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Change Of Publication Media Regulation 2006

Original Language Title: Änderung der Publikationsmedienverordnung 2006

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111. Regulation of the Federal Chancellor, with which the publication of the publication of the publication of the publication of the media regulation 2006

On the basis of § § 52 (1) and 216 (1) of the Federal Law on the Law of the Federal Republic of Germany 2006-BVergG 2006, BGBl. I n ° 17, last amended by BGBl. I N ° 10/2012, and Section 44 (1) of the Federal Law on Defence and Security 2012 (BVergGVS 2012), BGBl. I n ° 10, shall be assigned:

The Federal Chancellor's Regulation on the definition of publication medium for notices pursuant to the Bundesvergabegesetz 2006-Publication Media Ordinance 2006, BGBl. II No 300, shall be amended as follows:

1. The Title is : "Regulation of the Federal Chancellor of the Federal Republic of Germany on the definition of publication medium for notices pursuant to the Federal Procurement Act 2006 and the Bundesvergabegesetz Defense and Security 2012 (Publication Media Ordinance 2006)"

2. In Section 2 (1) (5), the point shall be replaced by a stroke; the following Z 6 to 8 shall be added:

" 6.

the intended award of a building, supply or service contract by means of a direct award with prior notice;


the proposed award of a construction concession contract in open procedures, in the non-open procedure with prior notice, in the negotiated procedure with prior notice or by means of a competitive dialogue;


the intended award of a non-priority service contract, provided that a contract notice appears necessary on the basis of the value and the object of the contract. "

3. In § 2 (4) (4) (4), the point shall be replaced by a stroke; the following Z 5 and 6 shall be added:

" 5.

the intended award of a building, supply or service contract by means of a direct award procedure after a prior call for competition;


the intended award of a non-priority service contract, provided that a contract notice appears necessary on the basis of the value and the object of the contract. "

4. In § 2, the following paragraph 5 is added:

" (5) Commissioned pursuant to § 4 BVergGVS 2012 have to publish:


the proposed award of a contract of construction, supply or service in the non-open procedure with prior notice or in the negotiated procedure with prior notice;


the intended conclusion of a framework agreement, unless the possibility of applying the negotiated procedure is made use of without prior notification of the conclusion of a framework agreement;


the intended award of a building, supply or service contract by means of a competitive dialogue;


the intended award of a building, supply or service contract by means of a direct award with prior notice;


the intended award of a building, supply or priority service contract in the sub-threshold area, provided that a contract notice appears necessary on the basis of the value and the object of the contract;


the intended award of a non-priority service contract, provided that a contract notice appears necessary on the basis of the value and the object of the contract. "

5. The previous text of § 7 receives the sales designation " (1) "; the following paragraph 2 (new) is added:

" (2) The BGBl Regulation. II No 111/2012, recast titles and the BGBl Regulation. II No 111/2012 new provisions will enter into force at the end of the day of their presentation, but at the earliest with 1 April 2012. "
