Key Benefits:
76. Ordination of the Federal Minister of Agriculture, Forestry, Environment and Water Management, the Federal Minister of Health, the Federal Minister for Transport, Innovation and Technology, the Federal Minister for Economic Affairs, Family and Youth, and The Federal Minister for Science and Research, with which the General Radiation Protection Regulation is amended
Pursuant to sections 10a (2), 13 (1), 13a (3), 17 (2), 19 (1), 20 (1), 20 (1), 23 (1) and (2), 25 (4) (4) (1), 26 (5), 32 (6), 34 (7), 35e, 35f (5), 36 (1) and (3) and 36b (1) of the Radiation Protection Act, BGBl. No 227/1969, as last amended by the Federal Law BGBl. I n ° 13/2006 and the Federal Ministries Act of 2009, BGBl. I n ° 3/2009,
1. |
as far as businesses are concerned, the 1994 Commercial Code, BGBl. No 194/1994, by the Federal Minister for Economic Affairs, the Family and Youth, in agreement with the Federal Minister for Agriculture, Forestry, the Environment and Water Management, |
2. |
with regard to rail, road, air and maritime transport and workers ' protection for businesses, which are the Federal Law on Transport-Labour Inspections (VAIG 1994), BGBl. N ° 650/1994, by the Federal Minister for Transport, Innovation and Technology, in agreement with the Federal Minister for Agriculture, Forestry, the Environment and Water Management, |
3. |
with regard to the nuclear reactors and the particle accelerators in the universities and research institutes of the Austrian Academy of Sciences, the Federal Minister for Science and Research, in agreement with the Federal Minister for Agriculture, Forestry, Environment and Water Management, |
4. |
with regard to the interests of § § 35 and 36 of the StrSchG, concerning matters relating to the handling of radiation sources in the field of medicine, the Federal Minister of Health, |
5. |
, incidentally, by the Federal Minister for Agriculture, Forestry, the Environment and Water Management |
ordering: |
The General Radiation Protection Ordinance, BGBl. II No 191/2006, shall be amended as follows:
1. The table of contents is:
table of contents |
Paragraph |
Object/Label |
Part 1 |
1. Section principles, scope of application |
§ 1. |
Scope |
§ 2. |
Justification |
§ 3. |
Tuning |
2. Section Requirements for the safe handling of radiation sources |
§ 4. |
Safety analysis, incident analysis, emergency planning |
§ 5. |
Nuclear safety of nuclear installations |
3. Section Exceptions to the obligation to notify and to notify, type approvals |
§ 6. |
Derogations from the obligation to grant authorisation |
§ 7. |
Exemptions from reporting requirements |
§ 8. |
Type approvals |
Part 2 |
1. Section General protections |
§ 9. |
Determination of dose |
§ 10. |
Dose by ionizing radiation |
§ 11. |
Categories of professionally radiated persons |
§ 12. |
Maximum authorised dose for persons exposed to radiation |
§ 13. |
Expositions particularly approved |
§ 14. |
Maximum authorised dose for individuals of the population |
§ 15. |
Responsibility of the holder of the authorization |
§ 16. |
Radiation protection teachings and work instructions |
2. Section Radiation Areas |
§ 17. |
Radiation area, control and monitoring area |
§ 18. |
Requirements for control and surveillance areas |
§ 19. |
Access to radiation areas from persons who are not exposed to radiation |
§ 20. |
Non-business persons of category B in radiation areas |
§ 21. |
Access to official bodies and qualified experts |
§ 22. |
Radiation applications |
§ 23. |
Personal protective equipment |
§ 24. |
Radioactivity monitoring of the environment |
3. Section Physical Control |
§ 25. |
Personal dosimetry |
§ 26. |
Incorporation monitoring |
§ 27. |
Evaluation of dosimetric measurements |
§ 28. |
Determination of the effective dose and the dose of equivalents |
§ 29. |
Monitoring of jobs |
§ 30. |
Meters |
§ 31. |
Records |
Section Medical Examinations |
§ 32. |
Aptitude investigation |
§ 33. |
Control investigation |
§ 34. |
Immediate investigation |
§ 35. |
Final investigation |
§ 36. |
Medical certificate |
§ 37. |
Authorised Doctors |
§ 38. |
Duties of the holder of the authorization |
§ 39. |
Accounting of medical radiation protection investigations |
Section 5. Persons responsible for the exercise of radiation protection |
§ 40. |
Obligations and rights |
§ 41. |
Education and training in the medical field |
§ 42. |
Education and training in the non-medical sector |
§ 43. |
Education and training in the field of research reactors |
§ 43a. |
Recognition of training |
6. section Protection of external workers, radiation protection passport |
§ 44. |
Obligations of the holder of an external company's consent |
§ 45. |
Obligations of the holder of the authorization, in whose control area external workers are active |
§ 46. |
Obligations of external workers |
§ 47. |
Content and form of the radiation protection passport |
§ 48. |
Exhibition, registration and evidence of radiation protection passports |
§ 49. |
Management of the radiation protection pass |
§ 50. |
Special arrangements for certain occupational groups |
Part 3 |
1. Section General provisions |
§ 51. |
Scope |
§ 52. |
Open and enclosed radioactive substances |
§ 53. |
Labelling of radioactive substances |
§ 54. |
Storage facilities |
§ 55. |
Transport of radioactive materials within establishments |
§ 56. |
Cleaning and repair work |
§ 57. |
Contamination |
§ 58. |
Decontamination |
§ 59. |
Recording and reporting obligations |
§ 60. |
Transboundary movements of radioactive substances subject to notification |
§ 61. |
Radioactive substances in or radioactive contamination of materials intended for recycling and re-use |
2. Section of Radioactive Substances |
§ 62. |
Nature |
§ 63. |
Leak testing |
§ 64. |
High-level radioactive sources |
§ 65. |
Non-medical use of surrounded radioactive substances |
§ 66. |
Operating rules |
3. Section Offene radioactive substances |
§ 67. |
Handling of open radioactive substances |
§ 68. |
Protection against contamination |
§ 69. |
Workplace types |
§ 70. |
Workplaces of Type C |
§ 71. |
Workplaces of Type B |
§ 72. |
Workplaces of Type A |
§ 73. |
Application of open radioactive substances in the environment |
4. Subsection of radioactive substances |
§ 74. |
Discharge of liquid and gaseous radioactive substances |
5. Section Radioactive Waste |
§ 75. |
General provisions |
§ 76. |
Collection of radioactive waste, waste categories |
§ 77. |
Temporary storage of radioactive waste in establishments |
§ 78. |
Discharge of radioactive waste |
§ 79. |
Release |
Part 4 |
1. Section for non-medical X-ray equipment |
§ 80. |
General provisions |
§ 81. |
Requirements |
§ 82. |
Operating rules |
§ 83. |
Specific provisions for full protection institutions |
2. Section particle accelerator for non-medical applications |
§ 84. |
General provisions |
§ 85. |
Requirements |
§ 86. |
Operating rules |
Part 5 |
§ 87. |
General provisions |
§ 88. |
Construction of research reactors |
§ 89. |
Operational Organization |
§ 89a. |
Nuclear safety |
§ 89b. |
Nuclear Safety Officer |
§ 89c. |
Operating rules |
§ 90. |
Recording and reporting obligations |
§ 91. |
Decommissioning concept |
§ 91a. |
Decommissioning |
Part 6 |
§ 92. |
Central dose register |
§ 93. |
Central radiation sources-register |
§ 94. |
Central Incident Register |
Part 7 |
§ 95. |
Transitional provisions |
§ 96. |
In-force pedals |
2. The item at the end of § 1 paragraph 2 Z 4 shall be given by the word "and" replaced and the following Z 5 added:
" 5. |
the requirements for nuclear installations relating to nuclear safety. " |
3. § 1 (3) reads:
" (3) The following Directives are transposed into Austrian law by this Regulation:
1. |
Directive 96 /29/EURATOM laying down the basic safety standards for the protection of the health of workers and the general public against the dangers arising from ionizing radiation, OJ L 206, 22.7.1996, p. No. 1., as amended by the corrigendum OJ L 159, 29.6.1996, p. OJ L 314, 04.12.1996 p. 20, |
2. |
Directive 90 /641/EURATOM on the protection of external workers exposed to exposure to ionizing radiation in use in the control sector, OJ L 206, 22.7.1990, p. No. OJ L 349, 13.12.1990 p. 21, |
3. |
Directive 2003 /122/EURATOM on the control of highly radioactive enclosed radiation sources and sources of radiation, OJ L 327, 28.12.2003, p. No. OJ L 346, 31.12.2003, p. 57, |
4. |
Directive 2009 /71/EURATOM on a Community framework for the nuclear safety of nuclear installations, OJ L 327, 28.12.2009, p. No. OJ L 172, 02.07.2009 p. 18. |
