Key Benefits:
Regulation of the Federal Minister of Science and Research on the Women's Development Plan for the Federal Ministry of Science and Research
On the basis of § 11a of the Federal Equal Treatment Act (B-GlBG), BGBl. N ° 100/1993, as last amended by the Federal Law BGBl. I No 140/2011, shall be:
Section 1-Objectives and measures |
§ 1 Objectives |
§ 2 Preferred admission according to § 11b B-GlBG |
§ 3 Preferred in the career advancement according to § 11c B-GlBG |
§ 4 Tendering |
§ 5 Selection procedure |
§ 6 Measures for career planning |
Section 7 Measures in the field of education and training |
Section 8 Measures to promote the reconciliation of work and family/care obligations |
§ 9 Children's childcare places |
§ 10 Composition of Commissions |
Section 11 Support for equal treatment officers, the women's representative and the |
Working Group on Equal Treatment |
§ 12 Protection of dignity at work |
§ 13 Linguistic equality |
§ 14 Information of the employees |
Section 15 Information on relevant legislation |
Section 2-Implementation of the measures for the promotion of women |
Section 16 Jurisdiction |
Section 17 Service obligations |
3. Section-Final determination |
Section 18 Entry into force and external force |
Assets |
Section 1-Objectives and measures
§ 1. With the implementation of the Federal Ministry of Science and Research's Women's Development Plan, the following objectives are to be pursued and achieved in particular:
1. |
Equal opportunities: To promote the participation of women in all levels of hierarchy in all functions and activities. |
2. |
Personnel planning and development: Increased integration of women's promotion into the human resources planning and development of the department in order to promote the potential of women and thus an equal share of women in education and training, remuneration and promotion . |
3. |
Awareness-raising: To promote the professional identity and self-awareness of women in order to increase their willingness to influence, to help shape them, to make decisions and to take responsibility. |
4. |
Compensation of existing loads: Increasing the compatibility of professional and private-in particular family-obligations for women and men. Creation of a non-discriminatory working environment by seeking to reconcile work and family obligations for women and men. |
5. |
Parental Carence: Promotion of the acceptance of parental leave and part-time employment by women as well as by men in the resort. |
6. |
Increase in the proportion of women: Taking into account possible subsequent appointments, raising the proportion of women in accordance with § § 11 ff B-GlBG in the use and pay groups in which women are under-represented (less than 50%). The urgency of the promotion of women is determined by the extent of the under-representation (of the statistics attached to this Regulation as annexes A and B (as of 31 December 2011), the cases of an existing under-representation by women in the sense of § 11 paragraph 2 B-GlBG in the department of the Federal Ministry of Science and Research). In any case, an already achieved female quota in areas with a proportion of women of less than 50% is to be maintained. All measures that directly or indirectly influence the women's quota are to be aligned with this objective. |
Preferred recording according to § 11b B-GlBG
§ 2. In the case of under-representation of women according to § 11b para. 1 Z 1 and Z 2 B-GlBG, applicants who are equally suitable for the planned job as the best-suited competitor, according to § 11b B-GlBG are to be given priority.
Preference for career advancement according to § 11c B-GlBG
§ 3. In case of under-representation of women according to § 11c Z 1 and Z 2 B-GlBG applicants who are equally suitable for the intended use (function) as the best-suited competitor, according to § 11c B-GlBG are to be ordered as a priority.
§ 4. (1) All tender texts in accordance with the 1989 Tendering Act (AusG), BGBl. No. 85, and internal calls for tenders are both female and male, respectively. in a gender-neutral form.
(2) In invitations to tender for posts of a particular use (grading) or of certain functions, where the proportion of women in the scope of action of the respective service authority is less than 50%, the indication that the The respective service authority shall endeavour to increase the proportion of women in posts and in management functions and therefore be strongly invited to apply for the application.
(3) As long as the requirements of § § 11b and 11c B-GlBG are not met and the proportion of women in a particular use (classification) or a specific function is not at least 50%, all calls for tenders are subject to planning and of functions in the tender text expressly to point out that applicants with the same suitability according to the requirements of § 11b B-GlBG are accepted as a priority and with the same suitability according to the requirements of § 11c B-GlBG Applicants must be appointed as a priority.
