Key Benefits:
57th Federal Chancellor's announcement concerning the scope of the Paris Convention for the Protection of Industrial Property
According to the Communications of the Director-General of the World Intellectual Property Organization, the following other countries have their instruments of accession to the Paris Convention for the Protection of Industrial Property of 20 March 1883, revised in Brussels on 14 March 1883. December 1900, in Washington on 2 June 1911, in Haag on 6 November 1925, in London on 2 June 1934, in Lisbon on 31. October 1958, and in Stockholm on 14 July 1967 (BGBl. No 399/1973 idF BGBl. No 384/1984, as last amended by BGBl. I n ° 2/2008, last proclamation of the BGBl scope. (iii) No 81/2000) Declares that it should continue to be bound by the agreement of the association:
States: |
Date of deposit of the instrument of accession or Declaration of Continuity: |
Andorra |
2 March 2004 |
Angola |
27 September 2007 |
Bhutan |
4 May 2000 |
Brunei Darussalam |
17 November 2011 |
Djibouti |
13 February 2002 |
Yemen |
15. November 2006 |
Qatar |
5 April 2000 |
Comoros |
3. January 2005 |
Lithuania |
21 February 1994 |
Montenegro |
4 December 2006 With effect from 3 June 2006 |
Namibia |
29 December 2003 |
Nepal |
22 March 2001 |
Pakistan |
22 April 2004 |
Saudi Arabia |
11 December 2003 |
Serbia |
19 September 2006 With effect from 3 June 2006 |
Seychelles |
7 August 2002 |
Syria |
13 September 2002 |
Thailand |
2 May 2008 |
Tonga |
14 March 2001 |
In addition, the Kingdom of the Netherlands 1 announced that the Netherlands Antilles with 10. October 2010 have stopped to exist. From that date, the Convention will continue to apply to Curaçao and Sint Maarten, as well as to the islands of Bonaire, Sint Eustatius and Saba, which became part of the Kingdom of the Netherlands in Europe.