4. The heading to the 1. Part 2. Section reads: "Requirements for the safe handling of radiation sources".
5. § 5 including headline reads:
" Nuclear safety of nuclear installations
§ 5. (1) In order to ensure the nuclear safety of nuclear installations, in the course of the installation as well as the holder of the authorization, the holder of the authorization shall, in the course of the operation and decommissioning of such an installation, take the place of the 5. of the requirements laid down in this Regulation.
(2) Nuclear installations within the meaning of this Regulation shall be research reactors, including, where appropriate, an intermediate storage facility for spent fuel and radioactive waste on the site of the plant. "
6. § 6 including headline reads:
" Exemptions from the obligation to grant
§ 6. (1) According to Article 13 (1) of the German StrSchG (StrSchG), the obligation to make a permit in accordance with § § 7 or 10 of the StrSchG shall be exempt
1. |
the handling of radioactive substances, the activity of which is subject to the free limits referred to in Appendix 1 Table 1, column 2, or its specific activity, does not exceed the free limits set out in Annex 1, Table 1, column 3; |
2. |
the handling of radioactive substances which are not listed in Table 1 of Appendix 1; for which there are no free limits, provided that their activity or specific activity does not exceed the following values: |
a) |
for alpha-radionuclides or radionuclides that decompose by spontaneous fission: 10 3 Becquerel or 1 Becquerel per gram, |
b) |
for beta-and gamma-ray radiators, unless they are lit. c): 10 5 Becquerel or 10 2 Becquerel per gram, |
c) |
for electron capture radiators and beta-radiators with a maximum beta energy of 0.2 mega-electronvolts: 10 8 Becquerel or 10 5 Becquerel per gram; |
3. |
the handling of a number of radioactive substances, provided that the sum of the quotients of the activity or the specific activity of each substance and of the corresponding free limit of Z 1 and 2 is less than or equal to one; |
4. |
the handling of noble gases obtained from the air, provided that the isotope ratio in the gas corresponds to that in the air; |
5. |
the handling of radiation sources, the type of which has been approved in accordance with § 19 of the German StrSchG; |
6. |
the operation of radiation installations which do not serve the production of ionizing radiation but which, in the course of the operation thereof, occurs parasitically, provided that the local dose rate is not 0.1 metres away from the touchable surface of the appliance; is more than 1 microsievert per hour. |
(2) The exceptions referred to in paragraph 1 (1) to (3) shall not apply to:
1. |
the deliberate addition of radioactive substances in the manufacture of medicinal products and the placing on the market of such products; |
2. |
the deliberate addition of radioactive substances in the manufacture of consumer products and the placing on the market of such products; |
3. |
the deliberate administration of radioactive substances to persons and, where the radiation protection is affected by humans, to animals for the purpose of medical or veterinary diagnosis, treatment or research. " |
7. § 7 (1) reads:
" (1) According to Article 25 (4) (1) of the StrSchG, no notification shall be required:
1. |
the handling of radioactive substances, which is exempted from the obligation to comply with the provisions of Section 6 (1) (1) to (4); |
2. |
the handling of radiation sources, the design of which has been approved in accordance with § 19 of the German StrSchG, unless a notification requirement exists on the basis of the type-approval; |
3. |
the operation of cathode ray tubes intended for the presentation of images or of radiation installations which are operated at a voltage of not more than 30 kilovolts, provided that the local dose rate is 0.1 metres from the the touchable surface of the device is no more than 1 microsievert per hour. " |
8. In § 8, the sales denomination "(1)" as well as (2) and (3)
9. § 9 including headline reads:
" Determination of dose
§ 9. The determination of the dose shall be carried out using the values and calculation principles set out in Appendix 2 and Annex 6. "
10. § 10 (1) second sentence reads:
"Expositions that do not result from the use of radiation sources within the meaning of § 2 para. 45 StrSchG shall be disregarded in the determination of the dose."
11. In § 10 (1), third sentence, the word order shall be "In particular, these are expositions" through the phrase "It is also possible to ignore the expositions" replaced.
12. § 10 (2) reads:
The competent authority may, in the event of a subliminal measurement or a reasonable doubt, establish a replacement dose as to the accuracy of the dose. It shall inform the holder of the authorization, the central dose register and the dose measurement point of the fixed value. Spare doses are to be labelled as such. "
13. § 11 including headline reads:
" Categories Of Persons Exposed To Radiation
§ 11. (1) For control and surveillance purposes, a distinction is made between two categories of persons exposed to radiation:
1. |
Category A: persons exposed to radiation, who are expected to have a higher effective dose than 6 millisievert or higher in the course of their professional activity over a period of 12 consecutive months Equivalent dose as 45 millisievert for the eye lens or 150 millisieverts for the skin or the hands, forearms, feet and ankles can be obtained; |
2. |
Category B: persons exposed to occupation who do not belong to category A. |
The dose equivalent for the skin shall be independent of the exposed surface area for the median dose on each surface of 1 cm 2 . |
(2) The classification of persons exposed to occupationally exposed persons in categories A or B shall be classified in the case of activities subject to authorisation by the competent authority in the context of the authorization procedure or in the case of a righthand radiation protection legal authorisation in the context of the next inspection according to § 17 StrSchG.
(3) In the case of this classification, the nature of the transition, the usually occurring exposures and the specific situation must be taken into account. Few probable exposure scenarios and exposures, which can only be caused by grossly negligent or deliberately irregular behavior, are to be ignored.
