the service requirements in all areas of activity with accompanying measures such as reorganisation and the corresponding reduction of the task area. It is demonstrably necessary to have an employee interview.
4. Measures to promote the reconciliation of work and family life
Care obligations, flexible working time forms and/or part-time employment
§ 21. (1) According to budgetary possibilities and requirements of the service, women-and family-friendly organizational changes and facilities, such as flexible working hours (e.g. reduction of the block time, flexible possibilities of the service) are Recreational activities, teleworking, job sharing, rotation models, etc.), re-entry programmes for carelated staff or the securing of childcare facilities.
(2) A working group of internal and external experts will be set up for the purpose of optimal implementation of these objectives. Organizational units, which implement the measures in an exemplary manner, are mentioned as "best practice" models.
(3) For women and men with care obligations, individual rules of their working time and their division of work should be sought.
(4) In the case of all employees of the department, the acceptance of the use of paternal carence and part-time work on the basis of child-care obligations by men must be promoted.
(5) Care obligations shall be taken into account in the authorisation of telework.
(6) Applications pursuant to Section 50a of the Official Services Act (BDG), Federal Law Gazette (BGBI). No 333/1979 i.d.g.F. -reduction of the weekly service period of any occasion and applications pursuant to § 75 BDG-Karenzurlaube-are to be examined carefully, with appreciation of the situation of the persons concerned. In the case of contract staff, it is appropriate to proceed accordingly.
(7) In the case of staff members, there should be no indiscriminate professional discrimination by means of Karenz and part-time employment.
Part-time employment and management responsibility
§ 22. (1) Management positions and part-time employment are not mutually exclusive.
(2) Part-time work and also teleworking should be possible in all areas of work and at all levels of function and qualification, where this is compatible with the tasks of the workplace.
(3) The employer is anxious to create the organisational conditions for the principle that leading positions should in principle also be made available to part-time employees. Models of teamwork and project responsibility in departments are to be tested.
5. Measures to increase the proportion of women in commissions and advisory councils
Promotion of the participation of women
§ 23. Personnel managers and superiors have to support and promote women who aspire to work in commissions and advisory councils. It is important to ensure that, where possible, women are represented in the commissions provided for in the rules of the service.
entry into force
§ 24. This Regulation shall enter into force 1. Jänner 2012 in force.
Appendix 1
Representative areas of the Equal Treatment Officiespursuant to § 26 Federal Employment Equality Act
1.: |
Representative Office of the Federal Chancellery, Central Office for Section I |
2.: |
Office of the Federal Chancellery, Central Office for Section II |
3.: |
Office of the Federal Chancellery, Central Office for the Sections III |
4.: |
Federal Chancellery Office, Central Office for Sections IV |
5.: |
Office of the Federal Chancellery, Central Office for Sections V and VII |
6.: |
Representative area of the Austrian State Archives |
7.: |
Representative area of the Asylum Court |