(4) Prior to the appointment of all functions in the Central Office of the Federal Ministry of Science and Research, the Chairman/Chairman of the Working Group on Equal Treatment shall be provided with the following information (documents) with the following: Possibility of taking note of the opinion:
1. |
the planned occupation or tendering procedure |
2. |
the act concerning the invitation to tender before the completion of the contract |
3. |
the names of the applicants |
4. |
the composition of the review board |
5. |
the candidates ' horseback |
6. |
the selection decision. |
The appointment of the Chairperson of the Working Group on Equal Treatment Questions for the opinion of the Chairman of the Working Party on Equal Treatment shall be appointed before the appointment of services in the subordinated services sector subject to the 1989 Law on Tendering (AusG). , as well as after the occupation, to be informed.
Selection procedure
§ 5. (1) The selection criteria according to § 5 B-GlBG must be observed.
(2) In assessing the suitability of applicants, no selection and evaluation criteria should be used which are based on a discriminatory, role stereotype understanding of the sexes.
(3) Applications for women during a legal form of absence from the service; The place of service shall be included in the selection procedure and shall be taken into account in the same way as other applications.
Measures for career planning
§ 6. (1) In the context of their duty to support, the respective members of the service have to encourage female employees to attend training and further training events by means of their respective internal staff.
(2) Women are to be given priority to participate in education and training activities which qualify for the acquisition of higher-value uses.
(3) In service descriptions and suitability considerations, no assessment criteria may be included, resulting in a disadvantage for the female staff, or on a discriminatory, role-stereotype understanding of the Gender orientation.
(4) In the definition of service obligations, no discriminatory, career-former task assignments, which are based on a gender stereotype understanding of the sexes, may be made. The same applies to the description of jobs.
Measures in the field of education and training
§ 7. (1) The service managers shall ensure that all female employees, including part-time workers, can, where possible, take part in training courses and training events for managers. will be informed. It should be noted that applications for women are particularly welcome. Each department has an updated list of the above mentioned events for all employees regularly to make known.
(2) In the planning of training seminars, a family-friendly organisation should be considered in accordance with the budget funds (e.g. B. possibility of childcare).
(3) The members of the service shall, upon request, enable female service workers to attend appropriate training and training seminars. If changes in service time are necessary to take part in training and further education events, these are to be granted by the service superiors, insofar as there are no compelling service interests in the opposite direction.
(4) Training courses, in particular those which qualify for acquisition in higher-quality uses and functions, should be allowed to give priority to women until a 50% female quota has been reached. In any case, an already achieved 50% female quota should be maintained. This also applies to initial and continuing training courses with limited participation.
(5) The admission to the basic training courses, as well as to seminars and further training courses, is also to be made possible for part-time staff.
(6) Staff responsible and staff members in the pre-legislative function are obliged to inform themselves about the B-GlBG and related issues of the advancement of women and equal treatment. With regard to the qualification measures of superiors, consideration is given to topics such as the promotion of women, the Federal Equal Treatment Act, the handling of employees and the appropriation of management knowledge and personnel management. .
Measures to promote the reconciliation of work and family/care obligations
§ 8. (1) The task of the superiors is to make provision in the context of the work planning of an organizational unit for the purpose that the tasks of the individual employees are usually to be managed in the normal working hours. In the event of a change to part-time employment, particular attention should be paid to the corresponding reduction in the number of tasks.
(2) In the setting of meeting dates, consideration should be given to the working time of part-time workers and persons with care obligations. Meetings are to be set up within the time of the block and to plan as long as possible.
(3) In the case of the arrangement of service appointments-in particular for overtime and extra-work-consideration should be given to the time requirements arising from (children) care obligations. There must be no discrimination on the part of staff.
(4) In the case of staff members, part-time employment shall not be subject to any discrimination.
(5) Employment and management positions should be designed with the inclusion of flexible working time models in such a way that their assumption of responsibility can be reconciling with the responsibility for persons subject to care.
(6) Personnel planning and development should take into account the possibility of a family break in the career planning of both sexes.
Childcare places
§ 9. The heads of service managers shall regularly carry out needs surveys, in particular in accordance with the special guidelines for the granting of a grant to the Federal Government's operating kindergartens, and shall take all appropriate measures to To meet the needs of childcare places for the children of the employees of the respective department.