(4) The holder of the authorization shall make available any additional information required for the classification, in particular on the individual activities and periods of residence in radiation areas, at the request of the authority.
(5) If a holder of the authorization intends to carry out non-bewilligate activities in radiation areas by non-business persons who may require classification of the persons concerned into category B, he/she shall have the right to to apply to the Authority such a classification on the basis of all the information required for the dose assessment. Where the Authority is issuing the application, it shall, in a modest manner, establish that the planned activity of persons of category B may be carried out. If, however, the Authority considers that:
1. |
it would be necessary to classify it in category A, it has to reject the application, recalling that the rules on external workers are to be applied; |
2. |
it is not required to be classified as a person exposed to radiation, it must be noted in a modest manner. |
(6) Where the values laid down in paragraph 1 (1) (1) are exceeded for persons exposed to radiation in category B, the holder of the authorization shall immediately inform the competent authority to clarify the causes and, if so, possible to take remedial action.
(7) If remedial action cannot be taken, the competent authority shall review the handling of its justification. If this treatment remains justified in spite of potentially higher doses, only professionally exposed persons of category A may take action. "
14. In Section 12 (2), the word order shall be "of 50 Millisievert" through the phrase "up to 50 millisievert" replaced.
15. § 12 (4) deleted.
16. In Section 15 (1), the word order is deleted "-with regard to Z 1 also the advertiser-" .
17. § 15 para. 1 Z 1 reads:
" 1. |
ensuring the proper operation of the installations and equipment; " |
18. In Section 16 (1), the phrase "as after incidents or accidents," through the phrase "as in the case of the introduction of new procedures or after incidents" replaced.
19. § 16 (3) reads:
" (3) The holder of the authorization shall draw up written work instructions corresponding to the radiation risks of the respective activities, to demonstrate and make available to the persons concerned, and to make them available, as well as to convince themselves of such risks, that those affected have understood the instructions. The working instructions must include, in particular, the prudential and protective measures necessary for the activity concerned. "
20. § 17 (4) reads:
" (4) Areas in which only radiation devices are operated shall only be considered to be radiation areas during the operation of these devices. However, if activation products are produced during operation, the affected areas remain radiation areas even after termination of the operation, until the activation products have subsidisated to the extent that they are ignored from the point of view of radiation protection. "
21. § 19 including headline reads:
" The access of persons who are not professionally exposed to radiation to radiation areas
§ 19. (1) Rules in writing shall be made by the holder of the authorization for the access of persons who are not exposed to radiation to radiation areas. In particular, the nature and content of any submissions for the persons to be admitted as well as the nature and extent of any access controls shall be defined. Furthermore, an estimation of the doses occurring in the process is to be carried out. These access rules and dose estimates shall be submitted at the request of the Authority.
(2) Where an effective dose of more than 10 microsieverts or multiple access is expected to be effective at an effective dose of more than 100 microsieverts per year, appropriate records shall be kept for such access, from which the dose should be: the actual doses that have actually occurred. These records shall be kept for a period of at least 7 years and shall be submitted at the request of the Authority.
(3) The provisions of para. 1 and 2 shall not apply to medical exposures and helping persons within the meaning of the Medical Radiation Protection Regulation. "
22. § 20 including headline reads:
" Non-operating persons of category B in radiation areas
§ 20. (1) In the case of persons exposed to occupational exposure to category B in a radiation area, the holder of the authorization responsible for that area shall ensure that those persons have the same protection. like company members. This applies both to cases requiring authorisation and to non-taxable activities.
(2) If the activities of non-operating persons are carried out on the basis of the company's own authorization, or if the activity is not subject to authorisation, the holder of the authorization referred to in paragraph 1 above has, in particular, previously: To carry out radiation protection instruction of these persons in accordance with § 16 and to determine their exposure by a person dosimetry in accordance with § 25 and, if necessary, an in-corporation monitoring according to § 26.
(3) However, if the activity of non-operating persons is not carried out on the basis of the company's own, but an independent radiation protection authorization, it may be subject to instruction and an exposure assessment in accordance with paragraph 2. apart. The prerequisite for this is, however, that possible exposures can only be created by the direct activity of the non-working persons. "
23. § 25 (8) reads:
" (8) The holder of the authorization shall provide the dose-measuring points in accordance with Appendix 5 lit. A in current form in each case. In the event of an accident-related exposures, the holder of the dose-measuring point shall provide all the information necessary for the dose determination. "
Section 26 (7) reads as follows:
" (7) The holder of the authorization shall have the dose-measuring points according to Appendix 5 lit. A and D are to be transmitted in current form. In the event of an accident-related exposures, the holder of the dose-measuring point shall provide all the information necessary for the dose determination. "
25. § 28 (2) to (4) reads:
" (2) The evaluation shall be subject to exceeding of the dose values referred to in paragraph 1 and if a malfunction of the dosimeter or a misevaluation can be ruled out, the dose measuring point shall immediately inform the holder of the authorization and the central office. The dose register shall be notified. In the event of malfunction or misevaluation, the competent authority shall be notified, which shall then have to fix a replacement dose within the meaning of section 10 (2).
(3) If a malfunction or misinterpretation can be ruled out, the holder of the authorization shall immediately clarify whether the person concerned has actually received the registered dose. If there are reasonable doubts, the holder of the authorization shall assess the actual dose received. A presentation of the facts and the result of the dose assessment, together with the underlying assumptions, shall be brought to the attention of the competent authority.
(4) The competent authority shall have either a replacement dose within the meaning of Section 10 (2) or the dose of person determined by the dose-measuring point as an effective dose, on the basis of the documents or own surveys submitted. to be determined as an equivalent dose. The values laid down shall be communicated to the holder of the authorization, the central dose register and the relevant dose measurement point. "
26. § 28 (5) deleted.
27. § 31 reads:
" § 31. (1) The results of the personal dosimetry and the surveillance of the records in accordance with § § 25 and 26 shall be kept by the holder of the authorization and shall be kept for a period of at least 7 years. Records from the time before the 1. However, January 2006 shall be kept until the person concerned is 75. It should have been completed or completed, but at least 30 years after the termination of the activity associated with exposure to radiation. On request, all records shall be submitted by the competent authority, the authority appointed for the purposes of the protection of workers and the competent institution of the accident insurance; the persons being monitored shall be provided with an insight into the Records to be granted.
(2) In the records referred to in paragraph 1, accident-related and specially approved exposures shall be listed separately. For such exposures, the circumstances and any measures taken should also be recorded.
(3) If a person exposed to an occupational exposure is out of a holding, the holder of the authorization shall, on request, have a list of the doses received. If these records are no longer fully available to the holder of the authorization, they shall be requested by the Central Dose Register. "
28. In § § 32 (1) Z 4 and 33 (1) Z 4, the phrase "Laboratory investigations: differential blood count and thrombocytes, urinstatus" in each case by the word sequence "Complete blood count and semi-quantitative examination of the urine by means of test strips" replaced.
