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Operation Radio Regulation - Bfv

Original Language Title: Betriebsfunkverordnung – BFV

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Regulation of the Federal Minister for Transport, Innovation and Technology, with the provisions for spectrum use and frequency allocation in the fixed radio service and in the non-public mobile radio service in the frequency range from 29.7 to 925 MHz (operating radio regulation-BFV)

On the basis of § 53 of the Federal Law with which a Telecommunications Act is enacted (Telecommunication Act 2003-TKG 2003), BGBl. I No 70/2003, as last amended by BGBl. I No 27/2011, shall be ordered:

table of contents

Section 1

Scope, definitions, formal requirements

§ 1

Scope and purpose

§ 2


§ 3

Formal requirements

Section 2

General provisions

§ 4

Type of frequency

§ 5

Operating mode

§ 6

Call signs of radio transmitters

§ 7

Protection of Peil-reception facilities of the telecommunications authority

Section 3

Conditions for neighbouring countries

§ 8

Permissible interference field strength and cross-border interference range

Section 4

National planning bases

§ 9

Field of application and protected field strength in non-public mobile land radio service

§ 10

High-frequency output power in the fixed radio service

§ 11

Equivalent radiation power in fixed radio stations in non-public mobile land radio service

§ 12

Equivalent radiation power at mobile radio stations

§ 13


Section 5

Radio interference

§ 14

Interference handling


Transitional and final provisions

§ 15

Transitional provision

§ 16


§ 17


§ 18

In-force pedals

Section 1

Scope, definitions, formal requirements

Scope and purpose

§ 1. (1) In order to ensure efficient and uninterrupted use of the radio spectrum, this Regulation lays down the conditions for spectrum use and allocation of radio frequencies for radio and non-public radio equipment. movable land radio service in the range of 29.7 to 925 MHz.

(2) The definitions generally applicable to radio services in accordance with this Regulation shall be in the frequency domain allocation regulation, BGBl. II No 67/2011.

(3) The frequencies available for the use of the radio pursuant to this Regulation, as well as any terms of use and restrictions of use, shall be included in the Frequency Usage Regulation, BGBl. II No 68/2011.

(4) The national planning bases (4). Section) shall be applied only in so far as this is necessary for the efficient and trouble-free use of the frequency spectrum in the field of application in question.


§ 2. This Regulation shall designate the term


"fixed radio station" means a radio station of the fixed radio service;


"fixed radio station" means a radio station of the mobile radio service which is not intended to be operated during the movement;


"fixed land radio station" means a fixed radio station of the mobile land radio service;


"movable land radio station" means a radio station of mobile land radio service which can change its location on the earth's surface within the geographical boundaries of a country or part of the world;


"simplex mode" means the mode of operation in which the transmission takes place in both directions only alternately at a frequency;


"duplex mode" means the mode of operation in which the transmission takes place simultaneously in both directions on a frequency pair;


"semi-duplex mode" means the mode of operation in which the transmission is carried out on a frequency pair, the transmitter and the receiver of the fixed radio station being simultaneously in operation (duplex) and the transmitters and receivers of the other radio stations being operated simultaneously. be operated alternately;


"Protected use field strength" means the field strength which is reached or exceeded in the area of use at 50% of the places and in 50% of the time;


"permissible interference field strength" means the value of the field strength of external signals occurring in the useful channel, which may cause an impairment of the receiving signal of the useful signal.


"cross-border interference range" means the distance from the state border in the neighbouring country, where the permissible interference field strength cannot be exceeded;


"High-frequency output power",


in the case of analogue transmission methods, the average power which a transmitter supplies during a period of high-frequency oscillation in the absence of modulation of the antenna feed line;


in the case of digital transmission methods, the mean power which the transmitter of the antenna feed line supplies during a period of the high-frequency oscillation with the highest crest factor occurring in the modulation method. The crest factor indicates the ratio of peak value to effective value;


"Effective Antenna Height" in a given direction and distance the difference from the height of the antenna base (height of the antenna above ground) above normal zero and the calculated average height of the terrain in a geographical section. In the case of interconnected antennas, the height of the antenna base of the highest antenna shall be applicable;


"alterations" means the difference between those heights of 10% and/or 10%, respectively. 90% of the terrain heights in the observed direction and distance in a geographical area is exceeded;


"system attenuation" means the attenuation of the radio signal between the output of a transmitter and the input of the receiver;


