Key Benefits:
131. Federal law, which changes the media law
The National Council has decided:
Amendment of the Media Law
The federal law on the press and other journalistic media (Mediengesetz-MedienG), BGBl. No. 314/1981, as last amended by the Federal Law BGBl. I n ° 8/2009, shall be amended as follows:
1. § 25 reads:
" Disclosure
§ 25. (1) The media owner of each periodic medium shall publish the information referred to in paragraphs 2 to 4. In the case of periodic media works, the imprint also provides information on the web address under which these data can be found easily and directly, or if these details are to be added to the medium. In the case of broadcast programmes, all such information shall be provided either permanently on a teletext page which can be easily found or in the Official Journal of the "Wiener Zeitung" within one month from the beginning of the broadcast and in the first month of each Calendar year. On a website, these details are constantly available to be found easily and directly. In the case of recurrent electronic media, either the web address at which this information can be found easily and directly, or it is to be added to the medium, must be given. If the media owner is a service provider within the meaning of § 3 Z 2 ECG, BGBl. I n ° 152/2001, the disclosures may be made available together with the information on § 5 ECG.
(2) The media owner shall be admitted with the name or company, the object of the company, the place of residence or the registered office (establishment) and the name of the representative bodies of the media holder, in the case of the existence of a supervisory board, the members of the media holder. In addition, for all persons directly or indirectly involved in a media owner, the respective ownership, participation, share, and voting rights are to be disclosed. Furthermore, any silent participations shall be disclosed to the media owner and to the persons involved in the media, directly or indirectly, within the meaning of the preceding sentence, and shall disclose trusteeship conditions for each stage. In the case of direct or indirect participation of foundations, the Foundation's founder and the beneficiary's respective beneficiaries shall also be disclosed. If the media owner is an association or if an association is directly or indirectly involved in the media owner, the association's management board and its purpose are to be stated for the association. Persons who are directly or indirectly involved, trustees, donors and beneficiaries of a foundation are obliged, upon request by the media owner, to inform the Foundation of the information required for the fulfilment of his disclosure obligation.
(3) If a person to be specified in accordance with the above provisions is simultaneously the holder of another media company or media service, the company, the object of the company and the registered office of that undertaking must also be mentioned.
(4) Furthermore, a statement about the fundamental direction of a periodic printing unit (leaf line) or otherwise of a periodic medium is to be published. In the sense of § 2, amendments and additions to the basic direction will only become effective once they are published.
(5) For a medium within the meaning of § 1 (1) (1) (5a) lit. b and c, which does not have any information content beyond the representation of the personal sphere of life or the presentation of the media owner, which is likely to influence public opinion formation, are only the name or the to indicate, where appropriate, the object of the enterprise, the place of residence or the registered office of the holder of the media. (3) and (4) shall not apply to such media. "
2. In § 27 (1) the number shall be: "2 180" by the number "20 000" replaced.
Section 55 is added to the following paragraph 7:
" (7) § 25 and § 27 in the version of the Federal Law BGBl. I n ° 131/2011 will enter into force on 1 July 2012. "