29. § 37 (1) second sentence reads:
" The doctors who carry out the investigations have the authority responsible for the authorisations in accordance with Section 35 (1) of the StrSchG, the successful completion of a special training in accordance with Appendix 7 , as well as the successful participation in training courses on the subject areas referred to in Appendix 7 for at least 8 hours at intervals of not more than 5 years. "
30. The following paragraph 4 is added to § 37:
" (4) Those who intend to hold courses on the training referred to in paragraph 1 shall require prior recognition of the training by the Federal Minister of Health. § 43a (2) to (6) shall apply in the appropriate way. "
31. § 43 (3) and (4) reads as follows:
" (3) The competent authority may recognise the training of radiation protection which has been completed abroad and which corresponds to the training required in accordance with paragraphs 1 and 2 of this Article. However, in such cases, the Authority shall be satisfied that the person concerned has sufficient knowledge of the Austrian radiation protection rules.
(4) In addition, an employment of at least two years in which sufficient practical experience could be acquired for the activity to be considered, as well as extensive knowledge of the radiation protection of that plant, shall be: which will be taken up by the activity. "
32. In Section 43 (5), the phrase "of at least 8 hours" through the phrase "of at least 40 hours" replaced.
33. In accordance with § 43, the following § 43a including heading is inserted:
" Recognition of training
§ 43a. (1) Those who intend to hold courses on radiation protection training in accordance with Annex 8 shall require prior recognition of the training provided by the Federal Minister of Health for an education according to § 41 or by the Federal Minister for Agriculture, Forestry, Environment and Water Management for an education according to § § 42 or 43.
(2) For this purpose, documents relating to the content and scope of the training, the proposed presentations and the nature of the successful completion of the training shall be sent to the authority referred to in paragraph 1.
(3) The Authority shall examine the documents and, if the quality of the training is of sufficient quality, shall be informed of the recognition. The recognition is limited to a maximum of ten years.
(4) The documents shall be updated, taking account of developments in radiation protection, if necessary. In order to verify this requirement, the Authority may at any time request the transmission of the current documents.
(5) The Authority shall revoke the recognition if the quality of the training is no longer given.
(6) The Authority shall be notified of the recognition referred to in paragraph 3 and the revocation referred to in paragraph 5 of the authorities responsible for the authorities responsible for the protection of radiation protection law. "
34. § 49 (5) reads:
" (5) The owner of the authorization of the external company shall carry out a monthly accounting of the data in accordance with Section 47 (2) Z 8 for each external worker and shall enter the monthly dose values in the radiation protection pass. If the accounting returns a result which differs significantly from the corresponding dose determined by the person dosimeter in accordance with Section 25, the holder of the authorization of the external company and, where appropriate, the competent authority shall be informed of the results. to apply the provisions of Section 28 (3) and (4) in a sensible way. Furthermore, for each calendar year in which the radiation protection pass is valid, the holder of the authorization of the external company shall determine the effective dose in accordance with § 47 (2) Z 9 and enter the dose in the radiation protection passport. "
35. § 50 First sentence reads:
" For external workers performing installation and service activities at facilities for the production or measurement of ionizing radiation, it is in agreement with the holder of the authorization in whose control area the labour force is active. , the exposure of these workers shall be determined by means of directly readable personal dosemeters of the external undertaking. "
36. § 50 Z 5 reads:
" 5. |
The marketing authorisation holder of the external company shall evaluate the dose protocol monthly and comply with the provisions of section 49 (5). The dose protocol shall be kept for 7 years. " |
37. § 51 including the title is:
" Scope
§ 51. The provisions of this Part shall be applied to radioactive substances only in so far as the handling of these substances is subject to the obligation to notify or to notify radiation protection. "
38. § 59 (4) to (6) reads:
" (4) For radiolabed radiolabed
1. |
Marketing authorisation holders, with the exception of holders of a type-approval certificate, for each calendar year, a report (the balance of activity) on which the reference, the supply and the disposal and the stock of radioactive substances are produced at the end of the year, to which: Central sources of radiation sources, |
2. |
Holder of a type-approval and intermediate trader placing on the market the type-approved equipment, for each device placed on the market, preferably on an ongoing basis, but at least for each calendar year, the Central Radiation Source Register, the following: The name and address of the recipient, the type and serial number of the device, the number of the type and the radionuclide and the activity together with the reference date. |
(5) The transmission has to be made in electronic form using the interfaces and input masks made available by the Central Radiation Source Register no later than two months after the end of the respective calendar year.
(6) The provisions of § 64 (8), (10) and (11) with regard to highly radioactive sources of radiation shall remain unaffected. "
39. In § 60 (3) the word "Interfaces" through the phrase "electronic forms" and the phrase "up to a year" through the phrase "up to three years" replaced.
40. In § 60 (5), after the word order "to be transmitted" Word Order "or to generate on the web portal of the Central Radiation Source Register".
41. In Section 61 (3), the phrase " Regulation on the supervision and control of shipments of radioactive waste from, into or through the Federal Republic of Germany (Radioactive Waste Shipments Regulation), BGBl. II No 44/1997 " through the phrase " Radioactive Waste-Movement Regulation 2009, BGBl. II No 47/2009 " replaced.
Section 63 (3) reads as follows:
" (3) The examinations referred to in paragraph 1 and second sentence of the second sentence may be carried out by qualified persons, who may also be members of the holding, provided that the radiation sources
1. |
radioactive substances, the free limit of which according to Appendix 1, Table 1, column 2 is greater than/equal to 10 4 Becquerel is, and |
2. |
a local dose rate of 1 metre without shielding of less than 1 millisievert per hour. |
In all other cases, accredited bodies shall be used for this purpose. However, the Authority may also allow these tests to be carried out by qualified persons, such as medical physicists, in individual cases. The leak tests must be carried out according to the state of the art. " |
43. § 64 with headline reads:
" High-level radioactive sources
§ 64. (1) A sealed source of radiation containing a radionuclide whose radioactivity at the time of manufacture or, if not known, at the time of the first placing on the market of the value specified in Table 1, column 4, in Appendix 1 is or is higher, is considered to be a highly radioactive radiation source. For radionuclides, for which no values are given in Annex 1, Table 1, column 4, the corresponding activity value shall be one hundredth of the A1 value in accordance with the provisions of the International Atomic Energy Agency for the safe transport radioactive material (IAEA Safety Requirements No. TS-R-1, Edition 2009, Section IV).
(2) For equipment containing several similar radiation sources, their overall activity is relevant to the classification of the apparatus as a highly radioactive source of radiation.
(3) The prerequisite for the granting of an authorisation to deal with highly radioactive sources of radiation by the competent authorization authority is the verifiable conclusion of an insurance policy or the presentation of a bank guarantee, which guarantees the safe Disposal of the highly radioactive source of radiation also in the event of a payment inability of the holder of the authorization to ensure, through the consent. This obligation shall not apply if:
1. |
the federal government, a country, a community association, or a local community with more than 50 000 inhabitants, is or is not a member of the public |
2. |
A local authority according to Z 1 has issued a liability declaration to the advertiser. |
The obligation to provide financial security pursuant to the Atomic Liability Act 1999, BGBl. I No 170/1998, shall be without prejudice to this. |
(4) The manufacturer shall assign a distinctive identification number for each source of radiation, or the supplier shall ensure that a non-confusing identification number has been allocated to a source of radiation imported from third countries. As far as possible, this number shall be engraved on the radiation source or stamped into it. It is also to be engraved on or imprinted on the protective container. If reusable transport containers are used again, these must have minimum information on the type and activity of the radiation source. Each source of radiation delivered and each delivered protective container shall be subject to a photograph of the type of radiation source and of the type of protection vessel on which the essential characteristics of an associated protective device or protective equipment are also included. , as well as plans and cutting drawings where necessary. In addition, each source of radiation delivered shall be connected to a radiation source certificate, from which the identification number, the type and activity of the radioactive substance, date, procedure and result of the leak test must be produced.
