Key Benefits:
160. Ordinance of the Federal Minister for Agriculture, Forestry, Environment and Water Management on the Recycling of Altholz in the Wood-based Materials Industry (recycling wood)
Because of
1. |
§ § 23 (1) and (3) and 65 (1) of the Waste Management Act 2002 (AWG 2002), Federal Law Gazette (BGBl). I n ° 102, as last amended by the Federal Law BGBl. I n ° 9/2011, by the Federal Minister for Agriculture, Forestry, the Environment and Water Management in agreement with the Federal Minister for Economic Affairs, Family and Youth with regard to Sections 1 to 7, 9 (1) and 10 (1) and (10) and |
2. |
§ § 4 and 5 of the AWG 2002 will be issued by the Federal Minister for Agriculture, Forestry, Environment and Water Management |
ordering: |
§ 1. The objectives of this Regulation are
1. |
ensuring a recycling of suitable waste wood in the wood-based materials industry for man and the environment; |
2. |
ensuring that the use of the altholze does not involve a higher environmental risk than a comparable primary raw material or a comparable product of primary raw materials; |
3. |
to avoid the enrichment of pollutants in the product cycle; |
4. |
the promotion of the source sorting, the preparation and recycling of suitable waste wood in the wood-based materials industry according to the hierarchy in § 1 para. 2 AWG 2002. |
§ 2. This Regulation shall apply to:
1. |
Owners of plants for the production of wood-based materials, |
2. |
Waste producers and collectors with regard to § § 4, 6, 7 and 8, Annex 1 , Annex 2 Chapter 2 and Annex 3 and |
3. |
Qualified specialists and specialist institutions with regard to § § 7 and 8, Annex 2 Chapter 2 and Annex 3 . |
§ 3. For the purposes of this Regulation:
1. |
Waste wood: wood, which is considered as waste in accordance with § 2 AWG 2002; |
2. |
Preparation: the treatment of waste wood before recycling in the wood-based material industry, such as the classification, sorting, iron (Fe) and non-ferrous metal deposition; |
3. |
Qualified specialists or specialist institutions: such persons according to § 2 paragraph 6 Z 6 AWG 2002; |
4. |
Assessment Value: Value to check compliance with the limit values. The calculation of the assessment value for waste wood to be recycled in the wood-based material industry shall be carried out in accordance with Annex 2 Chapter 1.2; |
5. |
Declaration: the assignment of a recycling wood documented in the records to a intended use as a product on the basis of a valid proof of assessment, which is the responsibility of the Federal Minister for Agriculture, Forestry, Environment and water management; |
6. |
Field sample: a sample from which the laboratory sample is prepared for the subsequent investigation; |
7. |
Wood-based materials: materials produced by crushing wood, recycled wood and/or recycled wood products and subsequent assembly of the structural elements (e.g. chipboard, plates of long, flat, aligned chips (OSB), Fibre boards, composite panels, wood-plastic composite materials (WPC)); |
8. |
Wood-based materials industry: enterprises which have one or more of the Annex 1 use waste to produce wood-based materials; |
9. |
Packaging: the treatment of waste wood to improve the physical properties, such as crushing, drying, which is required for recycling in the wood-based materials industry; |
10. |
Laboratory sample: a sample prepared from the field sample after preparation, rejuvenation and, if necessary, preservation, and used for laboratory testing; |
11. |
Los: those referred to in Annex 2 Chapter 2 or Annex 3 Chapter 2 of a waste whose characteristics are to be determined (a subset of the waste assessment); |
12. |
Test quantity: the mass or the volume of material used in the material, the material or the material either the laboratory sample or the test sample has been taken and is necessary for the determination of the composition or other properties of interest; |
13. |
Test sample: a laboratory sample after a suitable pre-treatment carried out by the laboratory (e.g. grinding to achieve sufficient homogeneity and fineness, drying); |
14. |
qualified sample: a sample consisting of several samples, which can be assigned to a lot; |
15. |
Recycled wood: Altholz, which is to be recycled in the wood-based materials industry, and the specifications according to Annex 1 and 2 met; |
16. |
Percentage of recycled wood: the share of recycled wood in the total wood input required for the production of wood-based materials, with the exception of thermal recovery, in relation to the mass after drying; |
17. |
Recycled wood product: recycled wood, which according to the requirements of Annex 3 , and for which the end of the waste property has been declared on the basis of the transmission of a valid proof of assessment to the Federal Minister for Agriculture, Forestry, the Environment and Water Management; |
18. |
Rehearsals: an aliquot of the field sample, which shall be retained for any check-ups; |
19. |
Sample: a sample that is drawn at a given location at a particular point in time. A sample is not individually examined, but is combined with other samples into a qualified sample; |
20. |
intended customers: |
a) |
persons who are likely to take over a recycled wood product, including their own use, by the person who wishes to end the waste property or who has declared the end of the waste property; |
b) |
Persons who have taken over from the person who declared the end of the waste property a recycled wood product, including an own-use application. |
Obligations of the waste owner
§ 4. (1) The altholk fractions intended for recycling in the wood-based material industry must be recorded separately at the site of the site or subjected to a subsequent preparation.