Composition of Commissions
§ 10. (1) In the case of the composition of commissions within the meaning of Section 10 (1) B-GlBG, at least one member of the members to be appointed by the service provider shall be male and one member shall be male. The chairman of the Working Party on Equal Treatment or a staff member of his or her reputable staff, or a staff member of which he or she is well known, shall have the right to participate in all the Commission's negotiations and meetings. or the relevant Senate, the collegiate body or the Advisory Council, except in the case of disciplinary meetings, with a consultative vote.
(2) In the case of the composition of other commissions, advisory boards, working parties or comparable decision-making bodies or advisory bodies, the employer shall have a gender balance when ordering the members. to work. In particular, it is also important to note that women are appointed as chairmen and full members.
Support for equal treatment officers, the women's representative and the Working Party on Equal Treatment
§ 11. (1) In the case of the transfer of tasks of the workplace and in the definition of service obligations, the additional burden arising from the activity as an equal treatment officer or a women's representative must be taken into account. The performance of the tasks of the equal treatment officers or women's representatives is to be seen as an important contribution to the fulfilment of the official duties in the area of administration. The role of the Equal Treatment Officer and the Women's Representative shall not be a professional disadvantage either during the performance of her duties or after leaving this function.
(2) The Heads of Service and Services shall ensure the administrative support of the Equal Treatment Offiders and the provision of the necessary resources (personnel, space and equipment).
(3) The equal treatment officers shall be entitled to perform their duties in equal treatment matters at their workplace and to use the facilities available to the workplace.
(4) The Working Party on Equal Treatment Questions shall be provided with a separate budget appropriate for the performance of its tasks.
(5) The activity of an equal treatment officer or a contact woman requires a travel movement, this travel movement must be deducted from a duty trip within the meaning of the travel fee rule in 1955.
(6) In the context of § 31 B-GlBG, information should be provided to the equal treatment officers and their deputists, and, if requested, all requested information such as protocols, personnel data or statistical evaluations are available. Please note that § 1 paragraph 2 of the German Data Protection Act (DSG) must be observed.
Protection of dignity at work
§ 12. The dignity of women and men in the workplace must be protected. Behaviour which infringes or is intended to infringe the dignity of the human person, in particular statements and statements, bullying and sexual harassment which are degrading or injurious, shall not be tolerated and shall not be tolerated by superiors . The service provider shall take appropriate measures to raise awareness.
Linguistic equality
§ 13. In all internal and external documents, as well as in publications and publications of the portfolio, names of persons are to be used both in female and male or in gender-neutral form.
Information of the employees
§ 14. The women's promotion plan must be brought to the attention of all employees in an appropriate manner by the employer (e.g. Intranet).
Information on relevant legislation
§ 15. (1) The Federal Ministry of Science and Research has every department head and each Head of Service, all relevant and up-to-date legislation relevant for equal treatment and women's promotion matters, and further information. shall be transmitted.
(2) The Head of Service or the Head of Service shall publicly disclose all legislation and information received from her or him in accordance with paragraph 1 to the Service Centre, as well as the Equal Treatment Officer and the Women's Representative in Copy to be transmitted.
(3) In the respective business units and telephone directories of the Central Management and of all departments, the names of the Equal Treatment Offiders and their alternates, as well as the Women's Representative, are under To include guidance of their function.
Section 2-Implementation of the measures for the promotion of women
§ 16. The implementation of the measures to promote the promotion of women's rights under this Regulation shall be the responsibility of the institutions which, in accordance with their respective organisational requirements, shall take decisions or proposals relating to the staff, financial, organisational or organisational arrangements. and further training in these matters.
Service obligations
§ 17. The implementation of the measures referred to in this Regulation is one of the duties of the organ walters responsible for this. The breach of the provisions contained in this Regulation shall be punishable in accordance with the provisions of the European Parliament and of the Council.
3. Section-Final determination
Entry into force and external force
§ 18. (1) This Regulation shall enter into force at the end of the day of release for consultation in the Federal Government's Legal Information System.
(2) The Regulation of the Federal Minister of Science and Research on measures to promote women in the sphere of action of the Federal Ministry of Science and Research (FrauenförderPlan im Scope of the Federal Ministry of Education and Research) for science and research), BGBl. II No 97/2008, enters into force with the entry into force of the BGBl Regulation. II No 49/2012.