(5) The owner shall ensure that each radiation source is accompanied by the corresponding radiation source certificate and the photographic documentation provided for in paragraph 4.
(6) In principle, the holder of the authorization shall conclude an agreement with the manufacturer or supplier for the subsequent withdrawal of the radiation source for each highly radioactive radiation source. In duly substantiated individual cases, the Authority may allow exceptions to this obligation.
(7) The holder of the authorization of high-level radioactive sources shall be responsible for the handling of special work instructions, including regular maintenance, periodic inspections and safe storage, in particular with regard to: of a mobile use, to be included. It also has all those persons who are entrusted with the handling of highly radioactive sources of radiation to undergo extensive theoretical and practical instruction. In particular, the teachings must also refer to the contents of the safety analysis, the incident analysis and the emergency planning. The teachings shall be repeated at regular intervals and immediately after an event which has resulted in the risk of higher exposure to radiation or of an actual higher exposure to radiation. The extent and duration of these teachings shall be subject to written records kept for at least 7 years.
(8) Without prejudice to the provisions of § 59, the holder of the authorization shall keep records of highly radioactive sources of radiation, which shall be carried out in accordance with Appendix 10 provided for. These records may be recorded on the standard recording sheet according to Appendix 10.
(9) Without prejudice to the provisions of § 54 paragraph 2 lit. 3 are highly radioactive sources of radiation in containers of type B in accordance with the European Convention on the International Carriage of Dangerous Goods by Road (ADR-BGBl. No 522/1973, idgF) are to be kept in lockable, non-combustible installations in which there may be no significant bursts of fire. Storage facilities for other highly radioactive radiation sources must be designed to be at least fire-retardant.
(10) The holder of the authorization shall inform the Central Radiation Source Register of the following information on highly radioactive sources of radiation:
1. |
Marketing authorisation holder, |
2. |
the number of business and the date of authorisation; |
3. |
identification number, |
4. |
features and uses, |
5. |
Place of handling or storage, |
6. |
Information on the relationship, transfer or disposal, where appropriate, via loss or theft. |
(11) The reports referred to in paragraph 10 shall be reported once a year and immediately after:
1. |
the acquisition, |
2. |
the transfer, |
3. |
the return to the manufacturer or the placing on the market, |
4. |
the disposal of the highly radioactive radiation source and |
5. |
any other change in the information to be communicated |
" |
44. § 74 including title reads:
" derivation of liquid and gaseous radioactive substances
§ 74. (1) Where radioactive substances are derived with the operating water or the exhaust air from installations approved by radiation protection, the amount of activity derived shall be limited in such a way as to ensure that the annual exposure of individuals to the population on the basis of these discharges does not exceed an effective dose of 0.3 millisievert.
The Authority shall, on a case-by-case basis, set lower dose limits if a number of such installations contribute to the exposure of the population.
(3) In order to comply with the dose limit value of para. 1 or 2, the Authority shall establish a discharge limit value in each individual case.
(4) Compliance with the dose limit value shall be for the prescribed emission limit values as set out in paragraph 3, using conservative assumptions for the exposure path, location, duration of stay and the life habits of a reference person Proof. The authority may require that such proof be issued by the holder of the authorization, or The holder of the authorisation shall be attached.
(5) If the proposed discharge limit is not above the values of the Appendix 12 or in the case of several installations not above the corresponding fraction of these values, it may be necessary to comply with the dose limit value of para. 1 and/or Paragraph 2 shall be presumed. In these cases, the values of Appendix 12 and/or to set corresponding fractions thereof as discharge limit values. An explicit proof of compliance with the dose limit value in accordance with paragraph 4 is then not required.
(6) Records shall be kept for records containing, in particular, the nature and activity of the derived radioactive substances and the timing of the individual discharges.
(7) Radioactive substances shall be considered as such only up to the time of discharge. "
Section 76 (2) Z 1 reads as follows:
" 1. |
wastes containing radionuclides having half-life periods of less than 100 days, where impurities with longer-lived radionuclides may not exceed one tenth of the free-limit according to § 6 (1) Z 1, " |
(46) In § 78, para. 2 and 3 are given the name "(3)" and "(4)" ; paragraph 1 shall be replaced by the following paragraphs 1 and 2:
" (1) Radioactive waste which is not derived in accordance with § 74 or released in accordance with § 79 or according to Radioactive Waste-shipments Regulation 2009, BGBl. II No. 47/2009, are to be transferred to Nuclear Engineering Seibersdorf GmbH as a body commissioned pursuant to Section 36c (1) StrSchG.
(2) As an alternative to paragraph 1, radioactive waste may also be returned to the manufacturer or supplier of the radioactive substances, provided that the radioactive waste is contractually bound to the donor for the proper disposal of radioactive waste. "
47. § 79 (3) reads:
" (3) Prior to each release, the conformity with the requirements laid down in the release decision must be determined. Records must be kept on top of that. These records shall be kept for a period of at least 7 years. "
48. The 5. Part is:
" 5. Part
Research reactors
General provisions
§ 87. (1) Research reactors shall be installations for the purpose of scientific research or training in which fissile material is treated in a quantity and manner in such a way that a chain reaction can take place, and which is mainly used as a neutron source and for the production of artificial radioactive materials.
(2) The competent authority shall inform the public of its supervisory activities in the field of nuclear safety and shall comply with the reporting obligation laid down in Article 9 (1) and (3) of Directive 2009 /71/EURATOM.
Construction of research reactors
§ 88. (1) The site search for the establishment of a research reactor shall be carried out in accordance with the provisions of the IAEA Safety Standards, NS-R-4: Safety of Research Reactors, Vienna 2005. This applies in particular to the areas of site selection and assessment, the underlying criteria, the assessment of external site-related hazards, in particular as a result of meteorological extreme events, earthquakes or the impact of the planned plant on the environment and the population.
(2) The design of a research reactor shall be carried out in accordance with the international provisions of the IAEA Safety Standards, NS-R-4: Safety of Research Reactors, Vienna 2005. This relates in particular to general and special safety requirements to the design.
(3) The provisions of the IAEA Safety Standards, NS-R-4: Safety of Research Reactors, Vienna 2005, shall be taken into account in the establishment of the grant authorisation procedure.