(2) In the case of storage and transport, the waste wood intended for recycling in the wood-based material industry shall be kept separate from other wood-based timber.
(3) A mixture of waste wood to be recycled in the wood-based material industry shall be permitted if:
1. |
a valid proof of assessment is already available for each individual waste; or |
2. |
the waste has been shown to be treated as a source of pollutant decontamination with regard to the parameters in respect of which the input limit values have been exceeded or where the reason for the justification is that There is a suspicion of such an exceedation, so that the limits are not complied with by mixing. |
A mere comminution or drying (packaging) does not result in any pollutant deframing in the sense of the Z 2. |
Input Control
§ 5. (1) The holder of an installation for the production of wood-based materials shall ensure, by means of an input control, that only types of waste which are covered by the approval of the plant are accepted. It must determine the mass of the particular type of waste.
(2) The entry control shall consist of:
1. |
a visual check in which the conformity of the delivered waste with the waste information or, where available, must be determined with the assessment certificate; |
2. |
a review of the relevant documents, in particular the waste information or, where available, the proof of assessment; and |
3. |
a pursuant to Annex 2 The identity check to be carried out under Chapter 2.8, unless the proof of assessment is drawn up by the holder of the plant for the production of wood-based materials. If the identity of the waste is not given, the plant owner must reject the waste shipment and transmit the results of the identity check to the waste owner. |
Recycling in the wood-based materials industry
§ 6. (1) Altholz, which is to be recycled in the wood-based materials industry, has the following requirements: Annex 1 and 2 shall be appropriate.
(2) The holder of a wood-based material production plant shall be entitled to recycle hardwood if a valid proof of assessment is carried out in accordance with Annex 2 is available. The waste producer, the waste collector or the owner of the plant for the production of wood material can draw up a certificate of assessment. These persons can use an external authorized subject or specialist institution. The prerequisite for the preparation of the assessment certificate is compliance with a quality assurance system according to the state of the art. Proof of assessment must be provided by the Annex 2 Chapter 2.7. Any change in the origin of the waste, including input materials or the process, which has an impact on the quality of the waste, must be accompanied by a new proof of assessment.
(3) Where the producer or collector of waste wood, which is to be used in the production of wood-based materials, does not provide proof of assessment in accordance with Annex 2 In Chapter 2.7, waste information must be provided to the owner of the plant for the production of wood materials by the waste owner. Waste information can be produced by the waste producer or by the waste collector. These persons may use an external authorized subject or institution for the preparation of waste information. The owner of the plant for wood-based material production must check this waste information. Waste information shall contain the following information:
1. |
the unique identifier; |
2. |
the undertaking which produces the waste information; |
3. |
the owner of the waste, if he is not ident with the company; |
4. |
Date of delivery; |
5. |
basic information about the waste: |
a) |
Waste type according to a regulation according to § 4 AWG 2002 and in the case of shipments in addition according to Appendix 2 of the Waste Directory Ordinance, BGBl. II No 570/2003, as amended; the type of waste must be determined in accordance with the allocation criteria of the Waste Waste Collection Regulation; |
b) |
Origin in accordance with the Regulation on Waste Balance Sheet (Waste Balance Sheet), BGBl. II No 497/2008, as amended |
c) |
Description of the waste (in particular smell, colour); |
6. |
in the case of a one-off waste, the total quantity of waste in tonnes, in the case of a waste stream, the estimated annual quantity of waste in tonnes; |
7. |
the description of the origin of the waste and any treatment steps; the description of the input materials of the process in which the waste is produced and the output materials of the treatment; and an indication of any contamination and any contamination; and whose cause. |
In addition, the waste information may indicate the location of the waste, as well as photographs of the waste to be recycled in the wood-based materials industry, and annexes, provided that this is conducive to the evaluation of the waste being assessed, can be connected. Waste information shall be valid for a maximum of five years from the date of the first transmission date. Any change in the origin of the waste, including input materials or the process, which may have an impact on the quality of the waste, shall be accompanied by a new waste information. |
(4) Weiters shall record the owner of a plant for the production of wood materials:
1. |
the basic procedure for the entry control, |
2. |
the results of the entry control, in particular the results of the identity checks carried out in accordance with Annex 2 Chapter 2.8, |
3. |
misdeclarations, indicating the waste information or where there is a proof of assessment, the waste concerned and the waste shipment, and |
4. |
the results of the checks carried out in the context of the external audit, Annex 2 Chapter 2.9. |
(5) At the request of the Authority, the Authority must be granted access to the records and the records must be submitted on request. Evidence of assessment and waste information must be kept for at least seven years after the expiry of the validity period. At the request of the Authority, they shall be submitted.