"Equivalent radiation power (ERP)" means the radiated power in a given direction, which is derived from the high-frequency output power taking into account the attenuation occurring between the transmitter output and the antenna, and the antenna gain in this direction;


"antenna gain" means the ratio of the power required at the input of a reference antenna to the power supplied to the input of the given antenna, so that the two antennas in a given direction are the same distance from the antenna. Create field strength. If nothing else is indicated, the number expressing the gain of an antenna refers to the gain in the direction of the radiation of the main lobe (s). The reference antenna is a lossless half-wave dipole in the free space;


"aperture angle" means the angle between the two directions at which the radiation power falls to half the power in the main beam direction;


"exclusive frequency" is a frequency or a pair of frequencies, which is allocated exclusively to a demand carrier for a given field of application;


"Community frequency" means a frequency or a pair of frequencies allocated to a number of needs without regard to mutual interference in the same field of application;


"high density radio network" means a radio network in which the occupancy time is at least 10 minutes in the main hour of transport;


"rush hour" means the consecutive 60 minutes in which the maximum occupancy time occurs;


"occupancy time" means the sum of the individual times of the high-frequency transmissions.

Formal requirements

§ 3. (1) In the case of the application, at least the technical data referred to in Appendix 1 .

(2) Geographical coordinates are to be specified in accordance with the reference coordinate system "World Geodetic System" (WGS84) with an accuracy of better than (30 m.

Section 2

General provisions

Type of frequency

§ 4. (1) Exclusivity frequencies or Exclusive frequency pairs shall be allocated only if:


the radio network for the protection of human life, or


shall be operated for public purposes, or


At least 40 radio transmission systems per local area of use, at least 300 radio stations throughout Germany or at least 100 radio transmission facilities in a local area other than a local or national area of application in a radio network, or the radio network can expect a high call density, or


a radio network operated on a Community frequency has an increasing density of use or, in particular circumstances, preclude the satisfaction of the communication requirements at a Community frequency; or


the radio network is connected to a public communications network.

(2) Community frequencies or Community frequency pairs shall be allocated if the conditions for the allocation of an exclusive frequency or of an exclusive-frequency pair.

(3) Long-term consignments shall be prohibited at Community frequencies.

(4) A frequency shall be deemed to be charged if, on 14 consecutive days, the average occupancy time in the main hour of transport is at least 15 minutes.

(5) Radio networks on pre-allocated exclusive frequencies may be transferred to Community frequencies if the condition for the allocation of an exclusive frequency is no longer met.

Operating mode

§ 5. (1) Frequencies are basically allocated only for the Simplex operating mode.

(2) frequencies for the operating modes Semi-Duplex and Duplex are allocated only if the communication requirement cannot be satisfied in the Simplex operating mode.

(3) If stationary radio stations are operated in the simplex operating mode, frequencies for the simplex operating mode are also allocated for the necessary supply lines which are necessary.

Call sign of the radio transmitters

§ 6. In the case of each message transmission, the call sign assigned to the own radio station is to be sent out either in an open-language way at the beginning or by means of an automatic identification.

Protection of Peil-reception facilities of the telecommunications authority

§ 7. In order to protect the stationary receiving installations of the telecommunications authority, at the location of the antenna systems of the telecommunications authority, the peak value of the field strength caused by transmission equipment, measured with the authorised bandwidth, shall be 105 dB µ V/m in shall not exceed a case.

Section 3

Conditions for neighbouring countries

Permissible interference field strength and cross-border interference range

§ 8. (1) If the permissible interference field strength at the national border is exceeded at a level of 10 m above the ground, coordination with the telecommunications administrations of the neighbouring countries concerned must be carried out in accordance with the table below. Coordination with the telecommunications administrations can also be carried out if the interference field strength is less than the permissible interference field, if this is necessary for radio-technical reasons.

Frequency band

Permissible interference field strength at the state limit

29.7-47 MHz

+ 0 dB µ V/m

68-87.5 MHz

+ 6 dB µ V/m

146-174 MHz

+12 dB µ V/m

230-399,9 MHz

+18 dB µ V/m

406,1-470 MHz

+20 dB µ V/m

870-880 MHz

+26 dB µ V/m

915-925 MHz

+26 dB µ V/m

(2) Where coordination with the telecommunications administrations of the neighbouring countries concerned has been carried out, the permissible values for the interference field strength referred to in paragraph 1 shall be 10 m above the ground level in the distance of the maximum to comply with the cross-border interference range in accordance with the table below.