Operational Organization
§ 89. (1) The holder of the authorization shall determine the operating organisation. In particular, the membership of the following functional groups, the distribution of the essential tasks and the transfer of responsibilities is to be determined:
1. |
Reactor operating management, these are all the authorising officers of reactor operators; |
2. |
Reactor operators, these are those persons who are entitled to operate and monitor the reactor within the specified framework; |
3. |
Radiation protection officer and persons responsible for the perception of radiation protection; |
4. |
Nuclear safety officer and his deputy. |
Major changes to the operational organisation shall be brought to the attention of the competent authority. |
(2) The nuclear safety officers to be appointed for the operation of a research reactor, their alternates and the reactor operating management
1. |
the successful conclusion |
a) |
an education of relevant scientific or technical direction at a university or university of applied sciences, and |
b) |
training in the field of nuclear safety in accordance with Appendix 13 in so far as the person concerned has not already successfully completed, in the course of the training referred to in Z 1, a teaching on the areas listed in Annex 13, |
2. |
a relevant activity, in which practical experience could be acquired for the intended task, of at least 18 months, of which at least 6 months in the installation concerned, otherwise in a comparable facility; and |
3. |
comprehensive knowledge of the nuclear safety of the plant in question, in particular operational rules and safety report, |
Proof. |
(3) The reactor operators required for the operation of a research reactor shall be:
1. |
the successful conclusion |
a) |
a training of relevant scientific or technical direction at a university, university of applied sciences or a higher vocational education and training college, and |
b) |
training in the field of nuclear safety in accordance with Appendix 13, in so far as the person concerned has not already completed, in the course of the training referred to in Z 1, a lesson on the areas listed in Annex 8, and |
2. |
a minimum of 6 months of employment in the relevant or comparable facility, of which two months in the reactor wait, where practical experience could be obtained for the intended task as well as for plant-specific knowledge, |
Proof. |
(4) The competent authority may recognise any training concerning nuclear safety which has been completed abroad and which corresponds to the training required under (2) and (3). However, in such cases, the Authority shall be satisfied that the person concerned has sufficient knowledge of the Austrian radiation protection rules.
(5) Nuclear safety officers and their alternates and the reactor management have the successful participation in training courses on the subject areas listed in Appendix 13, to the extent of at least 40 hours in 5 years. Reactor operators shall demonstrate the successful participation in training courses on the subject areas referred to in Appendix 13 for at least 8 hours in 5 years. If proof of participation in the training events is not or is not completed, the Authority may revoke the recognition or impose conditions on it.
Nuclear safety
§ 89a. (1) Nuclear safety within the meaning of this Regulation shall be the achievement of proper operating conditions, the prevention of accidents and the mitigation of consequences of accidents, so that both the staff of the plant and the population are exposed to danger are protected by ionizing radiation from the plant.
(2) The holder of the authorization shall set up and apply a management system with the aim of ensuring nuclear safety at all times. This system shall take account of the requirements for nuclear safety in accordance with paragraphs 3 to 10. The system shall be subject to approval by the competent authority and shall be regularly reviewed by the competent authority.
(3) The holder of the authorization shall permanently provide adequate human and financial resources in order to ensure safe operation.
(4) The holder of the authorization shall provide plant-based facilities in order to ensure safe operation and to minimise their effects in the event of incidents of malfunction. The functionality of these facilities must be checked at regular intervals in the context of repeat tests and documented in a test manual.
(5) The holder of the authorization shall set up and apply quality assurance systems which provide the best possible support for the optimisation of radiation protection and nuclear safety.
(6) In addition, the holder of the authorization shall take appropriate measures to ensure a high level of safety culture in all areas and organisational levels of the facility.
(7) The holder of the authorization shall have a safety report with the Appendix 14 lit. A specified content shall be drawn up which requires the authorisation of the competent authority. The safety report must be updated if significant changes so require.
(8) The procedure in the event of a fault shall be regulated by an emergency plan. The emergency plan has the one in Appendix 14 lit. B).
(9) Emergency drills shall be held in intervals to be determined by the competent authority, and records shall be kept for the course and success of such exercises.
(10) The holder of the authorization shall carry out a periodic safety inspection every ten years with the contents according to Appendix 14 lit. C) and present their results to the competent authority. The date for the initial presentation of the results of the Periodic Safety Review shall be ten years after the granting of the operating licence. For installations the operating licence of which is before 1. January 2002 is the date of the 31 December 2014. The competent authority shall assess the results of the periodic safety review and determine whether the conditions for continued operation of the plant are met.
Nuclear Safety Officer
§ 89b. (1) In order to ensure the nuclear safety of a research reactor, the competent authority shall, within the framework of the authorization procedure in accordance with § 6 of the StrSchG, order a nuclear safety officer with his verifiable consent. This person must have the required reliability.
(2) The holder of the authorization shall instruct the Nuclear Safety Officer to carry out the tasks to be carried out in order to ensure nuclear safety in the research reactor. These tasks shall include in particular:
1. |
the periodic review of the plant-based facilities pursuant to Section 89a (4), |
2. |
the immediate notification to the holder of the authorization of any deficiencies in nuclear safety, |
3. |
the elaboration of improvement and rearmament measures on the basis of verification results, of their own operational experience and of the exchange of experience with the nuclear safety officers of comparable installations, |
4. |
the preparation and ongoing updating of the safety report pursuant to Section 89a (7) and the Emergency Plan pursuant to Section 89a (8) in cooperation with the Radiation Protection Officer, |
5 |
the evaluation of incidents which fall under notifiable events and other disturbances, |
6 |
the participation in the elaboration of operating rules in accordance with § 89c as well as in the performance of recording and reporting obligations in accordance with § 90 for the area of nuclear safety and |
7. |
participation in the planning of changes to the plant or its operation. |
(3) The responsibility of the nuclear safety officer and its deputites shall be regulated in writing by the holder of the authorization. With regard to administrative criminal responsibility, Section 15 (3) is to be applied in the appropriate sense.
(4) The holder of the authorization shall make available to the Nuclear Safety Officer and his deputiors all the necessary administrative and technical requirements for the performance of their duties, as well as the time required and the time required for them to be provided. to give access to all the necessary information and documents.
(5) A change in the person of the Nuclear Safety Officer shall be immediately communicated by the holder of the authorization to the competent authority.
(6) With regard to the duty of presence of the Commissioner for Nuclear Safety and his deputies, the regulations according to § 15 StrSchG are to be applied in a reasonable way.
(7) If the nuclear safety officer no longer has the necessary reliability, the competent authority shall withdraw the order.
Operating rules
§ 89c. (1) The reactor operating management, in agreement with the radiation protection officer and the nuclear safety officer, in addition to the operating instructions in accordance with section 16 (3), has internal rules for the operation of the research reactor in accordance with (2) and (3). It is necessary to ensure that all the persons concerned are aware of these provisions.
(2) The following points must be included in the general operating rules:
1. |
operational organization, |
2. |
Operating systems in which regulations are laid down for the operation of the installation, in particular the operation of the reactor control room, radiation protection, maintenance, fire protection and access control systems, |
3. |
organisational and safety requirements for the operation of the plant, |
4. |
the way in which the research reactor and its associated facilities are routinely used, for example for scientific experiments, |
5. |
Operating instructions for all safety-related systems, |
6. |
safety-related limit values, |
7. |
measures in the event of safety-related events, |
8. |
criteria for reporting events, |
9. |
Event detection and flow description in case of incidents and measures to be taken. |
(3) Special operating rules shall be drawn up for specific activities not covered by general operating rules, such as maintenance or repair work.
