Key Benefits:
138. Regulation of the Federal Minister for Economic Affairs, Family and Youth, which sets out the introduction of intelligent measuring instruments (intelligent measuring instruments-introduction regulation-IME-VO)
On the basis of § 83 (1) of the Electricity Economic and Organization Act 2010 (ElWOG 2010), BGBl. I No 110/2010, shall be arranged:
Introduction of intelligent measuring instruments ("smart meters")
§ 1. (1) Each network operator pursuant to § 7 paragraph 1 Z 51 ElWOG 2010 has
1. |
at least 10 vH by the end of 2015, |
2. |
by the end of 2017 at least 70 vH and, |
3. |
within the framework of technical feasibility, at least 95 vH by the end of 2019 |
the counting points connected to its network as intelligent measuring instruments (§ 7 paragraph 1 Z 31 ElWOG 2010) in accordance with the requirements of the E-Control Regulation, which determines the requirements for intelligent measuring devices (intelligent measuring devices) (intelligent measuring devices) (intelligent measuring devices) (intelligent measuring devices) (intelligent measuring devices Measuring instruments-Requirements Regulation 2011), in which a line-bound transmission is to be considered. |
(2) Jene intelligent measuring instruments which have already been procured or installed prior to the entry into force of the Intelligent Measuring Instruments-Requirements Regulation 2011 and which do not meet the requirements contained therein may continue to be kept in operation and shall be kept in place on the , in accordance with the provisions of paragraph 1.
(3) The obligation referred to in paragraph 1 shall not apply to network operators with regard to those end users whose consumption is measured by a load profile meter.
(4) The network operators shall inform the end users of the installation of an intelligent measuring instrument in a timely manner, as well as the associated framework conditions. The regulatory authority may, in relation to this information, provide minimum content.
(5) The decision on which end users shall be equipped with intelligent measuring instruments shall, in accordance with the conditions laid down in paragraph 1, be left to the discretion of the respective network operator. End-users who have not been equipped with an intelligent measuring device until 2019 must be informed of the reason for this by the respective network operator.
Reporting and monitoring obligations
§ 2. (1) The network operators have submitted a report to the Federal Minister for Economic Affairs, Family and Youth and E-Control the current project plans on the introduction of intelligent measuring instruments and in each case at 31 March of a calendar year. on the progress of the installation of intelligent measuring instruments, on the costs incurred, on the experience gained during the installation, on data protection, on the development of consumption among the end users and on the network situation in one of the E-Control to be transmitted.
(2) E-Control has to monitor the introduction of intelligent measuring instruments by the network operators.
(3) E-Control shall draw up and publish an annual report on the introduction of intelligent measuring instruments on the basis of the reports of the network operators referred to in paragraph 1. This report has, in particular, on the progress of the installation of intelligent measuring instruments, on the development of costs, on the experience gained, on the development of consumption and on the efficiency gains of end users, on the Network situation, data protection and electricity price development.
entry into force
§ 3. This Regulation shall enter into force with the day following the presentation.