Frequency band

max. Cross-border disturbance

29.7-47 MHz

100 km

68-87.5 MHz

100 km

146-174 MHz

80 km

230,0-399,9 MHz

50 km

406,1-470 MHz

50 km

870-880 MHz

30 km

915-925 MHz

30 km

(3) If the applicant considers it appropriate to ensure the uninterrupted operation of its radio network and this is also justified on radio-technical grounds, the application shall be subject to coordination with the telecommunications administrations of the neighbouring countries concerned.

Section 4

National planning bases

Field of application and protected field strength in non-public mobile land radio service

§ 9. (1) The area of application is the area at whose edge the protected field strength is reached or exceeded.

(2) Protected use field strength for analogue transmission methods, measured at 3 m above ground level:

Frequency range

protected field strength

29.7-47 MHz

+ 8 dB µ V/m

68-87.5 MHz

+14 dB µ V/m

146-174 MHz

+20 dB µ V/m

230,0-399,9 MHz

+26 dB µ V/m

406,1-470 MHz

+28 dB µ V/m

6 dB higher values apply to radio networks, which


shall be operated for public purposes, or


for the protection of human life.

(3) Protected use field strength in digital transmission methods, measured at 3 m height above ground:

Frequency range

protected field strength

380-399,9 MHz

+37 dB µ V/m

415-420 MHz

+37 dB µ V/m

425-430 MHz

+37 dB µ V/m

870-880 MHz

+43 dB µ V/m

915-925 MHz

+43 dB µ V/m

In other frequency ranges, no planning values are established for digital transmission methods.

High-frequency output power in the fixed radio service

§ 10. (1) The high-frequency output power as a function of the system attenuation is at radio stations of the fixed radio service:

System attenuation

max. Permissible high-frequency output power

up to 107 dB

0.1 Watt

greater than 107 dB-less than/equal to 112 dB

0.3 watts

greater than 112 dB-less than or equal to 117 dB

1 watt

greater than 117 dB-less than or equal to 122 dB

3 watts

greater than 122 dB

6 watts

The system attenuation shall, in principle, be Appendix 2 "Determination of system attenuation" is calculated.

(2) For radio networks which:


shall be operated for public purposes, or


for the protection of human life,

The calculated value of the system attenuation is increased by 10 dB.

(3) In the frequency range 32.20-39.65 MHz, the value of the high-frequency output power can be limited if this is necessary to protect the reception of the terrestrial television broadcast.

Equivalent radiation power in fixed radio stations in non-public mobile


§ 11. (1) The equivalent radiation power shall be limited to fixed radio stations in the non-public mobile land radio service, taking into account the effective antenna height and the alterations of the property, to the value of the value which is necessary for the performance of the Communication requirements in the applied field of application are required.

(2) Equivalent radiation power (ERP)

In the frequency range 29 ,7-87, 5 MHz:

effective antenna height

max. Allowed ERP

up to 10 m

25 W

30 m

12 W

50 m

6 W

70 m

3 W

110 m

1 W

170 m

0.3 W

from 270 m

0.1 W

In the frequency ranges 146-174 MHz and 230-300 MHz:

effective antenna height

max. Allowed ERP

up to 25 m

25 W

40 m

12 W

60 m

6 W

80 m

3 W

120 m

1 W

180 m

0.3 W

from 300 m

0.1 W

In the frequency ranges 300,0-399,9 MHz, 406,1-470,0 MHz, 870-880 MHz and 915-925 MHz:

effective antenna height

max. Allowed ERP

up to 60 m

50 W

80 m

25 W

120 m

12 W

180 m

6 W

230 m

3 W

300 m

1 W

500 m

0.3 W

from 900 m

0.1 W

(3) The effective antenna height and the ravability shall be determined in accordance with Appendix 3 "Determination of the effective antenna height and the ravability" is calculated. For values of the effective antenna height, which lie between the values indicated in the tables in paragraph 2, the maximum value is the maximum. The permissible ERP is linearly interpolated. A damping correction factor is determined in accordance with Appendix 3 from the determined gel alteration. The present value of the maximum permissible ERP is to be corrected with a damping correction factor.

(4) For radio networks with analogue transmission methods, the


shall be operated for public purposes, or


for the protection of human life

values shall be 6 dB higher than those determined in accordance with paragraph 3.

(5) In the case of digital transmission methods, values higher than those determined in accordance with paragraph 3 shall be 9 dB higher.