Recording and reporting obligations
§ 90. (1) The holder of the authorization shall ensure that the records which are relevant for the assessment of the safety of the establishment from the point of view of radiation protection and nuclear safety shall be kept on an ongoing basis. The records shall also contain those data which are necessary for the reconstruction of the causes and the expiry of notifiable events, in the sense of the Appendix 15 , are required. Records shall be kept for at least 30 years and shall be submitted, at the request of the competent authority, to the authority responsible for the performance of the protection of workers and to the competent institution of the accident insurance scheme.
(2) Events subject to notification shall be notified immediately to the competent authority. The notification shall contain the information necessary for the assessment of the situation. In addition, the reporting requirements shall apply to the Central Accident Register according to § 94.
(3) The reporting requirements for the occurrence of a radiological emergency situation in accordance with the intervention ordinance, BGBl. II No 145/2007, as well as the provisions of the Accident Information Regulation, BGBl. No 391/1994, as amended, shall remain unaffected.
Decommissioning concept
§ 91. (1) The decommissioning concept to be provided for a research reactor pursuant to Section 5 (2) (1) of the StrSchG has at least to contain:
1. |
Description of the plant, location and environment, as well as the history of operations, to the extent that it is relevant to decommissioning, including a dose-performance and contamination atlas of the plant, |
2. |
description of the decommissioning measures, in particular the safety precautions and safeguards during the decommissioning process, |
3. |
Description of the decommissioning process, in particular the planned decommissioning and dismantling techniques, |
4. |
Estimation of the expected radioactive inventory and, if necessary, of other hazardous substances, |
5. |
the description and classification of the radioactive waste to be expected and its planned treatment and interim storage, |
6. |
Description of the procedure for the release of radioactive substances, |
7. |
planned discharges during the decommissioning, |
8. |
environmental monitoring program, |
9. |
Measures relating to the protection of workers and radiation during the decommissioning process, |
10. |
Description of responsibilities for decommissioning, |
11. |
reporting to the competent authorities. |
(2) The decommissioning concept shall be updated at regular intervals and if necessary.
(3) The holder of the authorization shall make appropriate financial provision for the decommissioning of the plant. The calculations on which this provision is based shall be updated and brought to the attention of the Authority in time intervals to be submitted by the competent authority.
§ 91a. The decommissioning has to be carried out on the basis of the current decommissioning concept in accordance with § 91 and in accordance with the provisions of the IAEA Safety Standards, NS-R-4: Safety of Research Reactors, Vienna 2005. "
49. § 92 (2) is deleted the Z 3. The previous Z 4 is given the name "3." .
50. In § 92 (2), last sentence, the word order is deleted "or Notfallexpositions" .
51. In § 92 (4), after the word order "Maximum Permissible Doses" the phrase "as well as the dose referred to in § 28 (1)" inserted.
52. § 93 (2) Z 1 reads:
" 1. |
the declaration of consent in accordance with § 59 (4), § 60 and § 64 (10), " |
53. § 94 including the title is:
" Central disturbance register
§ 94. (1) In the event of events to be assessed at the International Nuclear and Radiological Event Scale (INES) with Level 1, the holder of the authorization shall submit a report to the Central Accident Register within four weeks. In the event of events requiring an immediate notification to the competent authority, the report shall be drawn up with the assistance of the Authority.
(2) The report shall contain at least the following information and information:
1. |
causes and expiration of the event, |
2. |
any expositions of persons, |
3. |
any contaminations and releases, |
4. |
, and |
5. |
Measures to prevent such events. |
(3) If the event is to be evaluated with INES level 2 or higher, the holder of the authorization shall send an initial notification to the Central Accident Register within 24 hours, which shall include at least the following contents:
1. |
Institution from which the message is based: name, address, telephone and fax number, e-mail address, |
2. |
contact person for questions, |
3. |
Marketing authorisation holder, |
4. |
competent authority, |
5. |
Description of the event: |
a) |
type of event, |
b) |
exact location (address, coordinates if known), |
c) |
the date of the event (date, local time), |
d) |
suspected or identified cause, |
e) |
the flow of the event, |
f) |
any expositions of persons and |
g) |
any contaminations and releases |
and |
6. |
grit or planned measures. |
(4) The transmission of the reports to the Central Accident Register shall be carried out in electronic form using the interfaces and input masks provided by the Central Incident Registry. Information which is only available later shall be immediately reproduced in the same way.
(5) The reports to the Central Accident Register shall be made available to interested persons in an anonymized manner.
(6) Alldue reporting obligations under the intervention ordinance, BGBl. II No 145/2007, or the Accident Information Regulation, BGBl. No 391/1994, as amended, shall remain unaffected. '
54. The following paragraphs 9 to 11 are added to § 95:
" (9) At the latest within the framework of the next review in accordance with § 17 of the StrSchG, the competent authority shall have a reclassification of all persons exposed to radiation in categories A or B, taking into account the requirements set out in Article 11 (3) ,
(10) Who on the cut-off date 1. January 2012 Training pursuant to § § 37, 41, 42 or 43 shall be carried out without official recognition in accordance with § § 37 (4) or (43a) until 31 December 2012 at the latest.
(11) Who on the cut-off date 1. In January 2012, the competent authority shall submit a research reactor to the competent authority without delay in accordance with section 89 (1) and shall appoint the nuclear safety officer in accordance with § 89b. The competent authority shall:
1. |
to verify that the training requirements laid down in Article 89 (2) and (3) are fulfilled by the staff appointed and, where appropriate, to require additional training, |
2. |
the holder of the authorization shall provide appropriate time-limits for the updating of the documents referred to in § § 89, 89a, 89b and 91 such as the safety report, the emergency plan, the decommissioning concept and the availability of the safety management system in accordance with § 89a Paragraph 2. " |
Appendix 1, first paragraph reads:
" to § § 6 (1), 8 (1), 61 (1) and (4), 62 (5), 63 (3), 64 (1) and 79 (1) and (2) "
56. In Appendix 1, Table 1-Explanations, the section of the text relating to columns 2 and 3 is omitted.
57. The heading of Appendix 5 is: "Provisions relating to physical checks and medical examinations" .
58. Annex 5 lit. A is:
" A. Information on the person being monitored and the holder of the authorization
To the monitored person:
Name, First Name, Previous Names, Title,
Social security number (if not known: date of birth, place of birth),
Gender, nationality,
Employment relationship, accident insurance institutions,
Category A/B/others,
the activity carried out in accordance with the following table.