Ban on recycling
§ 7. (1) Altholz, which is provided with halogen-organic coatings, must not be recycled in the wood-based material industry without the prior removal of the coating.
(2) Altholz, which, on the basis of a chemical treatment of wood, has properties relevant to the hazard of the waste in accordance with the Regulation on waste products or which has been treated with particularly dangerous substances, or which has been treated as a result of its original use, such pollution may be presumed by the Annex 1 and 2 to be separately collected for recycling appropriate fractions, to be kept separate and not to be recycled in the wood-based materials industry.
Waste for recycled wood
§ 8. (1) recycled wood products must meet the requirements of Annex 3 . With the declaration on the basis of the transmission of a valid assessment certificate to the Federal Minister for Agriculture, Forestry, Environment and Water Management, recycled wood loses the waste property for the intended use ( Annex 3 Chapter 1.4). In the records according to the waste balance sheet, the end of the waste property is to be documented in the form of a reservation in a product warehouse. For recycled wood products, a separate product warehouse has to be recorded as a relevant asset part in the master data. The waste producer or the waste collector may draw up a certificate of assessment. These persons may use an external authorized person or specialist institution to prepare the assessment certificate. The prerequisite for the preparation of the assessment certificate is compliance with a quality assurance system according to the state of the art. Proof of assessment must be provided by the Annex 3 Chapter 2.7. Any change in the origin of the recycled wood product, including the input materials or the process, which has an impact on the quality of the recycled wood product, must be accompanied by a new assessment.
(2) Paragraph 1 shall apply only to waste types of the Annex 1 .
(3) The waste owner who declares the end of the waste must submit the following information on the previous calendar year to the Federal Minister for Agriculture, Forestry, Environment and Water Management by 10 April of each year at the latest:
1. |
the nature and quantity of the recycled wood product, |
2. |
changes in the intended customers which have emerged during the previous year, or which are likely to arise in the current reporting year, and |
3. |
the results of the checks carried out in the context of the external audit, Annex 3 Chapter 2.8. |
(4) The waste owner who declares the end of the waste must, together with the recycled wood product, have to transmit the following to the customer:
1. |
the valid proof of assessment, including the unique identifier and |
2. |
Data for the intended use in accordance with Annex 3 Chapter 1.4. |
(5) On request, the Federal Minister for Agriculture, Forestry, Environment and Water Management must be granted access to the records and the records must be submitted on request. Proof of assessment must be kept for at least three years after the expiry of the validity period. At the request of the Federal Minister for Agriculture, Forestry, Environment and Water Management, they must be presented.
(6) The waste owner, who declares the end of the waste, must keep records of the customers of the recycled wood products (name, address, quantity, date) and keep them for seven years.
(7) In the manufacture of recycled wood, in which the waste owner wishes to declare the waste end, the ÖNORM EN 15358 " Solid secondary fuels-quality management systems-Special requirements for the application in the case of the waste recycling wood must be made according to the requirements of the Production of solid secondary fuels ", issued on 15 May 2011, including a quality management system with external quality assurance.
Transitional provisions
§ 9. (1) Unless otherwise provided for in existing authorisations on 15 May 2012 for scrap wood to be recycled in the wood-based materials industry, these provisions shall no longer be applicable from 15 May 2013 and shall apply from that date, the provisions of this Regulation.
(2) From 15 May 2013, this Regulation shall apply to recycled wood which has been used as a product prior to 15 May 2012 and which is to continue to be used.
entry into force
§ 10. This Regulation shall enter into force on 15 May 2012.