(6) Without prejudice to the results obtained in accordance with paragraphs 2 to 5, the following absolute limit values of the maximum permissible equivalent radiation power shall apply:


for digital transmission methods: 100 W ERP


for analog transmission methods up to 300 MHz: 25 W ERP


for analog transmission methods over 300 MHz: 50 W ERP

(7) With the values expressed in paragraph 2 above, a mobile radio station with a fixed radio station can communicate with a fixed radio station at the following distance (with 50% orts and 50% probability of time):

Frequency range


29.7-47 MHz

35 km

47-68 MHz

30 km

68-87.5 MHz

25 km

146-174 MHz

20 km

230-399,9 MHz

20 km

406,1-451,3 MHz

20 km

451.3-470 MHz

18 km

870-880 MHz

10 km

915-925 MHz

10 km

Equivalent radiation power at mobile radio stations

§ 12. (1) The equivalent radiation power for mobile radio stations shall be:

Frequency range

maximum equivalent radiation power

29.7-87.5 MHz

6 watts

146-174 MHz

6 watts

230,0-399,9 MHz

12 watts

406,1-470,0 MHz

12 watts

870-880 MHz

25 watts

915-925 MHz

25 watts

(2) The equivalent radiation power of mobile radio stations operated at an altitude of more than 10 m above ground shall be a maximum of 1 Watt.


§ 13. (1) In the establishment of a stationary radio station, the site of installation, the directional characteristic and the elevation angle of the antenna must be selected in such a way that, if the field of application is adequately supplied, the interference field strength is as low as possible. is caused outside the area of use.

(2) Planning values for directional antennas for radio stations of the fixed radio service:

Frequency range

minimum profit

maximum horizontal opening angle

68,0-87.5 MHz

4 dB

140 degrees

146-174 MHz

7 dB

70 degrees

230,0-399,9 MHz

8 dB

70 degrees

406,1-470,0 MHz

9 dB

70 degrees

870-880 MHz

13 dB

50 degrees

915-925 MHz

13 dB

50 degrees

(3) At altitude locations, directional antennas are to be set up on the most favorable elevation angle in terms of radio technology.

Section 5

Interference handling

§ 14. (1) The notification of a radio interference can be made informally with the locally responsible radio monitoring, indicating the authorization data of the troubled radio system.

(2) A fault message shall be treated as such only if:


the radio equipment is constructed and operated in accordance with the operating licence;


the response threshold of the receiver (squelch setting) of the troubled radio equipment is set to the radio-technical planning value of -107 dBm or greater,


a Community frequency is blocked by a permanent broadcast or is subject to external actions not covered by permits;


at the location of the disturbed mobile radio station, the field strength of the useful signal reaches at least the value of the protected useful field strength in accordance with § 9 and


the measured interference field strength is greater than the value of the permissible interference field strength, taking into account the attenuation or of the receiving antenna in the direction of the interference source, the following time values must be exceeded:

Demand Carrier Group

Total duration per hour


Duration of the individual disorder


Number of pulse disturbances (less than 1 second per minute)

security radio services (police, rescue, fire brigade, customs,

Interstate and train radio)

40 s

20 s


Radio services operated for public other purposes

120 s

60 s


Other demand carriers

360 s

180 s


(2) Reception disturbances shall not occur, in particular, where the obstacles to radio traffic are caused at Community frequencies by other radio equipment authorised at the same frequency in the same area of use, except in the case of: Permanent dispatches.


Transitional and final provisions

Transitional provision

§ 15. Permits issued prior to the entry into force of this Regulation shall remain in force.


§ 16. The in Appendix 2 The agreement is based on the agreement of the telecommunications office during the hours of the official hours. It will also be published on the homepage of the Federal Ministry of Transport, Innovation and Technology.


§ 17. References in this Regulation to other Regulations are to be understood as references to the version in force.

In-force pedals

§ 18. (1) The operating radio regulation, BGBl, shall enter into force with the entry into force of this Regulation. No 264/2004, except for force.

(2) A notification in accordance with Directive 98 /94/EC laying down a procedure for the provision of information in the field of technical standards and regulations, OJ L 327, 31.12.1998, p. No. OJ L 204 of 21 July 1998, S 37, as amended by Directive 98 /48/EC, OJ L 201, 31.7.1998, p. No. L 217 of 5 August 1998, S 18, was carried out under the number 2011 /151/A.