Nuclear materials Core Material Core facilities-own staff Nuclear installations-external workers Nuclear research Decommissioning Radioactive waste treatment Radioactive waste storage Transport in the area of nuclear installations Nuclear materials-Other |
Medicine X-ray diagnostics Interventional radiology Cardiology Surgical radiology Radiotherapy Dental X-ray Nuclear medicine Veterinary medicine Other medical activities |
Industry Industrial radiography-stationary Industrial radiography-mobile Borehole investigations Transport of radioactive material Production of radiochemicals Industrial irradiation Accelerator Chemical industry Luminising Other industrial activities |
Natural radioactivity Tagbau-Coal Day-building-other than coal Oil and gas industry Subtagbau-Coal Subday construction-other than coal Uranium mining Civil aviation Mockings and mines Waterworks Other activities with natural radiation exposure |
Research, etc. Training institutions Research in general Security, Executive, Inspection |
Military Nuclear-powered ships Other military areas |
Other activities not listed here |
To the holder of the grant:
Name and address of the holder of the authorization. "
59. In Appendix 5 lit. E second paragraph shall be the phrase " Appendix 6, Tables 1 and 2 " through the phrase " Appendix 6, Tables 3 and 4 " replaced.
60. In Appendix 7, the heading "Training for Powerful Doctors". The heading for Part A " A. Training for Powerful Doctors " as well as the whole of Part B.
61. In Annex 8, the word sequence shall be: "to § § 41 to 43" through the phrase "to § § 41, 42, 43 and 43a" replaced.
62. Annex 8 lit. D is:
" D. Radiation protection training according to § 43
Training for persons with successfully completed higher education in the duration of at least 60 hours, for persons with a successful completion of a vocational higher school in the duration of at least 120 hours:
- |
Fundamentals of nuclear physics including the physics of ionizing radiation |
- |
Fundamentals of radiation protection |
- |
Reactor physics |
- |
Fundamentals of reactor technology and reactor safety |
- |
Handling of radioactive substances |
- |
Dealing with radioactive waste |
- |
Radiation Biology |
- |
Dosimetry |
- |
national and international legislation in the field of radiation protection and nuclear safety |
- |
Meters |
- |
Radiation and emission monitoring |
- |
Fire protection |
- |
Emergency planning |
- |
Access control " |
63. Annex 1, first paragraph reads:
"To § 74 (5)"
64. In Appendix 12, the paragraph shall be deleted before the heading " A. Guide values for activity concentration in exhaust air " .
65. The following Appendixes 13 to 15 shall be added:
" Appendix 13
on § 89
Training in the field of nuclear safety
Nuclear safety officers, their deputists, the reactor operating management and reactor operators have to prove the successful completion of the following training:
Extent: For 80 hours for persons with completed higher education, 120 hours for persons with a higher school-level education
- |
Fundamentals of nuclear physics including the physics of ionizing radiation |
- |
Reactor physics |
- |
Energy-release and thermohydraulics |
- |
Fundamentals of reactor technology and reactor safety |
- |
Radiation protection |
- |
Occupational safety |
- |
national and international legislation in the field of radiation protection and nuclear safety |
- |
Reactor Wait and Warp Technology |
- |
Plant operation and operation |
- |
Access control |
- |
Fire protection |
Appendix 14
Section 89a (6) and (7)
Contents of Safety Report, Emergency Plan and Periodic Safety Review
A. Content of the Security Report
General description of the research reactor;
Aspects of plant planning, in particular safety objectives and technical design;
location characteristics;
Current description of the installation, in particular of
- |
buildings and structures, |
- |
Reactor, |
- |
Cooling systems and related systems, |
- |
technical safety equipment, |
- |
Regulation and control systems, |
- |
electrical power supply, |
- |
Auxiliary systems, including fuel assembly and handling, ventilation and fire protection; |
Presentation of operational management and operational safety, in particular:
- |
description of the reactor use, |
- |
radiation protection, |
- |
Description of the operational organisation, |
- |
Education and training, |
- |
operating rules; |
- |
maintenance programmes, |
- |
Repeat test plans, in particular the test manual; |
Representation of the backup status of the asset;
Safety/incident analysis, in particular:
- |
Incident spectrum (identification and classification of incidents), |
- |
Estimates of source terms, |
- |
Estimates of the radiological impact of accidents on humans and the environment, |
- |
Probabilistic safety analysis, |
- |
Description of the results based on the safety objectives and requirements for the interpretation and the legally permissible releases or discharges of radioactive substances; |
Excerpt from the decommissioning concept;
Overview of emergency planning;
Emergency plan.
B. Contents of the contingency plan
- |
description of the plant and its equipment in relation to incidents, including an inventory of equipment and the location of the equipment, |
- |
Definitions for the detection and classification of an incident, |
- |
the definition of responsibilities, in particular those of the operational organisation, in the event of accidents, |
- |
Representation of the processes in the event of incidents, in particular of the alarm procedures, |
- |
a summary of reporting requirements to the authorities, including the establishment of the relevant contact addresses and reporting channels; |
- |
Arrangements to ensure the reliability of all communication channels, |
- |
agreements with external intervention agencies and authorities with regard to assistance in the event of incidents, in particular with regard to the provision of additional human resources; |
- |
Facilities for first and subsequent radiological impact assessments, including radiological environmental monitoring, |
- |
Protective measures for minimising the exposure of persons to radiation, in particular the definition of collection places for workers inside and outside the reactor building and measures for the demarcation and identification of the area of the radiation risk and decontamination measures, |
- |
Measures to ensure the medical care of injured persons, in particular their accommodation in hospitals, |
- |
Technical measures to prevent the extension of the consequences of incidents, in particular measures to minimise the release and spread of radioactive substances, |
- |
Limits on the dose limit for the staff in charge of the plant, |
- |
Rules on the information on the public information, |
- |
Arrangements for the resumption of normal operations after an incident has ceased, |
- |
Measures to ensure the protection of evidence, |
- |
Regulations concerning the training of staff and the holding of exercises, |
- |
Rules on the review and updating of the contingency plan. |
C. Contents of the Periodic Safety Review
safety report in the current version;
Presentation of the current state of the systems, building structures and components in particular
- |
the results of the repeal tests, |
- |
maintenance work, |
- |
the quality condition, |
- |
ageing processes; |
- |
Proof that the safety requirements are met, |
Evaluation of operational experience, in particular
- |
the presentation of operational security, |
- |
Experience backflow from the operation of the plant, |
- |
to take account of the operational experience of comparable installations and new research results; |
Final overall assessment of the safety status of the facility by the holder of the authorization, if necessary with the indication of possible measures to improve safety.
Appendix 15
on § 90
Notifiable events
Notifiable events within the meaning of § 90 are in particular:
- |
Unauthorised discharges of radioactive substances |
- |
Release of radioactive substances into the environment or within the Annex |
- |
Contamination in the surveillance zone exceeding 100 times the values in Appendix 9 |
- |
Contamination in the control area exceeding 1000 times of the values in Appendix 9 |
- |
Functional faults, damage or failures of safety-related systems or parts of the system |
- |
Damage or leakages on safety-related pipelines or containers |
- |
Criticality disorders |
- |
Crash of loads with safety-related impacts on reactor operation |
- |
Safety-related events in the handling, storage or transport of fuel elements |
- |
Safety-related impacts from outside (e.g. earthquakes or floods) |
- |
Safety-related important plant-internal events (e.g. fire or plant-internal flooding) |
- |
Dose Exceeding " |
Berlakovich Stöger Bures Mitterlehner Töchterle